3,450 research outputs found

    Foliations in algebraic surfaces having a rational first integral

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    Given a foliation F in an algebraic surface having a rational first integral a genus formula for the general solution is obtained. In the case S = P2 some new counter-examples to the classic formulation of the Poincar'e problem are presented. If S is a rational surface and F has singularities of type (1, 1) or (1,−1) we prove that the general solution is a non-singular curve

    Conceptual model for Sea-Breeze development in Fuerteventura

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    Trabajo fin de grado para la obtención del título en Ciencias del Mar en la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.The sea breeze is a mesoscale phenomenon that occurs in all coastal areas around the world. In the present study, it is analysed in the Canary archipelago, specifically in the island of Fuerteventura. This region is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, near the African continent, in the subtropical zone. The aim is to develop a conceptual model of the sea breezes in this island. To achieve this objective, the database of the state meteorological agency (AEMET) was used to observe the weather of Fuerteventura in the six stations spread over the island. The HRES-IFS model was also used to analyse the synoptic environment of the Canary Islands area and for simulated soundings. The WRF model was used to forecast meteorological variables at different altitudes and for vertical cross sections. In addition, satellite images from the MSG of the HRVIS channel were used to observe the clouds that form in the passage of the sea breeze. To describe the evolution of the sea breeze, two specific days will be studied in which there were strong breezes that entered to the central areas of the island, these days are 18 March 2017 and 5 April 2020. From these days, it has been concluded that the sea breeze in Fuerteventura is produced by a change in the wind direction from a NE component (trade winds) to a maritime component (SE component) that depends on synoptic conditions. Furthermore, there must be a minimum temperature difference of at least 2º C between sea and land to originate the movement of air from the ocean to inland. As result, two breeze circulations are formed at the same time, a breeze circulation to windward, the most studied, and another breeze circulation occurs to leeward. With all the results obtained, it has been possible to create a conceptual model of sea breeze in Fuerteventura at temporal and spatial scales to improve the knowledge of this phenomenon in the chosen area

    Desarrollo de un software para el análisis y diseño de muros en voladizo de concreto reforzado, de acuerdo con la norma colombiana de puentes – LRFD (CCP-14)

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónConsiste en la investigación más detallada del desarrollo de un software analizando y diseñando los muros de contención en voladizo de acuerdo con la norma colombiana de puentes LRFD (CCP – 14). Se analiza las estabilidades del muro por volcamiento y deslizamiento para un cumplimiento estable. Las diferentes fuerzas horizontales y verticales que son generadas por los empujes.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. COMPORTAMIENTO DE LOS MUROS DE CONTENCIÓN 3. DESARROLLO DEL PROGRAMA 4. VALIDACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA 5. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 6. CONSLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds have modulated the formation of laminations in sediments in Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) over the past 6.3 ka

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    Tierra del Fuego in Argentina is a unique location to examine past Holocene wind variability since it intersects the core of the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SHWW). The SHWW are the most powerful prevailing winds on Earth. Their variation plays a role in regulating atmospheric CO2 levels and rainfall amounts and distribution, both today and in the past. We obtained a piston core (LF06-PC8) from Bahia Grande, a protected sub-basin at the southern margin of Lago Fagnano, the largest lake in Tierra del Fuego. This article focuses on the uppermost 185 cm of this core, corresponding to laminated sediment from the last similar to 6.3 ka. Laminations consist of millimetre-scale paired dark and light layers. Previous studies and new geochemical analysis show that the dark and light layers are characterized by differing concentrations of Mn and Fe. We attribute the distribution of Mn and Fe to episodic hypolimnic oxic-anoxic variations. The age model suggests an approximately bidecadal timescale for the formation of each layer pair. We propose a new model of these redox changes with the SHWW variations. The most likely phenomenon to produce complete water-column mixing is thermobaric instability, which occurs in colder winters with low-intensity SHWW (El Nino-like conditions). In contrast, windier winters are characterized by higher temperatures and reduced mixing in the water column, facilitating a decline in oxygen concentration. Laminations, and the inferred presence of periodic hypolimnion redox changes, are common features of the past similar to 6.3 ka. Geochemical proxy variability is compatible with an intensification of El Nino/Southern Oscillation activity during the past similar to 2 ka.Beatriu de Pinos postdoctoral programme at Agencia de Gestio Academica i Universitaria at Generalitat de CatalunyaNational Science Foundation (NSF) ATM-0408668 EAR-1103550Spanish Government CTM2017-89711-C2-1-PEuropean Union through FEDER fundsSpanish Government RYC2015-1896

    The Adiaphorization and Dehumanization of Migrations from the Ethical and Moral Approach of Public Policies

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    Today, migration has become one of the main challenges for humanity. In the last ten years, the percentage of displaced people gradually increased, mainly from the southern hemisphere to the north, in search for better living conditions and, in many cases, forced by risks and instability in their countries of origin. The COVID-19 pandemic, far from minimizing migrations, further exacerbated these processes. In light of this situation, some states passed immigration laws that protect their citizens on one hand, but which violate the fundamental rights of migrants on the other. This article aims to determine the main reasons behind the alarming process of migrant dehumanization. We will verify how these national and supranational laws and decisions represent a move towards securitization through a strategic or adiaphoric process, and how ethics and morals are not at the core of these policies. With these decisions, the suffering and death of migrants generates attitudes of indifference among citizens, who often accept and normalize its occurrence. We suggest revising these public policies on migration from the framework of the ethics of Levinasian alterity and Kantian hospitality.Humanidade

    Pedagogías para la reconciliación a partir del conflicto FARC - Estado colombiano

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    El proyecto se encamino a desarrollar la historiografía del conflicto entre el Estado colombiano y la guerrilla de la FARC, como parte fundamental en cuanto al componente disciplinar en el cual se analizaron las causas, hechos y principales consecuencias; además de ello se utilizó dicho conocimiento histórico para mejorar la convivencia dentro de las instituciones educativas Integrado de Filadelfia y Nuestra Señora del Rosario, del municipio de Neira, al igual que en los entornos de los estudiantes, utilizando para ello diferentes dispositivos pedagógicos como video – foro, análisis de lecturas, textos, visitas a los archivos municipales, bibliotecas municipales, trabajo de campo por medio de entrevistas con habitantes de cada uno de los municipios, lo cual quedo estructurado en una secuencias didáctica, que completo el proceso del componente pedagógico

    Diseño hidráulico de obras civiles para la captación y tratamiento de agua cruda del sistema de acueducto centro poblado La Magdalena municipio de Quebradanegra, Cundinamarca

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    Práctica SocialEste trabajo contempla el desarrollo del diseño hidráulico del acueducto y planta de tratamiento de agua potable para el centro poblado La Magdalena, Municipio de Quebradanegra Cundinamarca. Así mismo todos los procedimientos requeridos para obtener la adecuada proyección de este sistema de acueducto, mostrando los planos proyectados de cada una de las estructuras hidráulicas del sistema.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. TABLA DE ECUACIONES 3. ESTUDIO HIDROLÓGICO 4. PROYECCIÓN DE LA POBLACIÓN 5. CÁLCULO DE CAUDALES 6. DISEÑO HIDRÁULICO DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA DE ADUCCIÓN Y CONDUCCIÓN 7. DISEÑO HIDRÁULICO DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA DE LA PTAP 8. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 9. CONCLUSIONES 10. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Implementación prototipo de aplicación web basada en el modelo vista controlador para el registro y control de demandas en un bufete de abogados

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    El presente documento se refiere a la elaboración y documentación de un prototipo de aplicación para el registro y administración de clientes, usuarios, demandas pensionales o jurídicas en un bufete de abogados, en el cual los registros se llevan de manera manual (ordenados por carpetas y archivados en lockers) lo cual hace que la búsqueda de los mismos sea demorada y en ocasiones se pierdan documentos importantes o se almacenen dos iguales por error. La característica principal del proyecto es dar un prototipo de solución TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) para este tipo de problemas el cual consta de alarmas de vencimiento, administración y registro de los mencionados anteriormente con el fin de facilitar la búsqueda, tiempo y manutención de los documentos trabajados en el bufete así como del orden de los mismos