11,274 research outputs found

    Globalization of supercuspidal representations over function fields and applications

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    Let H be a connected reductive group defined over a non-archimedean local field F of characteristic p>0. Using Poincar\'e series, we globalize supercuspidal representations of H(F) in such a way that we have control over ramification at all other places, and such that the notion of distinction with respect to a unipotent subgroup (indeed more general subgroups) is preserved. In combination with the work of Vincent Lafforgue on the global Langlands correspondence, we present some applications, such as the stability of Langlands-Shahidi \gamma-factors and the local Langlands correspondence for classical groups

    Morphological evolution of a 3D CME cloud reconstructed from three viewpoints

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    The propagation properties of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are crucial to predict its geomagnetic effect. A newly developed three dimensional (3D) mask fitting reconstruction method using coronagraph images from three viewpoints has been described and applied to the CME ejected on August 7, 2010. The CME's 3D localisation, real shape and morphological evolution are presented. Due to its interaction with the ambient solar wind, the morphology of this CME changed significantly in the early phase of evolution. Two hours after its initiation, it was expanding almost self-similarly. CME's 3D localisation is quite helpful to link remote sensing observations to in situ measurements. The investigated CME was propagating to Venus with its flank just touching STEREO B. Its corresponding ICME in the interplanetary space shows a possible signature of a magnetic cloud with a preceding shock in VEX observations, while from STEREO B only a shock is observed. We have calculated three principle axes for the reconstructed 3D CME cloud. The orientation of the major axis is in general consistent with the orientation of a filament (polarity inversion line) observed by SDO/AIA and SDO/HMI. The flux rope axis derived by the MVA analysis from VEX indicates a radial-directed axis orientation. It might be that locally only the leg of the flux rope passed through VEX. The height and speed profiles from the Sun to Venus are obtained. We find that the CME speed possibly had been adjusted to the speed of the ambient solar wind flow after leaving COR2 field of view and before arriving Venus. A southward deflection of the CME from the source region is found from the trajectory of the CME geometric center. We attribute it to the influence of the coronal hole where the fast solar wind emanated from.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Mental state of demoralisation across diverse clinical settings: A systematic review, meta-analysis and proposal for its use as a ‘specifier’ in mental illness

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    Objective: Demoralisation is a state of poor coping characterised by low morale, hopelessness, subjective incompetence, and loss of meaning and purpose in life. While studied extensively in oncology and palliative care, there has been recent exploration in broader medical and mental health settings. The aim was to investigate the prevalence of demoralisation and associated sociodemographic and psychological factors across these clinical settings. Method: Six electronic databases were used to locate articles from January 2014 to March 2020. A pre-publication update of non-oncology populations was completed in September 2021. The review has been reported following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Pooled prevalence of demoralisation was determined through % prevalence and mean demoralisation score; this was synthesised through meta-analysis of single means to determine pooled mean prevalence of Demoralisation Scale scores using the ‘R’ statistical software. Results: Demoralisation has been examined in 52 studies (n = 11,670) and found to be prevalent in 24–35% of oncology and non-oncology, including mental health, populations. The mean score on the Demoralisation Scale was 24.3 (95% confidence interval, CI = [21.3, 27.3]). There was evidence of divergent validity in addition to significant comorbidity between depression, demoralisation and suicidal ideation. Burdensome physical symptoms, and psychological and demographic factors are strongly correlated with demoralisation. Conclusion: There remains a need to recognise demoralisation in various clinical and cultural settings and to strongly consider its inclusion as a ‘specifier’ within formal nosological systems for adjustment and depressive disorders. This is important to initiate targeted interventions and prevent significant morbidity

    Superconducting Pairing Symmetries in Anisotropic Triangular Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of a low temperature spin liquid phase in layered organic compound κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2_2(CN)3_3 which becomes a superconductor under pressure, we examine the phase transition of Mott insulating and superconducting (SC) states in a Hubbard-Heisenberg model on an anisotropic triangular lattice. We use a renormalized mean field theory to study the Gutzwiller projected BCS wavefucntions. The half filled electron system is a Mott insulator at large on-site repulsion UU, and is a superconductor at a moderate UU. The symmetry of the SC state depends on the anisotropy, and is gapful with dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy} symmetry near the isotropic limit and is gapless with dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry at small anisotropy ratio.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling of the time-mean characteristics in the polygonal cylinder near-wake

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    The near wake of the polygonal cylinder with the side number N = 3 ~ ∞ is systematically studied based on particle image velocimetry (PIV) and load-cell measurements. Each cylinder is examined for two orientations, with either one leading side or leading corner. The Reynolds number Re = (1.0 ∼ 6.0) × 104 , defined by the longitudinally projected cylinder width. The dependence of the wake characteristic parameters on the cylinder orientation and N is discussed, and wake scaling analysis is conducted based on these parameters. It is found that the velocity deficit and half width of the wake scale well with the reverse flow zone length and recirculation bubble width, whilst the Strouhal number, drag and fluctuating lift coefficients scale well with the vortex formation length and wake width. The unveiled scaling relationships cast insight into the intrinsic physical connections between the aerodynamic forces and vortex formation and between the polygonal cylinder wakes of N = 3 ~ ∞, suggesting that the understanding of the time-mean wake behind individual polygonal cylinder can be unified to that of the circular cylinder wake

    Theory for Gossamer and Resonating Valence Bond Superconductivity

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    We use an effective Hamiltonian for two-dimensional Hubbard model including an antiferromagnetic spin-spin coupling term to study recently proposed gossamer superconductivity. We formulate a renormalized mean field theory to approximately take into account the strong correlation effect in the partially projected Gutzwiller wavefucntions. At the half filled, there is a first order phase transition to separate a Mott insulator at large Coulomb repulsion U from a gossamer superconductor at small U. Away from the half filled,the Mott insulator is evolved into an resonating valence bond state, which is adiabatically connected to the gossamer superconductor.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Spin orbit torque induced asymmetric depinning of chiral Néel domain wall in Co/Ni heterostructures

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    In this letter, we report on distinct depinning of a chiral Néel domain wall (DW) driven by spin-orbit torque (SOT) in Co/Ni nanowires with symmetric potential barriers. In these structures, DW propagation was shown to be in the opposite direction to the electron flow as evidenced from current assisted DW depinning measurements. A transition from field dominated DW depinning to SOT dominated DW depinning was observed as the bias current was increased. For SOT dominated DW depinning, the Up-Down DW exhibits a larger depinning field as compared to the Down-Up DW. This is attributed to the interplay between the SOT and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the structure

    Asymmetrical domain wall propagation in bifurcated PMA wire structure due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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    Controlling domain wall (DW) motion in complex magnetic network structures is of paramount significance for the development of spin-based devices. Here, we report on the dynamics of a propagating DW in a bifurcated ferromagnetic wire with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in the wire structure induces a tilt angle to the injected DW, which leads to a quasi-selective propagation through the network branch. The DW tilting causes a field interval between DWs to arrive at Hall bars in the individual branches. Micromagnetic results further show that by tailoring the strength of the DMI, the control of DW dynamics in the PMA complex network structures can be achieved

    PTPRO represses ERBB2-driven breast oncogenesis by dephosphorylation and endosomal internalization of ERBB2.

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    The plasma membrane-associated tyrosine phosphatase PTPRO is frequently transcriptionally repressed in cancers and signifies poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. In this study, deletion of Ptpro inMMTV-Erbb2 transgenic mice dramatically shortened the mammary tumor latency and accelerated tumor growth due to loss of Ptpro within the breast cancer cells but not in surrounding tissue as confirmed by hetero-transplantation studies. Both in vitro and in vivo data demonstrated that the phosphatase activity was required for the inactivation of ERBB2 and its downstream signaling. PTPRO regulated the phosphorylation status of ERBB2 at Y1248. Co-immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assay (Duolink) indicated that PTPRO directly physically interacted with ERBB2. Moreover, PTPRO phosphatase activity shortened the half-life of ERBB2 by increasing endocytotic degradation. PTPRO reexpression by demethylation treatment using 5-azacytidine reduced the proliferation and colony formation potential in ERBB2-positive breast cancer cells. Taken together, PTPRO inhibited ERBB2-driven breast cancer through dephosphorylation leading to dual effects of ERBB2 signaling suppression and endosomal internalization of ERBB2, Therefore, reexpression of PTPRO may be a potential therapy for ERBB2-overexpressing breast cancer