220 research outputs found

    Results of simulations of atmosphere-lake interactions using numerical model

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    Lakes influence the regional atmosphere through modifying thermodynamic characteristics. This study examines the effects of the Baikal lake on meteorological parameters in summertime using the numerical model. Diurnal variations in the lakes’ impact on the atmosphere are found through changing the surface energy budget, which includes changes in sensible and latent heat fluxes. The changes in heat fluxes cause relatively lower surface temperature which leads to a shallow boundary layer over the lake surfaces. Greater heat capacity in water bodies compared to grasslands causes slower heating and cooling rates in the lakes. The amplitude of air temperature over the lake surfaces is smaller than that over the grasslands. Lakes promote diverging winds near the ground, furthermore, tend to stabilize the overlying atmosphere in the summertime

    Transcending Human Rights Instrumentalism

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    Whether human rights treaties produce an impact on the ground is a highly contested question in international law. I engage in this debate in the present thesis offering a qualitative study of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Australia and Mongolia. The scholarship commonly understands human rights treaties in legalistic terms. Treaty outcomes are measured on the basis of the direct effects of their norms. State ratification and incorporation of treaty norms in domestic legal orders are perceived as the principal ways whereby human rights treaties penetrate into and transform domestic contexts. A common prescription for better treaty implementation is to increase their coercive enforcement. I call this view human rights instrumentalism and, in this thesis, argue that it offers a limited understanding of the role that the treaties play in national arenas. The thesis illustrates that, in the years following the adoption of the Disabilities Convention in 2006, vibrant legal and policy developments have taken place in the two countries studied. Those laws and policies have typically embraced the international law. Yet, when tracing their lineage, the Convention’s effects are seen to be largely indirect to those domestic legal reforms. At the same time, the research identifies a significant non-legal impact of the Convention, which, regardless of the particular norms of the treaty or domestic incorporation thereof, profoundly affects the social fabric of Australia and Mongolia. The thesis argues that such an outcome emanates essentially from the symbolic or political power of the treaty, and describes the subtle ways in which the Disabilities Convention functions as a social symbol in the two domestic contexts

    Some Results and Evaluation of Training for the Development of Students’ Spatial Visualization

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    This article discusses the results and evaluation of a training course focused on developing spatial visualization using interactive dynamic tools. The course aims to effectively integrate technology with the Descriptive Geometry course by combining content, pedagogy, and technology while considering the course's characteristics. The training course consists of three phases: seeing, imagining, and drawing. Each phase has different tasks that involve manipulating 3D objects in a virtual environment, corresponding to the level of geometric thinking and cognitive steps of mental rotation. The results of the organized training showed a statistically significant increase in student's spatial skills, and the evaluation of students using the SURE (Structure-Oriented Evaluation) model was deemed sufficient

    Experience of Project-Based Learning for First-Year Engineering Students at GMIT

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    This study introduces the experience of a project-based learning (PBL) approach for first-year engineering students at German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), Mongolia. The engineering project course at GMIT is the first-ever PBL experience for engineering curriculum in Mongolia and adapted from the engineering program at the Technical University of Darmstadt and has been implemented since 2014. It is dedicated to preparing students for gaining both technical and soft skills through PBL from the beginning of their engineering education. The questionnaire surveys are taken regularly during the course period from students to improve the course quality. The current study presents the analysis of questionnaire surveys done in 2019 and discusses the benefits and challenges of the course. The responses by students revealed that the implementation of the course was beneficial in improving teamwork. Suggestions based on the PBL are given to improve the effectiveness of engineering education in Mongolia

    Implementation of Project-Based Learning for Freshmen in Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The engineering project course in the form of project-based learning at GMIT, Mongolia, is adapted from the engineering program at the Technical University of Darmstadt and has been implemented since 2014. The transition from traditional to online learning during COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the engineering education process. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the engineering project course is conducted online. The current study presents the analysis of questionnaire surveys done during COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pandemics and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of online learning

    Recomendaciones para mejorar el nivel de preparación para la industria 4.0 en Mongolia

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also called Industry 4.0, is characterized by the presence of cyber-physical systems that allow the hybridization of the physical world with the digital one. This process is deeply permeating all sectors of society, government organizations, the business sector and citizens. However, harnessing the advanced digital production technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution remains extremely concentrated in a few economies. In the case of Mongolia, the percentage of products manufactured by high-tech companies is very low, and the rate of adoption of this new paradigm is quite slow. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate at the macro level the preparation conditions that the Mongolian nation has to adopt Industry 4.0. In this article, studies that include dimensions of Mongolia's readiness for Industry 4.0 are analyzed, in particular the assessment provided by the GRAMI4.0 model, complemented with some additional specific indicators. Comparisons are made with other countries in the Asian region to establish the position of the country under study with respect to its neighbors. The results of the evaluation made it possible to outline a SWOT matrix and propose general recommendations with the intention of increasing the awareness of government institutions that are leading the electronic transition and industrialization processes, to favorably contribute to the adoption of Industry 4.0 in a more growth in the Mongolian economy.La Cuarta Revolución Industrial, también llamada Industria 4.0, se caracteriza por la presencia de sistemas ciberfísicos que permiten la hibridación del mundo físico con el digital. Este proceso está calando profundamente en todos los sectores de la sociedad, las organizaciones gubernamentales, el sector empresarial y los ciudadanos. Sin embargo, el aprovechamiento de las tecnologías digitales avanzadas de producción de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial sigue estando extremadamente concentrado en unas pocas economías. En el caso de Mongolia, el porciento de productos fabricados por empresas de alta tecnología es muy bajo, y el ritmo de adopción de este nuevo paradigma es bastante lento. Por eso se hace necesario evaluar a nivel macro las condiciones de preparación que tiene la nación mongola para adoptar la Industria 4.0. En este artículo se analizan estudios que incluyen dimensiones de alistamiento de Mongolia para la Industria 4.0, en particular la evaluación proporcionada por el modelo GRAMI4.0, complementado con algunos indicadores específicos adicionales. Se hacen comparaciones con otros países de la región asiática para establecer la posición que ocupa el país objeto de estudio respecto a sus vecinos. Los resultados de la evaluación permitieron esbozar una matriz DAFO y proponer recomendaciones generales con la intención de incrementar la conciencia de las instituciones gubernamentales que están liderando los procesos de transición electrónica y de industrialización, para contribuir favorablemente en la adopción de la Industria 4.0 de forma más acelerada en la economía de Mongolia


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    The aim of this study is to determine the effect of hormones and selection of the most effective medium using callus cultures derived from mature zygotic embryos of Sophora alopecuroides Linn. for plant regeneration. After 8 weeks of culture, the highest callus induction medium (93.3%) was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mglL Zeatin and 2.0 mg/L α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The best callus proliferation was observed on the same medium. Shoots regenerated at the highest frequency of 50.0% with 5.8 shoots when calli were cultured on MS medium with 2.0 mg/L BA. Therefore, this protocol provides a basis for future studies on genetic improvement and could be applied to large-scale multiplication systems for commercial nurseries of S.alopecuroides L