841 research outputs found

    Effect of the properties of a porous coating on boundary layer stability

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    Drawing off gas from the boundary layer is a well-known method for increasing the stability of boundary layers. The increase in stability is primarily connected with a change in the velocity profile form in the case of suction. On the basis of the assumption that the velocity perturbations on a porous slate do not equal zero, the influence of the properties of a permeable surface upon the boundary layer stability were studied


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    Analysis of the literature data on alcoholic addiction, poststress maladjustment and its combination revealed the significant number of common node moments in pathogenic mechanisms of its appearing and realization. It concerns biological mechanisms that are common for both processes and its activation at one of them provokes the development of the other. First of all it is stem structures of brain and neuroendocrine mechanisms of central and peripheral regulation and its activation is cross for stressor reaction and alcoholization. There was revealed the leading role of stressor reaction mechanisms and its association with poststress maladjustment in formation of psychological alcoholic addiction. There was constructed hypothetical model of development and functioning of association pathogenetic mechanisms with formation of comorbidity of analyzed pathological states

    Rationale for the efficiency of transcranial magnetic stimulation in multiple sclerosis

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    The aim. Based on the analysis and comprehensive clinical and neurological evaluation of the results to substantiate the effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods. A total of 110 MS patients were included in the study. The control group consisted of 30 patients who received pathogenetic therapy and 80 patients who underwent a course of rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) together with pathogenetic therapy. Results. The results obtained during the study indicate the complex multifactorial nature of fatigue and its significant impact on the clinical manifestations of MS. Also, the use of rTMS reduced the severity of the main neurological symptoms of MS. The improvement in the overall EDSS scale in the group of patients receiving rTMS was statistically significant: from 5.0±1.9 points to 4.5±2.0 points (p<0.01), in the comparison group (p>0.05). Under the influence of TMS, gait function improved, but these indicators were statistically insignificant (p>0.05). The greatest effect of rTMS was obtained on the manifestations of fatigue and also extended to its cognitive and psychosocial components. The obtained patterns are confirmed in the analysis of indicators on the SCA and FS scales. Involvement in the treatment of patients with MS rTMS allowed to achieve a significant reduction in the manifestations of all components of fatigue: from 76.0±20.9 points to 75.5±20.5 points (p<0.05). The data obtained during the study confirm the effectiveness, safety and viability of non-invasive neuromodulation by rTMS in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with MS. Conclusions. The use of rTMS has a positive effect on the manifestations of fatigue, both motor and cognitive, in patients with MS at all types of course and at different stages of progression. Non-invasiveness, safety and ease of use, the possibility of differentiated use allow the use of rTMS in the clinic of rehabilitation treatment and become an important component of active drug and non-drug rehabilitation of patients with MS


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    The aim – to study the effectiveness of zinc salts in the treatment of patients with neurological forms of Wilson's disease (WD). Materials and methods. The analysis of the treatment results of 128 patients with hepatocerebral degeneration (71 men and 57 women) in the State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” was carried out. At the time of hospitalization, the age of patients ranged from 5 to 55 years, an average of 27.3 years, and at the time of debut of the disease - from 1 year to 40 years, an average of 21.3 years. 33 patients underwent monotherapy with zinc salts, 63 – combined therapy with small doses of penicillamine and zinc salts, 32 – monotherapy with penicillamine. Results. Because of the treatment, 67.1 % of patients showed an improvement in neuropsychiatric status: speech improved significantly, tremor of the extremities and the amplitude of hyperkinesis decreased, muscle tone decreased, and cognitive functions improved. According to the international two-level rating scale (UWDRS), the total pathology index decreased by 21 points. Zinc salts are effective and low-toxic and can be the drug of choice in the treatment of patients with hepatocerebral degeneration in the pre-symptomatic stage of the disease, as well as at the stage of maintenance treatment, both as monotherapy and in combination with penicillamine. However, zinc salts and penicillamine are not enough for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with hepatocerebral degeneration. Therefore, taking into account the clinical picture and the data of additional research methods, it is necessary to conduct courses of symptomatic treatment at least 1-2 times a year. Conclusions. Thus, it can be noted that zinc salts are very effective and low toxic, and, therefore, can be the drug of choice in the treatment of patients with HCD in the pre-symptomatic stage of the disease, as well as at the stage of maintenance therapy as a single drug, and in combination with penicillamine or other chelate drugs


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    Methods of predicting the relapsing hemorrhage

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    In this article the authors presented their own original methods for predicting ulcerous gastroduodenal bleeding defended by. Patent of Ukraine. The implementation of these procedures led to substantial lowing of recurrent hamorrhage rate – more than twice. All methods have pathogenetic foundation and are based on ulcerogenesis mechanisms revealed during the longlasting complex clinical and experimental research. In such a way surgeons obtain some possibilities of early diagnostics of bleeding relapses and adequate treatment and effective hemorrhage prevention accordingly. У цій статті автори презентували власні оригінальні методи прогнозування рецидиву виразкової гастродуоденальної кровотечі, захищені патентом України. Реалізація цих методів сприяла суттєвому зменшенню кількості рецидивних кровтеч - більше ніж у два рази. Всі методи мають патогенетичну основу і базуються на механізмах патогенезу, виявлених під час тривалого комплексного клініко-експериментального дослідження. Таким чином, хірурги отрумують можливість ранньої діагностики рецидивів кровотечі і відповідно адекватного лікування та ефективної профілактики крововтрати