16 research outputs found


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    Когнитивный подход к исследованию семантического развития слов обеспечивает более емкое описание их значений, особенно переносных, выраженных, как правило, в виде метафор.В статье описывается значение концептуальной метафоры в качестве инструмента исследования семантики слов со значением красоты, входящих в этимологическое гнездо индоевропейского корня *leip. Показана модель причинно-следственной связи между значением слов и концептуальным мышлением.Цель. Статья посвящена актуальному в настоящее время направлению в лингвистике – когнитивной семантике. Автор раскрывает семантическую взаимосвязь слов, входящих в этимологическое гнездо индоевропейского корня *leip, с использованием концептуальной метафоры.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют аналитический и герменевтический методы.Результаты. Автор доказывает причинно-следственную связь между значением слов и концептуальным мышлением.Область применения результатов. Результаты работы могут быть использованы при составлении этимологических словарей.The cognitive approach to the study of the semantic development of words provides a more capacious description of their meanings especially the figurative ones expressed as a rule in the form of metaphors.In the article the author describes the significance of the conceptual metaphor as a tool for investigating the semantics of words with the meaning of beauty belonging to the etymological group of the Indo-European root *leip. We have shown a model of the causal relationship between the meaning of words and conceptual thinking.Purpose. The article is devoted to the current direction in linguistics, i.e. cognitive semantics. The author uses the conceptual metaphor to reveal the semantic relationship of the words belonging to the etymological group of the Indo-European root *leip.Methodology. The basis of the research is the analytic and hermeneutic methods.Results. The author proves the causal relationship between the meaning of words and conceptual thinking.Practical implications. The results of the work can be used for etymological dictionaries compilation

    ABCG2 Is Overexpressed on Red Blood Cells in Ph-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Potentiates Ruxolitinib-Induced Apoptosis

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    Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Dominique Gien, Sirandou Tounkara, and Eliane Véra at Centre National de Référence pour les Groupes Sanguins for the management of blood samples. Funding: The work was supported by Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (Inserm), Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine (INTS), the University of Paris, and grants from Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) GR-Ex, reference No. ANR-11-LABX-0051. The Labex GR-Ex is funded by the IdEx program “Investissements d’avenir” of the French National Research Agency, reference No. ANR-18-IDEX-0001. R.B. was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 675115-RELEVANCE-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015. M.B. was funded by Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche at the BioSPC Doctoral School. R.B. and M.B. also received financial support from Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH) and Club du Globule Rouge et du Fer (CGRF).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Spatial structure of lypopolysaccharides and its role in blood coagulation

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    Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) représentent le composant principal de la membrane externe des bactéries Gram-négatives. Étant libérés dans le flux sanguin, les LPS induisent une forte réponse immunitaire accompagnée d'une coagulation intensifiée du sang activée à la fois par l'endommagement de la paroi vasculaire et par l'activation de la voie de contact. Dans cette thèse, nous développons des modèles théoriques pour élucider les détails de la coagulation sanguine induite par les molécules LPS. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous décrivons l'état de l'art du problème et les méthodes utilisées. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l'analyse des modèles mathématiques de la coagulation sanguine. Nous déterminons les conditions de l'existence de solutions en ondes progressives dans le modèle de la croissance du caillot, estimons la vitesse de leur propagation et démontrons l'existence de la solution en forme de pulse déterminante la valeur critique de la condition initiale qui assure le processus de coagulation. Ensuite, nous étudions le modèle de la formation de caillot dans l'écoulement sanguin et déterminons la taille critique de la zone endommagée conduisante à l'occlusion complète du vaisseau par le caillot. Enfin, nous développons et analysons le modèle de l'activation du système de contact par les agrégats des LPS. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous modélisons la structure supramoléculaire des LPS, qui a un impact crucial sur leur activité biologique. Nous développons des modèles de la dynamique moléculaire des LPS, de leurs agrégats et des membranes des compositions variées, et analysons le comportement conformationnel des LPS en fonction de leur environnementThe outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacteria cell wall is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. Being released to the blood flow during sepsis, LPS induce strong immune response accompanied by pathological blood clotting. Blood coagulation is activated both due to the vessel wall damage, and the activation of the contact pathway. The details of the mechanisms involved remain obscure despite the extensive experimental studies. In the present work we develop theoretical models of the different time and space scales to elucidate the details of the LPS-induced blood coagulation during the Gram-negative sepsis. In the first two chapters we provide the state of the art of the problem and describe the methods we use. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the mathematical models of blood coagulation. We determine the conditions of the existence of the traveling wave solutions in the model of the self-sustained clot growth, estimate the speed of their propagation and demonstrate existence of the pulse solution determining the critical value of the initial condition. Then, we consider the model of blood coagulation under flow conditions and determine the critical size of the damaged zone leading to the complete vessel occlusion by the clot. Finally, we develop and analyze the model of the contact system activation by the LPS aggregates. In the fourth chapter we model the LPS supramolecular structure, which has crucial impact on the LPS biological activity. We develop molecular dynamics models of the LPS molecules, their aggregates and LPS-containing membranes of different composition and analyze LPS conformational behavior in different environmen

    Structure spatiale des lipopolysaccharides et son rôle dans la coagulation sanguine

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    The outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacteria cell wall is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. Being released to the blood flow during sepsis, LPS induce strong immune response accompanied by pathological blood clotting. Blood coagulation is activated both due to the vessel wall damage, and the activation of the contact pathway. The details of the mechanisms involved remain obscure despite the extensive experimental studies. In the present work we develop theoretical models of the different time and space scales to elucidate the details of the LPS-induced blood coagulation during the Gram-negative sepsis. In the first two chapters we provide the state of the art of the problem and describe the methods we use. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the mathematical models of blood coagulation. We determine the conditions of the existence of the traveling wave solutions in the model of the self-sustained clot growth, estimate the speed of their propagation and demonstrate existence of the pulse solution determining the critical value of the initial condition. Then, we consider the model of blood coagulation under flow conditions and determine the critical size of the damaged zone leading to the complete vessel occlusion by the clot. Finally, we develop and analyze the model of the contact system activation by the LPS aggregates. In the fourth chapter we model the LPS supramolecular structure, which has crucial impact on the LPS biological activity. We develop molecular dynamics models of the LPS molecules, their aggregates and LPS-containing membranes of different composition and analyze LPS conformational behavior in different environment.Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) représentent le composant principal de la membrane externe des bactéries Gram-négatives. Étant libérés dans le flux sanguin, les LPS induisent une forte réponse immunitaire accompagnée d'une coagulation intensifiée du sang activée à la fois par l'endommagement de la paroi vasculaire et par l'activation de la voie de contact. Dans cette thèse, nous développons des modèles théoriques pour élucider les détails de la coagulation sanguine induite par les molécules LPS. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous décrivons l'état de l'art du problème et les méthodes utilisées. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l'analyse des modèles mathématiques de la coagulation sanguine. Nous déterminons les conditions de l'existence de solutions en ondes progressives dans le modèle de la croissance du caillot, estimons la vitesse de leur propagation et démontrons l'existence de la solution en forme de pulse déterminante la valeur critique de la condition initiale qui assure le processus de coagulation. Ensuite, nous étudions le modèle de la formation de caillot dans l'écoulement sanguin et déterminons la taille critique de la zone endommagée conduisante à l'occlusion complète du vaisseau par le caillot. Enfin, nous développons et analysons le modèle de l'activation du système de contact par les agrégats des LPS. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous modélisons la structure supramoléculaire des LPS, qui a un impact crucial sur leur activité biologique. Nous développons des modèles de la dynamique moléculaire des LPS, de leurs agrégats et des membranes des compositions variées, et analysons le comportement conformationnel des LPS en fonction de leur environnement

    Initiation of reaction–diffusion waves of blood coagulation

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    International audienceFormation of blood clot in response to the vessel damage is triggered by the complex network of biochemical reactions of the coagulation cascade. The process of clot growth can be modeled as a traveling wave solution of the bistable reaction–diffusion system. The critical value of the initial condition which leads to convergence of the solution to the traveling wave corresponds to the pulse solution of the corresponding stationary problem. In the current study we prove the existence of the pulse solution for the stationary problem in the model of the main reactions of the blood coagulation cascade using the Leray–Schauder method

    Cемантический анализ модальной конструкции с предикативным наречием лѣпо в переводных древнерусских памятниках

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    Analyse sémantique de la construction modale avec l’adverbe prédicatif lěpo (лѣпо) dans les textes traduits en ancien russe Cet article porte sur les significations de la construction modale lěpo est′ (лѣпо есть), qui était un analogon pour de nombreux verbes modaux et tournures prédicatives du grec ancien, ainsi qu’une méthode d’analyse comparative des significations. Le principal objectif de l’étude est de décrire les significations de cette construction modale utilisée dans les phrases de textes traduits en ancien russe.Les objectifs de l’étude sont d’examiner les moyens d’exprimer la modalité en grec ancien et de déterminer pour quels verbes modaux et tournures prédicatives du grec ancien la construction modale lěpo est′ (лѣпо есть) en ancien russe était analogue. Les résultats de l’étude contribuent au développement de ce sujet et présentent des informations factuelles obtenues à partir de l’étude des textes traduits en ancien russe et de leurs originaux grecs. This article presents a comparative analysis of the Old Russian modal construction lěpo estь with its Ancient Greek equivalents, in terms of their lexical perception. The purpose of the study is to describe the meanings of this modal construction, used in the sentences of translated Old Russian texts. The objectives of the study are to examine the grammatical expression of modality in Ancient Greek and to determine for which modal verbs and predicative constructions in Ancient Greek the Old Russian modal construction lěpo estь offered an equivalent. The research results contribute to the development of knowledge on this topic and present factual information, based on the study translated Old Russian texts and their Greek original texts

    Reaction-diffusion waves of blood coagulation

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    International audienceOne of the main characteristics of blood coagulation is the speed of clot growth. In the current work we consider a mathematical model of the coagulation cascade and study existence, stability and speed of propagation of the reaction-diffusion waves of blood coagulation. We also develop a simplified one-equation model that reflects the main features of the thrombin wave propagation. For this equation we estimate the wave speed analytically. The resulting formulas provide a good approximation for the speed of wave propagation in a more complex model as well as for the experimental data

    PYTHIA: Deep Learning Approach for Local Protein Conformation Prediction

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    International audienceProtein Blocks (PBs) are a widely used structural alphabet describing local protein backbone conformation in terms of 16 possible conformational states, adopted by five consecutive amino acids. The representation of complex protein 3D structures as 1D PB sequences was previously successfully applied to protein structure alignment and protein structure prediction. In the current study, we present a new model, PYTHIA (predicting any conformation at high accuracy), for the prediction of the protein local conformations in terms of PBs directly from the amino acid sequence. PYTHIA is based on a deep residual inception-inside-inception neural network with convolutional block attention modules, predicting 1 of 16 PB classes from evolutionary information combined to physicochemical properties of individual amino acids. PYTHIA clearly outperforms the LOCUSTRA reference method for all PB classes and demonstrates great performance for PB prediction on particularly challenging proteins from the CASP14 free modelling category

    Molecular dynamics of the human RhD and RhAG blood group proteins

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    International audienceIntroduction: Blood group antigens of the RH system (formerly known as “Rhesus”) play an important role in transfusion medicine because of the severe haemolytic consequences of antibodies to these antigens. No crystal structure is available for RhD proteins with its partner RhAG, and the precise stoichiometry of the trimer complex remains unknown.Methods: To analyse their structural properties, the trimers formed by RhD and/ or RhAG subunits were generated by protein modelling and molecular dynamics simulations were performed.Results: No major differences in structural behaviour were found between trimers of different compositions. The conformation of the subunits is relatively constant during molecular dynamics simulations, except for three large disordered loops.Discussion: This work makes it possible to propose a reasonable stoichiometry and demonstrates the potential of studying the structural behaviour of these proteins to investigate the hundreds of genetic variants relevant to transfusion medicine

    Unsupervised Analysis of Optical Imaging Data for the Discovery of Reactivity Patterns in Metal Alloy

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    Operando wide-field optical microscopy imaging yields a wealth of information about the reactivity of metal interfaces, yet the data are often unstructured and challenging to process. In this study, we harness the power of unsupervised machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze chemical reactivity images obtained dynamically by reflectivity microscopy in combination with ex situ scanning electron microscopy to identify and cluster the chemical reactivity of particles in Al alloy. The ML analysis uncovers three distinct clusters of reactivity from unlabeled datasets. A detailed examination of representative reactivity patterns confirms the chemical communication of generated OH- fluxes within particles, as supported by statistical analysis of size distribution and finite element modelling (FEM). The ML procedures also reveal statistically significant patterns of reactivity under dynamic conditions, such as pH acidification. The results align well with a numerical model of chemical communication, underscoring the synergy between data-driven ML and physics-driven FEM approaches