102 research outputs found

    Modeling the Drying Kinetics of Green Bell Pepper in a Heat Pump Assisted Fluidized Bed Dryer

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    In this research, green bell pepper was dried in a pilot plant fluidized bed dryer equipped with a heat pump humidifier using three temperatures of 40, 50 and 60C and two airflow velocities of 2 and 3m/s in constant air moisture. Three modeling methods including nonlinear regression technique, Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks were applied to investigate drying kinetics for the sample. Among the mathematical models, Midilli model with R=0.9998 and root mean square error (RMSE)=0.00451 showed the best fit with experimental data. Feed-Forward-Back-Propagation network with Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm, hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function, training cycle of 1,000 epoch and 2-5-1 topology, deserving R=0.99828 and mean square error (MSE)=5.5E-05, was determined as the best neural model. Overall, Neural Networks method was much more precise than two other methods in prediction of drying kinetics and control of drying parameters for green bell pepper. Practical Applications: This article deals with different modeling approaches and their effectiveness and accuracy for predicting changes in the moisture ratio of green bell pepper enduring fluidized bed drying, which is one of the most concerning issues in food factories involved in drying fruits and vegetables. This research indicates that although efficiency of mathematical modeling, Fuzzy Logic controls and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were all acceptable, the modern prediction methods of Fuzzy Logic and especially ANNs were more productive and precise. Besides, this report compares our findings with previous ones carried out with the view of predicting moisture quotients of other food crops during miscellaneous drying procedures. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    The Role of Anions in Influencing the Accumulation and Distribution of Selenium 75, Phosphorus 32 and Sulfur 35 in the Leaves of Wheat Seedlings

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    An approach to investigation of the metabolic pathways of selenium was provided by the demonstration of a selenium-arsenic antagonism by Moxon. Since certain energy sources as well as ions in the media affect cellular permeation of selenium in yeast, this study was undertaken to investigate the role of anions on the uptake and translocation of selenium in wheat seedlings

    Tribal and State Courts - A New Beginning

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    A Novel Prediction Setup for Online Speed-Scaling

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    Given the rapid rise in energy demand by data centers and computing systemsin general, it is fundamental to incorporate energy considerations whendesigning (scheduling) algorithms. Machine learning can be a useful approach inpractice by predicting the future load of the system based on, for example,historical data. However, the effectiveness of such an approach highly dependson the quality of the predictions and can be quite far from optimal whenpredictions are sub-par. On the other hand, while providing a worst-caseguarantee, classical online algorithms can be pessimistic for large classes ofinputs arising in practice. This paper, in the spirit of the new area of machine learning augmentedalgorithms, attempts to obtain the best of both worlds for the classical,deadline based, online speed-scaling problem: Based on the introduction of anovel prediction setup, we develop algorithms that (i) obtain provably lowenergy-consumption in the presence of adequate predictions, and (ii) are robustagainst inadequate predictions, and (iii) are smooth, i.e., their performancegradually degrades as the prediction error increases.<br

    Ethnozoological Impacts on Fauna Conservation: The Case of Chimanimani National Park

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    Interactions between humans and fauna have been considered essential to better understand the dynamics of socio-ecological systems. This study aimed to assess the ethno-zoological impact on fauna conservation in Chimanimani National Park, by studying the Mpunga Centro community values applied in the use of fauna species, their participation in conservation and the mensuration of ethnozoological impacts. Methodologically, bibliographic review was used for theoretical support and the data collection in the field for information analysis in a sample of 82 households. The collected data were processed on SPSS statistical package, version 20.0 and analyzed at a level of significance of 5%. The results showed that the community ecologically valorizes the species, on traditional medicine, on educational and recreational, cultural and religious value.  The results also showed that the community participates in conservation through preventing uncontrolled fires, getting involved in conservation agriculture, beekeeping, community inspection and ecotourism. Having concluded that the traditional knowledge of Mpunga Centro Community on the use of local fauna, influences on wildlife conservation of the Chimanimani National Park. Keywords: Ethnozoology, conservation, local community, fauna species, Chimanimani National Park DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/76-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Modelling of the Selected Physical Properties of the Fava Bean with Various Moisture Contents UsingFuzzy Logic Design

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    The current paper indicates the systematic determination of the optimal conditions for the selected physical properties of the fava bean. The effects of varying moisture content of the Barkat fava bean grown in Golestan, Iran, in the range of 9.3-31.3% (Input) on the 15 selected physical properties of the crop, including geometric values as such length; width; thickness; arithmetic and geometric mean diameter; sphericity index surface and the area of the image; gravity and frictional parameters like the weight of 1000 seeds; true density; bulk density; volume and porosity as well as friction (filling and vacating angle stability) as the outputs were predicted. Afterwards, a model relying on fuzzy logic for the prediction of the 15 outputs had been presented. To build the model, training and testing using experimental results from the Barkat fava bean were conducted. The data used as the input of the fuzzy logic model are arranged in a format of one input parameter that covers the percentage of the moisture contents of the beans. In relation to the varying moisture content (input), the outcomes (15 physical parameters) were predicted. The correlation coefficients obtained between the experimental and predicted outputs as well as the Mean Standard Deviation indicated the competence of fuzzy logic design in predicting the selected physical properties of fava bean seeds. Practical ApplicationToday, because of the high demand for crops to be used extensively in the human diet, enhancements in the efficiency of the processing are getting more attention. In this way, finding and/or the determination of the optimal conditions for processing with minimum waste looks very substantial. Therefore, the use of prediction methods in food processing is considered to be a tool for improving the efficiency and the quality of the produced products. In this regard, the fuzzy logic design as a novel prediction tool, along with response surface methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), are applied extensively. Therefore Fuzzy Logic Design is optimized to predict the some of the selected physical properties of fava bean, as a function of seed's moisture content. Therefore predicting the behavior of this crop against different moisture contents can improve the quality and performance of the products with the minimum wastes during very short time.(c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Incinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    بررسی ارتباط عوارض واکسن پنتا والان با سطح تحصیلات مادران در مناطق تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شهد بهشتي

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    Background and Aims:&nbsp;Scientific research has shown that parents’ education level positively affects health conditions of the child. This study was performed to determine the relationship between mothers' education status and pentavalent vaccine complications.Materials and Methods:&nbsp;A descriptive cross sectional survey consisting of 676 children vaccinated with pentavalent was performed in health care centers covered by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences from June to December, 2015. There were examples of both sexes and 2-6 month age groups. A questionnaire was delivered to parents after completing their child profile and all the side effects observed in children were marked and returned to the vaccination center within a week. Data were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics in SPSS software. Ethical issues were all considered.Results:&nbsp;About 2.4% out of total study group (mothers) were illiterate and 36.4 % were higher educated. Fever, pain, restlessness and induration included the most common side effects. Among the side effects studied, only fever, pain and restlessness were associated with maternal education level. These side effects were significantly lower in children having higher educated mothers.Conclusion:&nbsp;Considering the fact that the symptoms of fever, pain and restlessness were rarely found in children whose mothers had higher levels of education in this research, it can be concluded that these mothers reported the side effects of vaccine more accurately and reliably.زمینه و اهداف: تحققات نشان داده تحصلات بالاتر والدین اثر مثبت روی شرایط سلامت کودک دارد. این مطالعه به منظور تعيين ارتباط عوارض زودرس واكسن پنتا والان با سطح تحصلات مادران انجام شد. مواد و روش ها: یان پژوهش ي مطالعه توصيفي مقطعي است كه بر روي 676 كودک واكسينه شده با واكسن پنتاوالان از خرداد تا آذرماه&nbsp; 1394 در مراکز تحت پوشش دانشگاه شهيد بهشتي انجام شد. نمونه ها در گروه سني 2 تا 6 ماهه بودند. ابزار جمع آوري اطلاعات، پرسشنامه اي ک بود كه بعد از تكميل مشخصات كودک و دریافت شماره تلفن تماس، توسط مسئول واكسيناسيون به والدن كودک تحویل داده می يشد تا طي یك&nbsp; هفته كليه عوارض مشاهده شده در كودک را علامت گذاري نمایند و به مركز واكسيناسيون عودت دهند. داده ها با استفاده از روش آمار&nbsp; توصيفي در نرم افزار SPSS، تجز ه و تحليل شدند. در کليه مراحل انجام پژوهش، موازین اخلاقي، مراعات گردد. یافته ها: 2/4 درصد از مادران بيسواد بودند و 36/4درصد تحصيلات دانشگاهي داشتند. بيشترین عوارض مورد مشاهده به ترتيب شامل تب، درد، بيقراري و اندوراسيون بود. ازابن عوارض مورد بررسی، فقط تب درد و بیقراری با تحصلات مادران ارتباط داشت و به میزان معناداری در کودکانی که مادرانشان تحصیلات دانشگاهی داشتند، کمتر دیده شد. نتیجه گیری: در تحقق حاضر با توجه به انكه عارضه تب درد و بی قراری در كودكاني كه سطح تحصيلات مادر بالاتر بوده است، كمتر گزارش شده است، می توان چنين نتيجه گيري نمود كه این مادران درگزارش دهی، دقت بيشتري داشتها ند و پاسخهاي قابل اعتمادتري داده اند.&nbsp; &nbsp


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