450 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulation of the classical two-dimensional one component plasma

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    Monte Carlo simulation, lattice dynamics in the harmonic approximation, and solution of the hypernetted chain equation were used to study the classical two-dimensional one component plasma. The system consists of a single species of charged particles immersed in a uniform neutralizing background. The particles interact via a l/r potential, where r is the two dimensional separation. Equations of state were calculated for both the liquid and solid phases. Results of calculation of the thermodynamic functions and one and two particle correlation functions are presented

    1992 Indiana Forest Products Price Report and Trend Analysis

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    Advanced modulation technology development for earth station demodulator applications

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    The purpose of this contract was to develop a high rate (200 Mbps), bandwidth efficient, modulation format using low cost hardware, in 1990's technology. The modulation format chosen is 16-ary continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK). The implementation of the modulation format uses a unique combination of a limiter/discriminator followed by an accumulator to determine transmitted phase. An important feature of the modulation scheme is the way coding is applied to efficiently gain back the performance lost by the close spacing of the phase points

    1993 Indiana Forest Products Price Report and Trend Analysis

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    Positron annihilation spectroscopy study of radiation-induced defects in W and Fe irradiated with neutrons with different spectra

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    The paper presents new knowledge on primary defect formation in tungsten (W) and iron (Fe) irradiated by fission and high-energy neutrons at near-room temperature. Using a well-established method of positron-annihilation lifetime-spectroscopy (PALS), it was found that irradiation of W in the fission reactor and by high-energy neutrons from the p(35 MeV)-Be generator leads to the formation of small radiation-induced vacancy clusters with comparable mean size. In the case of Fe, smaller mean size of primary radiation-induced vacancy clusters was measured after irradiation with fission neutrons compared to irradiation with high-energy neutrons from the p(35 MeV)-Be generator. It was found that one of the reasons of the formation of the larger size of the defects with lower density in Fe is lower flux in the case of irradiation with high-energy neutrons from the p(35 MeV)-Be source. The second reason is enhanced defect agglomeration and recombination within the energetic displacement cascade at high energy primary knock-on-atoms (PKAs). This is consistent with the concept of the athermal recombination corrected (arc-dpa) model, although the measured dpa cross-section of both fission neutrons and wide-spectrum high-energy neutrons in W is between the conventional Norgett–Robinson–Torrens (NRT-dpa) and arc-dpa predictions. This means that the physics of the primary radiation effects in materials is still not fully known and requires further study through a combination of modeling and experimental efforts. The present data serve as a basis for the development of an improved concept of the displacement process

    Melting of the classical bilayer Wigner crystal: influence of the lattice symmetry

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    The melting transition of the five different lattices of a bilayer crystal is studied using the Monte-Carlo technique. We found the surprising result that the square lattice has a substantial larger melting temperature as compared to the other lattice structures, which is a consequence of the specific topology of the temperature induced defects. A new melting criterion is formulated which we show to be universal for bilayers as well as for single layer crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (postscript files). Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Nuclear Inelastic X-Ray Scattering of FeO to 48 GPa

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    The partial density of vibrational states has been measured for Fe in compressed FeO (w\"ustite) using nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Substantial changes have been observed in the overall shape of the density of states close to the magnetic transiton around 20 GPa from the paramagnetic (low pressure) to the antiferromagnetic (high pressure) state. Our data indicate a substantial softening of the aggregate sound velocities far below the transition, starting between 5 and 10 GPa. This is consistent with recent radial x-ray diffraction measurements of the elastic constants in FeO. The results indicate that strong magnetoelastic coupling in FeO is the driving force behind the changes in the phonon spectrum of FeO.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phases in Strongly Coupled Electronic Bilayer Liquids

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    The strongly correlated liquid state of a bilayer of charged particles has been studied via the HNC calculation of the two-body functions. We report the first time emergence of a series of structural phases, identified through the behavior of the two-body functions.Comment: 5 pages, RevTEX 3.0, 4 ps figures; Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Compton neutron Hafnium detector: electric charge generation rate

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    The properties of a Compton neutron detector with the emitter of metallic Hf were studying in this work. Using the previously calculated the emitter material nuclide composition during reactor irradiation, the dependence of the emitter signal value on the irradiation time was obtained with a step of 1 year for 5 years. It is shown that the composition modification due to nuclear transmutations changes the rate of an electric charge generation in the emitter.Досліджувалися властивості комптонівського нейтронного детектора з емітером із металічного Hf. Використовуючи розрахований раніше нуклідний склад матеріалу емітера в умовах реакторного опромінення, отримано залежність значення сигналу емітера від часу опромінення з кроком 1 рік протягом 5 років. Показано, що модифікація складу внаслідок ядерних трансмутацій змінює швидкість генерації електричного заряду в емітері.Изучались свойства комптоновского детектора нейтронов с эмиттером из металлического Hf. Используя ранее рассчитанный нуклидный состав материала эмиттера при облучении реактора, была получена зависимость величины сигнала эмиттера от времени облучения с шагом 1 год в течение 5 лет. Показано, что модификация состава за счет ядерных трансмутаций изменяет скорость генерации электрического заряда в эмиттере