3,460 research outputs found

    Acercando la Cultura de la Mediación a Personas Mayores en Servicios Residenciales

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    Màster en Mediació de conflictes, Facultat de Psicologia. Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Immaculada Armadans TremolosaOrganismos internacionales como la OMS o la UE fomentan el desarrollo de políticas de promoción del Envejecimiento Activo y de la Mediación. En España, las personas mayores son un sector de la población con cada vez más peso demográfico y con más recursos especializados. Diferentes investigaciones han analizado qué tipologías de conflictos se producen habitualmente en servicios dirigidos a personas mayores, y han propuesto el uso de programas de mediación para gestionarlos y mejorar así la convivencia. Con el objetivo de acercar la cultura de la mediación a residentes, familiares y trabajadores que interactúan en centros residenciales de la provincia de Barcelona, se ha diseñado un proyecto de intervención, y se ha implementado durante 3 meses, con la participación de 20 personas. Los resultados muestran su interés por dicha cultura, así como la necesidad de seguir construyendo espacios de diálogo, reflexión y conocimiento mutuo en el propio recurso. Se abre la posibilidad aplicar nuevos proyectos en otros servicios dirigidos a este sector de la población, potenciando así una especialidad profesional ya existente en otros países.International organizations such as WHO or EU encourage the development of policies for Active Aging and for Mediation. In Spain, there has been a demographic increase of elder population and so specialized resources for them. A variety of research studies have analysed and evaluated the type of challenges and conflicts usually occur at the services provided for older people. They have proposed the use of mediation programs to manage and assist reconciliation on those matters and improve coexistence. In order to bring the culture of mediation to elderly residents, their relatives, and workers involved in nursing homes at the province of Barcelona, it has been designed an intervention project, and it has been implemented for 3 months, with the participation of 20 people. The results demonstrate their interest in mediation and the necessity to continue building spaces for dialogue, reflection and mutual understanding at the service. These positive results provide the opportunity to implement new projects in other similar services aimed for this sector of the population. By doing so it will encourage and promote this specialism as a professional career that does already exist in other pioneering countries

    Methods for autonomous wristband placement with a search-and-rescue aerial manipulator

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    A new robotic system for Search And Rescue (SAR) operations based on the automatic wristband placement on the victims’ arm, which may provide identification, beaconing and remote sensor readings for continuous health monitoring. This paper focuses on the development of the automatic target localization and the device placement using an unmanned aerial manipulator. The automatic wrist detection and localization system uses an RGB-D camera and a convolutional neural network based on the region faster method (Faster R-CNN). A lightweight parallel delta manipulator with a large workspace has been built, and a new design of a wristband in the form of a passive detachable gripper, is presented, which under contact, automatically attaches to the human, while disengages from the manipulator. A new trajectory planning method has been used to minimize the torques caused by the external forces during contact, which cause attitude perturbations. Experiments have been done to evaluate the machine learning method for detection and location, and for the assessment of the performance of the trajectory planning method. The results show how the VGG-16 neural network provides a detection accuracy of 67.99%. Moreover, simulation experiments have been done to show that the new trajectories minimize the perturbations to the aerial platform.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Structural instability of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    In this paper we study a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and show that: (i) A minimum value of the interaction is needed for the existence of stable persistent currents. (ii) Vorticity is not a fundamental invariant of the system, as there exists a conservative mechanism which can destroy a vortex and change its sign. (iii) This mechanism is suppressed by strong interactions.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    La vajilla campaniforme en las comarcas de L’Alcoià y El Comtat: aproximación a través del Estilo cerámico

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    En este artículo se presenta la vajilla campaniforme de las comarcas de L’Alcoià y El Comtat a través de un trabajo de recopilación bibliográfica y presentación de nuevos materiales procedentes de excavaciones, rebuscas y prospecciones, todos ellos depositados en el Museu Arqueològic Municipal Camil Visedo Moltó de Alcoy, el Centre d’Estudis Contestans y el Museu Arqueològic d’Ontinyent i la Vall d’Albaida. El estudio se ha elaborado desde de la perspectiva del Estilo cerámico con el objetivo de sistematizar el trabajo de análisis y comparación de las formas, técnicas y decoraciones

    Combined therapies of antithrombotics and antioxidants delay in silico brain tumor progression

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    Glioblastoma multiforme, the most frequent type of primary brain tumor, is a rapidly evolving and spatially heterogeneous high-grade astrocytoma that presents areas of necrosis, hypercellularity and microvascular hyperplasia. The aberrant vasculature leads to hypoxic areas and results in an increase of the oxidative stress selecting for more invasive tumor cell phenotypes. In our study we assay in silico different therapeutic approaches which combine antithrombotics, antioxidants and standard radiotherapy. To do so, we have developed a biocomputational model of glioblastoma multiforme that incorporates the spatio-temporal interplay among two glioma cell phenotypes corresponding to oxygenated and hypoxic cells, a necrotic core and the local vasculature whose response evolves with tumor progression. Our numerical simulations predict that suitable combinations of antithrombotics and antioxidants may diminish, in a synergetic way, oxidative stress and the subsequent hypoxic response. This novel therapeutical strategy, with potentially low or no toxicity, might reduce tumor invasion and further sensitize glioblastoma multiforme to conventional radiotherapy or other cytotoxic agents, hopefully increasing median patient overall survival time.Comment: 8 figure

    The contribution of oxygen-neon white dwarfs to the MACHO content of the Galactic halo

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    Context. The interpretation of microlensing results towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) still remains controversial. White dwarfs have been proposed to explain these results and, hence, to contribute significantly to the mass budget of our Galaxy. However, several constraints on the role played by regular carbon-oxygen white dwarfs exist. Aims. Massive white dwarfs are thought to be made of a mixture of oxygen and neon. Correspondingly, their cooling rate is larger than those of typical carbon-oxygen white dwarfs and they fade to invisibility in short timescales. Consequently, they constitute a good candidate for explaining the microlensing results. Methods. Here, we examine in detail this hypothesis by using the most recent and up-to-date cooling tracks for massive white dwarfs and a Monte Carlo simulator which takes into account the most relevant Galactic inputs. Results. We find that oxygen-neon white dwarfs cannot account for a substantial fraction of the microlensing depth towards the LMC, independently of the adopted initial mass function, although some microlensing events could be due to oxygen-neon white dwarfs. Conclusions. The white dwarf population contributes at most a 5% to the mass of the Galactic halo.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Desarrollo de plano de gestión para una red MPLS

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    Para la mejora de la gestión de la calidad de servicio (QoS) de una red MPLS, se diseñó una herramienta dividida en capas para el plano de gestión, que aportase una estabilidad mayor ante los eventos que pudieran alterar la comunicación dentro de esta red. Localizando este proyecto como parte de uno más complejo para el desarrollo de esta red, el ámbito de este trabajo muestra el diseño realizado para el denominado NEM (Network Element Management). Este nuevo elemento aporta a la red de gestión un interfaz de trabajo independiente del dispositivo de enrutamiento a configurar y monitorizar, permitiendo la introducción de diferentes equipos con diferentes métodos de acceso a la red de gestión propuesta. Además, se exige que el NEM trabaje a modo de servidor para las peticiones de trabajo sobre los dispositivos de encaminamiento asignados, convirtiendo al NEM en una unidad remota mediante Web services. Con estos requerimientos, se llevó a cabo el diseño de una aplicación NEM para routers Cisco® con una estructura interna modular, dividida en procesos, y con unas interfaces de comunicación disponibles para el desarrollo de NEMs para distintos routers (Linux, Juniper®, etc.)