840 research outputs found

    Studying the Dynamical Properties of 20 Nearby Galaxy Clusters

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    Using SDSS-DR7, we construct a sample of 42382 galaxies with redshifts in the region of 20 galaxy clusters. Using two successive iterative methods, the adaptive kernel method and the spherical infall model, we obtained 3396 galaxies as members belonging to the studied sample. The 2D projected map for the distribution of the clusters members is introduced using the 2D adaptive kernel method to get the clusters centers. The cumulative surface number density profile for each cluster is fitted well with the generalized King model. The core radii of the clusters' sample are found to vary from 0.18 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1} (A1459) to 0.47 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1} (A2670) with mean value of 0.295 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1}. The infall velocity profile is determined using two different models, Yahil approximation and Praton model. Yahil approximation is matched with the distribution of galaxies only in the outskirts (infall regions) of many clusters of the sample, while it is not matched with the distribution within the inner core of the clusters. Both Yahil approximation and Praton model are matched together in the infall region for about 9 clusters in the sample but they are completely unmatched for the clusters characterized by high central density. For these cluster, Yahil approximation is not matched with the distribution of galaxies, while Praton model can describe well the infall pattern of such clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental research into the effect of some operation factors and rock properties on the rate of penetration

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    Purpose. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of weight on bit (WOB), rotary speed (RPM), and some rock properties on the rate of penetration (ROP). Methods. Four types of rock were collected from different sites in the south of Egypt (Aswan sandstone, Isawya limestone, Assiut limestone, and Minya marble). These tested samples were drilled by diamond core bit using a fixed laboratory diamond drilling machine under conditions (400 and 1200 rpm), and loads from 12 to 220 kg. WOB, ROP, torque (T) and specific energy (SE) were continuously observed during the drilling trials. The effect of these factors on ROP were examined. Water is used as a flushing and cooling medium. Findings. The effect of some operation factors on the penetration rate regarding mineral composition and different rock type was evaluated and the general equation was carried out to predict the suitable operation factor which gives the best penetration Rate. Originality. The effect of some operation factors on the penetration rate regarding mineral composition and different rock type was evaluated and the general equation was carried out to predict the suitable operation factor which gives the best penetration Rate. Practical implications. The Results demonstrated that ROP was inversely proportional to compressive strength (CS), tensile strength (TS), and density. It was also found that Aswan sandstone, Isawya limestone, Assiut limestone, and Minya marble have CS 111.94 MPa, 131.22 MPa, 125.0 MPa, and 502.5 MPa respectively. Was established that ROP was directly proportional to porosity. Increasing ROP in case of Aswan sandstone is associated with increase in porosity – 23.158%, and in case of Assiut limestone and Isawya limestone ROP is also associated with an increase in porosity – 19.9% and 17.93% respectively. Decreasing ROP in case of Minya marble is associated with decrease in porosity – 2.314%. So, we concluded that marble has lower ROP due to its higher CS, TS, and density and lower porosity than other tested rocks.Мета. Вивчення впливу комплексу основних експлуатаційних параметрів і ряду фізико-механічних властивостей порід на швидкість буріння в умовах різних родовищ Південного Єгипту. Методика. Були відібрані 4 типи порід з різних районів на півдні Єгипту (Асуанської піщаник, вапняк Ісав, Ассіутскій вапняк і мармур Міньї). Експериментальні зразки отримано на стаціонарній лабораторній буровій установці з алмазним долотом при швидкостях обертання 400 і 1200 об/хв та при навантаженнях від 12 до 220 кг. Під час експериментів постійно вимірювалися навантаження на долото, частота обертання, крутний момент на долоті й питома енергія, а також досліджувався вплив цих факторів на швидкість буріння. Як розчин для промивання і охолоджуючий агент використовувалася вода. Результати. Встановлено залежності швидкості буріння від навантаження на долото, питомої енергії та частоти обертання і питомої енергії. Виявлено, що для всіх чотирьох типів породи швидкість буріння збільшується з ростом навантаження на долото, в той час як питома енергія зменшується з ростом швидкості буріння. Розроблено ефективний спосіб прогнозування продуктивності бурової установки. Встановлено, що швидкість буріння обернено пропорційна міцності на стиск, міцності на розтягнення й щільності, а також змінюється прямо пропорційно пористості. Визначено, що менша швидкість буріння мармуру пов’язана з великими значеннями міцності на стиск, розтяг і щільність, а також з меншою пористістю у порівнянні з іншими досліджуваними породами. Наукова новизна. Встановлено нові закономірності взаємозв’язку експлуатаційних параметрів буріння з урахуванням різного типу породи (пісковик, вапняк, мармур) та її мінерального складу, а також обґрунтовано головну умову експлуатаційного фактору, який забезпечує оптимальну швидкість буріння. Практична значимість. Отримані результати дозволяють вибирати оптимальні параметри і режими буріння в процесі розвідки умов залягання родовищ Південного Єгипту, їх мінерального вмісту та стратиграфічних особливостей. Результати будуть корисними для проектних організацій, наукових інститутів з геології й розвідки, а також гірничих підприємств.Цель. Изучение влияния комплекса основных эксплуатационных параметров и ряда физико-механических свойств пород на скорость бурения в условиях пород различных месторождений Южного Египта. Методика. Были отобраны 4 типа пород из различных районов на юге Египта (Асуанский песчаник, известняк Исавии, Ассиутский известняк и мрамор Миньи). Экспериментальные образцы получены на стационарной лабораторной буровой установке с алмазным долотом при скоростях вращения 400 и 1200 об/мин и при нагрузках от 12 до 220 кг. Во время экспериментов постоянно измерялись нагрузки на долото, частота вращения, крутящий момент на долоте и удельная энергия, а также и исследовалось влияние этих факторов на скорость бурения. В качестве промывочного раствора и охлаждающего агента использовалась вода. Результаты. Установлены зависимости скорости бурения от нагрузки на долото, удельной энергии и частоты вращения и удельной энергии. Выявлено, что для всех четырех типов породы скорость бурения увеличивается с ростом нагрузки на долото, в то время как удельная энергия уменьшается с ростом скорости бурения. Разработан эффективный способ прогнозирования производительности буровой установки. Установлено, что скорость бурения обратно пропорциональна прочности на сжатие, прочности на растяжение и плотности, а также изменяется прямо пропорционально пористости. Определено, что меньшая скорости бурения мрамора связана с большими значениями прочности на сжатие, растяжение и плотности, а также с меньшей пористостью по сравнению с другими исследуемыми породами. Научная новизна. Получены новые закономерности взаимосвязи эксплуатационных параметров бурения с учетом различного типа породы (песчаник, известняк, мрамор) и ее минерального состава, а также обосновано главное условие эксплуатационного фактора, который обеспечивает оптимальную скорость бурения. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты позволяют выбирать оптимальные параметры и режимы бурения в процессе разведки условий залегания месторождений Южного Египта, их минерального содержание и стратиграфических особенностей. Результаты будут полезными для проектных организаций, научных институтов по геологии и разведке, а также горных предприятий.Our sincere gratitude for Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Assiut, Egypt for invaluable assistance to upgrade and guidance to completed this article

    Thymoquinone Inhibits the CXCL12-Induced Chemotaxis of Multiple Myeloma Cells and Increases Their Susceptibility to Fas-Mediated Apoptosis

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    In multiple myeloma (MM), malignant plasma cells reside in the bone marrow, where they accumulate in close contact with stromal cells. The mechanisms responsible for the chemotaxis of malignant plasma cells are still poorly understood. Thus, we investigated the mechanisms involved in the chemotaxis of MDN and XG2 MM cell lines. Both cell lines strongly expressed CCR9, CXCR3 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors but only migrated toward CXCL12. Activation of CXCR4 by CXCL12 resulted in the association of CXCR4 with CD45 and activation of PLCβ3, AKT, RhoA, IκBα and ERK1/2. Using siRNA-silencing techniques, we showed CD45/CXCR4 association is essential for CXCL12-induced migration of MM cells. Thymoquinone (TQ), the major active component of the medicinal herb Nigella sativa Linn, has been described as a chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic compound. TQ treatment strongly inhibited CXCL12-mediated chemotaxis in MM cell lines as well as primary cells isolated from MM patients, but not normal PBMCs. Moreover, TQ significantly down-regulated CXCR4 expression and CXCL12-mediated CXCR4/CD45 association in MM cells. Finally, TQ also induced the relocalization of cytoplasmic Fas/CD95 to the membrane of MM cells and increased CD95-mediated apoptosis by 80%. In conclusion, we demonstrate the potent anti-myeloma activity of TQ, providing a rationale for further clinical evaluation

    Effect of Stretching Versus Aerobic Exercises on Pregnant Diabetic Women

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the effect of stretching versus aerobic exercises on pregnant diabetic women. Subjects: Sixty primigravidae and multigravidae women shared in this study. They were selected from Benha University Hospital in Benha. Their ages were ranged from 25-35 years. Their BMI was ranged from 30-35 kg/m2. Their gestational ages were between 20-24 weeks’ gestation. All pregnant women were complaining of gestational diabetes mellitus. Design: Design of this study was randomized controlled study. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups: Group A (stretching exercises group); It consisted of thirty pregnant diabetic women. They were treated by medical treatment, diet control and stretching exercises for 40 minutes, 3 times per week, after one hour of the main meal and insulin injection, for 12 weeks. Group B (aerobic exercises group); It consisted of thirty pregnant diabetic women. They were treated by medical treatment, diet control and aerobic exercise program in the form of walking on treadmill, at moderate intensity (60% of the maximum heart rate), for 45 minutes, 3 times per week, after one hour of the main meal and insulin injection, for 12 weeks. Methods: Body mass index (BMI) was assessed by weight and height scale. Fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels were assessed by using blood glucose monitoring system; fasting insulin level and HbA1C were assessed by blood analysis for each woman in both groups A and B before and after treatment. Results: Results of this study revealed that there was significant decrease in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level in both groups A and B after treatment. Pretreatment, there was no significant difference between both groups A and B in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level. Post treatment, there was significant difference between both groups A and B in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level (more decrease in group A). Conclusion: It can be concluded that both stretching and aerobic exercises during pregnancy can improve gestational diabetes mellitus by decreasing fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level, but stretching exercises are more effective than aerobic exercises

    Stabilization of active acetylene by-product via sequestration of co\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e

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    © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK. The rising rates of carbide lime waste (CLW), the by-product of acetylene production, cause environmental problems and need for the repurposing of the said material. The high content of calcium in such by-products (60–80%) is the main reason for its utilization in CO2 sequestration. This study focused on using of CLW to form simple, reliable, cost-efficient process, applying direct solid-liquid-gas carbonation reaction, which consists of bubbling CO2 gas through an aqueous slurry of slaked CLW with different solid /water ratios. The experimental conditions were adjusted for maximum carbonation efficiency. Experimental results indicated that CLW has the potential to store CO2 in the form of stable carbonates. Considering the total calcium content, an amount of 0.5833 kg CO2 /kg CLW was achieved. The influence of solid/water ratio on the precipitation of calcium carbonate was investigated using SEM that showed a difference in crystal carbonate sizes and morphologies

    Residual and Past Entropies of Concomitants from Lai And Xie Extensions of Case-II of Generalized Order Statistics and its Dual

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    In this article, we consider a new extensions of Morgenstern family is Lai and Xie extensions and discuss their concomitants for case-II of generalized order statistics and case-II of dual generalized order statistics. Additionally, recurrence relation between moments is found for the recommended models. We have also derived the expression for the joint distribution of concomitants for case-II of generalized order statistics and its dual. The residual and past entropies are shown last

    Penetration enhancers in proniosomes as a new strategy for enhanced transdermal drug delivery

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    AbstractThe aim of this work is to investigate penetration enhancers in proniosomes as a transdermal delivery system for nisoldipine. This was performed with the goal of optimising the composition of proniosomes as transdermal drug delivery systems. Plain proniosomes comprising sorbitan monostearate, cholesterol, ethanol and a small quantity of water were initially prepared. Subsequently, proniosomes containing lecithin or skin penetration enhancers were prepared and evaluated for transdermal delivery of nisoldipine. The plain proniosomes significantly enhanced the transdermal flux of nisoldipine to reach 12.18μgcm−2h−1 compared with a saturated aqueous drug solution which delivered the drug at a rate of 0.46μgcm−2h−1. Incorporation of lecithin into such proniosomes increased the drug flux to reach a value of 28.51μgcm−2h−1. This increase can be attributed to the penetration enhancing effect of lecithin fatty acid components. Replacing lecithin oleic acid (OA) produced proniosomes of comparable efficacy to the lecithin containing system. The transdermal drug flux increased further after incorporation of propylene glycol into the OA based proniosomes. Similarly, incorporation of isopropyl myristate into plain proniosomes increased drug flux. The study introduced enhanced proniosomes as a promising transdermal delivery carrier and highlighted the role of penetration enhancing mechanisms in enhanced proniosomal skin delivery. The study opened the way for another line of optimisation of niosome proconcentrates

    Effect of selenium on nutritive value of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)

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    Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) one of the auxiliary plants was traditionally consumed in many parts of the world for its nutritional and medicinal benefits. The nutrient components of purslane such as total protein, total carbohydrates and mineral content such as macro elements (Na, K, Ca and Mg) and micro elements (Fe, Cu, Pb and Zn) were estimated at different concentrations of selenium which treated in soil where the plant cultivated. The protein and carbohydrate contents of leaves as well as protein of stems increase with increasing the selenium concentration, while protein and carbohydrate of roots as well as carbohydrate of stems decrease with increasing Se concentration. The mineral content was also affected by Se concentration, Fe, Cu and Zn of leaves decreased with increasing Se concentration, while K, Ca, Mg and Na are directly proportional with Se concentration. In stems, Zn only is inversely proportional with Se concentration. In roots, Fe, Cu, Mg and K are inversely proportional with Se concentration, while Na, Ca and Zn are directly proportional. The findings of this study revealed that carbohydrates, protein and mineral contents of purslane can be affected and controlled by selenium concentration. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.128341

    Epidemiological study of risk factors in pediatric asthma

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    Background: Childhood asthma is a major public health problem in Egypt and worldwide. Epidemiologic, physiologic, and social factors appear to be associated with an increased risk of asthma. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the most frequent risk factors of childhood asthma exacerbation and severity in our community. Methods: This cross sectional study involved 206 asthmatic children, 5 to 15 years old. They were enrolled from the School Students Health Insurance facility of El-Matareya Teaching Hospital and from the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic of Saint Mark Charity Hospital representing several social and residential classes. They were assessed clinically and by peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). Parents of children were interviewed for symptoms and some demographic, social, environmental, housing and familial data as well as asthma triggers through a comprehensive detailed questionnaire. Results: Residential distribution and social status were significantly associated with asthma severity as most moderate persistent asthmatics lived in semi-urban areas (70.8%) and belonged to the low-level segment of social classification (47.9%). In the majority of the study population (69.9%), a family member or more had a positive history of bronchial asthma, and this was especially evident in moderate persistent cases (70.8%). Passive smoking and dust triggered exacerbations in 48.6% and 65% of the studied sample respectively and in most moderate persistent asthmatics (83.4% and 93.7%). Most houses of moderate asthmatics were infested with cockroaches (91.7%) and domestic animals were present in 56.2%. Recurrent chest infections and cold/flu attacks were strongly associated with asthma exacerbation and severity (93.8% and 93.7% of moderate persistent cases respectively). Most moderate persistent asthmatics (91.7%) reported exercise-induced asthma while 64.6% stated that emotional stress triggered their symptoms. Indoor pollutants such as insecticides, household chemicals and odors were strongly associated with asthma severity and exacerbation especially in moderate persistent cases (triggered symptoms in 66.7%, 52.1% and 58.3% of cases respectively). Conclusion: Smoking, emotional stress and dust were the most significant triggers of asthma exacerbation and severity in our series. Identification and avoidance of risk factors for persistent asthma, combined with early institution of pharmacologic and other intervention strategies, may lead to a better outcome.Keywords: asthma severity; asthma triggers; children; residence; risk factors; smoking; social statusEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2007; 5(1): 11-1