1,082 research outputs found

    Consistent discretization and loop quantum geometry

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    We apply the ``consistent discretization'' approach to general relativity leaving the spatial slices continuous. The resulting theory is free of the diffeomorphism and Hamiltonian constraints, but one can impose the diffeomorphism constraint to reduce its space of solutions and the constraint is preserved exactly under the discrete evolution. One ends up with a theory that has as physical space what is usually considered the kinematical space of loop quantum geometry, given by diffeomorphism invariant spin networks endowed with appropriate rigorously defined diffeomorphism invariant measures and inner products. The dynamics can be implemented as a unitary transformation and the problem of time explicitly solved or at least reduced to as a numerical problem. We exhibit the technique explicitly in 2+1 dimensional gravity.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Dirac-like approach for consistent discretizations of classical constrained theories

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    We analyze the canonical treatment of classical constrained mechanical systems formulated with a discrete time. We prove that under very general conditions, it is possible to introduce nonsingular canonical transformations that preserve the constraint surface and the Poisson or Dirac bracket structure. The conditions for the preservation of the constraints are more stringent than in the continuous case and as a consequence some of the continuum constraints become second class upon discretization and need to be solved by fixing their associated Lagrange multipliers. The gauge invariance of the discrete theory is encoded in a set of arbitrary functions that appear in the generating function of the evolution equations. The resulting scheme is general enough to accommodate the treatment of field theories on the lattice. This paper attempts to clarify and put on sounder footing a discretization technique that has already been used to treat a variety of systems, including Yang--Mills theories, BF-theory and general relativity on the lattice.Comment: 11 pages, RevTe

    Classical Loop Actions of Gauge Theories

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    Since the first attempts to quantize Gauge Theories and Gravity in the loop representation, the problem of the determination of the corresponding classical actions has been raised. Here we propose a general procedure to determine these actions and we explicitly apply it in the case of electromagnetism. Going to the lattice we show that the electromagnetic action in terms of loops is equivalent to the Wilson action, allowing to do Montecarlo calculations in a gauge invariant way. In the continuum these actions need to be regularized and they are the natural candidates to describe the theory in a ``confining phase''.Comment: LaTeX 14 page

    Finite, diffeomorphism invariant observables in quantum gravity

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    Two sets of spatially diffeomorphism invariant operators are constructed in the loop representation formulation of quantum gravity. This is done by coupling general relativity to an anti- symmetric tensor gauge field and using that field to pick out sets of surfaces, with boundaries, in the spatial three manifold. The two sets of observables then measure the areas of these surfaces and the Wilson loops for the self-dual connection around their boundaries. The operators that represent these observables are finite and background independent when constructed through a proper regularization procedure. Furthermore, the spectra of the area operators are discrete so that the possible values that one can obtain by a measurement of the area of a physical surface in quantum gravity are valued in a discrete set that includes integral multiples of half the Planck area. These results make possible the construction of a correspondence between any three geometry whose curvature is small in Planck units and a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravitational and matter fields. This correspondence relies on the approximation of the classical geometry by a piecewise flat Regge manifold, which is then put in correspondence with a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravity-matter system in which the matter fields specify the faces of the triangulation and the gravitational field is in an eigenstate of the operators that measure their areas.Comment: Latex, no figures, 30 pages, SU-GP-93/1-

    Realistic clocks, universal decoherence and the black hole information paradox

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    Ordinary quantum mechanics is formulated on the basis of the existence of an ideal classical clock external to the system under study. This is clearly an idealization. As emphasized originally by Salecker and Wigner and more recently by other authors, there exist limits in nature to how ``classical'' even the best possible clock can be. When one introduces realistic clocks, quantum mechanics ceases to be unitary and a fundamental mechanism of decoherence of quantum states arises. We estimate the rate of universal loss of unitarity using optimal realistic clocks. In particular we observe that the rate is rapid enough to eliminate the black hole information puzzle: all information is lost through the fundamental decoherence before the black hole can evaporate. This improves on a previous calculation we presented with a sub-optimal clock in which only part of the information was lost by the time of evaporation.Comment: 3 Pages, RevTex, no figure

    A Geometric Representation for the Proca Model

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    The Proca model is quantized in an open-path dependent representation that generalizes the Loop Representation of gauge theories. The starting point is a gauge invariant Lagrangian that reduces to the Proca Lagrangian when certain gauge is selected.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    The Lagrangian Loop Representation of Lattice U(1) Gauge Theory

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    It is showed how the Hamiltonian lattice looploop representationrepresentation can be cast straightforwardly in the Lagrangian formalism. The procedure is general and here we present the simplest case: pure compact QED. This connection has been shaded by the non canonical character of the algebra of the fundamental loop operators. The loops represent tubes of electric flux and can be considered the dual objects to the Nielsen-Olesen strings supported by the Higgs broken phase. The lattice loop classical action corresponding to the Villain form is proportional to the quadratic area of the loop world sheets and thus it is similar to the Nambu string action. This loop action is used in a Monte Carlo simulation and its appealing features are discussed.Comment: 13 pp, UAB-FT-341/9

    Interacting Particles and Strings in Path and Surface Representations

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    Non-relativistic charged particles and strings coupled with abelian gauge fields are quantized in a geometric representation that generalizes the Loop Representation. We consider three models: the string in self-interaction through a Kalb-Ramond field in four dimensions, the topological interaction of two particles due to a BF term in 2+1 dimensions, and the string-particle interaction mediated by a BF term in 3+1 dimensions. In the first case one finds that a consistent "surface-representation" can be built provided that the coupling constant is quantized. The geometrical setting that arises corresponds to a generalized version of the Faraday's lines picture: quantum states are labeled by the shape of the string, from which emanate "Faraday`s surfaces". In the other models, the topological interaction can also be described by geometrical means. It is shown that the open-path (or open-surface) dependence carried by the wave functional in these models can be eliminated through an unitary transformation, except by a remaining dependence on the boundary of the path (or surface). These feature is closely related to the presence of anomalous statistics in the 2+1 model, and to a generalized "anyonic behavior" of the string in the other case.Comment: RevTeX 4, 28 page

    Matter Fields in the Lagrangian Loop Representation: Scalar QED

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    We present the extension of the Lagrangian loop gauge invariant representation in such a way to include matter fields. The partition function of lattice compact U(1)-Higgs model is expressed as a sum over closed as much as open surfaces. We have simulated numerically the loop action equivalent to the Villain form of the action and mapped out the beta-gamma phase diagram of this model.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe
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