129 research outputs found
Mecanismos cerebrales de la memoria de reconocimiento
Se revisarán resultados obtenidos empleando modelos animales de memoria de reconocimiento visual y gustativa con especial énfasis en la participación de la corteza perirhinal y los cambios asociados a la edad.La memoria es un proceso activo por el que se consolidan y actualizan los cambios en la organización funcional del Sistema Nervioso inducidos por la experiencia. Se trata de un campo de estudio complejo ya que solo tenemos acceso consciente a una parte de la memoria y diversos tipos de memoria dependen de distintos circuitos neuronales. La investigación sobre los mecanismos cerebrales implicados en aprender y recordar exige el empleo de la aproximación psicobiológica que combina estrategias y técnicas aplicables a diversos niveles de análisis del Sistema Nervioso y, en buena medida, se beneficia de la existencia de modelos animales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Choline: An Essential Nutrient for Human Health
MICIU (Spain), grant number PID2020-114269GB-I00JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA, FEDER (Spain), grant number BSEJ.514.UGR2
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive aging
Aging is a normal developmental process associated with neurobiological changes leading to cognitive alterations with preserved, impaired, and enhanced functions. Evidence from animal and human studies is reviewed to explore the potential role of hippocampal plasticity on age-related cognitive changes with special attention to adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Results from lesion and stimulation strategies, as well as correlation data, support either a direct or modulatory role for adult newborn neurons in cognition at advanced ages. Further research on this topic may help to develop new treatments and to improve the quality of life of older people
Régimen laboral especial en el sistema penitenciario para las personas privadas de libertad
El presente trabajo es producto de una investigación referente a la problemática del trabajo
existente dentro del sistema penitenciario peruano, es decir la problemática laboral de las personas
privadas de libertad dentro de los establecimientos penitenciarios. es preciso señalar que este trabajo
está orientado a proteger el derecho al trabajo en general reconocido como derecho fundamental y
un medio de realización de la persona, este trabajo pretende buscar demostrar que mediante el
aporte juddico a través de un proyecto de ley que proteja los derechos labora les, benefic ios soc iale s
que se puedan dar dentro de la situación de privado de libertad, pudiendo así lograr inculcar amor
por el trabajo y lograr el fin de la pena que es la resocialización mediante la protección del trabajo.
En este trabajo de investigación se ha tomado al trabajo como derecho fundamental el cual
va permitir a los internos dentro de los establecimientos penitenciarios poder lograr realizar una
labor y esta podrá ser conseguida mediante su trabajo, así mismo enfatizo en el trabajo para logar el
objetivo que es la resocialización del privado de libertad conseguir lograr que la persona pue da
tener un modo de vida distinto y que pueda ser logrado por un trabajo. que se respete su derecho al
trabajo, mediante la creación de normas laborales aplicables a la situación de privación de libertad,
es así que he tomado legislación comparada en donde se aplica actualmente el tema de los derechos
laborales y se aplica de manera concreta el derecho al trabajo como tal, siendo primordial para la
investigación planteada en el presente trabajo de investigación
Indignidad sucesoria y su eficacia IPSO IURE de orden público
La muerte, desde el punto de vista jurídico es un hecho que inevitablemente
genera consecuencias que no pueden quedar desatendidas por el Derecho. Es
indudable que alguien ha de hacerse cargo de aquello (activo o pasivo) que deja
quien fallece, pues no todo aquello sobre lo que se tenía derecho u obligación
queda extinguido con la muerte del titular. En esta secuencia de ideas se exige
que no queden vacantes, ni se extingan las posiciones legales del muerto, pues
los bienes quedarían sin dueño conocido a merced del primero que se apropie de
ellos y las deudas quedarían impagas, es decir se presentarían una serie de
circunstancias; por lo tanto es inevitable la asunción de alguien ante la
desaparición del titular de los bienes, derechos u obligaciones.
La presente investigación parte de este acontecimiento biológico, el cual da inicio
a todo el fenómeno sucesorio, que finaliza al entregarse la herencia a quien lo
merezca, porque en todo momento se comportó frente al causante de forma leal,
noble y justa. Sin embargo existen aquellos casos en los cuales se configura la
institución, conocida como indignidad sucesoria, que es aquella sanción que se
impone a una persona a fin de que no pueda heredar de su causante, por haber
incurrido en determinados actos previstos en la ley y que justificarían su exclusión
de la herencia. Esta figura jurídica presenta una serie de causales, dos de ellas
son las que corresponden a los incisos 1o y 2o del artículo 667° denominado
“Exclusión por Indignidad”, es con respecto a estas causales que se ha suscitado
una discusión que gira en torno a su operatividad para el Derecho, cuando existe
de por medio aceptación del hecho delictivo, siendo necesario que el juez civil
analice esta situación con el fin de emitir una medida limitativa del derecho a la
disposición de los bienes hereditarios
Prefrontal cortex activity patterns during taste neophobia habituation in adult and aged rats
Age-related memory decline has been associated with changes in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) function. In order to explore the role of mPFC in taste recognition memory, we have assessed mPFC c-Fos immunoreactivity in adult (5-month-old) and aged (24-month-old) male Wistar rats during the first (Novel), second (Familiar I), and sixth (Familiar II) exposure to a cider vinegar solution. Adult brains showed higher c-Fos expression in the ventral but not the dorsal region of mPFC during the second taste exposure. Interestingly, old brains exhibited an altered activity pattern selectively in the dorsal peduncular cortex (DP) which can be associated with a delayed attenuation of vinegar neophobia in this group. These results support the involvement of this area in the formation of safe taste memory. Further research is needed for understanding the role of DP in taste recognition memory and the impact of aging on it
Effect of hippocampal 6-OHDA lesions on the contextual modulation of taste recognition memory
Taste recognition memory is evident in rodents because the initial neophobia to novel tastes attenuates
across exposures as the taste becomes familiar and safe. This attenuation of taste neophobia (AN) is context-dependent and an auditory background change could induce the recovery of the neophobic response. The AN
auditory context-dependency requires the hippocampal integrity but the neurochemical mechanisms
underlying the interaction with the taste memory circuit remain unexplored. We have applied pharmacological
intervention by 6-hidroxydopamine (6-OHDA) hippocampal lesion for assessing the role of catecholamines in
the hippocampal system to Wistar rats that drank a novel 3% vinegar solution for several consecutive days.
Additionally, we manipulated the auditory background as a context that could either change or remain
constant across all the drinking sessions. We found that a disruption of the context-dependent AN was induced
by intracerebral administration of 6-OHDA targeted to the ventral CA1 hippocampus (vCA1). We conclude
that the ability of the auditory context to modulate taste recognition memory involves the catecholaminergic
activity in the ventral hippocampal circuit for the proper acquisition of safe taste memory.MINECO. Spain PSI2017-86381-PMECD, Spain FPU14/0153
Taste Aversion Learning as a Tool for the Study of Hippocampal and Non-Hippocampal Brain Memory Circuits Regulating Diet Selection
Diet selection is the result of different learning experiences that accumulate throughout the life of the organism. The acquisition of aversions to the taste of food followed by mild or severe visceral negative effects plays an important role in food selection. Current knowledge on the role of the critical brain areas (parabrachial area, insular cortex and amygdala) involved in the basic associative neural circuit of taste aversion learning is reviewed. In turn, as shown by a variety of learning phenomena, the development of new aversions to the taste of different types of food is profoundly modulated by the memory of previous learning experiences with the same or different tastes. Some of these phenomena may depend on memory brain systems independent of the basic circuit for taste aversion learning. This seems to be the case for contextual effects and conditioned blocking that depend on the hippocampal integrity. Experimental evidence on the neural basis of complex learning phenomena in taste aversion learning is reviewed. Thus, understanding the way in which taste aversion learning regulates diet selection in daily life requires the study of interactions between hippocampal and non-hippocampal dependent memory systems. Taste aversion learning is proposed as a useful behavioral tool in the investigation of different brain circuits that are critical for food selection.Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educació
Differential activity pattern of c-Fos in the nucleus accumbens between adult and aged rats during flavor recognition memory
Previous studies have addressed the role of the nucleus accumbens core (NAcbC) and shell (NAcbSh) in taste aversion learning and in the processing of taste palatability which is affected by aging. However, little is known about its implication in safe taste memory and the aging impact. To explore the role of the NAcb in flavor neophobia and its attenuation during aging, we applied c-Fos immunohistochemistry as an index of neural activity of the NAcbC and NAcbSh. Twenty one adult (5-month-old) and 24 aged (24-month-old) male Wistar rats were exposed to a 3% cider vinegar solution for 1, 2 or 6 consecutive days (n = 7 adult and n = 8 aged rats per group). Aged rats exhibited slower attenuation of flavor neophobia than adult rats. Adult rats showed increased NAcbSh c-Fos activity on day 2 compared to days 1 and 6, while this increase was delayed to day 6 in aged rats. There were no differences in the number of NAcbC c-Fos positive cells. This suggests that changes in the activity of neural circuits of palatability processing during normal aging could contribute to the slower attenuation of flavor neophobia in aged rats.PSI2014-57643-P, PSI2017-86381-P (MINECO. Spain)
FPU14/01531 (predoctoral fellowship to A.B. Grau-Perales by MECD, Spain)
MicroRNA Regulation of the Environmental Impact on Adolescent Neurobehavioral Development: A Systematic Review
Adolescence is a late developmental period marked by pronounced reorganization of
brain networks in which epigenetic mechanisms play a fundamental role. This brain
remodeling is associated with a peculiar behavior characterized by novelty seeking and
risky activities such as alcohol and drug abuse, which is associated with increased
susceptibility to stress. Hence, adolescence is a vulnerable postnatal period since
short- and long-term deleterious effects of alcohol drinking and drug abuse are a
serious worldwide public health concern. Among several other consequences, it has
been proposed that exposure to stress, alcohol, or other drugs disrupts epigenetic
mechanisms mediated by small non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs). During adolescence,
this modifies the expression of a variety of genes involved in neurodevelopmental
processes such as proliferation, differentiation, synaptogenesis, neural plasticity, and
apoptosis. Hence, the effect of miRNAs dysregulation during adolescence might
contribute to a long-term impact on brain function. This systematic review focuses on
the miRNA expression patterns in the adolescent rodent brain with special interest in
the impact of stress and drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine, nicotine, cannabis, and
ketamine. The results point to a relevant and complex role of miRNAs in the regulation of
the molecular processes involved in adolescent brain development as part of a dynamic
epigenetic network sensitive to environmental events with distinctive changes across
adolescence. Several miRNAs have been assessed evidencing changing expression
profiles during the adolescent transition which are altered by exposure to stress and drug
abuse. Since this is an emerging rapidly growing field, updating the present knowledge
will contribute to improving our understanding of the epigenetic regulation mechanisms
involved in the neurodevelopmental changes responsible for adolescent behavior. It can
be expected that increased knowledge of themolecularmechanismsmediating the effect
of environmental threats during the adolescent critical developmental period will improve
understanding of psychiatric and addictive disorders emerging at this stage.Spanish Government PID2020-114269GB-I00FEDER, Junta de Andalucia, Spain BSEJ.514.UGR20MIU, Spain FPU18/0501
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