20 research outputs found

    Objekte des Begehrens von Wim Wenders

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    Peircean semiotics in the context of design praxis: Abduction and perception in dialogue

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    This paper discusses design process as a creative activity along with conceptual correlations of the semiotics developed by Charles Sanders Peirce. The central aim of this paper is to examine one of the most important concepts in Peirce’s theory related to design praxis: the concept of abduction. Abduction is the driving force behind creation and a way of producing new ideas. Peirce’s original concept is fundamental in order to maintain constant commitment to innovation required by design. To transmit messages in a creative way it is more efficient to intensely work with associations by similarity in order to obtain signs rich in information and analogies. Design communicates by all its constituent elements: shape, function, colour, material, technique, technology, etc. Therefore, signs of design share peculiar values of artistic signs as well as those of communicative ones. The associated information is as much aesthetic (shape) as it is semantic (content). The appropriation of Peircean concepts contributes to the understanding of the creative process, which in turn is crucial for understanding new possibilities by means of design

    Signs, Systems and Complexity of Transmedia Storytelling

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    This article addresses key concepts such as sign, system and complexity in order to approach transmedia storytelling and better understand its intricate nature. The theoretical framework chosen to investigate transmedia storytelling meanders is Semiotics by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) and General Systems Theory by Mario Bunge (1919-). The complexity of transmedia storytelling is not simply the one of the signs of the works included in a transmedia franchise. It also includes the complexity of the dispositions of users/consumers/players as interpreters of semiotic elements (e.g. characters, themes, environments, events and outcomes) presented by transmedia products. It extends further to the complexity of social, cultural, economical and political constructs. The German transmedia narrative The Ultimate SuperHero-Blog by Stefan Gieren and Sofia’s Diary, a Portuguese multiplatform production by BeActive, are presented as examples of closed and open system transmedia storytelling respectively

    Ícones do design: da Bauhaus ao produto final

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    “Icon”, from Greek word eikón (image), is normally understood as idol, exponent, something representative, notable. In Semiotics from Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the concept of “icon” is quite particular and it makes reference to a specific type of sign: one that represents its object through relations of similarity or analogy, taking some of its essential quality. The iconic sign is related to design so far as the icon maintains with its object a relation of quality. The icon, in saying about the object, says something of itself, some of its characteristics are present in the product. The constitution of the icon by the similarity between the demonstrative materialities of the product defines its formal-aesthetic character of transmitting information. While employing the expression “design icons”, we attempt to refer to both meanings described above. We will mention great names of design in Germany and in Brazil but we will especially think the products of design as objects-icons, i.e. with qualitative characteristics inherent of the icon. We will consider the context of Bauhaus, the school that first established design as discipline, passing by its practical and philosophical methods, which inspired design in the world. The article culminates in the approach to the relations that we find between the iconic sign and the product of design, as well as to the specific references to German and Brazilian designers, icons of design."Ícone", do grego eikón (imagem), é comumente entendido como ídolo, expoente, algo representativo, notável. Na semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), o conceito de "ícone" é bastante particular e faz referência a um tipo específico de signo: aquele que representa seu objeto por meio de relações de semelhança ou analogia, apropriando-se de alguma qualidade essencial dele, conforme discorremos neste artigo. O signo icônico identifica-se com o design na medida em que o ícone mantém com seu objeto uma relação de qualidade. O ícone, no dizer sobre o objeto, diz algo dele próprio, algo dele se faz presente no produto, ele se autorreferencia (metalinguagem). A constituição do ícone a partir da similaridade entre as materialidades expressivas do produto configura seu caráter estético-formal transmissor de informações. Ao empregar a expressão “ícones do design”, intentamos referenciar ambos os sentidos descritos acima. Fazemos menção a grandes nomes do design na Alemanha e no Brasil, mas, sobretudo, consideramos os produtos do design como objetos-ícone, com características qualitativas inerentes ao ícone. Abordamos, assim, o contexto do qual emergiu a escola que fundou o design enquanto disciplina, a Bauhaus, perpassando por seus métodos práticos e filosóficos, que inspiraram o design no mundo. O artigo culmina na abordagem das relações que encontramos entre o signo icônico e o produto do design, bem como nas referências específicas aos designers alemães e brasileiros, ícones do design

    Objetos do Desejo

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    Análise dos objetos enquanto signo no contexto estético do cinema, mais especificamente na obra do cineasta alemão Wim Wenders. No cinema, os objetos traduzem o interior das personagens, num jogo cujas regras se baseiam no compromisso ético-estético com o conceitual da narrativa. Para tanto, desenvolvemos metodologia específica para viabilizar tais análises à luz da semiótica peirceana e estudos intermediais. Comunicação e semiótica em cena

    Objetos do Desejo de Wim Wenders

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    This article aims to analyze the objects as sign in the aesthetic context of the cinema, more specifically in the German film director Wim Wenders´ work. In the movies the objects translate the character´s interior, in a game which rules are based on the ethical-aesthetical commitment with the conceptual of the narrative. Therefore, we developed a specific methodology to make such analyses in the sense of peircean semiotics and intermedial studies.Este artigo objetiva analisar os objetos enquanto signos no contexto estético do cinema, mais especificamente na obra do cineasta alemão Wim Wenders. No cinema, os objetos traduzem o interior das personagens, num jogo cujas regras se baseiam no compromisso ético-estético com o conceitual da narrativa. Para tanto, desenvolvemos metodologia específica para viabilizar tais análises à luz da semiótica peirceana e estudos intermediai

    Wo sind Tommis Briefe?

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    Objetos desejados de Denys Arcand

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    This essay presents a taxonomy for analyzing objects in films and applies it to the work of Canadian filmmaker Denys Arcand. This kind of analysis aims to identify and analyze how the most representative daily objects are used in films. The following three films were analyzed for the purposes of this paper: Le déclin de l´empire américain (The Decline of the American Empire, 1986), Les invasions barbares (The Barbarian Invasions, 2003) and L’âge des ténèbres (Days of Darkness, 2007). This research was developed at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada and supported by the Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada (DFAIT).Esse artigo apresenta uma taxonomia para analisar objetos em filmes e aplica essa metodologia ao trabalho do diretor canadense Denys Arcand. Essa categoria de estudo busca identificar e analisar como os objetos cotidianos mais representativos são usados nos filmes. Este artigo avalia os três filmes seguintes: Le déclin de l´empire américain (O declínio do Império Americano, 1986), Les invasions barbares (As invasões bárbaras, 2003) e L’âge des ténèbres (A era da inocência, 2007). Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Concordia University (Montreal, Canadá) e teve apoio do Foreign Affairs and International Trade do Canadá (DFAIT)

    Extudo do Pos-Tudo

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    Como o próprio título `extudo do pós-tudo¿ sugere, este artigo se predispõe a estudar o variável e abundante emprego do prefixo pós. Mais especificamente, abordaremos as divergências e similitudes dos termos: pós-moderno, pós-industrial e pós-humano. Partimos do raciocínio de que esses conceitos estão interconectados e traduzem a realidade contemporânea da cibersociedade. Estamos considerando a convergência ou complementaridade entre cultura pós-moderna, sociedade pós-industrial e ánthropos pós-humano

    Ícones do design: da Bauhaus ao produto final

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    “Icon”, from Greek word eikón (image), is normally understood as idol, exponent, something representative, notable. In Semiotics from Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the concept of “icon” is quite particular and it makes reference to a specific type of sign: one that represents its object through relations of similarity or analogy, taking some of its essential quality. The iconic sign is related to design so far as the icon maintains with its object a relation of quality. The icon, in saying about the object, says something of itself, some of its characteristics are present in the product. The constitution of the icon by the similarity between the demonstrative materialities of the product defines its formal-aesthetic character of transmitting information. While employing the expression “design icons”, we attempt to refer to both meanings described above. We will mention great names of design in Germany and in Brazil but we will especially think the products of design as objects-icons, i.e. with qualitative characteristics inherent of the icon. We will consider the context of Bauhaus, the school that first established design as discipline, passing by its practical and philosophical methods, which inspired design in the world. The article culminates in the approach to the relations that we find between the iconic sign and the product of design, as well as to the specific references to German and Brazilian designers, icons of design."Ícone", do grego eikón (imagem), é comumente entendido como ídolo, expoente, algo representativo, notável. Na semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), o conceito de "ícone" é bastante particular e faz referência a um tipo específico de signo: aquele que representa seu objeto por meio de relações de semelhança ou analogia, apropriando-se de alguma qualidade essencial dele, conforme discorremos neste artigo. O signo icônico identifica-se com o design na medida em que o ícone mantém com seu objeto uma relação de qualidade. O ícone, no dizer sobre o objeto, diz algo dele próprio, algo dele se faz presente no produto, ele se autorreferencia (metalinguagem). A constituição do ícone a partir da similaridade entre as materialidades expressivas do produto configura seu caráter estético-formal transmissor de informações. Ao empregar a expressão “ícones do design”, intentamos referenciar ambos os sentidos descritos acima. Fazemos menção a grandes nomes do design na Alemanha e no Brasil, mas, sobretudo, consideramos os produtos do design como objetos-ícone, com características qualitativas inerentes ao ícone. Abordamos, assim, o contexto do qual emergiu a escola que fundou o design enquanto disciplina, a Bauhaus, perpassando por seus métodos práticos e filosóficos, que inspiraram o design no mundo. O artigo culmina na abordagem das relações que encontramos entre o signo icônico e o produto do design, bem como nas referências específicas aos designers alemães e brasileiros, ícones do design