68 research outputs found

    Male Bilateral Risk-Reducing Mastectomy: Report of a Case

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    Male prophylactic mastectomy is described only in sporadic cases and always performed in men with BRCA mutation with a contralateral breast cancer diagnosis. This case may suggest that we need to tailor counseling and decision‐making process for males carrying BRCA mutation and take into consideration risk‐reduction surgery when wished and strongly motivated by the consultant or in the presence of multiple risk factors in addition to gene mutation

    Risk factors for postoperative depression in 150 subjects treated for drug-resistant focal epilepsy.

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    Objective.The primary goal was to identify risk factors for post-surgical depression in subjects operated on for drug-resistant epilepsy. Secondary goals were to confirm the high rate of depression in subjects suffering from epilepsy (prior to surgery) and to look for first post-surgical depressive episode.Methods.Case series study of 150 subjects surgically treated for partial epilepsy (side of surgery: 72 right, 78 left; site of surgery: 97 Unilobar Temporal, 17 Unilobar Frontal, 14 Posterior, 22 Multilobar). All subjects routinely had three psychiatric evaluations: before surgery (baseline) and at 6 and 12 months after surgery. Psychiatric diagnoses were made according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Bivariate (Fisher exact test and Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test) and multivariate (logistic regression model fitting) analyses were performed.Results.Thirty-three (22%) subjects had post-surgical depressive episodes, 31 of them in the first 6 months. Fourteen out of 33 experienced depression for the first time. Post-surgical depressive episodes are not associated with gender, outcome on seizures, side/site of surgical resection, histological diagnosis, psychiatric diagnoses other than depression. Depressive episodes before surgery and older age at surgery time are risk factors for post-surgical depression (p = 0.0001 and 0.01, respectively, at logistic regression analysis). No protective factors were identified.Conclusions.Our data show that lifetime depressive episodes and older age at surgery time are risk factors for post-surgery depression. Moreover, a prospective study could be useful in order to assess whether depression is really a consequence of surgery

    Long-term Memory of Sensory Experiences from the First Pregnancy, its Peri-partum and Post-partum in Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders without Intellectual Disabilities: A Retrospective Study

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    Purpose: To explore the recalled experience of pregnancy and motherhood in women diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) without intellectual disabilities, focusing on sensory perceptions and mood. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated, through an ad-hoc structured interview, the sensory sensitivity during the pre-partum, the peri-partum, and the post-partum of thirty-three mothers with ASD and thirty-two neurotypical mothers. Participants also underwent a psychometric assessment about autistic traits, general sensory sensitivity, and post-partum depressive symptomatology. Results: Mothers with ASD recalled a higher sensitivity than the comparison group across the three time-points; however, during the peri-partum their recalled hypersensitivity decreases, and in the post-partum it returned as high as before childbirth. The difference in the length of recall between groups did not statistically influence our results. Higher levels of autistic traits correlated with higher depressive post-partum symptomatology. Conclusions: Mothers with ASD seem to recall their experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum period differently from neurotypical mothers, particularly in terms of hypersensitivity. The correlation with depressive symptoms and the potential role of oxytocin and of long-term memory (encoding and recollection) are discussed. Further exploring these aspects might give fundamental hints to provide tailored support to mothers with ASD during pregnancy and motherhood

    3D-imaging of Printed Nanostructured Networks using High-resolution FIB-SEM Nanotomography

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    Networks of solution-processed nanomaterials are important for multiple applications in electronics, sensing and energy storage/generation. While it is known that network morphology plays a dominant role in determining the physical properties of printed networks, it remains difficult to quantify network structure. Here, we utilise FIB-SEM nanotomography to characterise the morphology of nanostructured networks. Nanometer-resolution 3D-images were obtained from printed networks of graphene nanosheets of various sizes, as well as networks of WS2 nanosheets, silver nanosheets and silver nanowires. Important morphological characteristics, including network porosity, tortuosity, pore dimensions and nanosheet orientation were extracted and linked to network resistivity. By extending this technique to interrogate the structure and interfaces within vertical printed heterostacks, we demonstrate the potential of this technique for device characterisation and optimisation.Comment: 6 figure

    'Less is more': validation with Rasch analysis of five short-forms for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs).

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    Background: Previous analyses demonstrated a lack of unidimensionality, item redundancy, and substantial administrative burden for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs). Objective: To use Rasch Analysis to calibrate five short-forms of the BIRT-PQs, satisfying the Rasch model requirements. Methods: BIRT-PQs data from 154 patients with severe Acquired Brain Injury (s-ABI) and their caregivers (total sample = 308) underwent Rasch analysis to examine their internal construct validity and reliability according to the Rasch model. Results: The base Rasch analyses did not show sufficient internal construct validity according to the Rasch model for all five BIRT-PQs. After rescoring 18 items, and deleting 75 of 150 items, adequate internal construct validity was achieved for all five BIRT-PQs short forms (model chi-square p-values ranging from 0.0053 to 0.6675), with reliability values compatible with individual measurements. Conclusions: After extensive modifications, including a 48% reduction of the item load, we obtained five short forms of the BIRT-PQs satisfying the strict measurement requirements of the Rasch model. The ordinal-to-interval measurement conversion tables allow measuring on the same metric the perception of the neurobehavioral disability for both patients with s-ABI and their caregivers

    Group B Streptococcus early-onset disease and observation of well-appearing newborns

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    Background International guidelines lack a substantial consensus regarding management of asymptomatic full-term and late preterm neonates at risk for early-onset disease (EOS). Large cohorts of newborns are suitable to increase the understanding of the safety and efficacy of a given strategy. Methods This is a prospective, area-based, cohort study involving regional birth facilities of Emilia-Romagna (Italy). We compared cases of EOS (at or above 35 weeks\u2019 gestation) registered in 2003\u20132009 (baseline period: 266,646 LBs) and in 2010\u20132016, after introduction of a new strategy (serial physical examinations, SPEs) for managing asymptomatic neonates at risk for EOS (intervention period: 265,508 LBs). Results There were 108 cases of EOS (baseline period, n = 60; intervention period, n = 48). Twenty-two (20.4%) remained asymptomatic through the first 72 hours of life, whereas 86 (79.6%) developed symptoms, in most cases (52/86, 60.5%) at birth or within 6 hours. The median age at presentation was significantly earlier in the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP)exposed than in the IAP-unexposed neonates (0 hours, IQR 0.0000\u20130.0000 vs 6 hours, IQR 0.0000\u201315.0000, p<0.001). High number of neonates (n = 531) asymptomatic at birth, exposed to intrapartum fever, should be treated empirically for each newborn who subsequently develops sepsis. IAP exposed neonates increased (12% vs 33%, p = 0.01), age at presentation decreased (median 6 vs 1 hours, p = 0.01), whereas meningitis, mechanical ventilation and mortality did not change in baseline vs intervention period. After implementing the SPEs, no cases had adverse outcomes due to the strategy, and no cases developed severe disease after 6 hours of life. Conclusions Infants with EOS exposed to IAP developed symptoms at birth in almost all cases, and those who appeared well at birth had a very low chance of having EOS. The risk of EOS in neonates (asymptomatic at birth) exposed to intrapartum fever was low. Although definite conclusions on causation are lacking, our data support SPEs of asymptomatic newborns at risk for EOS. SPEs seems a safe and effective alternative to laboratory screening and empirical antibiotic therapy

    Long-Term Drug Survival and Effectiveness of Secukinumab in Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: 42-Month Results from the SUPREME 2.0 Study

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    Purpose: SUPREME, a phase IIIb study conducted in Italy, demonstrated safety and high efficacy of secukinumab for up to 72 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis. SUPREME 2.0 study aimed to provide real-world data on the long-term drug survival and effectiveness of secukinumab beyond 72 weeks. Patients and Methods: SUPREME 2.0 is a retrospective observational chart review study conducted in patients previously enrolled in SUPREME study. After the end of the SUPREME study, eligible patients continued treatment as per clinical practice, and their effectiveness and drug survival data were retrieved from medical charts. Results: Of the 415 patients enrolled in the SUPREME study, 297 were included in SUPREME 2.0; of which, 210 (70.7%) continued secukinumab treatment throughout the 42-month observation period. Patients in the biologic-naïve cohort had higher drug survival than those in the biologic-experienced cohort (74.9% vs 61.7%), while HLA-Cw6–positive and HLA-Cw6–negative patients showed similar drug survival (69.3% and 71.9%). After 42 months, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 90 was achieved by 79.6% of patients overall; with a similar proportion of biologic-naïve and biologic-experienced patients achieving PASI90 (79.8% and 79.1%). The mean absolute PASI score reduced from 21.94 to 1.38 in the overall population, 21.90 to 1.24 in biologic-naïve and 22.03 to 1.77 in biologic-experienced patients after 42 months. The decrease in the absolute PASI score was comparable between HLACw6–positive and HLA–Cw6-negative patients. The baseline Dermatology Life Quality Index scores also decreased in the overall patients (10.5 to 2.32) and across all study sub-groups after 42 months. Safety was consistent with the known profile of secukinumab, with no new findings. Conclusion: In this real-world cohort study, secukinumab showed consistently high long-term drug survival and effectiveness with a favourable safety profile