82 research outputs found

    Exploring the Effect of Trauma Care Simulation on Undergraduate Critical Care Nursing Students’ Attitude at A College of Nursing, in Jeddah- An Intervention Study

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    Background: Patient safety has become a priority and pre-requisite for the provision for effective quality care. Simulation is seen as one method to ensure patient safety as this method allows for the attainment of skills and promotes the transference of these skills into safe clinical practice.Method: A pretest posttest research design was used. 34 Female critical care students were conveniently sampled from the College of Nursing, Jeddah, at the King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences. Data collection occurred in three phases: first phase pre simulation phase which included administering the KIDSIM Attitudes Questionnaire; second phase was the simulation on a trauma patient with hypovolemic shock; third phase was administering the KIDSIM Attitudes Questionnaire and Simulation Design Scale. Results: The majority of the students have positive attitudes in both pre and post simulation practice in relation to the relevance of simulation (with Mean + SD 4.3 + 0.6 pre & 4.4 + 0.5 post) with no significant difference between pre and post simulation practice. Approximately two thirds of students were able to able to care for a trauma patients with hypovolemic shock. Student’s feedback about the simulation practice highlights that the majority of students provided positive feedback regarding the simulation session attended.Discussion: One of the significant finding related to leadership provided during simulation was to ask non- response team members to leave when they are distracting. In addition, the results of this study revealed that within a team context, the roles on non- leading members of the team are just as important for good team functioning as the role of the leader.Limitations and recommendations: Limitations include space triangulation with a small sample size. Recommendations for future research propose qualitative studies to address the phenenomon at hand especially within a Saudi Arabian context. Keywords: Critical care students, simulation, trauma care, trauma care simulation

    Subclinical pulmonary pathogenic infection in camels slaughtered in Cairo, Egypt

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    Introduction: Camels migrate between the open boundaries of Sudan and Egypt either for grazing or for slaughtering. Bad hygiene and stress is often related to pulmonary diseases in camels. This study investigated whether camels slaughtered in Cairo carried pulmonary infections. Methodology: Five hundred lung tissues of slaughtered camels were examined and 100 samples suspected for pulmonary infection were subjected to microbial identification and histopathology. Results: A total of 70 lung tissues revealed 97 bacterial isolates of 8 species, including Staphylococcus aureus (37.14%), Escherichia coli (27.14%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (26.71%), Bacillus spp. (25.72%), Streptococcus pyogenes (10%), Corynebacterium spp. (8.85 %), Pasteurella spp. (2.85%), and Arcanobacterium pyogenes (1.4%). Some of these species were earlier reported to be associated with pulmonary infection. Histopathology revealed different types of pneumonia in 50% of the investigated lungs. Conclusions: A considerable number of apparently healthy camels carry pathogenic agents in their lower respiratory tracts. Immunosuppression and stressful conditions might influence these pathogens to induce respiratory diseases in camels. Thus, the infected camels might act as reservoir of these infections agents. If adequate care is not taken, this might be a threat to abattoir workers and may spread infections to humans

    Immunomodulatory effects of food

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    There is a strong consensus that nutrition plays a role in modulating immune function and that the immune system needs adequate supply of nutrients to function properly. The complexity of the immune system supports this idea because its optimal functioning involves a variety of biological activities including cell division and proliferation, energy metabolism, and production of proteins. The micronutrients most often cited as being important to immune function include vitamins A, C, E, and B6, folate, iron, zinc, and selenium. Other nutrients mentioned as playing a role in immune function include beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A), vitamin B12, and vitamin D. On the other hand, over-activation of the immune system can lead to detrimental effects such as chronic inflammation or autoimmune diseases. In persons with allergies, a normally harmless material can be mistaken as an antigen. Some individuals develop an exaggerated immune response to food through developing food allergy which may be IgE mediated, non-IgE mediated, or mixed. This review will highlight the interaction between the immune system and some foods and food components in terms of modulation of immune functions by a variety of mechanisms.Egypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2011;9(1):3-1

    Comparison Between (311–312 nm) Narrow Band Ultraviolet-B Phototherapy and (308 nm) Monochromatic Excimer Light Phototherapy in Treatment of Vitiligo: A Histopathological Study

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    Introduction: Recently, the monochromatic excimer light (MEL) of 308 nm wavelength has shown some advantages in comparison to narrow band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) for the treatment of vitiligo. To histopathologically compare the early effects of NB-UVB and 308-nm MEL phototherapy on vitiliginous patches using H&E and HMB-45.Methods: Thirty subjects with non-segmental vitiligo lesions were treated twice a week for 6 weeks with 308-nm MEL, while NB-UVB was used to treat lesions contra laterally. Skin biopsies were taken from lesional areas before and after 6 weeks of treatment by either modality. It was prepared for light microscopy and immunohistochemical study (HMB-45). This study was performed as a clinical trial (Trial registration: http://www.pactr.org; Identifier: PACTR201705002279419)Results: All lesions before treatment had labeling index (number of pigmented cells/non-pigmented cells) of 0.0 (0%). After treatment the LI for MEL was 4.2 ± 2.6, while for NB-UVB LI it was 0.3 ± 0.7. MEL showed higher statistical significance regarding increase of basal pigmented cells, and significant decrease in vacuolated keratinocytes and basal membrane thickness than NB-UVB.Conclusion: Although NB-UVB is considered as treatment of choice for vitiligo, MEL is acknowledged as an effective treatment modality for vitiliginous lesions that induces more repigmentation than NB-UVB, and more rapidly, as confirmed by our study

    Effect of undifferentiated versus hepatogenic partially differentiated mesenchymal stem cells on hepatic and cognitive functions in liver cirrhosis

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    Liver cirrhosis is the outcome of chronic liver injury. The current study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells versus in vitro partially differentiated mesenchymal stem cells on liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. 50 adult male albino rats constituted the animal model and were divided into the following groups: control, thioacetamide, undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells and hepatocyte growth factor-differentiated mesenchymal stem cells groups. Cognitive assessment was achieved by open field test and Y-maze task. We measured serum alanine aminotransferase, albumin and transforming growth factor-beta1, gene expression of α-smooth muscle actin, matrix metalloprotein-2, its tissue inhibitor and apoptotic markers: Bax and Bcl2, brain glial fibrillary acidic protein, synaptophysin, and dopaminergic receptors

    Low cost detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in HCV infected patients by SYBR Green I real-time PCR

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    The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highest in Egypt compared to other countries. Nucleic acid amplification test (NAT) allows detection of HCV early during the course of infection. Unfortunately, NAT is more expensive than ELISA, thus its routine use as a screening tool for blood products or in clinical practice is quite limited. The aim of this study was to compare two common RT-PCR methods, TaqMan probe technique and SYBR Green method in quantitative detection of HCV RNA for diagnosis and follow up of HCV patients. Among the recruited 220 HCV patients, 154 (70%) were HCV-RNA positive by both the techniques, while 24 (10.9%) were negative by both techniques. On the other hand, 40 (18.2%) cases were HCV RNA positive only by SYBR Green technique, and 2 (0.9%) only by TaqMan probe technique. Forty (20.4%) of the 196 chronic HCV cases were HCV-RNA positive by SYBR Green but negative by TaqMan probe technique.Conclusion: This method is useful for rapid qualitative detection of HCV infection and particularly suitable for routine diagnostic applications.Keywords: HCV, PCR, SYBR Green 1, TaqMan probe, Viral loa

    Anomoeodus aegypticus n. sp. (Pisces, †Pycnodontiformes) from the late Cretaceous of the Dakhla Formation, Western Desert, Egypt

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    EnBased on a single right prearticular bone section with partial dentition collected from the lower part of the Beris member, Dakhla Formation (Egypt), dated to the Maastrichtian, the authors describe a new Pycnodont, Anomoeodus aegypticus. The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages indicate deposition in a marginal marine environment with open marine influx. The dental apparatus demonstrates the characteristic disposition of the teeth, which are typically semi-spherical, kidney-shaped and elliptical, as seen for the genus Anomoeodus. The new species is primarily characterised by the largest teeth not being those of the medial row (located near the symphysis; as seen for all Anomoeodus), but those of the primary lateral row.ItBasandosi su un osso pre-articolare destro frammentario, con dentatura parziale, raccolto dalla parte inferiore dei cosiddetti "strati di Beris" della Formazione di Dakhla (Egitto), datata al Maastrichtiano, gli autori descrivono il picnodonte Anomoeodus aegypticus n. sp. Il fossile è stato trovato in associazione con un'ampia varietà di vertebrati marini (mosasauri, plesiosauri, tartarughe marine, coccodrilli, denti di squalo, ossa e denti di pesci) e occasionali resti vegetali. Le associazioni di foraminiferi planctonici indicano la deposizione in un ambiente marino marginale, con afflusso sporadico dal mare aperto. L'apparato dentario descritto mostra la caratteristica disposizione dei denti, che sono peraltro tipicamente semisferici, allungati, reniformi, come si vede tipicamente nel genere Anomoeodus. La nuova specie è caratterizzata dal fatto che i denti di dimensioni maggiori non appartengono alla fila mediale (localizzati in prossimità della sinfisi), come avviene in tutti gli Anomoeodus, ma appartengono alla fila laterale primaria. Ulteriori caratteri sono: (i) I denti di maggiori dimensioni appartengono alla serie primaria laterale; (ii) assenza di diastema; (iii) bassissimo numero di serie dentarie preartcolari (tre); (iv) basso numero di elementi dentari per ciascuna serie prearticolare; (v) le due serie laterali (la primaria e la secondaria) formano fra loro un angolo diedro aperto buccalmente; (vi) la superfice occlusale è concava nei denti di entrambe le serie laterali (primaria e secondaria), convessa in quella dei denti della serie mediale. Anomoeodus aegypticus n. sp. ha le sue maggiori affinità anatomiche con Anomoeodus "specie B" descritto da Cooper and Mantill (2020) nel Cretaceo superiore del Marocco, che – pertanto – cade nella sinonimia della nuova specie Anomoeodus aegypticus