650 research outputs found

    CP Violation in the SUSY Seesaw: Leptogenesis and Low Energy

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    We suppose that the baryon asymmetry is produced by thermal leptogenesis (with flavour effects), at temperatures 1091010\sim 10^{9} - 10^{10} GeV, in the supersymmetric seesaw with universal and real soft terms. The parameter space is restricted by assuming that lαlβγl_\alpha \to l_\beta \gamma processes will be seen in upcoming experiments. We study the sensitivity of the baryon asymmetry to the phases of the lepton mixing matrix, and find that leptogenesis can work for any value of the phases. We also estimate the contribution to the electric dipole moment of the electron, arising from the seesaw, and find that it is (just) beyond the sensitivity of next generation experiments (\lsim 10^{-29} e cm). The fourteen dimensional parameter space is efficiently explored with a Monte Carlo Markov Chain, which concentrates on the regions of interest.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Long live complexity

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    Long live complexit

    Implementation of a new system for estimating and controlling launch costs in VW-Navarra

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    This paper analyses the implementation of a new system for estimating and controlling launch costs in VW-Navarra. It castles with the definition of a new strategic map, called “Mach 18 Factory”, which places particular emphasis on increasing profitability through greater control of costs. In line with these organizational goals, this project aims at optimizing the way of forecasting and managing launch costs, by creating a computer assisted tool which significantly improves the control of these costs. This tool was able to calculate total launch costs, assign them to specific areas and time them. In addition, it elaborates one budget per area, monitors and controls launch costs by obtaining and analyzing possible deviations and finally, it summarizes the information graphically. This new process and the computer assisted tool were put into practice for forecasting and managing launch cost for the new model VW270. The method implied in this project increased the coordination among areas and creates one responsibility post per areaGraduado o Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Pública de NavarraEnpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Milagros y partos peligrosos en las hagiografías de los siglos XVI y XVII: Una aproximación a las causas de la muerte materna en el Siglo de Oro español

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    Addressing maternal mortality during childbirth necessitates an analysis of two overlooked aspects in early modern Spain and Europe: the causes of maternal death and societal attitudes towards endangered birthing mothers. While existing studies provide insights into mortality rates, broader questions remain: What was the social status of endangered parturient women? What roles did midwives and medical professionals play? How are women depicted in historical accounts? Examining contemporary statistics offers some insight, with hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, infections, and obstructed labor among the leading causes of maternal death worldwide. While precise data for early modern Spain are lacking, understanding contemporary trends sheds light on historical realities and underscores childbirth\u27s perilous nature in the collective consciousness of society

    Instalación de ascensores en edificios construidos

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    Neutrino mass hierarchy and Majorana CP phases within the Higgs triplet model at the LHC

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    Neutrino masses may be generated by the VEV of an SU(2)LSU(2)_L Higgs triplet. We assume that the doubly charged component of such a triplet has a mass in the range of several 100 GeV, such that it is accessible at LHC. Its decay into like-sign leptons provides a clean experimental signature, which allows for a direct test of the neutrino mass matrix. By exploring the branching ratios of this decay into leptons of various flavours, we show that within this model the type of the neutrino mass spectrum (normal, inverted or quasi-degenerate) might actually be resolved at the LHC. Furthermore, we show that within the Higgs triplet model for neutrino mass the decays of the doubly charged scalar into like-sign lepton pairs at the LHC provide a possibility to determine the Majorana CP phases of the lepton mixing matrix

    Intervenció (psicoanalítica?) amb dones maltractades per la seva parella

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    Inventari de l'Àntic Registre d'Hipoteques de Cervera

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    Cervera: 1333-1384. Pestes, fams i guerres

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