6,982 research outputs found

    Auto-consistent metallicity and star formation history of the nearest blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 6789

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    We present a detailed auto-consistent study of the nearest blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 6789 by means of optical and UV archive photometry data and optical long-slit ISIS-WHT spectroscopy observations of the five brightest star-forming knots. The analysis of the spectra in all knots allowed the derivation of ionic chemical abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, argon and neon using measures of both the high- and low-excitation electron temperatures, leading to the conclusion that NGC 6789 is chemically homogeneous with low values of the abundance of oxygen in the range 12+log(O/H) = 7.80-7.93, but presenting at the same time higher values of the nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio than expected for its metal regime. We used archival HST/WFPC2 F555W and F814W observations of NGC 6789 to perform a photometric study of the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the resolved stellar populations and derive its star formation history (SFH), which is compatible with the presence of different young and old stellar populations whose metallicities do not necessarily increase with age. We fit the observed optical spectrum in all the five knots using the STARLIGHT code and a combination of single stellar populations following the SFH obtained from the CMD. We compare the resulting stellar masses and the relative fractions of the ionising populations with a non-constrained SFH case. The properties of the younger populations were obtained using CLOUDY photoionisation models, giving similar ages in all the knots in the range 3-6 Myr and the estimation of the dust absorption factor, which correlates with the observed GALEX FUV-NUV colour indices. The total photometric extinction and dust-absorption corrected H\alpha\ fluxes were finally used to derive the star formation rates.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 10 tables; accepted by MNRA

    The transtheoretical model and obesity: a bibliometric study

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    The Transtheoretical Model of behaviour change is currently one of the most promising models in terms of understanding and promoting behaviour change related to the acquisition of healthy living habits. By means of a bibliographic search of papers adopting a TTM approach to obesity, the present bibliometric study enables the scientific output in this field to be evaluated. The results obtained reveal a growing interest in applying this model to both the treatment of obesity and its prevention. Otherwise, author and journal outputs fit the models proposed by Lotka and Bradford, respectively

    The bases of welfare. The situation of older people

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    .En este artĂ­culo se trata de presentar algunas de las dificultades existentes para el desarrollo e implantaciĂłn de un nuevo modelo de salud fundamentado en el desarrollo comunitario y no sometido a la lĂłgica de la rentabilidad econĂłmica. A partir de ahĂ­, se analiza el impacto de la expansiĂłn del envejecimiento y los efectos de aquellas dificultades en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores y algunas propuestas que contrabalanceen la situaciĂłn.This article presents some of the difficulties indeveloping and introducing a new model of health based on community development that is not subject to the logic of economic profitability. It then goes to analyse the impact of the increase in ageing, and the effects of these difficulties on the quality of live of older people , and to make some proposals to counter balance this situation

    Espectroscopía gamma y de coincidencias ultrarápidas de isótopos de estaño alrededor del 132Sn

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica, leída el 18-12-2020The evolution of the nuclear shell structure for nuclei with large neutron to proton ratios is an open problem in contemporary nuclear physics research. The study of the regions around exotic doubly-magic nuclei plays an important role in the understanding of how shell structure evolves, and provides key input for theoretical calculations, which can be then used over larger areas of the nuclear chart. The present PhD work is focused on the study of the nuclear structure in the region around 132Sn (Z=50 and N=82), the heaviest doubly-magic nucleus away from stability within reach at current experimental facilities. The nucleus 132Sn itself is of importance for the description of the exotic nuclear region around N = 82 and to provide insight into particle-hole couplings for both protons and neutrons. The nuclei with a valence particle or hole around 132Sn are relevant for investigating the single-particle states in the region, and the matrix elements of the electromagnetic transitions interconnecting them...La evolución de la estructura de capas en núcleos exóticos con exceso de neutrones es un tema de investigación de actualidad en física nuclear. El estudio de núcleos situados en las regiones alrededor de los núcleos doblemente mágicos resulta de vital importancia para comprender la evolución de la estructura de capas a medida que nos alejamos del valle de estabilidad. Es además importante para poder realizar cálculos teóricos que puedan extenderse a regiones amplias e inexploradas de la tabla de núcleos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de la región alrededor de 132Sn (Z=50 yN=82), el núcleo exótico doblemente mágico más pesado al alcance de las instalaciones experimentales actuales...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa / Mia Couto e a actualização da memória através da linguagem

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar la intencionalidad de la presencia de unidades fraseológicas en dos de las obras en lengua portuguesa más representativas del panorama literario actual de Mozambique: “Ualalapi”, de Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa, y “Terra Sonâmbula”, de Mia Couto. Ambos autores, a pesar de que utilizan lenguajes y estilos diferentes, coinciden en el gusto por aderezar sus obras con una gran cantidad de fraseologismos. Así pues, nos proponemos estudiar los diferentes procedimientos y estrategias que estos escritores utilizan para introducir la fraseología en estas dos obras en concreto, concluyendo con la idea de que existe una intención común —si bien que con matices diferentes— de hacerlo para mostrar al pueblo de Mozambique con su cultura en construcción.This article analyses the intention behind the presence of phraseological units in two of the most representative works written in Portuguese of the recent literary panorama of Mozamique: “Ualalapi”, by Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa, and “Terra Sonâmbula”, by Mia Couto. Although their style and language differ, both authors coincide in their tendency to pepper their work with numerous phraseological units. This essay thus aims to study the different procedures and strategies used by these authors in introducing phraseological units in these two particular works, and reaches the conclusion that —despite shades of difference— they share the common purpose of showing the people of Mozambique in the process of constructing their culture.peerReviewe

    Materiais para as aulas de PLE/PL2: proposta a partir de experiências didácticas

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    O objectivo deste trabalho é partilhar propostas de actividades a partir de diversas experiências didácticas desenvolvidas na Universidade de Extremadura (Espanha), em diferentes anos e com estudantes de PLE, mas que também podem ser adaptadas para o trabalho com estudantes de PL2. Após uma breve explicação dos presupostos teóricos e metodológicos que servem de base a todas elas - abordagem integral, interesse pelo percurso e não pelo resultado final, competência comunicativa intercultural -, apresentamos as actividades, fazemos uma descripção da sua estrutura, fornecemos materiais para as desenvolver e mostramos as produções dos estudantes.Abstract: The aim of this work is to share proposals for activities based on a variety of didactic experiments which were carried out at the University of Extremadura (Spain) with PLE students from different years, but which can also be adapted for work with PL2 students. After a brief explanation of the theoretical and methodological premises which form the basis of these activities - integral approach, focus on the trajectory rather than the end result, intercultural communicative competence - we introduce the activities, describe their structure, provide the relevant materials and present examples of the students’ work.Résumé: L’objectif de ce travail est de partager avec la communauté scientifique une série de propositions d’activités surgies à partir de différentes expériences didactiques, réalisées à l’Université d’Extremadure (Espagne) avec des étudiants de PLE, au cours de différentes années, qui, selon nous, pourront être adaptées pour travailler avec des étudiants de PL2. Après une brève introduction des présupposés théoriques et méthodologiques qui sont à la base de ces expériences didactiques - méthode intégrale, intérêt pour le développement du travail et non pas pour le résultat final, compétence communicative interculturelle - nous présentons les activités, nous faisons une description de leur structure, nous fournissons les matériaux pour leur réalisation et nous montrons les productions des étudiants

    "Jaime Bunda, agente secreto", de Pepetela. Un James Bond muy kitsch

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    Análisis de la novela “Jaime Bunda, agente secreto” (Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2001) del es¬critor angoleño Pepetela, en el contexto de la narrativa africana en lengua portuguesa, en el que buena parte de las obras publicadas en las últimas décadas adoptan la forma de narrativas policiacas. En el caso concreto de “Jaime Bunda, agente secreto”, analizamos si se trata o no de una verdadera novela policiaca, pues Pepetela lleva a cabo todo un proceso de inversión paródica, tanto de los personajes como de las características identificadoras del género, que nos permiten hablar de «carnavalización del género policiaco clásico». Profundizamos, asimismo, en las razones que mueven a los escritores africanos en lengua portuguesa en general, y a Pepetela en particular, a disfrazar sus obras de novela policíaca, apuntando hacia un propósito claro de denuncia y crítica de los actuales contextos históricos de Angola, Mozambique…, inmersos en políticas de globalización neoliberal.This article analyses the novel “Jaime Bunda, agente secreto” (Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 2001) by Angolan writer Pepetela in the context of African narratives in Portuguese. This is significant due to the fact that, in the last decades, many of these novels have adopted the form of crime fiction. In the specific case of “Jaime Bunda, agente secreto”, attention will be paid to whether or not it can be described as a real crime novel, since Pepetela submits both his characters and the identifying characteristics of the genre to the strategy of parodic inversion. This allows him to speak of a «carnivalization of classical crime fiction». We look into the reasons why African writers in Portuguese, in general, and Pepetela, in particular, use the framework of crime fiction in their novels. It will be finally argued that this choice implies a clear purpose of denunciation and criticism of current historical contexts in countries such as Angola or Mozambique, which are under the rule of neoliberal globalization policies.peerReviewe

    Xi! puxa! hum... glub¡ glub! o el léxico coloquial portugués en "A banda desenhada"

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    El cómic es un producto de nuestro tiempo, fiel reflejo de la realidad, de ahí que la lengua que en él aparece, al igual que los comportamientos que refleja, sea absolutamente actual. Esto hace que los cómics resulten un material excelente para los estudios de carácter lingüístico. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la gran riqueza coloquial que ofrecen los cómics y estudiar a través de ellos los principales rasgos léxicos que caracterizan el portugués coloquial. Dichos rasgos aparecen organizados de la manera siguiente: a) Recursos léxicos que utiliza el emisor (YO) para atraer la atención sobre su propio discurso: onomatopeyas, interjecciones, palabras malsonantes, recursos fraseológicos, repeticiones, etcétera. b) Recursos léxicos que utiliza el emisor (YO) para atraer la atención del receptor (TU): imperativos, interrogativas, juegos de palabras, negaciones, etcétera.Comic books constitute a product of our times. They are a trustworthy mirror of reality, and thus, the language and behaviours depicted in them express a current degree of interest. Such observations make comic books an excellent source of linguistic study. This paper aims to analyse the immense colloquial richness that comic books have to offer, and to study, through them, lexical features imbued in current colloquial portuguese. Such devices are organised as follows: a) Lexical devices used by the speaker (I) to draw attention to his own speech: onomatopeias, exclamations, cursing words, lexical phrases, repetitions, etc. b) Lexical devices used by the speaker (I) to draw attention from the audience (YOU): imperatives, questions, puns, negations, etc.peerReviewe
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