26 research outputs found
Natural and geographical features of parks in Osijek
Grad Osijek je grad koji se naziva gradom zelenila ili „Zeleni grad“. Na površini grada od 169 km², zelene površine smještene su na oko 300 000 m² koje sam opisala u ovom diplomskom radu. Za njihov razvitak neophodno je poznavati povijest grada Osijeka, njegova geografska i prirodna obilježja koja predstavljaju nezaobilazne čimbenike za razvoj parkovne kulture na ovom području. Grad Osijek smjestio se u ravničarskom dijelu istočne Hrvatske, na riječnoj terasi s desne obale Drave te se nalazi u području kontinentalne klime. Osijek je jedini grad u Hrvatskoj koji se u svojoj povijesti širio od periferije prema središtu u cilju stvaranja „vrtnog grada“. Svojim longitudinalnim pružanjem u smjeru istok-zapad, uz rijeku Dravu, stvorio je zavidnu kompleksnu cjelinu parkovne arhitekture koja povezuje glavne dijelove grada,a koju čine: Šetalište Petra Preradovića, Europska avenija, Perivoj na trgu Ljudevita Gaja, Perivoj Zrinjevac (Nikole Šubića Zrinskog), Šetalište kardinala Franje Šepera, Perivoj kralja Tomislava, kralja Krešimira IV., kneza Branimira, kralja Držislava, kraljice Katarine Kotromanić-Kosača i Perivoj na trgu bana Josipa Jelačića. Praktično izvođenje nastave iz Prirode i društva u četvrtom razredu usmjereno je na izvanučioničku nastavu u osječkom Sakuntala parku, a osmišljeno je uz korelaciju s drugim nastavnim predmetima. Parkovi grada Osijeka predstavljaju bogatu i vrijednu kulturnu i parkovnu baštinu stoga ih je potrebno zaštiti, brinuti se o njima, koristiti ih i pisati o njima.Osijek is a city often called the city of greenery or “Green city”. On the city surface of 169 km2, green surfaces cover about 300.000 m2, which have been described in this graduate thesis. In order to develop them, it is necessary to know the history of Osijek, its geographic and natural characteristics, which represent unavoidable factors in park culture development of this territory. City of Osijek is placed in the plain part of the eastern Croatia, on the right bank terrace of the Drava river and is situated in the territory of continental climate. Osijek is the only city in Croatia that has been historically spreading from periphery to its center, in order to create a “garden city”. With its longitudinal stretch in the east-west direction, by the Drava river, it built an envious complex ensemble of park architecture, which are connecting the main parts of the city. Those parks are: Promenade of Petar Preradović, European avenue, Park on the Ljudevit Gaj square, Park Zrinjevac (of Nikola Šubić Zrinski), Promenade of cardinal Franjo Šeper, Park of the king Tomislav, Park of the king Krešimir IV., Park of the duke Branimir, Park of the king Držislav, Park of the queen Katarina Kotromanić-Kosača and Park on the square of ban Josip Jelačić. The practical teaching performance in Nature and society in fourth grade is directed to an extracurricular class in the Sakuntala park in Osijek and it is also designed in correlation with other teaching subjects. Parks in Osijek represent a valuable cultural and park inheritance, which is why they need to be protected, cared about, used and written about
Active Material Based on Starch Biopolymer with Incorporated Aronia Polyphenols
Polimerni materijali su materijali koji se uobičajeno upotrebljavaju u prehrambenoj industriji za izradu ambalaže. Ukoliko dospiju u okolinu predstavljaju problem za okoliš zbog dugog vremena razgradnje. Kako bi se riješio problem polimerne ambalaže, istraživanja su usmjerena na razvoj materijala pripremljenih od biopolimera koji se mogu brže razgraditi. Materijali izrađeni od prirodnih biopolimera te uz dodatak aktivne komponente poput polifenolnih spojeva postaju aktivni biopolimerni materijali. U ovom radu cilj je bio prirediti i istražiti aktivni materijal na bazi biopolimera škroba s inkorporiranim polifenolima aronije (Aronia melanocarpa). Polifenoli iz aronije dobiveni su ultrazvukom potpomognutom ekstrakcijom.Pomoću visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije obrnutih faza (RP-HPLC) u ekstraktima su identificirani kao antocijanini (cijanidin-3 galaktozid, cijanidin-3 - glukozid, cijanidin-3-arabinozid i cijanidin-3-ksilozid), fenolne kiseline (neoklorogenska i klorogenska kiselina) i flavonoli (kvercetin-3-rutinozid, kvercetin-3-galaktozid i kvercetin-3-glukozid). Njihova ukupna količina iznosila je 1072 mg/kg. Polifenoli aronije adsorbirali su se na škrob u ukupnoj količini 2,2 ili 1,6 mg/g škroba (za dva pripremljena materijala škrob-polifenoli 1 i škrob-polifenoli 2). U najvećem postotku adsorbirali su se antocijanini (49,4 %) i fenolne kiseline (47 %), a u manjem flavonoli (3,6 %). S porastom koncentracije polifenola u ekstraktu, rasla je i količina polifenola adsorbiranih na škrob ( = 0,9895 do 0,995). Od pripremljenog škroba s adsorbiranim polifenolima aronije uz dodatak plastifikatora pripremljena je folija koja može poslužiti kao aktivni ambalažni materijal. Svojstva folije i mogućnost pakiranja namirnica potrebno je dodatno istražiti.Polymer materials are materials that are commonly used in the food industry for packaging. If a released into the environment, polymer materials pose a problem for the environment due to the long decomposition time. In order to solve the problem of polymer packaging, research is focused on the development of materials prepared from natural biopolymers that can be easily decomposed . Materials made from natural biopolymers and with the addition of active components such as polyphenolic compounds become active biopolymer materials. This work aimed to prepare and investigate an active material based on starch biopolymer with incorporated chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) polyphenols. Aronia polyphenols were obtained by ultrasound - assited extraction. Using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), they were identified as anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-arabinoside and cyanidin-3-xyloside), phenolic acids (neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids) and flavonols. (quercetin-3-rutinoside, quercetin-3-galactoside and quercetin-3-glucoside). Their total amount was 1072 mg/kg. Aronia polyphenols were adsorbed on starch in a total amount of 2.2 or 1.6 mg/g of starch (for the two prepared materials starch-polyphenols 1 and starch-polyphenols 2). Anthocyanins (49.4%) and phenolic acids (47%) were adsorbed in the highest percentage, and flavonols (3.6%) in a smaller percentage. The amount of polyphenols adsorbed on starch increased as the concentration of polyphenols in the extract increased ( = 0.9895 to 0.995). A film was prepared from the starch with adsorbed chokeberry polyphenols and with the addition of a plasticizer. It can serve as an active packaging material.. The properties of the film and the possibility of food packaging need to be investigated further
Aurora kinase A / Polo-like kinase 1 signaling pathway analysis in patients with myelofibrosis
Aurora kinaza A (AURKA), protein Aurora borealis (BORA), Polo-like kinaza 1
(PLK1) i Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) kontroliraju stanični ciklus i ulazak stanice u
mitozu, a njihova disregulacija opisana je u brojnim malignim bolestima. Cilj rada bio je ispitati
do sad nedovoljno istražen izražaj njihovih mRNA u mijeloproliferativnoj bolesti, mijelofibrozi
(MF). Iz citoloških punktata koštane srži urađena je PCR mRNA analiza navedenih gena u 43
bolesnika s mijelofibrozom, i to 28 s primarnom (PMF) i 15 sa sekundarnom mijelofibrozom
(SMF). U kontrolnim skupinama bilo je 12 ispitanika s agresivnim ne-Hodgkinovim limfom
bez infiltracije koštane srži i 6 ispitanika s reaktivnom promjenom koštane srži bez zloćudne
bolesti. Optimalne granične vrijednosti izražaja mRNA za diskriminaciju preživljenja odabrane
su korištenjem analize ROC krivulje. Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju AURKA mRNA
između ispitanika s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.466). Viša vrijednost izražaja AURKA
mRNA značajno je povezana s većim apsolutnim brojem monocita (P=0.024) i kraćim ukupnim
preživljenjem (HR=3.77; P=0.012). U bolesnika s PMF i SMF značajno je niži izražaj BORA
mRNA u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (P=0.009). Viša vrijednost izražaja BORA mRNA
značajno je povezana s povoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: odsutnošću konstitucijskih
simptoma (P=0.049) i cirkulirajućih blasta (P=0.047), ali bez značajne povezanosti s ukupnim
preživljenjem (P>0.05). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju PLK1 mRNA između ispitanika s
MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.103). Viša vrijednost izražaja PLK1 mRNA značajno je
povezana s većim ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.042) i kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=5.87; P=0.003). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju CDC25c mRNA između ispitanika
s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.162). Viša vrijednost izražaja CDC25c mRNA značajno je
povezana s nepovoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: većom jetrom (P=0.022), većim
ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.017), većim apsolutnim brojem neutrofila (P=0.010), monocita
(P=0.050), bazofila (P=0.012) i eozinofila (P=0.013) te kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=2.99; P=0.049). Izražaj ovih gena ima utjecaj na ukupno preživljenje u mijelofibrozi te
istraživanje treba proširiti na druge hematološke zloćudne bolesti i one s reaktivnim i prolaznim
promjenama hematopoeze.Aurora kinase A (AURKA), Aurora borealis protein (BORA), Polo-like kinase 1
(PLK1) and Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) are required for cell cycle control and promotion
of mitosis entry. Their dysregulation has been described in a number of malignant diseases.
However, their role in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis is less known. We investigated AURKA,
BORA, PLK1 and CDC25c mRNA expression in bone marrow aspirates of 43 patients with
myelofibrosis (28 primary - PMF, 15 secondary myelofibrosis - SMF) and 18 controls (the first
control group of 12 with limited stage of aggressive non Hodgkin lymphoma without bone
marrow involvement and the second group of 6 with nonmalignant reactive bone marrow).
Optimal cut-off values for dichotomization of expression levels of investigated genes for the
purpose of survival analysis were done using the ROC curve analysis with survival status as a
classification variable. AURKA mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.466). Higher AURKA expression was significantly associated
with higher absolute monocyte count (P=0.024) and shorter overall survival (HR=3.77;
P=0.012). Patients with both PMF and SMF had lower BORA mRNA expression than controls
(P=0.009). Higher BORA expression was significantly associated with favourable prognostic
factors: absence of constitutional symptoms (P=0.049) and absence of circulatory blasts
(P=0.047), but with neutral effect on survival (P>0.05). PLK1 mRNA expression did not
significantly differ between myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.103). Higher PLK1 expression
was significantly associated with higher white blood cell count (P=0.042) and inferior overall
survival (HR=5.87; P=0.003). CDC25c mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.162). Higher CDC25c mRNA was significantly associated
with unfavourable prognostic factors: higher white blood cells count (P=0.017), larger liver size
(P=0.022), higher absolute neutrophil (P=0.010), monocyte (P=0.050), basophil (P=0.012) and
eosinophil counts (P=0.013) and inferior overall survival (HR=2.99; P=0.049). In conclusion,
these genes effects survival and seem to be involved in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Future
studies investigating these genes in hematological malignancies, as well as in reactive disorders,
are warranted
Methods for determination of antioxidant activity
Antioksidansi su spojevi koji pomažu u neutraliziranju slobodnih radikala pa stoga njihovo ispitivanje privlači sve veći interes. Oksidacija izazvana slobodnim radikalima može izazvati razgradnju stanične membrane, mutacije u DNK i razvoj raznih bolesti ljudskog organizma. Za određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti nekog spoja koriste se niz metoda koje su zasnovane na različitim principima mjerenja. Ovaj rad daje uvid u razne kemijske metode za određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti. Većina tih metoda ne uzima u obzir biološke parametre potrebne za procjenu utjecaja antioksidansa u in vivo uvjetima. Metodom, kod koje se koriste in vitro kulture stanica, ispituje se potencijal antioksidansa u staničnom okruženju te se uzima u obzir složenost biološkog sustava i na taj način je moguća bolja procjena utjecaja ispitivanih spojeva u in vivo uvjetima.Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize free radicals and therefore there is an increasing interest for their determination. Oxidation caused by free radicals can cause the breakdown of the cell membrane, mutations in DNA and the development of various diseases of the human body. Various methods based on different reaction principles are used to determine the antioxidant activity of a compound. This paper provides insight into various chemical methods for the determination of antioxidant activity. Most of those methods do not take into account the biological parameters which are important for the estimation of antioxidant’s effect in vivo. The method based on in vitro cell culture examines the potential of antioxidants in the cellular environment and takes into account the complexity of the biological system. Therefore, such a method provides better activity assessment of the tested compounds related to the in vivo conditions
Aurora kinase A / Polo-like kinase 1 signaling pathway analysis in patients with myelofibrosis
Aurora kinaza A (AURKA), protein Aurora borealis (BORA), Polo-like kinaza 1
(PLK1) i Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) kontroliraju stanični ciklus i ulazak stanice u
mitozu, a njihova disregulacija opisana je u brojnim malignim bolestima. Cilj rada bio je ispitati
do sad nedovoljno istražen izražaj njihovih mRNA u mijeloproliferativnoj bolesti, mijelofibrozi
(MF). Iz citoloških punktata koštane srži urađena je PCR mRNA analiza navedenih gena u 43
bolesnika s mijelofibrozom, i to 28 s primarnom (PMF) i 15 sa sekundarnom mijelofibrozom
(SMF). U kontrolnim skupinama bilo je 12 ispitanika s agresivnim ne-Hodgkinovim limfom
bez infiltracije koštane srži i 6 ispitanika s reaktivnom promjenom koštane srži bez zloćudne
bolesti. Optimalne granične vrijednosti izražaja mRNA za diskriminaciju preživljenja odabrane
su korištenjem analize ROC krivulje. Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju AURKA mRNA
između ispitanika s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.466). Viša vrijednost izražaja AURKA
mRNA značajno je povezana s većim apsolutnim brojem monocita (P=0.024) i kraćim ukupnim
preživljenjem (HR=3.77; P=0.012). U bolesnika s PMF i SMF značajno je niži izražaj BORA
mRNA u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (P=0.009). Viša vrijednost izražaja BORA mRNA
značajno je povezana s povoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: odsutnošću konstitucijskih
simptoma (P=0.049) i cirkulirajućih blasta (P=0.047), ali bez značajne povezanosti s ukupnim
preživljenjem (P>0.05). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju PLK1 mRNA između ispitanika s
MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.103). Viša vrijednost izražaja PLK1 mRNA značajno je
povezana s većim ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.042) i kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=5.87; P=0.003). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju CDC25c mRNA između ispitanika
s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.162). Viša vrijednost izražaja CDC25c mRNA značajno je
povezana s nepovoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: većom jetrom (P=0.022), većim
ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.017), većim apsolutnim brojem neutrofila (P=0.010), monocita
(P=0.050), bazofila (P=0.012) i eozinofila (P=0.013) te kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=2.99; P=0.049). Izražaj ovih gena ima utjecaj na ukupno preživljenje u mijelofibrozi te
istraživanje treba proširiti na druge hematološke zloćudne bolesti i one s reaktivnim i prolaznim
promjenama hematopoeze.Aurora kinase A (AURKA), Aurora borealis protein (BORA), Polo-like kinase 1
(PLK1) and Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) are required for cell cycle control and promotion
of mitosis entry. Their dysregulation has been described in a number of malignant diseases.
However, their role in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis is less known. We investigated AURKA,
BORA, PLK1 and CDC25c mRNA expression in bone marrow aspirates of 43 patients with
myelofibrosis (28 primary - PMF, 15 secondary myelofibrosis - SMF) and 18 controls (the first
control group of 12 with limited stage of aggressive non Hodgkin lymphoma without bone
marrow involvement and the second group of 6 with nonmalignant reactive bone marrow).
Optimal cut-off values for dichotomization of expression levels of investigated genes for the
purpose of survival analysis were done using the ROC curve analysis with survival status as a
classification variable. AURKA mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.466). Higher AURKA expression was significantly associated
with higher absolute monocyte count (P=0.024) and shorter overall survival (HR=3.77;
P=0.012). Patients with both PMF and SMF had lower BORA mRNA expression than controls
(P=0.009). Higher BORA expression was significantly associated with favourable prognostic
factors: absence of constitutional symptoms (P=0.049) and absence of circulatory blasts
(P=0.047), but with neutral effect on survival (P>0.05). PLK1 mRNA expression did not
significantly differ between myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.103). Higher PLK1 expression
was significantly associated with higher white blood cell count (P=0.042) and inferior overall
survival (HR=5.87; P=0.003). CDC25c mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.162). Higher CDC25c mRNA was significantly associated
with unfavourable prognostic factors: higher white blood cells count (P=0.017), larger liver size
(P=0.022), higher absolute neutrophil (P=0.010), monocyte (P=0.050), basophil (P=0.012) and
eosinophil counts (P=0.013) and inferior overall survival (HR=2.99; P=0.049). In conclusion,
these genes effects survival and seem to be involved in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Future
studies investigating these genes in hematological malignancies, as well as in reactive disorders,
are warranted
1453. Turning point in the sacred architecture of Constantinople?
Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in egl. SpracheSeit immer spielte Istanbul/Konstantinopel/Byzantion aufgrund der einzigartigen geographischen Lage und Geschichte eine wichtige gesellschaftliche Rolle. Diese Arbeit hat die Sakralarchitektur dieser Stadt vor und nach 1453 zum Thema. In der Gegenüberstellung der byzantinischen und der darauffolgenden osmanischen sakralen Architektur werden verschiedene Aspekte verglichen, die die jeweiligen Baukünste beeinflusst haben. Die Einführung bietet einen kurzen Überblick über die Geschichte und die Entwicklung der Architektur im heutigen Istanbul, mit besonderer Betonung auf Sakralarchitektur. Nach einem Millennium der byzantinischen Dominanz eroberten die Osmanen die Regionen des ehemaligen Oströmischen Reiches und bauten ein mächtiges Imperium aus. Genau wie im Byzantinischen Reich war den Osmanen ein wichtiges Anliegen, eine beeindruckende und repräsentative sowohl profane als auch sakrale Architektur zu entwickeln. Erstens werden die religiösen und ideologischen Zusammenhänge sowie ihre Auswirkung auf das sakrale Bauen erläutert. Die Raumvorstellung und die Bedeutung des Gotteshauses im Christentum und Islam basieren auf unterschiedlichen Leitgedanken, da laut christlichem Glauben jede Kirche ein Ort des göttlichen Daseins ist und im Islam Gott in den Moscheen nicht anwesend ist. Die grundlegenden Bauformen vor und nach Konstantinopeleroberung waren der Würfel und die Kuppel. Dementsprechend wurde versucht, mithilfe der ähnlichen Tragsysteme aber unter Verwendung der unterschiedlichen Materialien möglichst große Bauwerke zu schaffen. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die Raumeinteilung, vor allem die Bedeutung des Altarraumes und des Mihrabs sowie der Umgang mit dem Hauptraum und den Seitenräumen. Die Wirkung der andersartigen Auffassungen ist besonders in der Gestaltung des Innenraumes zu spüren. Für beide Architekturen ist ein reiches Dekorationsprogramm charakteristisch, allerdings mit unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen. Die Lichtführung, die Wandgestaltung mittels großflächigen Mosaiken und die dunklen Nebenräume bewirken einen mystischen Raumeindruck in byzantinischen Kirchen. Auf der anderen Seite ist das Raumgefühl in Moscheen aufgrund der glatten ebenen Fliesenverkleidung mit pflanzlichen Motiven in einem gleichmäßig belichteten Raum schlicht und klar. Der Vergleich der Prinzipien der Fassadengestaltung zeigt, wie wenig Aufmerksamkeit die byzantinischen Baumeister der Außenerscheinung schenkten. Im Gegensatz dazu entwickelten die Osmanen eine detaillierte Gliederung der Fassaden ihrer Bauwerke. Obwohl die Stadt im Laufe der Geschichte viele Änderungen erlebte, betonen diese Wandlungen die Beständigkeit des wichtigsten Merkmals Istanbuls. Die unterschiedlichen Imperien wechselten sich ab, aber die Stadt war in jeder Epoche der zentrale Schauplatz, wo die Herrscher das Beste aus allen Sphären des Lebens präsentierten. Die Sakralarchitektur Konstantinopels/Istanbuls änderte sich mit der großen Wende im Jahr 1453, aber das Wesentliche der Stadtarchitektur lebte fort und sie blieb trotz aller Änderungen die glorreichste und herrlichste der byzantinischen als auch osmanischen Zeit.Istanbul/Constantinople/Byzantium has always played an important social role due to its unique geographical position and history. This thesis deals with the religious architecture in this city before and after 1453. Different aspects of the Byzantine and the subsequent Ottoman sacred architecture, which influenced the respective architectures, are being put into comparison. The introduction offers a short overview of the history and the development of architecture in today's Istanbul with special emphasis on religious architecture. After one millennium of Byzantine domination the Ottomans conquered the regions of the former Eastern Roman Empire and built a strong empire. Just like in Byzantine Empire the utmost concern during the Ottoman Empire was the development of impressive and prestigious profane as well as sacred architecture. First are defined the religious and ideological relationships and their impact on the sacred building activities. The spatial perception and the meaning of the house of prayer in Christianity and Islam are based on different guiding ideas, because according to the Christian belief every church is a place of godly presence and in Islam God is not present in the mosques. The fundamental structural forms before and after the fall of Constantinople were the cube and the dome. According to this there was an effort to create buildings as large as possible by the means of similar structural systems but with the use of different materials. Other important aspects are the spatial planning, particularly the meaning of the sanctuary and mihrab as well as handling the central space and side rooms. The impact of different perceptions can be especially perceived in the design of the interior space. A rich decoration program is characteristic for both architectures, however with diverging forms of expression. The distribution of light, the use of extensive mosaics and the obscure side rooms produce a mystical special impression in the Byzantine churches. On the other side the perception of the interior space in mosques is plain and clear as a result of glazed even tiling with herbal motifs in an equally illuminated space. The comparison of the principles of the facade arrangement shows that the Byzantine master builders paid little attention to the exterior appearance. Although the city underwent many changes throughout the course of history, these transformations emphasize the continuance of the most important feature of Istanbul. Different empires replaced each other but the city was the central stage in every era, where the rulers presented the best from all sectors. The sacred architecture of Constantinople/ Istanbul changed with the big turn in the year 1453 but the essence of the city architecture lingered on and stayed in spite of all changes the most glorious and splendid in both Byzantine and Ottoman time.9
Natural and geographical features of parks in Osijek
Grad Osijek je grad koji se naziva gradom zelenila ili „Zeleni grad“. Na površini grada od 169 km², zelene površine smještene su na oko 300 000 m² koje sam opisala u ovom diplomskom radu. Za njihov razvitak neophodno je poznavati povijest grada Osijeka, njegova geografska i prirodna obilježja koja predstavljaju nezaobilazne čimbenike za razvoj parkovne kulture na ovom području. Grad Osijek smjestio se u ravničarskom dijelu istočne Hrvatske, na riječnoj terasi s desne obale Drave te se nalazi u području kontinentalne klime. Osijek je jedini grad u Hrvatskoj koji se u svojoj povijesti širio od periferije prema središtu u cilju stvaranja „vrtnog grada“. Svojim longitudinalnim pružanjem u smjeru istok-zapad, uz rijeku Dravu, stvorio je zavidnu kompleksnu cjelinu parkovne arhitekture koja povezuje glavne dijelove grada,a koju čine: Šetalište Petra Preradovića, Europska avenija, Perivoj na trgu Ljudevita Gaja, Perivoj Zrinjevac (Nikole Šubića Zrinskog), Šetalište kardinala Franje Šepera, Perivoj kralja Tomislava, kralja Krešimira IV., kneza Branimira, kralja Držislava, kraljice Katarine Kotromanić-Kosača i Perivoj na trgu bana Josipa Jelačića. Praktično izvođenje nastave iz Prirode i društva u četvrtom razredu usmjereno je na izvanučioničku nastavu u osječkom Sakuntala parku, a osmišljeno je uz korelaciju s drugim nastavnim predmetima. Parkovi grada Osijeka predstavljaju bogatu i vrijednu kulturnu i parkovnu baštinu stoga ih je potrebno zaštiti, brinuti se o njima, koristiti ih i pisati o njima.Osijek is a city often called the city of greenery or “Green city”. On the city surface of 169 km2, green surfaces cover about 300.000 m2, which have been described in this graduate thesis. In order to develop them, it is necessary to know the history of Osijek, its geographic and natural characteristics, which represent unavoidable factors in park culture development of this territory. City of Osijek is placed in the plain part of the eastern Croatia, on the right bank terrace of the Drava river and is situated in the territory of continental climate. Osijek is the only city in Croatia that has been historically spreading from periphery to its center, in order to create a “garden city”. With its longitudinal stretch in the east-west direction, by the Drava river, it built an envious complex ensemble of park architecture, which are connecting the main parts of the city. Those parks are: Promenade of Petar Preradović, European avenue, Park on the Ljudevit Gaj square, Park Zrinjevac (of Nikola Šubić Zrinski), Promenade of cardinal Franjo Šeper, Park of the king Tomislav, Park of the king Krešimir IV., Park of the duke Branimir, Park of the king Držislav, Park of the queen Katarina Kotromanić-Kosača and Park on the square of ban Josip Jelačić. The practical teaching performance in Nature and society in fourth grade is directed to an extracurricular class in the Sakuntala park in Osijek and it is also designed in correlation with other teaching subjects. Parks in Osijek represent a valuable cultural and park inheritance, which is why they need to be protected, cared about, used and written about
Active Material Based on Starch Biopolymer with Incorporated Aronia Polyphenols
Polimerni materijali su materijali koji se uobičajeno upotrebljavaju u prehrambenoj industriji za izradu ambalaže. Ukoliko dospiju u okolinu predstavljaju problem za okoliš zbog dugog vremena razgradnje. Kako bi se riješio problem polimerne ambalaže, istraživanja su usmjerena na razvoj materijala pripremljenih od biopolimera koji se mogu brže razgraditi. Materijali izrađeni od prirodnih biopolimera te uz dodatak aktivne komponente poput polifenolnih spojeva postaju aktivni biopolimerni materijali. U ovom radu cilj je bio prirediti i istražiti aktivni materijal na bazi biopolimera škroba s inkorporiranim polifenolima aronije (Aronia melanocarpa). Polifenoli iz aronije dobiveni su ultrazvukom potpomognutom ekstrakcijom.Pomoću visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije obrnutih faza (RP-HPLC) u ekstraktima su identificirani kao antocijanini (cijanidin-3 galaktozid, cijanidin-3 - glukozid, cijanidin-3-arabinozid i cijanidin-3-ksilozid), fenolne kiseline (neoklorogenska i klorogenska kiselina) i flavonoli (kvercetin-3-rutinozid, kvercetin-3-galaktozid i kvercetin-3-glukozid). Njihova ukupna količina iznosila je 1072 mg/kg. Polifenoli aronije adsorbirali su se na škrob u ukupnoj količini 2,2 ili 1,6 mg/g škroba (za dva pripremljena materijala škrob-polifenoli 1 i škrob-polifenoli 2). U najvećem postotku adsorbirali su se antocijanini (49,4 %) i fenolne kiseline (47 %), a u manjem flavonoli (3,6 %). S porastom koncentracije polifenola u ekstraktu, rasla je i količina polifenola adsorbiranih na škrob ( = 0,9895 do 0,995). Od pripremljenog škroba s adsorbiranim polifenolima aronije uz dodatak plastifikatora pripremljena je folija koja može poslužiti kao aktivni ambalažni materijal. Svojstva folije i mogućnost pakiranja namirnica potrebno je dodatno istražiti.Polymer materials are materials that are commonly used in the food industry for packaging. If a released into the environment, polymer materials pose a problem for the environment due to the long decomposition time. In order to solve the problem of polymer packaging, research is focused on the development of materials prepared from natural biopolymers that can be easily decomposed . Materials made from natural biopolymers and with the addition of active components such as polyphenolic compounds become active biopolymer materials. This work aimed to prepare and investigate an active material based on starch biopolymer with incorporated chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) polyphenols. Aronia polyphenols were obtained by ultrasound - assited extraction. Using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), they were identified as anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-arabinoside and cyanidin-3-xyloside), phenolic acids (neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids) and flavonols. (quercetin-3-rutinoside, quercetin-3-galactoside and quercetin-3-glucoside). Their total amount was 1072 mg/kg. Aronia polyphenols were adsorbed on starch in a total amount of 2.2 or 1.6 mg/g of starch (for the two prepared materials starch-polyphenols 1 and starch-polyphenols 2). Anthocyanins (49.4%) and phenolic acids (47%) were adsorbed in the highest percentage, and flavonols (3.6%) in a smaller percentage. The amount of polyphenols adsorbed on starch increased as the concentration of polyphenols in the extract increased ( = 0.9895 to 0.995). A film was prepared from the starch with adsorbed chokeberry polyphenols and with the addition of a plasticizer. It can serve as an active packaging material.. The properties of the film and the possibility of food packaging need to be investigated further
Aurora kinase A / Polo-like kinase 1 signaling pathway analysis in patients with myelofibrosis
Aurora kinaza A (AURKA), protein Aurora borealis (BORA), Polo-like kinaza 1
(PLK1) i Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) kontroliraju stanični ciklus i ulazak stanice u
mitozu, a njihova disregulacija opisana je u brojnim malignim bolestima. Cilj rada bio je ispitati
do sad nedovoljno istražen izražaj njihovih mRNA u mijeloproliferativnoj bolesti, mijelofibrozi
(MF). Iz citoloških punktata koštane srži urađena je PCR mRNA analiza navedenih gena u 43
bolesnika s mijelofibrozom, i to 28 s primarnom (PMF) i 15 sa sekundarnom mijelofibrozom
(SMF). U kontrolnim skupinama bilo je 12 ispitanika s agresivnim ne-Hodgkinovim limfom
bez infiltracije koštane srži i 6 ispitanika s reaktivnom promjenom koštane srži bez zloćudne
bolesti. Optimalne granične vrijednosti izražaja mRNA za diskriminaciju preživljenja odabrane
su korištenjem analize ROC krivulje. Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju AURKA mRNA
između ispitanika s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.466). Viša vrijednost izražaja AURKA
mRNA značajno je povezana s većim apsolutnim brojem monocita (P=0.024) i kraćim ukupnim
preživljenjem (HR=3.77; P=0.012). U bolesnika s PMF i SMF značajno je niži izražaj BORA
mRNA u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (P=0.009). Viša vrijednost izražaja BORA mRNA
značajno je povezana s povoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: odsutnošću konstitucijskih
simptoma (P=0.049) i cirkulirajućih blasta (P=0.047), ali bez značajne povezanosti s ukupnim
preživljenjem (P>0.05). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju PLK1 mRNA između ispitanika s
MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.103). Viša vrijednost izražaja PLK1 mRNA značajno je
povezana s većim ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.042) i kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=5.87; P=0.003). Nije bilo značajne razlike u izražaju CDC25c mRNA između ispitanika
s MF i kontrolnih ispitanika (P=0.162). Viša vrijednost izražaja CDC25c mRNA značajno je
povezana s nepovoljnim prognostičkim pokazateljima: većom jetrom (P=0.022), većim
ukupnim brojem leukocita (P=0.017), većim apsolutnim brojem neutrofila (P=0.010), monocita
(P=0.050), bazofila (P=0.012) i eozinofila (P=0.013) te kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem
(HR=2.99; P=0.049). Izražaj ovih gena ima utjecaj na ukupno preživljenje u mijelofibrozi te
istraživanje treba proširiti na druge hematološke zloćudne bolesti i one s reaktivnim i prolaznim
promjenama hematopoeze.Aurora kinase A (AURKA), Aurora borealis protein (BORA), Polo-like kinase 1
(PLK1) and Cell-division-cycle 25c (CDC25c) are required for cell cycle control and promotion
of mitosis entry. Their dysregulation has been described in a number of malignant diseases.
However, their role in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis is less known. We investigated AURKA,
BORA, PLK1 and CDC25c mRNA expression in bone marrow aspirates of 43 patients with
myelofibrosis (28 primary - PMF, 15 secondary myelofibrosis - SMF) and 18 controls (the first
control group of 12 with limited stage of aggressive non Hodgkin lymphoma without bone
marrow involvement and the second group of 6 with nonmalignant reactive bone marrow).
Optimal cut-off values for dichotomization of expression levels of investigated genes for the
purpose of survival analysis were done using the ROC curve analysis with survival status as a
classification variable. AURKA mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.466). Higher AURKA expression was significantly associated
with higher absolute monocyte count (P=0.024) and shorter overall survival (HR=3.77;
P=0.012). Patients with both PMF and SMF had lower BORA mRNA expression than controls
(P=0.009). Higher BORA expression was significantly associated with favourable prognostic
factors: absence of constitutional symptoms (P=0.049) and absence of circulatory blasts
(P=0.047), but with neutral effect on survival (P>0.05). PLK1 mRNA expression did not
significantly differ between myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.103). Higher PLK1 expression
was significantly associated with higher white blood cell count (P=0.042) and inferior overall
survival (HR=5.87; P=0.003). CDC25c mRNA expression did not significantly differ between
myelofibrosis and controls (P=0.162). Higher CDC25c mRNA was significantly associated
with unfavourable prognostic factors: higher white blood cells count (P=0.017), larger liver size
(P=0.022), higher absolute neutrophil (P=0.010), monocyte (P=0.050), basophil (P=0.012) and
eosinophil counts (P=0.013) and inferior overall survival (HR=2.99; P=0.049). In conclusion,
these genes effects survival and seem to be involved in pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Future
studies investigating these genes in hematological malignancies, as well as in reactive disorders,
are warranted