153 research outputs found

    Sex Disparity in Food Allergy: Evidence from the PubMed Database

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    Food allergies are potentially fatal immune-mediated disorders that are growing globally. The relationship between sex and food allergy remains incompletely understood. Here we tested the hypothesis that, should sex influence the clinical response to food allergens, this would be reflected by a sex disparity in published studies of food allergy. We performed a systematic search of the PubMed literature for IgE-mediated allergy to 11 allergenic foods of international regulatory importance. No date restriction was used and only articles in English were considered. Of the 4744 articles retrieved, 591 met the inclusion criteria representing 17528 subjects with food allergies. Whereas among children with food allergies, 64.35% were males and 35.65% were females (male/female ratio, 1.80), among adults 34.82% were males and 65.18% were females (male/female ratio, 0.53). Consequently, these data argue that there is need for further investigation to define the role of sex in the pathogenesis of food allergy

    Financial pyramids as the risk of economic security of modern youth

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    В статье рассматриваются причины и последствия развития пирамид в молодѐжной среде. Авторами рассмотрены основные признаки финансовых пирамид как специфической разновидности инвестиционных проектов. Раскрыты причины популярности финансовых пирамид в среде молодѐжи, а также указаны факторы роста востребованности финансовых продуктов на рынке. Выявлена основная целевая аудитория компаний, отмечены специфические черты молодѐжи с активной жизненной позицией, склонность к риску которых выражается в участии в финансовых авантюрах. Авторами проведѐн контент анализ источников, который показал недостаточное внимание СМИ к проблеме развитие данных пирамидальных структур. Представлены факты, свидетельствующие о демотивации молодѐжи в отношении борьбы с пирамидами как социальной болезнью. Авторы отмечают, что сущность финансовых пирамид заключается не только в возможности непосредственного заработка без использования специальных навыков и компетенций, но и в социальной природе данных организаций. Формирование коммуникационных сетей и совместного проведения досуга является удовлетворением базовой социальной потребности, которая в условиях повышения виртуализации общения депривируется и переходит в формат «хронического» одиночества. Манипулирование желаниями и потребностями молодѐжи в рамках финансовых пирамид отмечено как детально проработанное и требующее развития превентивных мер борьбы с ними. Проблема коррекции ситуации заключена в параллельном совершенствовании нормативной, регулирующей и организационной компоненты с целью замещения увлечения высоко рисковыми финансовыми операциями практически полезной деятельностью. Информирование о возможных рисках для молодѐжи по мнению авторов должно быть реализовано в рамках образовательных программ в средней и высшей школе, как способ сокращения возможной целевой аудитории финансовых мошенников.The article examines the causes and consequences of the pyramids‘ development in the youth environment. The authors consider the basic features of financial pyramids as a specific variety of investment projects. The reasons of the popularity of financial pyramids in the youth environment was revealed, as well as growth factors of demand of financial products on the market was indicated. The basic target group for companies, that is marked by specific features of young people with an active lifestyle, risk appetite, which is reflected in the participation in financial ventures, was indicated. The authors conducted content analysis of the sources, which showed a lack of media attention to the issue of development of the pyramidal structures. Evidences of demotivation of young people in the fight against the pyramids as a social disease are presented. The authors note that the essence of the pyramid is not only the possibility of direct earnings without special skills and competencies, but also in the social nature of these organizations. Formation of communication networks and sharing of leisure activities is satisfaction of basic social needs, which in conditions of increasing virtualization of communication is suppressed and passes in the format of "chronic" loneliness. Manipulation of the desires and needs of youth within the framework of financial pyramids is marked as detailed and requires the development of preventive measures to combat them. The solution of the problem should be considered as a parallel improvement of normative, regulatory and institutional components for replacement the highly risky financial transactions by the practically useful activity. Informing about the possible risks for young people according to the authors should be implemented within the framework of educational programs in secondary and higher education, as a way to reduce the possible target audience of financial scams

    Primary prophylaxis of cervical cancer The impediments in the implementation of the vaccination with Cervarix in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Ginecologie și Obstetrică USMF„Nicolae Testemiţanu”Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer among women all over the world. The primary underlying cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with human papillomavirus. Cervarix is a vaccine designed to prevent infection from papillomaviruses types 16 and 18, that cause about 70% of cervical cancer cases. The aim of our study was to evaluate the implementation of the vaccination with Cervarix in the Republic of Moldova. The study included 331 women at a mean age of 26 +/- 0,7 years. It was established that the vaccination with Cervarix is at a very low level due to the high cost of this procedure and the absence of a national health programme. Cancerul de col uterin reprezintă una din cauzele principale de îmbolnavire cu cancer printre femei. Cauza principală a cancerului cervical este infecția persistentă cu papilomavirus. Cervarix este un vaccin creat pentru a preveni infecția cu tipurile 16 și 18 de papilomavirus, care cauzează circa 70% din toate cazurile de cancer cervical. Scopul studiului este de a evalua implementarea vaccinării cu Cervarix pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Studiul a inclus un număr de 331 de femei cu vîrsta medie de 26 +/- 0,7 ani. S-a stabilit că vaccinarea cu Cervarix este la un nivel foarte scăzut, acesta fiind cauzat de costul înalt al acestei procedure de vaccinare și de lipsa unui program național

    Big data and data mining methods in the tourism industry in the Czech republic

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    This paper was created with the subsidy of the project SGS-2021-022 Financial (stock) markets, modeling and prediction of behavior carried out with the support of the University of West Bohemia.The increasing volume of data is also becoming a new challenge for the tourism industry and research. Research on the use of big data in tourism and its analysis using advanced analytical methods such as data mining, machine learning, or artificial intelligence is gaining importance worldwide. This paper aims to analyze the current research in the field of big data in tourism and tourism data processing, especially using data mining and machine learning methods, in the Czech Republic. Another aim is to compare the level of knowledge in this area in the Czech Republic and the world. The research is based on analyzing found articles dealing with this topic. These articles were analyzed in terms of the type and source of data, the analytical methods used, and the focus of the research. The results showed a slight increase in research on big data or data mining methods in tourism in the Czech Republic in recent years, but this topic is still neglected compared to the rest of the world. Researchers mostly use user-generated data, such as online hotel reviews, for sentiment analysis, fake review detection, or for classifying positive and negative reviews. A significant gap in the current research is that only a few researchers deal directly with applications in the Czech tourism environment

    The impact of artificial intelligence in the finance sector and its chances

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    This contribution was made within the project SGS-2021-022 Financial (stock) markets, modeling and prediction of behavior, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.Since Artificial Intelligence has entered almost all parts of the industry, the finance sector is highly influenced by Big data and Artificial Intelligence. For the article, the following research question has been formulated: “What are the key success factors to implement AI for the finance industry?” The aim of this paper is to research the factors for success to implement AI in the finance industry, how the key success factors have developed so far and which limitations can be expected. Those companies that regularly invest in Artificial Intelligence will likely have competitive advantages compared to their contestants. One significant impact of Artificial Intelligence is the topic of cost reduction and also the optimization of processes. To maximize their profitability, banks rely on the optimization of their capital. Artificial Intelligence algorithms can be applied to handle large quantities of data to increase mathematical calculations ́ efficiency, accuracy, and speed. Banks also use AI algorithms for back-testing to assess the overall risk models. Regarding credit scoring, historically, most financial institutions based their credit ratings on the lender’s payment history. Increasingly, banks are looking towards additional data sources, including mobile phone activity and social media usage, to capture a more accurate creditworthiness assessment and improve loan profitability. Many developments might impact the future adoption of a broad range of AI and machine learning financial applications. This includes a growing number of data repositories, data quality, increasing processing power, but also new regulations and laws

    Changes in predator exposure, but not diet induce phenotypic plasticity in scorpion venom

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    Animals embedded between trophic levels must simultaneously balance pressures to deter predators and acquire resources. Venomous animals may use venom toxins to mediate both pressures, and thus changes in this balance may alter the composition of venoms. Basic theory suggests that greater exposure to a predator should induce a larger proportion of defensive venom components relative to offensive venom components, while increases in arms races with prey will elicit the reverse. Alternatively, reducing the need for venom expenditure for food acquisition, for example due to an increase in scavenging, may reduce the production of offensive venom components. Here, we investigated changes in scorpion venom composition using a mesocosm experiment where we manipulated scorpions’ exposure to a surrogate vertebrate predator and live and dead prey. After six weeks, scorpions exposed to surrogate predators exhibited significantly different venom chemistry compared to naïve scorpions. This change included a relative increase in some compounds toxic to vertebrate cells, and a relative decrease in some compounds effective against their invertebrate prey. Our findings provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence for adaptive plasticity in venom composition. These changes in venom composition may increase the stability of food webs involving venomous animals

    Oleosines in sesame allergy

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    The role of nutrition on physical development in infants and small children

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    Departamentul Pediatrie, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu” IMSP SCMC ,,Serghei Lazo”Within the last years artificial nutrition has a particular attention in pediatric population. The work present 30 children on breastfeeding and 31 children fed with milk powder formula. We determined the type of feeding, nutrition errors, and evaluation of anthropometric indices of these children. Efficiency of breastfeeding was showed by adequate value of ponderal index and by prevalence of children with paratrophy in infants on artificial feeding. According to our research we can conclude the importance of breastfeeding of infants. Necesitatea şi importanţa alimentaţiei artificiale a fost mult discutată în ultimii ani de către medicii pediatri. Studiu prezintă evaluarea a 30 copii alimentaţi natural şi 31 copii alimentaţi artificial cu formule lactate adaptate. Eficienţa alimentaţiei naturale a fost demonstrată prin aprecierea valorilor adecvate ale indicelui ponderal, dar şi prin prevalarea copiilor cu paratrofie în grupul celor alimentaţi artificial. Conform rezultatelor studiului nostru putem concluziona asupra necesităţii şi importanţei alimentaţiei naturale a copiilor în primul an de viaţă

    Employer branding: exploring attractiveness dimensions in a multicultural context

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    Attracting and retaining talented employees and gaining competitive advantage are important for organizations around the world. This study identifies and operationalizes the components of employer attractiveness from the perspective of potential employees. The study tests the employer attractiveness scale (EmpAt) by identifying the attractiveness dimensions of an employer brand among business students in the Czech Republic through exploratory factor analysis. We also search for similarities and differences among employer attractiveness dimensions through a cross-cultural comparison based on the results of previous studies. Businesses in today’s globalised world need to attract potential employees globally and determine whether it would be better to use one corporate strategy or to customize their employer brand according to the cultural differences between countries. National, cultural, and gender differences are also investigated. The findings show factors that business students give the highest importance to when searching for an employer and that the factor’s importance is influenced by gender. The findings of this study can be used to track the perceptions of current job applicants about the company and to appeal to “suitable target audiences” – potential employees. The results can be used by HR experts and practitioners in formulating and executing their communication and recruitment strategies. First published online 10 April 201

    Efectele cardiovasculare ale insulinei

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    Actualmente este recunoscut faptul că semnalizarea prin receptorii insulinici endoteliali stimulează producerea de oxid nitric, endotelină şi de alte substanţe vasoactive. Căile de semnalizare insulinică legate de producerea oxidului nitric în celulele endoteliale posedă asemănări surprinzătoare cu cele implicate în reglarea transportului de glucoză în ţesutul adipos. Studii recente in vivo şi in vitro susţin ipoteza că reglarea circulaţiei sangvine şi reglarea metabolismului glucozei sunt legate între ele. Conexiunea dintre homeostazia hemodinamică şi cea metabolică ar asigura o explicaţie a asocierilor dintre hipertensiune şi stările insulinorezistente, cum ar fi obezitatea şi diabetul zaharat de tipul II