20 research outputs found

    Safflower seeds in the diet of feedlot lambs improved fat carcass, colour, and fatty acid profile of the meat

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate intake, performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs fed finishing diets containing 0%, 7.5% and 15% safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius) as a replacement for corn and soybean meal. Thirty-six male lambs with mean bodyweight of 17.9 ± 1.8 kg were randomly assigned to one of three treatments: C0: no safflower seeds, C7.5: 7.5%safflower seeds in diet (DM basis), and C15: 15% safflower seeds in diet (DM basis). The lambs were fed in pens of two and thus there were six replicates per treatment. Performance and carcass characteristics were not affected by including safflower seeds in their diet. Animals fed 7.5% safflower seeds had greater dry matter intake. There was a linear effect of increasing the redness (a*) of meat with the amount of safflower, where a mean of 15.77 was found for lambs that received the C15 diet. With increasing levels of safflower, the concentration of fatty acids C14:0, C17:0, and C22:1 increased. However, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, C18:2) was reduced in lambs fed C15. A concentration of 0.461 g/100 g meat was observed for animals that consumed C7.5. Thus, lambs fed a diet containing 7.5% safflower had the greatest dry matter intake, carcass fat, and concentration of conjugated linoleic acid in their meat, and enhanced meat colour.Key words: conjugated linoleic acid, human health, lipid supplementation, oilseed

    Níveis de proteína bruta para juvenis de pirarucu

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    The objective of this work was to verify the effect of four protein levels on pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, growth performance. One hundred and twenty pirarucu juveniles, with an average weight of 120.6±3.5 g, were stocked into 12 floating cages with 1 m3 (ten fish per cage), in a complete randomized design with four treatments (32.7%, 39.3%, 43.4% and 48.6% crude protein), in three replicates each. After 45 days, results showed that diet with highest protein level (48.6%) produced a better weight gain, specific growth rate, and differentiated body composition. Feed conversion and protein efficiency ratios did not show any differences among treatments. The dietary protein level required to produce maximum growth is 48.6%

    Salinomycin and virginiamycin for lactating cows supplemented on pasture

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    Animals on pasture generally show higher feed efficiency as a result of the use of antibiotics. This study evaluated the effect of the antimicrobials salinomycin and/or virginiamycin on production and the ruminal parameters of supplemented dairy cows grazing on Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Twelve Holstein/Zebu multiparous cows were used, distributed in three Latin squares, one for the evaluation of ruminal parameters, and the others for production parameters. Cows on pasture were fed 50 % of their estimated intake with corn silage and concentrate supplements containing salinomycin, virginiamycin or a combination of additives, in doses of 120 and 150 mg kg−1, respectively. There were no differences in milk production and composition, energy and nitrogen balance, dry matter digestibility and feeding behavior. However, salinomycin and virginiamycin each reduced pasture and total dry matter intake by about 14 % and 10 %, with a consequent improvement in feed efficiency

    Controle biológico de tricostrongilídeos (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) gastrintestinais de bovinos pelo fungo Monacrosporium sinense Biological control of gastrointestinal trichostrongylids (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) of cattle by pellets of Monacrosporium sinense

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    Avaliou-se a resistência do fungo nematófago Monacrosporium sinense (isolado SF 470) em passar pelo trato gastrintestinal de bovinos e testou-se sua capacidade predatória sobre larvas infectantes de tricostrongilídeos após a passagem. Cem gramas de péletes formulados em matriz de alginato de sódio do isolado fúngico de M. sinense foram administrados, por via oral (VO), a dois bezerros mestiços holandês&times;zebu de seis meses de idade. Para o controle utilizaram-se dois outros animais, de igual padrão, aos quais foram administrados 100g de péletes, VO, livre do isolado fúngico. Amostras fecais, coletadas nos tempos de 12h, 18h, 24h, 48h, 72h e 96h após os tratamentos, foram acondicionadas em placas de Petri e em coproculturas a 25ºC por 15 dias. Houve redução (PThis study aimed to evaluate the viability of the predatory fungi Monacrosporium sinense (SF 470 isolate) to prey infective trichostrongylids larvae of cattle after the test of passage through the gastrointestinal tract. One hundred grams of pellets with the isolate of M. sinense were orally administered to two six-month-old holstein&times;zebu crossbred calves. Two similar animals that orally received 100g of pellets without the fungal isolate were used as control. Fecal samples collected at 12, 18, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after the treatments were allocated in Petri dishes and in fecal cultures and incubated for 15 days at 25ºC. There was significant reduction (P<0.05) of the average number of infective larvae of Cooperia spp. and Haemonchus spp. in the animals treated with the fungus when compared to the control calves. At the end of the experiment, the differences were 69.9% in the Petri dishes and 61.3% in the fecal cultures. The fungi M. sinense was effective in the control of infective gastrointestinal trichostrongylids larvae of cattle in laboratory conditions

    Desempenho e parâmetros sanguíneos de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com grão de soja

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of inclusion of crude whole soy bean in feeding of dairy cows in early lactation and its effects on dry matter intake, milk yield and composition and blood parameters. A total of 12 Holstein cows, grouped in three Latin square contemporary balanced 4 x 4, fed with the following diets: C (control without soybean; G8, G16 and G24 with 8, 16 and 24% of crude whole soybean in dry matter. The dry matter intake and milk yield were lower for animals fed diet G24; crude protein, fat and lactose contents were not influenced. There was no effect on of blood parameters concentrations except for total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de inclusão de grão de soja cru e integral na alimentação de vacas leiteiras em início de lactação e seus efeitos sobre o consumo de matéria seca, produção e composição do leite e os parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa, agrupadas em três quadrados latinos balanceados e contemporâneos 4 x 4, alimentadas com as seguintes rações: C (controle, sem a inclusão de grão de soja); G8, G16 e G24 com 8,0, 16,0 e 24% de grão de soja cru e integral na ração, na matéria seca. O consu- mo de matéria seca, produção de leite e proteína foram menores para os animais submetidos á dieta G24, no entanto os teores de proteína, gordura e lactose não foram influenciados. Não houve efeito das rações fornecidas para as vacas sobre as concentrações dos parâmetros sanguíneos analisados, exceto para as variáveis colesterol total e colesterol-HDL

    Grão de soja cru e inteiro na alimentação de bovinos: Excreção de grão de soja nas fezes

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    Our objective was to evaluate the effects of increasing doses of whole raw soybeans (WRS) in beef steer and dairy cow (high and medium milk yield) diets on dry matter intake (DMI), nutrient total apparent digestibility, excretion and composition of soybeans particles on feces. Three trials were performed into replicated 4x4 Latin square design, with 14 d of adaptation and 4 d of sampling. Trials were composed by the follow animal categories: 1) 12 Nellore steers, with average live weight of 420 ± 28.5 kg, and 24 ± 3.5 months age; 2) 12 Holstein cows, with average body weight of 580 ± 23.5 kg, 90 ± 14.6 DIM and 30 ± 2.7 kg/d of milk yield; 3) 16 Holstein cows, with average body weight of 580 ± kg, 228 ± DIM and 23 ± kg/d of milk yield;. The experimental diets in the trials 1 and 3 were: G0) diet without WRS; G8) inclusion of 8 % of WRS on diet DM basis; G16) inclusion of 16 % of WRS on diet DM basis; and G24) inclusion of 24 % of WRS on diet DM basis. In the trial 2 were use diets containing 0, 9, 18 and 27 % of WRS inclusion on diet DM basis (G0, G9, G18 and G27, respectively). The WRS inclusion decreased (p0.05) by increasing doses of WRS in diets. Average body weight gain of Nellore steers and fat corrected milk of Holstein cows were not altered (p>0.05) by WRS diet inclusion. Whole raw soybeans intake and excretion of soybeans particles increased linearly (p0.05) by treatments, regardless of the dietary WRS. According to the studies, increasing levels of whole raw soybean may be added to cattle diets without decrease in nutrient utilization and impair animal performance.O objetivo desse estudo foi de avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de níveis crescentes de grão de soja cru inteiro (GS) em dietas de bovinos de corte e de vacas leiteiras de alta e média produção sobre o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes, excreção e composição do grão de soja nas fezes. Para esse estudo foram realizados três ensaios em delineamento experimental de quadrado Latino 4 × 4, com 14 dias de adaptação e 4 dias de coleta de amostras. Os ensaios utilizaram as seguintes categorias animal: 1) 12 novilhos Nelore castrados (420 ± 28,5 kg de peso vivo, 24 ± 3,5 meses) agrupados em três quadrados latinos; 2) 12 vacas Holandesas (580 ± 23,5kg de peso vivo, 90 ± 14,6 DEL e 30 ± 2,7 kg/d de produção de leite); e 3) 16 vacas Holandesas (558 ± 43,8 kg de peso vivo, 228 ± 43,8 DEL, e 23 ± 4,6 kg/d de produção de leite). As dietas experimentais nos ensaios 1 e 2 apresentavam 0, 8, 16 e 24 % de inclusão de GS na dieta (com base na MS). O ensaio 3 apresentou dietas com inclusão de GS na MS da dieta de 0, 9, 18 e 27 % (G0, G9, G18 e G27, respectivamente). A inclusão de GS diminuiu (p0,05) pela inclusão de altos níveis de GS. O ganho médio diário dos novilhos Nelore e a produção de leite corrigida para 3,5 % de gordura (PLC) das vacas não foram influenciados (p>0,05) pela adição de GS nas dietas. O consumo e a excreção de GS aumentaram linearmente (p0,05), independente da concentração de GS na dieta. De acordo com os estudos avaliados, níveis crescentes de grão de soja cru e inteiro podem ser utilizados na dieta de bovinos sem que ocorra mal aproveitamento nutricional do grão de soja e prejuízos a produção do animal

    Desempenho e perfil plasmático de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com grão de soja integral ou moído

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different forms of use of processed or full whole raw soybean in different ground of screens and their effects on dry matter intake, milk yield and composition and blood parameters. Twelve Holstein cows were grouped in three balanced 4x4 Latin squares and fed the following diets: 1) control (C), 2) whole raw soybean (GI), 3) ground soybean 2mm (G2) and 4) ground soybean 4 mm (G4). A reduction in dry matter intake in cows fed diets containing whole raw soybean or ground in relation to the control diet. The parameters of production and milk composition were not affected by the experimental diets. There was no effect of diets for cows on concentrations of blood parameters, glucose, urea, blood urea nitrogen (NUS), total protein, albumin and hepatic enzymes aminotranferase aspartate (AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) except for total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. The processing of whole raw soybean did not affect the performance and plasma profile of midlactation dairy cows.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes formas de utilização de grão de soja integral e moído em diferentes peneiras e seus efeitos sobre o consumo de matéria seca, produção e composição do leite e os parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa, agrupadas em três quadrados latinos balanceados 4x4, alimentadas com as seguintes rações: 1) controle (C); 2) grão de soja integral (GI); 3) grão de soja moído 2 mm (G2), e 4) grão de soja moído 4 mm (G4). Houve redução no consumo de matéria seca em vacas suplementadas com as rações contendo grão de soja integral ou moído em relação à ração controle. Os parâmetros de produção e composição do leite, não foram influenciados pelas dietas experimentais. Não houve efeito das dietas fornecidas para as vacas sobre as concentrações dos parâmetros sanguí- neos, glicose, ureia, nitrogênio ureico no soro (NUS), proteína total, albumina e as enzimas hepaticas aspartato aminotranferase (AST) e gama glutamil transferase (GGT) exceto para colesterol total e colesterol-HDL. O processamento do grão de soja cru não alterou o desempenho produtivo e o perfil plasmático de vacas leiteiras no terço médio de lactação

    Productive performance of simmental dairy cows supplemented with ricinoleic acid from castor oil

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and blood parameters of Simmental dairy cows, supplemented with 2 g/day of ricinoleic acid (RA) in diet. Forty Simmental dairy cows in mid lactation, individually housed in stable type tie- stall, were used. The animals were randomly assigned to two treatments: 0 or 2 g of RA/animal/ day. The experimental period consisted of 42 days divided into two 21-day. It was observed reduction in dry matter intake (DMI), increased milk, fat and FCM (fat corrected milk) yield, as well as increased of fat content of milk in cows that received RA in diets. No effects were observed for red and white blood cells and blood metabolites. Supplementation of RA improves performance of dairy cows in mid lactation.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho e os parâmetros sanguíneos de vacas leiteiras simental suplementadas com 2 g/ dia de ácido ricinoleico (AR) na dieta. Foram usadas 40 vacas leiteiras da raça Simental no meio da lactação, alojados individualmente em tie-stall. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos: 0 ou 2 g de RA / animal / dia, fornecido via concentrados. O período experimental consistiu de 42 dias, divididos em dois períodos de 21 dias. Foi observada a redução no consumo de matéria seca (CMS), aumento da produção de leite, gordu- ra e produção corrigida 3,5 %, bem como um aumento do teor de gordura do leite em vacas que receberam AR na dietas. Nenhum efeito foi obser- vado para os glóbulos vermelhos e brancos e metabólitos no sangue. Suplementação de AR melhorou o desempenho de vacas leiteiras no terço médio de lactação