37 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de Paté de lapa, Patella spp. com adição de medronho, Arbutus unedo

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    Limpets Patella are gastropods molluscs with an increasing use in human food, being a popular food too much appreciated in several coastal regions of Portugal. According to the chain of seafood, the consumption of fishery products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, has replaced the products of terrestrial animals through the filleted products, restructured products and precooked products. Food oxidation is the most important cause in the deterioration of nutritional and sensory quality of fish products. So, in recent years, there has been an increasing utilization of natural antioxidants of vegetable origin (fruits and vegetables) in substitution of the synthetic antioxidants in the preparation of restructured products of animal origin (burgers, sausages and pâtés). In addition to this antioxidant effect, there is a beneficial relationship between the consumption of fruit and vegetable rich in phenolic compounds in the prevention of certain diseases. So, this project intends to produce and characterize physical-chemical properties, sensorial analysis and microbiological analysis in one pâté elaborate with limpets and with addition of arbutus wild fruit, as well as valorisation of these raw materials to providing the nutritional/functional and economic value to the development of an innovative product (pâté). Furthermore, we evaluated the oxidative stability of pâté in refrigeration for 90 days and its acceptability. Thus, we produced three types of innovative pâtés: I) Patella spp. pâté with BHT (PCON), II) Patella spp. pâté with 3% of the Arbutus unedo (PAU3) and III) Patella spp. pâté with 6% of the Arbutus unedo (PAU6). The results of the evaluation of oxidative stability (PAU6>PAU3>PCON) confirm the high performance of the Arbutus unedo extract rich in phenolic compounds as effective inhibitor in lipid oxidation of the Patella spp. pâté and with good sensory acceptability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Compostos fenólicos totais de extratos de Fucus vesiculosus e Gracilaria sp.: potencial aplicação a embalagens alimentares

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    Os compostos fenólicos encontram-se presentes na grande maioria do mundo vegetal, fazendo parte do metabolismo secundário das plantas e contribuindo para a defesa destas contra a radiação ou organismos patogénicos, parasitas e predadores. Encontrando-se distribuídos por todas as frações das plantas, estes compostos são ainda responsáveis pela coloração e propriedades organoléticas das mesmas. São os compostos fenólicos os grandes responsáveis pela bioactividade das plantas, como a capacidade antioxidante e antimicrobiana. Em particular, os florotaninos, são os compostos fenólicos mais presentes em espécies de algas marinhas, em especial nas algas castanhas. As embalagens alimentares representam um grave problema ambiental, uma vez que, são na sua maioria, produzidas através de produtos de fontes não renováveis e não biodegradáveis. Para tentar combater este problema, a indústria alimentar em conjunto com a comunidade cientifica tem procurado materiais mais sustentáveis e amigos do meio ambiente para este tipo de produtos. Aliada a esta procura está também a substituição de antioxidantes sintéticos por antioxidantes naturais, igualmente poderosos. Estes podem ser extraídos sob a forma de óleos essenciais e extratos naturais através de plantas aromáticas, especiarias, algas, frutos, entre outros. Estas substâncias bioativas podem ser incorporadas em embalagens alimentares ativas antioxidantes que, interagem intencionalmente com o alimento embalado, libertando para o mesmo compostos bioativos capazes de retardar ou inibir a oxidação dos mesmos, aumentando assim o seu tempo de vida útil. A Gracilaria sp é uma alga vermelha (Rhodophyta) muito utilizada na produção de agar, enquanto que a Fucus vesiculosus é uma alga castanha que cresce abundantemente nas zonas frias e temperadas do Oceano Atlântico. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar o total de florotaninos presentes em cinco extratos hidro-etanólicos das duas espécies e avaliar a sua potencial aplicação a embalagens alimentares.Financiado pelo projeto de investigação “i.FILM- Multifunctional Films for Intelligent and Active Applications” (nº 17921), cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização no âmbito do Programa “Portugal 2020” (Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT), Aviso nº 33/SI/2015, Projetos em Co-Promoção).N/

    Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert improves growth of adventitious roots and acclimatization of in vitro regenerated plantlets of Pinus pinea L.

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    Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is an economically important forest tree in the Mediterranean region and has been the target of breeding and selection through micropropagation mainly for its ecological and ornamental aspects. A crucial step in micropropagation is adventitious rooting of microshoots, which often is highly inefficient in most conifer species including stone pine. Hence, we conducted in vitro co-culture of Pinus pinea microshoots with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus arhizus (isolated from natural stands) in order to promote adventitious root growth and plant survival during acclimatization. Significant differences were found in the number of branches, in the number of roots plus branches, in total length of roots, in total length of roots plus branches, in average root length and in the length of the longest root in inoculated plants during in vitro rooting compared with non-inoculated plants. The roots of inoculated plants also grew better in vermiculite and during acclimatization in a mixed substrate compared with roots of control plants resulting in the development of vigorous root system. Overall, mycorrhizal inoculation increased the survival rate of the regenerated pine

    O-coumaric acid ester, a potential early signaling molecule in Pinus pinea and Pisolithus arhizus symbiosis established in vitro

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    During ectomycorrhizal (ECM) establishment, biochemical signals lead to the development of complex structures in both the plant and the fungus that ultimately result in the formation of an ectomycorrhiza. The cross-talk between partners begins before physical contact. Our objective was to investigate the chemical nature of the signals during the first stages of in vitro mycorrhization of Pinus pinea with Pisolithus arhizus. For this purpose a double-phase solid liquid medium was expressly developed for the co-culture in order to simplify the extraction and further molecules analysis. O-coumaric acid ester was identified using HPLC UV and LC DAD MS on the second day of co-culture and its presence was detected for up to 10 days. These results contribute to the characterization of biochemical signals during pre-colonization involving conifer species and an ECM fungus, and demonstrate the suitability of the double-phase medium developed for the growth of both organisms and for the analysis of released chemical mediators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reproduction of the blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus, in western Portugal: microscopic gonad analysis reveals indeterminate fecundity and skipped spawning patterns

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    Blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus, is the fifth most landed fish species in mainland Portugal, but information on its reproductive biology is scarce. From September 2018 to August 2019, 626 specimens were collected from commercial vessels to clarify the reproductive strategy of the T. picturatus population off the west coast of Portugal. The proportion and length range of males and females were similar. Only three of the specimens collected were categorized as immature, indicating that the fish caught in the fishery are primarily mature. The spawning season lasted from late January until the end of March, with gonadosomatic indices being similar for males and females. Fecundity was indeterminate, and estimated batch fecundity ranged between 6,798 (at 25.4 cm TL) and 302,358 oocytes (at 33.8 cm TL). The low number of females showing direct evidence of imminent or recent spawning suggests a low number of spawning events. In addition, 12.7% of females were considered non-reproductive due to ovary abnormalities including parasitic infection by Kudoa species, atretic structures and skipped spawning events. This study highlights the importance of accounting for skipped spawning events and ovary abnormalities in the management of species fisheries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Poultry shelf-life enhancing potential of nanofibers and nanoparticles containing Porphyra dioica extracts

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    Aqueous extracts of commercially available red macroalgae Porphyra dioica were integrated as inner coatings of food-grade polypropylene (PP) films through use of electrospinning and electrospraying technologies. Two coating formulations (A = 5 wt% P. dioica extract and 7.5 wt% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA); B = 1 wt% P. dioica extract, 1 wt% PVA, and 17% gelatine) were evaluated as to their capacity to delay spoilage of minced chicken breasts, through monitoring of microbial growth (total mesophile aerobic colony counts), colour stability, lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)), and sensory analysis over a 4-day refrigerated storage. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging revealed an increased nanofiber and nanoparticle density on extract-enriched fibers, without compromise to their morphology or the homogeneity of the coatings. Total microbial counts on coating B samples was significantly (p < 0.001) reduced compared to uncoated plastic wraps. The coated samples also exhibited fewer colour degradation, though the coatings did not di er substantially from uncoated plastic wrap. Sensory analysis test subjects successfully distinguished the raw samples based on their treatment and gave a positive approval rating (66.7%) to the extract-enriched coatings when asked about edibility post storage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Skin Wine Pomace and Sulfite on Protein Oxidation in Beef Patties During High Oxygen Atmosphere Storage

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    Meat storage in high oxygen atmosphere has been reported to induce protein oxidation reactions decreasing meat quality. The incorporation of antioxidants has been proposed to reduce the extent of these reactions. In this study, the ability of red and white skin wine pomaces as well as sulfites to inhibit protein oxidation were tested in beef patties stored for up to 15 days at 4 °C in a high oxygen atmosphere (70 % O2 and 30 % CO2). SO2 (300 ppm) effectively protected against protein oxidation measured as radical formation by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, as thiol loss by the DTNB assay and as myosin heavy chain (MHC) disulfide crosslinking by SDS-PAGE. Pomace from red wine production with a total phenol of 9.9 mg gallic acid equivalent/g protected against protein radical formation and against MHC crosslinking, but not against thiol loss by addition of 2.0 % (w/w) to the beef patties. Pomace from white wine production with a total phenol of 4.0 mg gallic acid equivalent/g only protected against MHC cross-linking. For both types of wine pomace, protein modifications not seen for sulfite addition were observed and were proposed to involve covalent phenol addition to proteins. Red wine pomace may be an alternative to sulfite as a meat additive for protection of beef patties against protein oxidation.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León through the research projects (BU268A11-2 and BU282U13) and the Danish Council for Independent Research |Technology and Production within the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation for granting the project entitled: BAntioxidant mechanisms of natural phenolic compounds against protein cross-link formation in meat and meat systems^ (11-117033)

    Random Access NDMA MAC Protocols for Satellite Networks

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    Fucus vesiculosus extract application in active food packaging

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    Fucus vesiculosus L.: Brown seaweed; High iodine content; Potential antioxidant activity.N/