433 research outputs found

    Universality property of the SS-functional calculus, noncommuting matrix variables and Clifford operators

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    The spectral theory on the SS-spectrum was born out of the need to give quaternionic quantum mechanics (formulated by Birkhoff and von Neumann) a precise mathematical foundation. Then it turned out that this theory has important applications in several fields such as fractional diffusion problems and, moreover, it allows one to define several functional calculi for nn-tuples of noncommuting operators. With this paper we show that the spectral theory on the SS-spectrum is much more general and it contains, just as particular cases, the complex, the quaternionic and the Clifford settings. More precisely, we show that the SS-spectrum is well defined for objects in an algebra that has a complex structure and for operators in general Banach modules. We show that the abstract formulation of the SS-functional calculus goes beyond quaternionic and Clifford analysis. Indeed we show that the SS-functional calculus has a certain {\em universality property}. This fact makes the spectral theory on the SS-spectrum applicable to several fields of operator theory and allows one to define functions of noncommuting matrix variables, and operator variables, as a particular case

    Influence of Microclimate in a Barn on Dairy Cows’ Welfare and Production

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    Microclimate in a barn has a major influence on cows’ health and welfare, as well as on milk production of dairy cows. Extreme values of air temperature and humidity can negatively influence barn conditions, having thus negative effect on cows kept in barns. The research aimed to investigate influence of basic microclimate parameters on a modern dairy farm located in Eastern Croatia. Research period referred to summer season, from 01 June – 31 August 2013. Measurements were carried out in three time intervals (00:00-08:00; 08:00-16:00; 16:00-00:00) for the following parameters: temperature (T), humidity (H) and temperature-humidity index (THI). The results showed that the values of T and THI were higher than optimal values recommended by the scientific literature. Differences between the daily interval for T, H and THI were statistically highly significant (p<0.0001). Furthermore, significant difference (p<0.0001; p<0.05) was determined for all investigated parameters between June and July, and June and August. However, between July and August there was no significant difference. Although measurements were performed on a modern dairy farm equipped with additional cooling by fans, it was not sufficient to create an optimal microclimate environment for dairy cows. Because of that, additional measures need to be undertaken during summer months (for example, installation of water sprinklers) to reduce the air temperature and temperature-humidity index, all with the purpose to increase comfort of dairy cows and to prevent decrease in milk production

    Preparing racially and ethnically diverse communities for public health emergencies

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    Health Affairs, 26(5): pp. 1269-1279.The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans confirmed that effective implementation of public health preparedness programs and policies will require compliance from all racial and ethnic populations. This study reviews current resources and limitations and suggests future directions for integrating diverse communities into related strategies. It documents research and interventions, including promising models and practices that address preparedness for minorities. However, findings reveal a general lack of focus on diversity and suggest that future preparedness efforts need to fully integrate factors related to race, culture, and language into risk communication, public health training, measurement, coordination, and policy at all levels

    Evidence of the Generation of Isosaccharinic Acids and Their Subsequent Degradation by Local Microbial Consortia within Hyper-Alkaline Contaminated Soils, with Relevance to Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

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    The contamination of surface environments with hydroxide rich wastes leads to the formation of high pH (>11.0) soil profiles. One such site is a legacy lime works at Harpur Hill, Derbyshire where soil profile indicated in-situ pH values up to pH 12. Soil and porewater profiles around the site indicated clear evidence of the presence of the α and β stereoisomers of isosaccharinic acid (ISA) resulting from the anoxic, alkaline degradation of cellulosic material. ISAs are of particular interest with regards to the disposal of cellulosic materials contained within the intermediate level waste (ILW) inventory of the United Kingdom, where they may influence radionuclide mobility via complexation events occurring within a geological disposal facility (GDF) concept. The mixing of uncontaminated soils with the alkaline leachate of the site resulted in ISA generation, where the rate of generation in-situ is likely to be dependent upon the prevailing temperature of the soil. Microbial consortia present in the uncontaminated soil were capable of surviving conditions imposed by the alkaline leachate and demonstrated the ability to utilise ISAs as a carbon source. Leachate-contaminated soil was sub-cultured in a cellulose degradation product driven microcosm operating at pH 11, the consortia present were capable of the degradation of ISAs and the generation of methane from the resultant H2/CO2 produced from fermentation processes. Following microbial community analysis, fermentation processes appear to be predominated by Clostridia from the genus Alkaliphilus sp, with methanogenesis being attributed to Methanobacterium and Methanomassiliicoccus sp. The study is the first to identify the generation of ISA within an anthropogenic environment and advocates the notion that microbial activity within an ILW-GDF is likely to influence the impact of ISAs upon radionuclide migration

    Thermal stress induces glycolytic beige fat formation via a myogenic state.

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    Environmental cues profoundly affect cellular plasticity in multicellular organisms. For instance, exercise promotes a glycolytic-to-oxidative fibre-type switch in skeletal muscle, and cold acclimation induces beige adipocyte biogenesis in adipose tissue. However, the molecular mechanisms by which physiological or pathological cues evoke developmental plasticity remain incompletely understood. Here we report a type of beige adipocyte that has a critical role in chronic cold adaptation in the absence of β-adrenergic receptor signalling. This beige fat is distinct from conventional beige fat with respect to developmental origin and regulation, and displays enhanced glucose oxidation. We therefore refer to it as glycolytic beige fat. Mechanistically, we identify GA-binding protein α as a regulator of glycolytic beige adipocyte differentiation through a myogenic intermediate. Our study reveals a non-canonical adaptive mechanism by which thermal stress induces progenitor cell plasticity and recruits a distinct form of thermogenic cell that is required for energy homeostasis and survival

    Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a 'phagocytic synapse'.

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    Innate immune cells must be able to distinguish between direct binding to microbes and detection of components shed from the surface of microbes located at a distance. Dectin-1 (also known as CLEC7A) is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects β-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity, including phagocytosis and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast to inflammatory responses stimulated upon detection of soluble ligands by other pattern-recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), these responses are only useful when a cell comes into direct contact with a microbe and must not be spuriously activated by soluble stimuli. In this study we show that, despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate β-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signalling is only activated by particulate β-glucans, which cluster the receptor in synapse-like structures from which regulatory tyrosine phosphatases CD45 and CD148 (also known as PTPRC and PTPRJ, respectively) are excluded (Supplementary Fig. 1). The 'phagocytic synapse' now provides a model mechanism by which innate immune receptors can distinguish direct microbial contact from detection of microbes at a distance, thereby initiating direct cellular antimicrobial responses only when they are required

    Lactate signalling regulates fungal β-glucan masking and immune evasion

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    AJPB: This work was supported by the European Research Council (STRIFE, ERC- 2009-AdG-249793), The UK Medical Research Council (MR/M026663/1), the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BB/K017365/1), the Wellcome Trust (080088; 097377). ERB: This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BB/M014525/1). GMA: Supported by the CNPq-Brazil (Science without Borders fellowship 202976/2014-9). GDB: Wellcome Trust (102705). CAM: This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (G0400284). DMM: This work was supported by UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC/K000306/1). NARG/JW: Wellcome Trust (086827, 075470,101873) and Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (097377). ALL: This work was supported by the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology and the University of Aberdeen (MR/N006364/1).Peer reviewedPostprin