32 research outputs found

    La Oficina de Transferencia de Tecnología (OTT): hacia un modelo viable para las universidades en Marruecos

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    JEL: M15, O32[EN] The link between the enterprise and the university in Morocco is positioned within the framework of what is commonly known as the “University’s Third-Mission”. This relationship is primarily concerned with continued education, consultancy, collaborative research and development (R&D) and technology transfer from the university to the enterprise. This third mission has been promoted by the university through the establishment of specialized structures such as university enterprise interfaces, incubators and technological information centres for invention patents. Also, several strategies and programs of incentives for innovation have been promoted by the public authorities to create a national system of innovation in Morocco. However, all these efforts failed to unleash and activate the potential of Moroccan universities. In this work, we will propose an effective and efficient institutional Technology Transfer (TT) policy backed up by a complete repository related to the establishing of the University Technology Transfer Office (UTTO). This proposal complements the work done in a previous paper, which assesses the different policies and programs within Moroccan universities, related to TT activities, and proposes a remodelling of the value chain of the process of technology transfer in the universities.[ES] El vínculo entre la empresa y la universidad en Marruecos se posiciona en el marco de lo que comúnmente se conoce como la «tercera misión de la universidad». Esta relación se refiere principalmente a la educación continua, consultoría, investigación y desarrollo colaborativo (I + D) y transferencia de tecnología de la universidad a la empresa. Esta tercera misión ha sido promovida por la universidad mediante el establecimiento de estructuras especializadas tales como interfaces empresariales universitarias, incubadoras y centros de información tecnológica para patentes de invención. Además, las autoridades públicas han promovido varias estrategias y programas de incentivos para la innovación a fin de crear un sistema nacional de innovación en Marruecos. Sin embargo, todos estos esfuerzos no lograron liberar y activar el potencial de las universidades marroquíes. En este trabajo, propondremos una política institucional eficaz y eficiente de Transferencia de Tecnología (TT) respaldada por un repositorio completo relacionado con el establecimiento de la Oficina de Transferencia de Tecnología de la Universidad (UTTO). Esta propuesta complementa el trabajo realizado en un documento anterior, que evalúa las diferentes políticas y programas dentro de las universidades marroquíes, relacionadas con las actividades de TT, y propone una remodelación de la cadena de valor del proceso de transferencia de tecnología en las universidades

    Features of Crohn's Disease Depending on the Age of Disease Onset

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    Aim: to evaluate the characteristics of Crohn's disea depending on the age of the disease onset in patients observed in a specialized City Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment.Materials and methods. We observed 180 patients with an established diagnosis of Crohn's disease for 52 weeks, followed by a retrospective assessment. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the age of the onset of the disease according to the Paris classification (A1, A2, A3). The visits included: the collection of complaints, medical history, objective examination, clinical blood testing; biochemical blood testing (C-reactive protein); fecal calprotectin; ileocolonoscopy. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using Excel, RStudio and the R language; for categorical data, the Pearson chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used (for 2 × 2 tables with small samples). For categorical and quantitative, the Mann – Whitney t-test was used. Student's t-test was used to test the equality of means.Results. The gender distribution and the average duration of the disease were comparable in all groups. At the time of diagnosis, ileocolitis (p = 0.01), inflammatory form of Crohn's disease (p < 0.05), and the upper gastrointestinal tract involvement (p < 0.05) were more frequently detected in group A1. Isolated colonic Crohn’s disease predominated in group A3 (p < 0.001). No significant difference between the groups in the incidence of extraintestinal manifestations of the disease was found (p = 0.32). In group A1, there was a positive correlation between smoking and lack of response to therapy. In group A2, endoscopic remission was observed less frequently among smokers at the end of the study (p < 0.05). Anal fissures were noted as the most common perianal disease in all groups. In group A1, there was a positive correlation between clinical, laboratory and endoscopic remission and the absence of perianal disease. At the end of the follow-up, the worsening of endoscopic SES-CD level was observed more frequently in the patients with the onset before 30 years old in group A2 (p = 0.01).Conclusions. Not only pediatric onset, but also the onset of Crohn's disease before the age of 40 is a risk factor for the progression of the disease and its more severe course

    Структура залізо-нікелевих покриттів, отриманих імпульсним струмом

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    The paper presents the research results concerning the structure of iron-nickel alloy films obtained with pulse unipolar current from an electrolyte solution. It is shown that under the conditions of unsteady electrocrystallization there are processes on the cathode that lead to the formation of highly nonequilibrium structures and the change in the growth nature of the coating from columnar to layer-by-layer one.Представлені результати дослідження структури плівок залізо-нікелевого сплаву, отримані на імпульсному уніполярному струмі з розчину електроліту. Показано, що в умовах нестаціонарної електрокристалізації на катоді протікають процеси, які призводять до формування сильно нерівноважних структур і зміни характеру росту покриття зі стовбчастого на пошарове


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    В работе изложены возможность использования низкопотенциальной энергии земли, развитие низкопотенциальной энергетики в Европе и России.The paper describes the possibility of using low-potential energy of the earth, the development of low-potential energy in Europe and Russia

    Characterisation of native Dagestan grape cultivars using SSR-analysis and the main ampelographic features of the leaves

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    Local, ancient grape cultivars of different cultivation regions are important part of grapevine genetic resources. Dagestan is one of the oldest regions of viticulture in the Russian Federation. Some Dagestan aboriginal grape varieties are cultivated on an industrial scale, while others are found in single numbers. The study of the native gene pool is given special attention in all grapes producing countries of the world. Currently, the most informative method of plant genotypes analysis is the study at the DNA level. The main features of the leaves of grape varieties are a key ampelographical characteristic. We studied cultivars Agadai, Alyi terskyi, Bor kara, Buday shuli, Gok ala, Gok izyum, Mahbor cibil, Yai izyum beliy, Yai izyum rozovyi by using these approaches. DNA profiles of 9 local Dagestan grape cultivars were obtained on microsatellite loci VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VVS2, VrZAG62 and VrZAG79 using an automated genetic analyzer ABI Prism 3130. The SSR-markers are recommended as the main for Vitis vinifera L. genotyping. The cultivars analyzed have different sets of allele combination by the loci studied. Evaluation of the genetic similarity of cultivars according to the results of microsatellite analysis showed that the genotypes of Mahbоr cibil and Aliy terskiy are closer to the Western European gene pool of V. vinifera L. than any other native varieties in the sample studied. In addition, the grapevine cultivars studied were described for the main features of the formed leaves according to the method of the international organization of vine and wine. The similarity of cultivars Gok Ala and Agadai was shown by the results of analysis of the leaves characteristics and according to SSR-profiling

    Autochthonous Georgian and Dagestan grapevine varieties on the collection in the Rostov region

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    The purpose of the research was to study 8 Georgian and 3 Dagestan technical autochthonous grapevine varieties and identify the most productive and promising ones for high-quality winemaking in the Rostov region. The research was conducted in 2016-2019 at Don ampelographic collection named after Ya.I. Potapenko (Novocherkassk, Russia) according to generally accepted methods and state Standards in viticulture. Don autochthonous varieties Sibirkovyij and Krasnostop zolotovskij were used as controls. The soil - ordinary Chernozem carbonate. All the studied varieties had a high percentage of bud break (from 69.3% in Hotsa tsibil to 81.2% in Mahbor tsibil). The fruiting coefficient of 1.0 or more was observed in 6 varieties. The average weight of a bunch varied from 74 g (Mudzhuretuli) to 459 g (Adreuli shavi). The estimated yield was very high for the varieties – Adreuli shavi and Nakutvneuli, high – Goruli mtsvane, Hotsa tsibil, medium – Latsu kere, Grdzelmtevana, Grubela, Amlakhu, Sibirkovyij, Vernakhi and Krasnostop zolotovskij. Grapevine varieties – Goruli mtsvane, Grdzelmtevana, Grubela, Latsu kere, Hotsa tsibil, Nakutvneuli were selected as prospective due to agronomic traits and high quality of wine. These varieties are also recommended to be used in breeding for creating varieties with high technological properties for high-quality winemaking