222 research outputs found

    Optical sorting and detection of sub-micron objects in a motional standing wave

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    An extended interference pattern close to surface may result in both a transmissive or evanescent surface fields for large area manipulation of trapped particles. The affinity of differing particle sizes to a moving standing wave light pattern allows us to hold and deliver them in a bi-directional manner and importantly demonstrate experimentally particle sorting in the sub-micron region. This is performed without the need of fluid flow (static sorting). Theoretical calculations experimentally confirm that certain sizes of colloidal particles thermally hop more easily between neighboring traps. A new generic method is also presented for particle position detection in an extended periodic light pattern and applied to characterization of optical traps and particle behaviorComment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Optical Trapping pape

    Integral localized approximation description of ordinary Bessel beams and application to optical trapping forces

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    Ordinary Bessel beams are described in terms of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) by adopting, for what is to our knowledge the first time in the literature, the integral localized approximation for computing their beam shape coefficients (BSCs) in the expansion of the electromagnetic fields. Numerical results reveal that the beam shape coefficients calculated in this way can adequately describe a zero-order Bessel beam with insignificant difference when compared to other relative time-consuming methods involving numerical integration over the spherical coordinates of the GLMT coordinate system, or quadratures. We show that this fast and efficient new numerical description of zero-order Bessel beams can be used with advantage, for example, in the analysis of optical forces in optical trapping systems for arbitrary optical regimes

    Directed assembly of optically bound matter

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    We present a study of optically bound matter formation in a counter-propagating evanescent field, exploiting total internal reflection on a prism surface. Small ensembles of silica microspheres are assembled in a controlled manner using optical tweezers. The structures and dynamics of the resulting optically bound chains are interpreted using a simulation implementing generalized Lorentz-Mie theory. In particular, we observe enhancement of the scattering force along the propagation direction of the optically bound colloidal chains leading to a microscopic analogue of a driven pendulum which, at least superficially, resembles Newton’s cradle

    Simulated holographic three-dimensional intensity shaping of evanescent-wave fields

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    The size of bright structures in traveling-wave light fields is limited by diffraction. This in turn limits a number of technologies, for example, optical trapping. One way to beat the diffraction limit is to use evanescent waves instead of traveling waves. Here we apply a holographic algorithm, direct search, to the shaping of complex evanescent-wave fields. We simulate three-dimensional intensity shaping of evanescent-wave fields using this approach, and we investigate some of its limitations. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.</p

    Fibrosis quística: referentes teóricos para el tratamiento desde la Cultura Física Terapéutica (Original

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    The System Educational Cuban there are limitations in the application of physical-therapeutic activities that they guide the prescription of physical exercises for the attention of the cystic fibrosis and that they keep in mind the possibilities, potentialities and children's necessities with this illness. The present work has as objective to systematize the relating ones theoretical for the treatment of the cystic fibrosis from the Therapeutic Physical Culture, starting from the limited attention that you/they receive these students in the school context of the municipality of Jiguaní, Province of Granma. In the investigative process, theoretical and empiric methods were used: analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, documental revision, among others. The theoretical study of the relating ones allowed deepening in the knowledge of the cystic fibrosis and in the possibilities of improving the physical condition of students with this illness from the Therapeutic Physical Culture.En el Sistema Educativo Cubano hay limitaciones en la aplicación de actividades físico-terapéuticas que orienten la prescripción de ejercicios físicos para la atención de la fibrosis quística y que tengan en cuenta las posibilidades, potencialidades y necesidades de niños con esta enfermedad. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo sistematizar los referentes teóricos para el tratamiento de la fibrosis quística desde la Cultura Física Terapéutica, a partir de la limitada atención que reciben estos educandos en el contexto escolar del municipio de Jiguaní, Provincia de Granma. En el proceso investigativo, se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos: analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, revisión documental, entre otros. El estudio de los referentes teóricos permitió profundizar en el conocimiento de la fibrosis quística y en las posibilidades de mejorar la condición física de educandos con esta enfermedad desde la Cultura Física Terapéutica

    Debate effectiveness for the strengthening the university educational work from the curricular work

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    Foundation: The well-conceived debate can strengthen the university educative influence from the curricular work, but the strategies designed for citizen training in the universities privilege the professional to the detriment of training them to social reality questioning. Objective: To demonstrate the effectiveness of the debate for the strengthening of university educative influence from the curricular work. Methods: Pedagogical research carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos, from September 2016 to January 2017, with the Philosophy class in the first year of the Dentistry Major. The debate deliberated by the teacher was introduced on the basis of articles with impact on the current Cuban society, previously selected and student oriented. It was considered as a requirement that the student had possibilities of a previous preparation before the debate. Two measurements were taken, one in November and another at the end of the semester. A survey was applied that measured: students 'satisfaction with the method used, students' perception about the contribution to the formation of values. Results: All the students are satisfied by the method used; At the end of the semester 77, 8 % of the students considered that the method contributes to the formation of values and reinforcement of patriotic feelings in them. Conclusion: Offering students the possibility of confronting different opinions is possible if a relaxed and rewarding climate is achieved. It is corroborated that the work of the teacher is irreplaceable at university formation from the curricular work of each discipline

    Trajectory-Based Unveiling of Angular Momentum of Photons

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    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle suggests that it is impossible to determine the trajectory of a quantum particle in the same way as a classical particle. However, we may still yield insight into novel behavior of photons based on the average photon trajectories (APTs). Here we explore the APTs of photons carrying spin angular momentum (SAM) and/or orbital angular momentum (OAM) under the paraxial condition. We define the helicity and differential helicity for unveiling the three-dimensional spiral structures of the APTs of photons. We clarify the novel behaviors of the APTs caused by the SAM and OAM as well as the SAM-OAM coupling. The APT concept is very helpful for profoundly understanding the motion of trapped particles and for elucidating other physical systems. Due to the presence of the helical path caused by the SAM and/or the OAM, the actual traveling distance of the photons might be much longer than the geometric distance

    El valor de marca y la competitividad de PYMES: un estudio de construcción teórica a partir de la deducción cientí­fica.

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    Las pequeñas y medianas empresas necesitan medir el valor de sus activos intangibles para poder tomar las mejores decisiones en orientación a generar una ventaja competitiva sostenible. Es por ello por lo que este trabajo desarrolla un sistema categorial de valor de marca utilizando un enfoque deductivo. A diferencia de investigaciones anteriores, este estudio propone un conjunto de aristas epistémicas armadas a través de la practica del branding. Con este objetivo, además de realizar un análisis de las teorí­as generales, se realiza un análisis de elementos horizontal y vertical, analizando sus propiedades, elementos, relaciones y restricciones procedimiento propuesto por De Chernatony Martí­nez y Buil (2010). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el sistema tiene cuarto orden en su estructura, con esta aproximación epistémica se pretende aportar a las PYMES y al sector académico.

    Una aproximación a la interdisciplinariedad desde la Filosofía

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    En la bibliografía consultada se pone de manifiesto que la dimensión teórica de la interdisciplinariedad está más desarrollada que su dimensión práctica. Se comprende que desarrollar la interdisciplinariedad desde la práctica exige singularizar su proyección desde el colectivo de año y los colectivos de las disciplinas que integran un determinado plan de estudio. El colectivo de la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad puso en práctica una aproximación interdisciplinaria desde la propia disciplina, aplicada en el primer año de la carrera de medicina, aprovechando las posibilidades que ofrece su contenido de amplia generalidad. Se exponen los resultados obtenidos y se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre el papel que puede jugar la Filosofía Marxista y Leninista para establecer una ruptura dialéctica con la presentación de contenidos por estancos, de manera fragmentada y en muchos casos descontextualizada de la realidad en que vive el estudiante. El trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer las posibilidades que ofrece la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad para fortalecer la dimensión práctica de la interdisciplinariedad

    El Operador Económico Autorizado en los Países de la Comunidad Andina, como Norma de Seguridad en la Cadena Logística de Mercancías

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    The security in the logistics chain under the program called Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), both in our country and of those that make up the Andean Community (CAN), is a less researched topic. The purpose of the present investigation was to diagnose the current situation of the AEO program in the CAN members. To analyze this, it was necessary to compare the benefits that customs entities give to AEO in each CAN country, as well as it was important to consult Ecuadorian exporting companies for their different views in the face of implementation AEO program in Ecuador. For the establishment of the AEO diagnosis, a descriptive and exploratory study level was used with documentary modality, and the quantitative method was used for the analysis of the exporting companies of Ecuador, based on descriptive statistics. The main results obtained relate to the amount of benefits granted by the Ecuadorian customs entity compared to those granted by the same entities in the countries that make up the CAN. As far as Ecuadorian exporting companies are in terms of, little is known about the AEO program.La seguridad en la cadena logística en el marco del programa denominado Operador Económico Autorizado (OEA), tanto de nuestro país, así como de los que conforman la Comunidad Andina (CAN) es un tema poco investigado. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue diagnosticar la situación actual del programa OEA en los países de la CAN. Para analizarlo, fue necesario comparar los beneficios que otorgan las entidades aduaneras a los OEA en cada país de la CAN, así como también fue importante consultar a las empresas exportadoras ecuatorianas sus diferentes puntos de vista frente a la implementación del programa OEA en Ecuador. Para el establecimiento del diagnóstico de los OEA se utilizó un nivel de estudio descriptivo y exploratorio con modalidad documental, y para el análisis de las empresas exportadoras del Ecuador se empleó el método cuantitativo, basado en estadística descriptiva. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan una importante cantidad de beneficios otorgados por la entidad aduanera del Ecuador en comparación a los que otorgan las mismas entidades en los países que conforman la CAN. En cuanto a las empresas exportadoras ecuatorianas se deduce que es poco lo que conocen en referencia al programa OEA