8 research outputs found

    Evaluación del liderazgo del equipo directivo y su relación con el desempeño de los docentes de la I.E. 0069 Machu Picchu RED 09- UGEL 05 San Juan de Lurigancho

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEvalúa el liderazgo del equipo directivo y su relación con el desempeño de los docentes de la I.E. 0069 Machu Picchu RED 09- UGEL 05 San Juan de Lurigancho. En tal sentido, se analiza el liderazgo empleado por los directivos para poner en acción a su equipo para la obtención de logros y metas que tiene una relación directa con el desempeño docente que muestren los maestros bajo su dirección.Tesi

    Evaluation of teaching performance in the virtual teaching-learning environment, from the perspective of the students of the Professional School of Mechanical Engineering

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effect that virtual teaching learning generates in the evaluation of teaching performance, from the perspective of the students, of the professional mechanical engineering school. During the development of the research, it has been determined that the planning, communication and overall performance factors of the teaching performance have experienced a positive variation of 63.64%, increasing by 3.8%, when moving from the face-to-face environment to the virtual teaching-learning environment. While the didactic strategies, organization and subject mastery factors have experienced a positive variation of 59.09%, this increase represents 1.92%. Although a positive effect has been generated on teacher performance, it has been determined that, of the 6 factors, it is the Communication factor which has presented the greatest negative variation, being of the total of 22 teachers, 11 who have decreased their qualification.Campus At

    Satisfacción con la Vida y la Autoeficacia Específica para el Afrontamiento del Estrés, en los Estudiantes Universitarios de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad Privada César Vallejo de Lima Sur, 2017

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    The general objective was to establish the relationship between life satisfaction and specific self-efficacy for coping with stress in psychology university students at the César Vallejo Private University. Research with a quantitative and non-experimental approach, correlational type, descriptive cut. The population is psychology students from the César Vallejo Private University. Sample made up of 80 university students from the IX night shift cycle. The technique used are psychosometric, and the survey. Tables and figures were organized for descriptive statistics, Pearson's normality and correlation test was used for statistical inferences. The results show that the values ​​of sig <0.05, therefore, H0 is rejected, it is accepted that the sample data do not come from a normal distribution, therefore, to test the hypotheses, the Kolmogorov test was used- Smirnov and Pearson's coefficient, the null hypothesis is rejected and the HG hypothesis is admitted. Satisfaction with life is significantly related to specific self-efficacy for coping with stress, in psychology university students of the César Vallejo Private University, it is a strong positive correlation, according to the correlation indexes.El objetivo general fue establecer la relación entre satisfacción con la vida y la autoeficacia específica para el afrontamiento del estrés en los estudiantes universitarios de Psicología de la Universidad Privada César Vallejo. La investigación de enfoque cuantitativo y no experimental, tipo correlacional, corte descriptivo. La población son los estudiantes de psicología de la Universidad Privada César Vallejo. Muestra conformada por 80 estudiantes universitarios del IX ciclo turno noche. La técnica empleada son psicosométricas, y la encuesta. Se organizo tablas y figuras para la estadística descriptiva, en la estadística inferencias se utilizó la prueba de normalidad y correlación de Pearson. Los resultados muestran que los valores de sig < 0.05, por lo tanto, se rechaza H0, se acepta que los datos de la muestra no provienen de una distribución normal, por lo tanto, para probar las hipótesis planteadas se usó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y el coeficiente de Pearson, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se admite la hipótesis del HG. Satisfacción con la vida se relaciona significativamente con la autoeficacia específica para el afrontamiento del estrés, en los estudiantes universitarios de Psicología de la Universidad Privada César Vallejo, es correlación positiva fuerte, de acuerdo a los índices de correlación

    Distance education and student satisfaction regarding the pedagogical support services provided in virtual teaching-learning environments

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    The objective of this article is to know the satisfaction of students with online pedagogical support services, generated by the context of distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been provided with various technological tools. During the development of the research,it was deter-mined that there is a satisfaction with the pedagogical support of 61.2%, being the indicators of health servicesand welfare university, those that present the highest satisfaction both with 62.3%, on the other hand, are the indicators registrations and license plates, and psychopedagogical services those that present a greater dissatisfaction of 32.7 and 32.2, respectively. Although the pedagogical support provided by the university must continue to be improved, a slight im-provement has been determined with the previous semester in which the adapta-tion of online services began, since dissatisfaction on the part of students de-creased by 9.18%.Campus Lima Centr

    Evaluation of Teaching Performance in the Virtual Teaching-Learning Environment, from the Perspective of the Students of the Professional School of Mechanical Engineering

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effect that virtual teaching-learning generates in the evaluation of teaching performance, from the perspective of the students, of the professional mechanical engineering school. During the devel-opment of the research, it has been determined that the planning, communication and overall performance factors of the teaching performance have experienced a positive variation of 63.64%, increasing by 3.8%, when moving from the face-to-face environment to the virtual teaching-learning environment. While the didactic strategies, organization and subject mastery factors have experienced a positive variation of 59.09%, this increase represents 1.92%. Although a positive effect has been generated on teacher performance, it has been determined that, of the 6 factors, it is the Communication factor which has presented the greatest negative variation, being of the total of 22 teachers, 11 who have decreased their qualification

    Online Education and Engineering Students' Perception of Pedagogical Quality, in Learning the Process Control Course with MATLAB

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    The objective of this article is describe the results obtained from the evaluation of perception in engineering students, regarding pedagogical quality, in the context of online education; during the learning process of the process control course with Matlab. When developing the research, it was determined with respect to the answers capacity factor, that the indicators that present a better perception are "When presenting an observation about the development of the subject, the teacher responds to it appropriately" and "When you have any question or concern, the teacher answers your query quickly”, which have a total agreement of 82.4%. Regarding the Empathy factor, the indicator that presents a better perception is “The time in which the subject is taught is convenient for all students”, which presents a total compliance of 72.7%. Regarding the indicators that show the quality of the pedagogical service in general, it was determined that 75.7% perceive that teachers are always willing to help them and 81.8% perceives that teachers understand the specific academic needs of their students

    Distance Education and Student Satisfaction Regarding the Pedagogical Support Services Provided in Virtual Teaching-learning Environments

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    The objective of this article is to know the satisfaction of students with online pedagogical support services, generated by the context of distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been provided with various technologi-cal tools. During the development of the research, it was determined that there is a satisfaction with the pedagogical support of 61.2%, being the indicators of health services and welfare university, those that present the highest satisfaction both with 62.3%, on the other hand, are the indicators registrations and license plates, and psychopedagogical services those that present a greater dissatisfaction of 32.7 and 32.2, respectively. Although the pedagogical support provided by the university must continue to be improved, a slight improvement has been deter-mined with the previous semester in which the adaptation of online services be-gan, since dissatisfaction on the part of students decreased by 9.18%

    TX - Taller de Tesis - AR304 - 202102

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    Descripción: En este curso se desarrollará, mediante una propuesta arquitectónica, un proyecto escogido por el estudiante, en el que pueda acreditar que está en capacidad de hacer frente a los principales aspectos comprendidos en el desarrollo de un proyecto arquitectónico. En la primera etapa se establecen los criterios básicos de diseño de un pre-anteproyecto arquitectónico sustentado a partir de las condiciones: conceptuales, programáticas y de usuario, aspectos medio ambientales, urbano y paisajistas. En la segunda etapa se desarrolla un anteproyecto arquitectónico incluyendo además los criterios de las especialidades de estructuras, instalaciones eléctricas y sanitarias, y sistemas de evacuación. Propósito: El curso tiene como propósito la aprobación del anteproyecto con el cual el estudiante puede iniciar su Proyecto de Titulación Profesional. Busca contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias generales UPC: Comunicación Escrita, Comunicación Oral, 3Pensamiento Crítico, Razonamiento Cuantitativo, Manejo de la Información, Ciudadanía, Pensamiento Innovador y de las competencias específicas de la carrera: Diseño Fundamentado (que corresponde a los criterios NAAB PC2, PC3,PC5, PC8, SC5), Cultura Arquitectónica (que corresponde a los criterios NAAB1 PC4), Técnica y Construcción (que corresponde a los criterios NAAB1 SC1, SC4,SC6) y Gestión Profesional (que corresponde a los criterios NAAB1 PC6, SC2), todas en el nivel 3. Tiene como requisitos AR248 Gestión Inmobiliaria y HU61 inglés 5 y AR271 Lineamientos para el Proyecto Profesional y AR272 Seminario de Urbanismo y AR250 TIX - Taller de Ejercicio Profesional y aprobación por el director de la Carrera