3,362 research outputs found

    Don’t give up on Europe as an investment destination

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    Politically, the year 2017 looks like a minefield for Europe. Economically, however, the situation is much more promising: growth and inflation continue to accelerate and in the latest indices of economic surprises Europe has been faring better than the US, writes Alberto Gallo. ECB stimulus is starting to work, unemployment is slowly falling and consumer confidence is rising

    Social and solidarity economy in Río Negro and Mendoza. Public policies, subjects and spatialities in debate

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    El análisis de experiencias concretas en torno a políticas públicas en economía social y solidaria (ESS) puede llevarse a cabo desde diversas escalas espaciales. El nivel meso constituye una posibilidad ya que tiene la particularidad de trascender los análisis intraorganización, y busca identificar asociaciones y conexiones más amplias que intenten generar impactos sobre un determinado espacio geográfico. En esta escala, a la que podemos vincular al ámbito provincial, el rol del Estado puede resultar fundamental dado que, a través de sus diversas intervenciones (y omisiones), afecta directa e indirectamente a ese espacio (o intenta hacerlo) y, por ende, a las actividades de la ESS que allí se desarrollan. Este trabajo pretende ser un aporte general al debate abierto alrededor de la ESS como apuesta política en tanto conceptos, sujetos y espacios, por medio del estudio de los casos de Río Negro y Mendoza, provincias argentinas que han sido pioneras en la sanción de leyes específicas en la temática.A análise de experiências concretas relacionadas com políticas públicas em economia social e solidária (ESS) pode ser realizada a partir de diversas escalas espaciais. O nível meso é uma possibilidade, já que tem a particularidade de transcender as análises intraorganizacionais, e busca identificar associações e conexões mais amplas que procurem gerar impactos sobre um determinado espaço geográfico. Nesta escala, onde podemos vincular o âmbito provincial, o papel do Estado pode ser fundamental visto que, através de suas diversas intervenções (e omissões), afeta ou tenta afetar esse espaço de modo direto e indireto e, portanto, as atividades da ESS desenvolvidas no local. Este trabalho pretende ser uma contribuição geral ao debate aberto em torno da ESS como aposta política quanto a conceitos, sujeitos e espaços, por meio do estudo dos casos de Río Negro e Mendoza, províncias argentinas pioneiras na sanção de leis específicas sobre o assunto.The analysis of concrete experiences on public policies in social and solidarity economy (SSE), can be carried out from diverse spatial scales. The meso level is a possibility since it has the particularity of transcending the intra-organization analysis, seeking to identify broader associations and connections that try to generate impacts on a given geographic space. On this scale, which can be linked to the provincial level, the role of the state can be fundamental since, through its various interventions (and omissions), it directly and indirectly affects that space (or tries to do so) and, therefore, to the activities of the SSE that are developed there. This paper aims to be a general contribution to the debate around the SSE as a political bet in concepts, subjects and spaces, through the study of the cases of Río Negro and Mendoza, Argentine provinces that have been pioneers in the sanction of specific laws in the thematic.Fil: Jurado, Emanuel Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; ArgentinaFil: Gallo, Josefina Mahuén. Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales Scalabrini Ortiz; Argentin

    Pharyngocutaneous fistula following total laryngectomy: analysis of risk factors, prognosis and treatment modalities.

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    The aim of this study was to establish the incidence, risk factors, and the management of pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) after primary and salvage total laryngectomy. A retrospective, match-paired analysis of 86 patients who developed fistula after total laryngectomy was carried out and compared with a control group of 86 patients without fistula, randomly selected from a pool of 352 total laryngectomies, performed between January 1999 to October 2014. The overall incidence of PCF in the series was 24.4%; we recorded rates of 19.0%, 28.6% and 30.3% following primary total laryngectomy (PTL), salvage laryngectomy post-radiotherapy (RT-STL) and salvage laryngectomy postchemoradiotherapy (CRT-STL), respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that the relative risk of fistula was respectively 2.47, 3.09 and 7.69 for hypoalbuminaemia ≤3.5 g/dL, RT-STL and CRT-STL. An early onset of PCF within 10 postoperative days was recorded in case of salvage total laryngectomy. The management of PCF significantly differed between PTL, RT-STL and CTRT-STL, with exclusive conservative treatment for PTL (93.55%), while in the CRT-STL group surgical closure with regional flaps (58.82%) prevailed. Conservative management, adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy and surgical closure were equally distributed in the RT-STL group. Thorough knowledge of patient-related risk factors and its prognostic value, allows the surgeon to better evaluate preventive strategies with the aim of minimising fistula formation, hospitalisation times and related costs


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    Praktek keperawatan profesional memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien maupun keluarga. Komunikasi yang efektif dapat mengurangi kecemasan yang dialami keluarga pasien kanker di ruang rawat inap. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah keluarga pasien kanker di ruang rawat inap yang berjumlah 76 orang dengan cara nonprobability sampling, Uji Chi Square menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara bentuk komunikasi perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan keluarga pasien kanker (p = 0.014> nilai ? 0.05) yang terdiri dari komunikasi verbal (p = 0.016> nilai ? 0.05) dan komunikasi nonverbal (p = 0.005> nilai ? 0.05). Diharapkan kepada perawat agar dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan komunikasi terapeutik karena akan mempengaruhi kecemasan keluarga pasien.Banda Ace

    The Streptomyces coelicolor small ORF trpM stimulates growth and morphological development and exerts opposite effects on actinorhodin and calcium-dependent antibiotic production

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    In actinomycetes, antibiotic production is often associated with a morpho-physiological differentiation program that is regulated by complex molecular and metabolic networks. Many aspects of these regulatory circuits have been already elucidated and many others still deserve further investigations. In this regard, the possible role of many small open reading frames (smORFs) in actinomycete morpho-physiological differentiation is still elusive. In Streptomyces coelicolor, inactivation of the smORF trpM (SCO2038) – whose product modulates L-tryptophan biosynthesis – impairs production of antibiotics and morphological differentiation. Indeed, it was demonstrated that TrpM is able to interact with PepA (SCO2179), a putative cytosol aminopeptidase playing a key role in antibiotic production and sporulation. In this work, a S. coelicolor trpM knock-in (Sco-trpMKI) mutant strain was generated by cloning trpM into overexpressing vector to further investigate the role of trpM in actinomycete growth and morpho-physiological differentiation. Results highlighted that trpM: (i) stimulates growth and actinorhodin (ACT) production; (ii) decreases calcium-dependent antibiotic (CDA) production; (iii) has no effect on undecylprodigiosin production. Metabolic pathways influenced by trpM knock- in were investigated by combining two-difference in gel electrophoresis/nanoliquid chromatography coupled to electrospray linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (2D- DIGE/nanoLC-ESI-LIT-MS/MS) and by LC-ESI-MS/MS procedures, respectively. These analyses demonstrated that over-expression of trpM causes an over-representation of factors involved in protein synthesis and nucleotide metabolism as well as a down-representation of proteins involved in central carbon and amino acid metabolism. At the metabolic level, this corresponded to a differential accumulation pattern of different amino acids – including aromatic ones but tryptophan – and central carbon intermediates. PepA was also down-represented in Sco-trpMKI. The latter was produced as recombinant His-tagged protein and was originally proven having the predicted aminopeptidase activity. Altogether, these results highlight the stimulatory effect of trpM in S. coelicolor growth and ACT biosynthesis, which are elicited through the modulation of various metabolic pathways and PepA representation, further confirming the complexity of regulatory networks that control antibiotic production in actinomycetes

    Hiponatremia como factor asociado a severidad en gestantes con preeclampsia del Hospital Regional de Tarapoto

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    Se llevará a cabo un estudio con la finalidad de demostrar que los niveles de sodio en sangre (hiponatremia) es factor asociado de índice de severidad en pacientes gestantes con diagnóstico de preeclampsia del Hospital Regional de Tarapoto; se incluirán a gestantes atendidas en el consultorio de Gineco Obstetricia del Hospital Regional de Tarapoto 2018-2019. El presente trabajo será analítico, observacional, longitudinal, retrospectivo, de casos y controles. En el estudio estadístico utilizaremos de la prueba Chi Cuadrado (X2 ) para variables cualitativas; las agrupaciones se considerarán estadísticamente relevantes si el margen de error es menor al 5% (p < 0.05); debido a que éste es un trabajo que estudiará la relación entre variables mediante un modelo seccional transversal; obtendremos el odds ratio (OR) que proporciona la hiponatremia con respecto a la existencia de severidad en pacientes gestantes con diagnóstico de preeclampsia. Se llevará a cabo la medida del intervalo de confianza al 95% del estadígrafo respectivo. Siendo la muestra de 29 paciente con preeclampsia severa que cumplen los criterios de inclusión y 87 pacientes los casos controles con preeclampsia leve.Tesis de segunda especialida

    ¿Son los armadillos controladores naturales de plagas? Hábitos alimentarios de cinco especies de armadillos en la Argentina

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    Armadillos are among the most common mammals in agroecosystems in Argentina. Their insec-tivorous/omnivorous food habits raise the question about their putative role as pest controllers. The aim of this study is to describe the prey items of five armadillo species and evaluate their possible role as natural pest controllers. The stomach contents of 12 Dasypus hybridus, 10 Chaetophractus vellerosus, 14 Chaetophractus villosus, 4 Tolypeutes matacus and 9 Zaedyus pichiy were analyzed. We described the diet and identified prey items to family level, whenever possible, and computed the frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative abundance of prey items. With these values, the Item Categorization Index (ICI) was calculated to classify the items in order of importance (primary, secondary and tertiary items). Shannon diversity index was also computed. The armadillos studied here consumed arthropod species belonging to families of phytosanitary importance such as Acrididae, Scarabaeidae, Tenebrionidae, Lepidoptera, Formicidae, and Termitidae. Only two armadillos showed primary items in their diet; Z. pichiy (ants and tenebrionids) and T. matacus (termites and scarabid larvae). Important pest arthropods had FO values close to or greater than 50% in the diet of all armadillos. Armadillos consumed arthropods that are important pests for agriculture, forestry, and wood construction. Even though this study was mainly focused on armadillos’ diet, we suggest that the presence of these native species could benefit the productivity and health of agroecosystems by reducing the need for harmful agrochemicals.Los armadillos son algunos de los mamíferos más comunes en los agroecosistemas de Argentina. Sus hábitos alimentarios omnívoro/insectívoro sugirieron la pregunta acerca de su rol como presuntos controladores de plagas. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la dieta de cinco armadillos y evaluar su posible rol como controladores de plagas. Se analizaron los estómagos de 12 Dasypus hybridus, 10 Chaetophractus vellerosus, 14 Chaetophractus villosus, 4 Tolypeutes matacus y 9 Zaedyus pichiy. Se identificaron los ítems presa hasta el nivel de familia cuando fue posible. Se estimó la frecuencia de ocurrencia (FO) y la abundancia relativa. Con estos valores se calculó el Índice de Categorización de Ítems (ICI) para clasificar las presas siguiendo un orden e importancia (primarias, secundarias y terciarias). También se calculó el índice de diversidad de Shannon. Los armadillos consumieron especies de artrópodos pertenecientes a familias de importancia fitosanitaria como Acrididae, Scarabaeidae, Tenebrionidae, Lepidoptera, Formicidae y Termitidae. Solo dos armadillos mostraron ítems primarios en su dieta: Z. pichiy (hormigas y tenebrionidos) y T. matacus (termitas y larvas de escarábidos). Los artrópodos plaga encontrados en la dieta de los armadillos tuvieron una FO cercana o superior al 50%. Los armadillos consumieron especies de artrópodos que son plagas importantes para la agricultura, la industria forestal y la construcción maderera. Aunque este estudio estuvo enfocado principalmente a la dieta de armadillos, sugerimos que la presencia de estas especies nativas podría beneficiar la productividad y salud de los agroecosistemas, reduciendo la necesidad de de utlizar agroquímicos perjudiciales.Fil: Gallo, Jorge Alberto. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Delegación Regional Patagonia; Argentina. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Parque Nacional "Nahuel Huapi"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Fasola, Laura. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Delegación Regional Patagonia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Abba, Agustin Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; Argentin

    La preactivación neuromuscular durante la maniobra evasiva de salto lateral no se asocia con alteraciones posturales en atletas de ultimate: un estudio transversal

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    Introducción Un patrón de preactivación neuromuscular anormal durante la maniobra evasiva de salto lateral (MESL) ha sido relacionado con la lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior. Sin embargo, se desconoce si dicho patrón neuromuscular está asociado con alteraciones posturales y anatómicas. Objetivo Describir la frecuencia del patrón neuromuscular anormal durante la MESL y explorar su asociación con características posturales y anatómicas en deportistas de ultimate. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio tipo transversal, que incluyó atletas de ultimate a quienes se les realizó una evaluación de las características posturales, anatómicas y la actividad neuromuscular del muslo durante la MESL con electromiografía de superficie. Resultados La frecuencia del patrón neuromuscular anormal durante la MESL fue del 22,6%. Se encontraron diferencias entre aquellos con y sin el patrón neuromuscular anormal en el cociente entre la preactivación del músculo vasto lateral (VL) y el músculo semitendinoso (ST) (0,46; IC 95%: 0,36 a 0,56; p 0,05). Conclusiones Se encontró una frecuencia de preactivación neuromuscular anormal del 22,6%, la cual fue mayor en hombres que en mujeres. La preactivación neuromuscular anormal durante la MESL es independiente de las características posturales estáticas y anatómicas de los miembros inferiores en deportistas de ultimate

    Short communication: In vitro rumen gas production and starch degradation of starch-based feeds depend on mean particle size

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    Our objective was to model the effect of mean particle size (mPS) on in vitro rumen starch degradation (IVSD) and the kinetics of gas production for different starch-based feeds. For each feed, 2 batches of the same grains were separately processed through 2 different mills (cutter or rotor speed mills), with or without different screens to achieve a wide range of mPS (0.32 to 3.31 mm for corn meals; 0.19 to 2.81 mm for barley meals; 0.16 to 2.13 mm for wheat meals; 0.28 to 2.32 mm for oat meals; 0.21 to 2.36 mm for rye meals; 0.40 to 1.79 for sorghum meals; 0.26 to 4.71 mm for pea meals; and 0.25 to 4.53 mm for faba meals). The IVSD data and gas production kinetics, obtained by fitting to a single-pool exponential model, were analyzed using a completely randomized design, in which the main tested effect was mPS (n = 6 for all tested meals, except n = 7 for corn meals and n = 5 for sorghum meals). Rumen inocula were collected from 2 fistulated Holstein dairy cows that were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 16.2% crude protein, 28.5% starch, and 35.0% neutral detergent fiber on a dry matter basis. The IVSD, evaluated after 7 h of rumen incubation, decreased linearly with increasing mPS for corn, barley, wheat, rye, pea, and faba meals, and decreased quadratically with increasing mPS for the other meals. The y-axis intercept for 7-h IVSD was below 90% starch for corn, barley, and rye feeds and greater than 90% for the other tested feeds. The mPS adjustment factors for the rate of rumen starch degradation varied widely among the different tested feeds. We found a linear decrease in starch degradation with increasing mPS for barley, wheat, rye, and pea meals, whereas we noted a quadratic decrease in starch degradation for the other tested meals. Further, we observed a linear decrease in the rate of gas production with increasing mPS in each tested feed, except for pea meal, which had a quadratic relationship. For each 1 mm increase in mPS, the gas production was adjusted by -0.009 h-1 for corn, -0.011 h-1 for barley, -0.008 h-1 for wheat, and -0.006 h-1 for faba, whereas numerically greater adjustments were needed for oat (-0.022 h-1), rye (-0.017 h-1), and sorghum (-0.014 h-1). These mPS adjustment factors could be used to modify the starch-based feed energy values as a function of mean particle size, although in vivo validation is required