556 research outputs found
Confocal and Histological Features After Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate Corneal Inlay Implantation
Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo biocompatibility of photopolymerized poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) intrastromal inlays in rabbit corneas.
Methods: Sixty-three eyes of 42 New Zealand rabbits were included. Manual intrastromal pockets were dissected in 42 eyes. PEGDA inlays were obtained using a specifically designed photomask and were inserted in the intrastromal pocket of 21 eyes (inlay group); the remaining 21 right eyes did not receive any implant (pocket-only group). Twenty-one eyes with no intervention were used as controls. In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) was performed at every visit. After 2 months, rabbits were sacrificed and corneas removed for histological analysis.
Results: Corneas remained clear in all but two animals, and five cases of corneal neovascularization were seen (P = 0.2). Inlays remained stable without evidence of lateral or anterior migration, and no other complications were observed. No changes in anterior and posterior keratocyte density (P = 0.3 and P = 0.1, respectively) or endothelial cell density (P = 0.23) were observed between groups during the study time by IVCM. On pathology samples, thinning of the epithelium over the inlay area and epithelial hyperplasia over the edges were observed. A polygonal empty space with no evidence of PEGDA hydrogel within the midstroma was seen in the inlay group. Keratocytes were normal in shape and number in the vicinity of the PEGDA implant area.
Conclusions: Photopolymerized PEGDA intrastromal inlays have shown relatively good safety and stability in rabbit corneas. Inlays were biostable in the corneal environment and remained transparent during follow up.
Translational Relevance: The investigated PEGDA is promising for the development of biocompatible intrastromal implants.Supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Education through Apply Research, grant
MAT2006-13708-CO2-01. The authors alone are
responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
Disclosure: A. Bidaguren, None; J. Mendicute,
None; I. Madarieta, Tecnalia (E); N. Garagorri,
Tecnalia (E
Con «Vista exacta y purgada» (de viajes, aires y miradas en el pensamiento de Mengs).
Sin resume
Tris(acetonitrile-κN){2,6-bis[(diphenylphosphanyl)amino]-4-ethoxy-1,3,5-triazine-κ3 P,N 1,P′}iron(II) bis(tetrafluoridoborate) acetonitrile disolvate
In the title compound, [Fe(CH3CN)3(C29H27N5OP2)](BF4)2·2CH3CN, the FeII ion is octahedrally coordinated by a meridionally chelating tridentate pincer-type PNP ligand derived from 2,6-diamino-4-ethoxy-1,3,5-triazine and by three acetonitrile molecules. The four Fe—N bond lengths range from 1.9142 (12) to 1.9579 (11) Å, while the Fe—P bonds are 2.2452 (4) and 2.2506 (4) Å [P—Fe—P = 165.523 (14)°], consistent with FeII in a low-spin state. Unlike related Fe PNP complexes based on 2,6-diaminopyridine, the BF4 anions are not hydrogen bonded to the two NH groups of the pincer ligand but show instead anion–π interactions with the triazine ring and acetonitrile molecules in addition to ten C—H⋯F interactions. Most remarkable among these is an anion–π(triazine) interaction with a short distance of 2.788 (2) Å between one F and the centroid of the π-acidic triazine ring. The corresponding shortest distance between this F atom and a triazine carbon atom is 2.750 (2) Å. The two NH groups of the pincer ligand donate N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds to the triazine N atom of a neighbouring complex and to an uncoordinated acetonitrile molecule. This last molecule is in a side-on head-to-tail association with the second uncoordinated acetonitrile at C⋯N distances of 3.467 (2) and 3.569 (2) Å. In contrast to several related compounds with diaminopyridine- instead of diaminotriazine-based PNP ligands, the title crystal structure is remarkably well ordered. This suggests that the diaminotriazine moiety exerts notable crystal structure stabilizing effects
Con «Vista exacta y purgada» (de viajes, aires y miradas en el pensamiento de Mengs).
Sin resume
Problematic use or addiction? A scoping review on conceptual and operational definitions of negative social networking sites use in adolescents
[EN] The aim of this study was to assess the conceptual and operational descriptions of negative social networking site (SNS) use in adolescents. A search was conducted among four databases, following the guidelines set forth in the PRISMA-ScR. The search resulted in 1503 articles, of which 112 met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the negative use of SNS has been conceptualised from two approaches: (1) the component model of addiction and (2) a cognitive-behavioural problematic use paradigm. Thirty-seven instruments assessing this problem were found, with the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale and its adaptations being the most widely used ones. These instruments dimensions were vaguely defined and often overlapped with one another. In conclusion, no standardised theoretical framework exists to assess negative SNS use in adolescents. This lack of a theoretical definition makes it difficult to compare results among studies and determine the true extent of the problem.Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Plasma versus poro
El recubrimiento poroso de las Prótesis Totales de Cadera, debe reunir las características necesarias para evitar el desgaste, resistir a la corrosión, ser capaz de transmitir las cargas y favorecer la fijación biológica
La minería Ilegal y el Impacto Ambiental de las comunidades campesinas de Madre de Dios, 2022
La presente investigación titulada “La Minería Ilegal y el Impacto Ambiental de las
comunidades campesinas de Madre de Dios, 2022”, tuvo como objetivo general,
determinar el impacto ambiental generado por la minería ilegal en las comunidades
campesinas de Madre de Dios, 2022.
La metodología empleada en la investigación fue de enfoque cualitativo y tipo de
investigación básico, con un diseño de teoría fundamentada. Asimismo, se utilizó
como instrumentos de recolección de datos la entrevista a profundidad y el análisis
La conclusión a la que se llegó fue, que el impacto ambiental generado por la
minería ilegal en las comunidades campesinas de Madre de Dios, 2022, es
económico, social y en la salud de las comunidades, debido a que existen
vulneraciones que no se pueden volver a recuperar una vez realizado el daño, tales
como la evidencia de metales pesados en el agua, alimentos y aire, afectando de
esta manera los ganados, la agricultura y, en consecuencia, a las comunidades
Safety.Net: A Pilot Study on a Multi-Risk Internet Prevention Program
Many programs exist to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, despite evidence of the numerous overlapping risks of the Internet, programs that jointly and adequately address large sets of risks are not presently described in the scientific literature. This study’s main objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Safety.net program in a pilot sample. This program prevents eight Internet risks: cyberbullying, sexting, online grooming, cyber dating abuse, problematic Internet use, nomophobia, Internet gaming disorder, and online gambling disorder. The Safety.net program comprises 16 sessions and 4 modules (digital skills, relational risks, dysfunctional risks, and change of attitudes and cognitions). Each session lasts one hour, but the program has a networked instructional design to recall previous content in later sessions. For its assessment, a pre/post-test repeated measures design with a control group and an intervention group was used. The study sample was 165 adolescents between 11 and 14 years old (M = 12.11, SD = 0.89). The intervention group demonstrated improvements compared to the control group concerning online grooming, problematic Internet use, Internet gaming disorder, and nomophobia. These results suggest that the Safety.net program is effective in preventing the increase of most of the assessed risks and that it reduces some of them with a small number of sessions.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (RTI2018-094212-B-I00) and the International University of la Rioja (Project “Ciberpsicología (Trienio 2017–2020)”)
Desarrollo neurocognitivo en niños nacidos pequeños para la edad gestacional durante los 2 primeros años de vida
Introducción: Los niños pequeños para la edad gestacional (PEG) presentan mayor riesgo de morbimortalidad perinatal y de anomalías en el neurodesarrollo y la capacidad cognitiva. Objetivo: Determinar el neurodesarrollo de niños nacidos PEG durante los primeros 2 años de vida. Establecer la influencia de datos antropométricos, crecimiento recuperador, edad gestacional y gemelaridad. Material y métodos: Estudio longitudinal, prospectivo, de la valoración neurocognitiva realizada, con el test de Brunet-Lézine, a niños PEG desde los 3 a los 24 meses de edad. Resultados: 91 niños PEG, 47% niñas, 83,5% gestaciones únicas; edad gestacional media 37,7 semanas. Peso medio al nacimiento 2053±433gramos, longitud 43,9±2,6cm. El 58% (IC95%: 48-68%) realizó “catch up”. Presentan peor neurodesarrollo que la población de referencia. No existen diferencias por sexos. Los PEG nacidos de gestaciones múltiples obtienen mejores puntuaciones a los 18 y 24 meses (-0,14 vs -0,60; -1,13 vs -0,68 SDS). Solamente se encuentran diferencias entre los PEG “catch up” positivo y negativo en la sociabilidad a los 18 meses (DM: -0,765SDS;IC95%: -150 a -0.03; p=0,04), siendo mejores los resultados en los últimos. Existe correlación directa y positiva entre el peso, longitud y perímetro cefálico con el desarrollo neurocognitivo. La edad gestacional también se correlaciona con mejor neurodesarrollo a los 3 (R=0,42, p=0,02) y 6 meses (R=0,44, p=0,01). Conclusiones: Los niños nacidos PEG presentan un deterioro en el neurodesarrollo mantenido hasta los 24 meses. El crecimiento recuperador no parece ser un factor que mejore la evolución neurocognitiva, en estas edades. La prematuridad influye durante los primeros 6 meses
Loot box engagement: A scoping review of primary studies on prevalence and association with problematic gaming and gambling
Sixteen primary empirical studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. All studies used cross-sectional designs, and most used convenience samples. Twelve study samples were comprised exclusively of gamers, and two were comprised of gamers and/or gamblers. Only six studies included adolescents. The annual prevalence rate of loot box purchases was higher for adult gamers than for adolescents (22.7%-44.2% and 20%-33.9%, respectively), but in studies with general population samples, the opposite was true (24.9% for players aged 13-14 versus 7.8% for adults). In general, the studies suggested a significant positive relationship between engagement with loot boxes and problematic gaming and gambling, but this may be related to the type of engagement (open/purchase/sell), and the characteristics of the study participants (male/female, adolescents/adults, gamers/gamers-gamblers/general population).
This scoping review summarizes the results of recent empirical studies on engagement with loot boxes and discusses how methodological issues may affect their results and interpretation. Recommendations for future research are also provided.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, RTI2018-094212-B-I00: (CIBERAACC), and by the International University of La Rioja, Project "Cyberpsychology" (2017-2020) and Project "DOMIN-US" (2020-2022). There was no additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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