6 research outputs found

    OH reactivity in urban and suburban regions in Seoul, South Korea – an East Asian megacity in a rapid transition

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    South Korea has recently achieved developed country status with the second largest megacity in the world, the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). This study provides insights into future changes in air quality for rapidly emerging megacities in the East Asian region. We present total OH reactivity observations in the SMA conducted at an urban Seoul site (May-June, 2015) and a suburban forest site (Sep, 2015). The total OH reactivity in an urban site during the daytime was observed at similar levels (∼15 s(-1)) to those previously reported from other East Asian megacity studies. Trace gas observations indicate that OH reactivity is largely accounted for by NOX (∼50%) followed by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (∼35%). Isoprene accounts for a substantial fraction of OH reactivity among the comprehensive VOC observational dataset (25-47%). In general, observed total OH reactivity can be accounted for by the observed trace gas dataset. However, observed total OH reactivity in the suburban forest area cannot be largely accounted for (∼70%) by the trace gas measurements. The importance of biogenic VOC (BVOCs) emissions and oxidations used to evaluate the impacts of East Asian megacity outflows for the regional air quality and climate contexts are highlighted in this study

    Development of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with timed ablation to improve detection efficiency

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    <p>A laser-induced breakdown spectrometer (LIBS) was developed for determining the elemental composition of individual airborne particles. The system employs two lasers focused on a narrow beam of particles. A continuous wave laser placed upstream scatters light from particles, while a pulse laser downstream ablates the particles. The scattered light from the upstream laser is used to trigger the downstream pulse laser, resulting in more accurate hitting of the particles than a free-firing laser system without the triggering signal (i.e., constant pulse laser firing). Various laboratory-generated aerosols (NaCl, MgCl<sub>2</sub>, KCl, and CaCl<sub>2</sub>) were used to evaluate the newly developed LIBS system. Particles were tightly focused into a center line with a sheath air focusing system using an optimum aerosol-to-sheath air velocity ratio. The locations of both the scattering laser and pulse laser beams were precisely controlled by a motorized X-Y stage controller. Data showed that for the LIBS with the triggering system, the hitting efficiency (%) of particles (200–600 nm) significantly increased (e.g., 350 nm particles had more than 26 times higher hitting efficiency at 1,000 particles/cm<sup>3</sup>), and much lower limits of particle size (∼200 nm) and number concentration (<100 particles/cm<sup>3</sup>) were achieved compared to the free-firing laser condition. Additionally, the hitting rate (hits/min) significantly increased with the triggering system. Our results suggest that the LIBS with the triggering system can be useful for real-time detection of elements of particles existing at low number concentrations (e.g., atmospheric particles) and for the determination of the variation of elemental composition among particles.</p> <p>© 2017 American Association for Aerosol Research</p