1,095 research outputs found

    Cuatro enterramientos calcolíticos en hoyo del Cerro de la Cabeza (Ávila)

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    This paper presents a thorough description of four pit burials dated to the Copper Age and recovered during the rescueexcavation of a pit site. The lot consists of a multiple pit burial containing six individuals with clear proofs of violenceplus three other single pit burials. The inhumation was the funerary treatment followed in all cases and proofs of secondaryburial have been also documented. Data on material culture, physical anthropology, paleopathology, palaeodiet,archaeopalinology and radiocarbon dating of the human remains are included for each burial pit. The paper proposesan overall archaeological interpretation of these funerary testimonies in their cultural context. Their probable extraordinarycharacter is highlighted, as relegated burial cases at the margins of the everyday normative mortuary rules.En este trabajo se describen en detalle las cuatro fosas funerarias de época calcolítica descubiertas en un campo dehoyos objeto de una excavación de urgencia. Se trata de una fosa múltiple con seis individuos con claras pruebas deviolencia y tres fosas individuales. En todos los casos se practicó la inhumación de los cadáveres, y se recuperaronindicios claros de enterramientos secundarios en alguna de sus formas posibles. Se presentan de forma individualizadalos resultados obtenidos de cada fosa, incluyendo información sobre los restos de cultura material hallados en el rellenojunto a la ofrecida por los estudios de antropología física, paleopatología, paleodieta, arqueopalinología y las cincodataciones de radiocarbono obtenidas de los restos humanos. Por último, se interpretan estos testimonios en el marcocultural de su época, insistiéndose en su consideración de enterramientos extraordinarios o de relegación, al margende la pauta funeraria normativa

    Integración de las construcciones rurales en el paisaje: encuestas y conclusiones

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    Design and integration of rural buildings in landscape: surveys and conclusions. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by its characteristics of colour, form, line and texture. Any elements of compositive reference such as its scale and spatial character could also be added. This research applies a new method for predicting the value of the integration of buildings into the landscape, based on psychological aspects and the capacities of modern computers that are able to analyse easily these attributes. The designer can analyse the visual elements, all of them divided and studied in the properties that define them

    Hydrogen sulfide and inflammatory joint diseases

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    [Abstract] Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are widespread rheumatic diseases characterized by persistent inflammation and joint destruction. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an endogenous gas with important physiologic functions in the brain, vasculature and other organs. Recent studies have found H2S to be a mediator in inflammatory joint diseases. Objective: This review summarizes the recent literature in this area highlighting relevant developments. Conclusions: Several authors have found that H2S exhibited anti-inflammatory, anti-catabolic and/or anti-oxidant effects in rodent models of acute arthritis and in in vitro models using human synoviocytes and articular chondrocytes from RA and OA tissues. The earliest studies used fast-dissolving salts, such as NaSH, but GYY4137, which produces H2S more physiologically, shortly appeared. More recently still, new H2S-forming compounds that target mitochondria have been synthesized. These compounds open exciting opportunities for investigating the role of H2S in cell bioenergetics, typically altered in arthritides. Positive results have also been obtained when H2S is administered as a sulphurous water bath, an option meriting further study. These findings suggest that exogenous supplementation of H2S may provide a viable therapeutic option for these diseases, particularly in OA

    Methodological Approach and Technological Framework to Break the Current Limitations of MOOC Model

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    [EN]A methodological approach and technological framework are proposed to improve learning outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), taking into account the distinguishing features of this kind of massive courses over traditional online courses. The proposed methodology integrates the learning strategies of xMOOCs and cMOOCs with adaptivity and knowledge management capabilities. In order to test the learning results of the methodology and the need of supporting technological framework for it, a MOOC was made based on the methodological proposal and using a MOOC platform called MiríadaX. The quantitative results have improved considerably the MOOC completion rate (compared to the average of the rest of MOOC MiríadaX) and the qualitative results show a great satisfaction with the learning outcomes of the learners. However, the technological environment did not allow us develop all the methodological capabilities and it was one of the main concerns of the MOOC attendances. Therefore, from the analysis of collected data and considering the limitations of current MOOC technology platforms, a technological framework has been designed. It may incorporate the proposed methodology in an efficient and effective way. Based on this proposed technological framework, a MOOC platform has been developed and delivered, used by three Spanish Universities to offer MOOCs. This new platform and the supported technological framework have been tested with a first pilot with promising result

    Molecular analysis of the destruction of articular joint tissues by Raman spectroscopy

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    Review[Abstract] Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly heterogenous disease influenced by different molecular, anatomic, and physiologic imbalances. Some of the bottlenecks for enhanced diagnosis and therapeutic assessment are the lack of validated biomarkers and early diagnosis tools. In this narrative review, we analyze the potential of Raman spectroscopy (RS) as a label-free optical tool for the characterization of articular joint tissues and its application as a diagnosis tool for OA. Areas covered: Raman spectra produce a unique 'molecular fingerprint' providing rotational and vibrational molecular information, allowing the identification and follow-up of molecular changes associated with OA pathological mechanisms. Focusing on multiple joint tissues (cartilage, synovium, bone, tendons, ligaments, and meniscus) and their contribution in disease incidence and progression, this review highlights the current knowledge on the application of RS in the characterization of organic and inorganic molecules present at these tissues and alterations that occur in the onset of OA. Expert opinion: Vibrational spectroscopy techniques, such as RS, are low cost, rapid and minimally invasive approaches that offer high specificity in the assessment of the molecular composition of complex tissues. Combined with multivariate statistical methods, RS offers great potential for optical biomarkers discovery or disease diagnosis applications, and we hereby discuss clinical translational progresses on the field

    Adaptive and cooperative model of knowledge management in MOOCs

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    One of the characteristics of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is the heterogeneity of their participants’ profiles and, for the most traditional MOOC model, this is an important cause of the low completion rate. The MOOC model presents two apparent antagonistic concepts, globalization and diversity. MOOCs represent globalization (participants have to be adapted to the course) and their participants represent diversity. The authors of this paper argue that both concepts complement each other; that is, a MOOC can adapt the contents and navigation to the diversity of participants; and in turn the participants themselves can increase and improve the contents of the MOOC, through heterogeneous cooperation, to encourage massive learning. To proof it, this paper presents a new model, called ahMOOC, combining the hybrid-MOOC (hMOOC) and the adaptive MOOC (aMOOC). The hMOOC allows integrating characteristics of xMOOCs (based on formal e-training) with cMOOCs (based on informal and cooperative e-training). The aMOOC offers different learning strategies adapted to different learning objectives, profiles, learning styles, etc. of participants. The ahMOOCs continues having a lower dropout rate (such as hMOOC) than the traditional MOOCs. The qualitative analysis show the capacity of participants, with heterogeneous profiles, to create, in a cooperative and massive way, useful knowledge to improve the course and, later, to apply it in their specific work context. The study also shows that participants have a good perception on the capabilities of the ahMOOC to adapt the learning process to their profiles and preferences