423 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of copper composite thin films for solar control filter

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    Performance of solar control filter depends strongly on the individual layer thicknesses as well as the quality of their interfaces. In this work, a numerical modeling was designed and implemented to optimize the layer thicknesses of Cu2O/CuS, Cu2O/Cu and CuS/Cu thin films for use as solar control filter using transfer matrix. The result shows that for Cu2O/CuS, with CuS in contact with the substrate, the optimized layer thickness of 110/30nm and for CuS/Cu and Cu2O/Cu with Cu in contact with the substrate, the optimized layer thickness are 110/30nm and 100/30nm, respectively. The model also predicted transmittances of 67% for Cu2O/CuS, 42% for CuS/Cu and 64.5% for Cu2O/Cu at 550nm. A transmittances of 24.9-36.9% of IR radiation for all the films was realized. These results, when compared with previous works indicate the possibility of improvement in the performance of the filters.Keywords: Solar Control Filter, Transfer Matrix, Infrared, Numerical Modeling, Transmittanc


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    The study assessed the influence of abattoir waste on water quality in the Kwata Suleja area of Niger State. Data analyses were carried out using a frequency- percentage technique, statistical mean, correlation analysis and were presented in figures and tables. The study revealed that microbiological elements have exceeded maximum level and the elements included Total Coliform and E. coli. Total Coliform ranges from 87cfu to 283cfu within the study area and the maximum allowable limit is 10cfu. E. coli found within the study area range from 13cfu in sample A2 to 75cfu in sample downstream and the maximum allowable limit is 0cfu. The finding also shows the incidence of waterborne diseases in the study area like cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid are on the increase and this is attributed to poor drinking water quality. The year 2011 has the highest Diarrhea occurrence in the study area with 1,285 occurrences, 2014 has the highest cholera occurrence with 198 and 2008 has the highest Typhoid occurrence with 204 in the study area. The finding also shows that provision of more boreholes in the study area ranked the highest with 238 (79%) respondents, illumination on promising influences of pollution from abattoir wastes ranked second with 43 (14%) respondents and provision of pipe-borne water ranked the least with 21 (7%) respondents. The values obtained for both faecial and total coliform counts for all the sample stations exceed the various standard suggested by Nigerian Standard for Water Quality for various water uses. Thus, the Suleja surface water/groundwater is highly polluted with fecal contaminants and as such unfit for domestic use

    Resilient Threads Telling Our Stories Hilos Resilientes Cosiendo Nuestras Historias

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    Sewing is traditionally women’s work. Often characterized as homespun, even quaint, it is associated with the domestic sphere. What at first glance may appear charming belies the persuasive ways in which women work with textiles to depict apartheid in South Africa,1 identity,2 forced migration,3 grass roots activism,4 encoded messages,5 and remembrance of murdered and missing indigenous women.6 Perhaps that is why the powers that be are mostly unaware of its subversive potential, and thankfully so, as this potential remains under the radar “sew” to speak while galvanizing those at the margins. How might sewing bring women together in a circle of care, give them a sense of belonging to a larger community that provides hope and meaning while creating the conditions for activism and social justice? Such gatherings of women allow for precisely the confluence of belonging, healing, and resistance. Given their origins, we believe political arpilleras are particularly compelling in this regard. Arpilleras are three-dimensional appliquéd textiles of Latin America that originated in Chile.7 The backing is hessian,8 which translates into arpillera in Spanish. Women stitched onto hessian their everyday lived experiences under the gruesome and oppressive dictatorship of the US-backed coup of Augusto Pinochet, which occurred on September 11, 1973, against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende.9 So, too, their threads and bits of fabric from the clothing of the “disappeared” allowed them to express what could not be expressed in words. Judith Herman in Trauma and Recovery10 writes that violence against women is a form of terrorism. Women essentially navigate a kind of war zone as part of everyday life. Sexual assault, child abuse, and family violence can only be understood in a sociopolitical context. Herman argues the personal is political. She writes that recovery from interpersonal trauma commonly develops in progressive stages, and she describes a model of recovery for women in which there are three stages. Stage one is safety and stabilization. Stage two is remembrance and mourning, and stage three is reconnection, commonality, and integration. We believe there is great value in women entering the public sphere as a collective to address violence against women systemically when recovering from gender-based violence. Recovery11 is not an individual personal act achieved in isolation but rather a cooperative endeavor linked to a sea change of cultural attitudes, values, and beliefs. Women tap into their potential by evolving into agents of change. In the following, we address an arpillera group program for women survivors of violence at a violence against women organization

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Marketing Tools Serta Penerapan Metode Ahp (Analytical Hierarchy Process) pada Proses Uji Kualitas Barang ( Studi Kasus : PT Edi Indonesia )

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    Komputer telah menjadi alat bantu utama dalam tiap kegiatan manusia. Tidak hanya untuk aplikasi bisnis, namun juga dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dari setiap Perusahaan. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada bagian marketing PT. EDI Indonesia, berorientasi pada manajemen persediaan barang, pencatatan marketing tools dan penyajian informasi secara komputerisasi. Dalam artian sistem yang akan dirancangan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi mulai dari proses pengajuan permohonan marketing tools, pencatatan pemasukan dan pengeluaran data barang yang masih dilakukan secara manual, serta proses uji kualitas barang menggunakan metode AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process). Untuk itu diperlukan pengoptimalan penggunaan komputer terhadap pemrosesan data dengan perancangan sebuah sistem informasi yang diaplikasikan kedalam bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter dan database MySQL agar dapat memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada dengan mampu menjawab kebutuhan bagian marketing. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan aplikasi yaitu System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Hasil dari Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Marketing Tools ini adalah fitur pengelolaan data marketing tools, data tersebut digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan secara cepat untuk melakukan pengajuan permohonan pengadaan barang serta untuk mengetahui kualitas barang. Selain itu pengolahan data dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pelaporan secara efisien kepada top management

    Management System of Government Performance in South Central Timor District

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    This study aimed to determine and analyze; (1) A management system of South Central Timor district government performance; (2) Aspects that support and hinder the performance system of South Central Timor District Government. This study used a qualitative approach and took place in the area of the local government unit of South Central Timor. This research focused on; (1) Government performance management system in South Central Timor (SCT) District; which was then broken down into sub-focus; (a) Performance should refer to the Regents Regulation of SCT Number 21 of 2015 concerning Performance Accountability System of Government Institution or Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (SAKIP) Implementation Guidelines; (b) Performance management system model in the scope of SCT District Government. (2) Aspects that support and hinder the performance system of SCT District Government; which was then broken down into sub-focus; (a) Supporting aspects are in the form of opportunities of the performance management system; (b) Inhibiting aspects are in the form of challenges, obstacles, and threats to the performance management system.The results showed that the management system of government performance in SCT district was an effort of the local government in managing the regional government bureaucracy based on a measured vision and mission under the work programs adjusted to the work plans of each local government unit (LGU). Of course, it was expected to be able to solve the main problems adjusted to the issues of regional development strategies in SCT district. However, there were still very basic issues where LGU never compiled its work plan based on the established SAKIP. It would affect the assessment results both internally and externally so that there were twelve LGUs deemed to have failed in running the program development in the SCT District. Keywords: System, Management, Performance, Performance Management DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-9-02 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Comparitive study of electrical properties of carbon nano tube (CNT) and silicon nanowire (SNW) MOSFET devices

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    Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) is a semiconductor device used in many electronic devices for amplification and switching electrical signals. MOSFET downscaling has been the driving force towards the technological advancement, but continuous scaling down of MOSFET causes problem of high power dissipation, high leakage current, Short Channel Effects (SCEs), excessive process variation and reliability issues. In this work, comparative study of electrical properties of carbon nanotube (CNT) and silicon nanowire (SWN) were carried out using CNT and SNW as channel materials, silicon dioxide as the gate dielectric, silicon substrate as base material. The analysis is carried out using FETTOY simulating software for oxide thickness (0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9 and 1.2nm). The results show that carbon nanotube channel material have highest transconductance (gm) of 1.00 x 10-4S, highest conductance (g4) of 4.00 x 10-6S, highest carrier injection velocity (vinj)of 5.43 x 10 5m/s, highest on current (Ion) of 59.79uA, at oxide thickness of 0.3nm when used as MOSFET device and improved short channel effects with subthreshold swing (S) of 67.79 mV/dec and drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) of 39.67. More results such as drain current (Id) versus gate voltage ( Vg) , quantum capacitance (QC) versus gate voltage (Vg) , and average velocity of mobile electron versus gate voltage (Vg) for all devices are also investigated. Various results obtained indicate that CNT has the higher performance of decreasing gate capacitance with decrease in oxide thickness ( TOx) in deep nanometer regime. This decrease in gate capacitance is observed at a gate voltage of 0.5V and above which leads to the reduction of propagation delay, lower leakage current, low power dissipation, short channel effects (SCEs) as compared to silicon nanowire MOSFET device.KEYWORDS: Ballistic nanoscale MOSFET, Channel materials, FETTOY simulating software, Short channel effects (SCEs), Drain Induces Barrier Lowering (DIBL

    Environmental and Health risks Associated with Dental Waste Management: A Review

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    Proper management of dental waste is a crucial issue for maintaining human health and the environment. The waste generated in the dental clinics has the potential for spreading infections and causing diseases, so improper disposal of these dental wastes can cause harm to the dentist, the people in immediate vicinity of the dentist, waste handlers, general public and the environment through production of toxins or as by-products of the destruction process. Staff that provide dental healthcare ought to be aware of the proper handling and the system of management of dental waste used by different dental hospitals. The method of investigation adopted in the paper involved a desk study in which documents and records relating to dental waste handling were studied to obtain background information on existing dental waste management in Nigeria other countries of the world are also mentioned as examples.  Additionally, information on generation, handling, segregation, risk associated during handling and treatment of dental medical waste were sought in order to determine the best method for safe disposal. This article provides dentists with the information they need to properly dispose of mercury and amalgam waste, and provides suggestions for managing the other wastes that result from the day-to-day activities of a dental office such as: used X-ray fixers and developers; cleaners for X-ray developer systems; lead foils, shields and aprons; chemiclave/chemical sterilant solutions; disinfectants, cleaners, and other chemicals; and, general office waste. Additionally, this study may be beneficial for authorities and researchers of developing countries to work towards improving their present Dental waste management system. Keywords: Clinic, dental, disposal, environment, waste management

    Contribution de la biopsie stereotaxique dans la prise en charge des tumeurs cerebrales: a propos de 283 cas

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    Introduction L’avènement de la biopsie stéréotaxique (BST) et le développement du scanner et de l’IRM ont amélioré la prise en charge des tumeurs cérébrales. Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer le rôle de la BST dans la prise en charge des tumeurs cérébrales. Matériel et Méthodes Etude rétrospective de 1995 à 2008 concernant 283 patients consécutifs ayant des tumeurs cérébrales, ayant bénéficié d’une BST, colligés au service de Neurochirurgie. L’âge moyen était de 45.5 ans (9 à 84). La BST fut réalisée sous guidage scannographique dans 260 cas et sous guidage IRM dans 23 cas. Pour les tumeurs pinéales, depuis Janvier 2000, une artériographie avec temps phlébographique et IRM préopératoire ont été jugées utiles pour éviter les complications hémorragiques. Resultats Dans 271 cas, la BST était concluante dès la première tentative (95.7%). La répétition de la BST a permis de rétablir un diagnostic précis. Il s’agissait de lésions malignes (70 % des cas). La mortalité péri-opératoire est passé de 5,9% avant 2000 à 0% après 2000 (Chi-carré; p = 0,013). Conclusion Les BST doivent être étagées et répétées en cas d’histologie non concluante. Pour les petites lésions profondes la BST en conditions IRM est nécessaire. Pour les tumeurs pinéales, elle doit être réalisée par voie orthogonale trans-temporale.Mots-clés: Biopsie stéréotaxique, tumeur cérébrale, pinéa

    Improving the capacity of the Head of the sub civil service in regional apparatus organisation of the government in Malaka district

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the human resource capacity of the Head of Personnel Subdivision in the Organization of the Scope of the Malaka Regency Government, to find out supporting factors and constraints of the Human Resources Capacity its function and to find out the efforts taken by the Organization of the Regional Government of the Malaka Regency in increasing the capacity of Human Resources Head of Personnel Sub Division. Research methodology: The research method used in research was qualitative research methods with the type of case studies. Results: This study’s results are that human resource capacity is inadequate due to the low educational qualifications held by the Head of Personnel Sub-division within the scope of the Malaka district government. Limitation: This study’s limitation is that this research only focuses on the phenomena in the Malaka Regency so that the results of similar research can produce different findings if carried out on other research objects. Contribution: This research’s contribution is that it can provide scientific information for students of public administration programs and can be a scientific reference in the formulation and development of civil service innovations within the local government of Malaka Regency. Keywords: Capacity, Regional apparatus organizatio
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