15 research outputs found

    Felasa working group report: capture and transport of live cephalopods – recommendations for scientific purposes

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    On 1 January 2013, research using cephalopod molluscs, from hatchlings to adults, became regulated within Directive 2010/63/EU. There are significant difficulties in captive breeding in the great majority of currently utilised species. Thus, scientific research relies upon the use of wild-caught animals. Furthermore, live cephalopods are shared and transported between different stakeholders and laboratories across Europe and other continents. Despite existing European and national legislation, codes, guidelines and reports from independent organisations, a set of recommendations specifically addressing the requirements for the capture and transport of animals belonging to this taxon are missing. In addition, although training and development of competence for all people involved in the supply chain are essential and aim to ensure that animals do not suffer from pain, distress or lasting harm, the requirements for those capturing and transporting wild cephalopods have not been considered. This Working Group reviewed the current literature to recognise scientific evidence and the best practice, and compiled a set of recommendations to provide guidance on the ‘techniques’ to be used for the capture and transport of live cephalopods for their use in scientific procedures. In addition, we propose to (a) develop standardised approaches able to assess recommended methods and objectively quantify the impact of these processes on animals’ health, welfare and stress response, and (b) design a training programme for people attaining the necessary competence for capture and transportation of live cephalopods, as required by Directive 2010/63/EU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Messa a punto di sistemi per il controllo e la terapia delle malattie virali

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    A livello globale una delle problematiche più urgenti della sanità pubblica umana e veterinaria è rappresentata dal controllo delle infezioni virali. L’emergenza di nuove malattie, la veloce diffusione di patologie finora confinate ad alcune aree geografiche, lo sviluppo di resistenza dei patogeni alle terapie utilizzate e la mancanza di nuove molecole attive, sono gli aspetti che influiscono più negativamente livello socio-economico in tutto il mondo. Misure per limitare la diffusione delle infezioni virali prevedono strategie per prevenire e controllare le infezioni in soggetti a rischio . Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di indagare il possibile utilizzo di prototipi virali utilizzati come modello di virus umani per valutare l’efficacia di due diversi metodi di controllo delle malattie virali: la rimozione mediante filtrazione di substrati liquidi e gli antivirali di sintesi e di origine naturale. Per quanto riguarda la rimozione di agenti virali da substrati liquidi, questa è considerata come requisito essenziale per garantire la sicurezza microbiologica non solo di acqua ad uso alimentare , ma anche dei prodotti utilizzati a scopo farmaceutico e medico. Le Autorità competenti quali WHO ed EMEA hanno redatto delle linee guida molto restrittive su qualità e sicurezza microbiologica dei prodotti biologici per garantire la rimozione di agenti virali che possono essere trasmessi con prodotti utilizzati a scopo terapeutico. Nell'industria biomedicale e farmaceutica c'è l'esigenza di una tecnologia che permetta la rimozione dei virus velocemente, in grande quantità, a costi contenuti, senza alterare le caratteristiche del prodotto finale . La collaborazione con l’azienda GVS (Zola Predosa, Italia) ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio di una tecnologia di filtrazione che permette la rimozione dei virus tramite membrane innovative e/o tessuti-non-tessuti funzionalizzati che sfruttano l’attrazione elettrostatica per ritenere ed asportare i virus contenuti in matrici liquide. Anche gli antivirali possono essere considerati validi mezzi per il controllo delle malattie infettive degli animali e nell’uomo quando la vaccinazione non è realizzabile come ad esempio in caso di scoppio improvviso di un focolaio o di un attacco bioterroristico. La scoperta degli antivirali è relativamente recente ed il loro utilizzo è attualmente limitato alla patologia umana, ma è in costante aumento l’interesse per questo gruppo di farmaci. Negli ultimi decenni si è evidenziata una crescente necessità di mettere a punto farmaci ad azione antivirale in grado di curare malattie ad alta letalità con elevato impatto socio-economico, per le quali non esiste ancora un’efficace profilassi vaccinale. Un interesse sempre maggiore viene rivolto agli animali e alle loro patologie spontanee, come modello di studio di analoghe malattie dell’uomo. L’utilizzo di farmaci ad azione antivirale in medicina veterinaria potrebbe contribuire a ridurre l’impatto economico delle malattie limitando, nel contempo, la disseminazione dei patogeni nell’ambiente e, di conseguenza, il rischio sanitario per altri animali e per l’uomo in caso di zoonosi. Le piante sono sempre state utilizzate dall’industria farmaceutica per l’isolamento dei composti attivi e circa il 40% dei farmaci moderni contengono principi d’origine naturale. Alla luce delle recenti emergenze sanitarie, i fitofarmaci sono stati considerati come una valida per migliorare la salute degli animali e la qualità dei prodotti da essi derivati. L’obiettivo del nostro studio è stato indagare l’attività antivirale in vitro di estratti naturali e di molecole di sintesi nei confronti di virus a RNA usando come prototipo il Canine Distemper Virus, modello di studio per virus a RNA a polarità negativa, filogeneticamente correlato al virus del morbillo umano. La scelta di questo virus è dipesa dal fatto che rispetto ai virus a DNA e ai retrovirus attualmente l’offerta di farmaci capaci di contrastare le infezioni da virus a RNA è molto limitata e legata a molecole datate con alti livelli di tossicità. Tra le infezioni emergenti causate da virus a RNA sono sicuramente da menzionare quelle provocate da arbovirus. Le encefaliti virali da arbovirus rappresentano una emergenza a livello globale ed attualmente non esiste una terapia specifica. Una delle molecole più promettenti in vitro per la terapia delle infezioni da arbovirus è la ribavirina (RBV) che, con il suo meccanismo d’azione pleiotropico, si presta ad essere ulteriormente studiata in vivo per la sua attività antivirale nei confronti delle infezioni da arbovirus. Uno dei fattori limitanti l’utilizzo in vivo di questa molecola è l’incapacità della molecola di oltrepassare la barriera emato-encefalica. Nel nostro studio abbiamo messo a punto una formulazione per la somministrazione endonasale di RBV e ne abbiamo indagato la diffusione dalla cavità nasale all’encefalo attraverso l’identificazione e quantificazione della molecola antivirale nei diversi comparti cerebrali . Infine è stato condotto un esperimento in vivo per valutare l’efficacia di un composto a base di semi di Neem, di cui sono già note le proprietà antimicrobiche, nei confronti dell’infezione da orf virus, una zoonosi a diffusione mondiale, che ha un elevato impatto economico in aree ad alta densità ovi-caprina e può provocare lesioni invalidanti anche nell’uomo

    Disease Animal Models for Cancer Research

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    Despite nonanimal methods (NAMs) are more and more exploited and new NAMs are developed and validated, animal models are still used in cancer research. Animals are used at multiple levels, from understanding molecular traits and pathways, to mimicking clinical aspects of tumor progression, to drug testing. In vivo approaches are not trivial and involve cross-disciplinary knowledge: animal biology and physiology, genetics, pathology, and animal welfare.The aim of this chapter is not to list and address all animal models used in cancer research. Instead, the authors would like to guide experimenters in the strategies to adopt in both planning and performing in vivo experimental procedures, including the choice of cancer animal models

    Analisi della variabilità e predizione di peptidi antigenici della glicoproteina E2 del BVDV in un soggetto con malattie delle mucose.

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    The E2 protein is the major glycoprotein of the envelope of Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus (BVDV). This protein is highly variable and induces a strong immune response with the production of neutralizing antibodies; therefore this protein is widely used to set up vaccines providing complete protection from the infection. In persistently infected animals it was assumed that immunological tolerance favoured maintenance of an antigenically conserved population of persisting virus over the emergence of quasispecies which stimulate an effective immune response. However, further studies showed genetic variability of BVDV in the E2 region and 5’UTR region in persistent infected animals. The aim of our work was to study the variability of BVDV analysing the antigenic properties of clones obtained by cloning PCR products of two organs from mucosal disease affected anima

    Quantification of Hair Corticosterone, DHEA and Testosterone as a Potential Tool for Welfare Assessment in Male Laboratory Mice

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    Steroids, providing information regarding several biological patterns including stress and sexual behavior, have been investigated in different matrices in laboratory mice. Data regarding hair quantification, indicative of longer timespans when compared to blood and saliva, are lacking. The aim of the work was to analyze the hormonal hair profile of laboratory male mice and to investigate potential relationships with age and housing, as a potential tool for welfare assessment. Fifty-six adult male C57BL/6J and C57BL/6OlaHsd substrain mice were included in the study, housed in pairs or groups. Testosterone (T) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) were quantified by radioimmunoassay, corticosterone (CORT) by ELISA. Mean hormone levels were 6.42 pg/mg for T, 23.16 pg/mg for DHEA and 502.1 pg/mg for CORT. Age influenced all hormones by significantly increasing T and DHEA levels and decreasing CORT; only DHEA, significantly higher in grouped mice, was influenced by housing conditions. The influence of age indicates the need for accurate age-related reference intervals, while the higher levels of DHEA in grouped animals suggests that such housing practice may be beneficial for social interactions. In conclusion, it seems that hair hormones quantification may be a good tool for welfare assessment in laboratory mice and may help in refining husbandry

    In vivo nose-to-brain delivery of the hydrophilic antiviral ribavirin by microparticle agglomerates

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    Nasal administration has been proposed as a potential approach for the delivery of drugs to the central nervous system. Ribavirin (RBV), an antiviral drug potentially useful to treat viral infections both in humans and animals, has been previously demonstrated to attain several brain compartments after nasal administration. Here, a powder formulation in the form of agglomerates comprising micronized RBV and spray-dried microparticles containing excipients with potential absorption enhancing properties, i.e. mannitol, chitosan, and α-cyclodextrin, was developed for nasal insufflation. The agglomerates were characterized for particle size, agglomeration yield, and ex vivo RBV permeation across rabbit nasal mucosa as well as delivery from an animal dry powder insufflator device. Interestingly, permeation enhancers such as chitosan and mannitol showed a lower amount of RBV permeating across the excised nasal tissue, whereas α-cyclodextrin proved to outperform the other formulations and to match the highly soluble micronized RBV powder taken as a reference. In vivo nasal administration to rats of the agglomerates containing α-cyclodextrin showed an overall higher accumulation of RBV in all the brain compartments analyzed as compared with the micronized RBV administered as such without excipient microparticles. Hence, powder agglomerates are a valuable approach to obtain a nasal formulation potentially attaining nose-to-brain delivery of drugs with minimal processing of the APIs and improvement of the technological and biopharmaceutical properties of micronized API and excipients, as they combine optimal flow properties for handling and dosing, suitable particle size for nasal deposition, high surface area for drug dissolution, and penetration enhancing properties from excipients such as cyclodextrins

    Assessable learning outcomes for the EU Education and Training Framework core and Function A specific modules: Report of an ETPLAS WORKING Group

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    Article 23(2) of the European Union Directive 2010/63/EU, which regulates welfare provisions for animals used for scientific purposes, requires that staff involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes be adequately educated and trained before they undertake any such work. However, the nature and extent of such training is not stipulated in the Directive. To facilitate Member States in fulfilling their education and training obligations, the European Commission developed a common Education and Training Framework, which was endorsed by the Member States Competent Authorities. An Education & Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science (ETPLAS) Working Group was recently established to develop further guidance to the Learning Outcomes in the Framework, with the objective to clarify the levels of knowledge and understanding required by trainees, and to provide the criteria by which these Learning Outcomes should be assessed. Using the Framework document as a starting point, assessment criteria for the Learning Outcomes of the modules required for Function A persons (carrying out procedures on animals) for rats, mice and zebrafish were created with sufficient detail to enable trainees, providers and assessors to appreciate the level of knowledge, understanding and skills required to pass each module. Adoption and utilization of this document by training providers and accrediting or approving bodies will harmonize introductory education and training for those involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes within the European Union, promote mutual recognition of training within and between Member States and therefore free movement of personnel

    General and species-specific recommendations for minimal requirements for the use of cephalopods in scientific research

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    International audienceHere we list species-specific recommendations for housing, care and management of cephalopod molluscs employed for research purposes with the aim of contributing to the standardization of minimum requirements for establishments, care and accommodation of these animals in compliance with the principles stated in Directive 2010/63/EU. Maximizing their psychophysical welfare was our priority. General recommendations on water surface area, water depth and tank shape here reported represent the outcome of the combined action of the analysis of the available literature and an expertise-based consensus reached – under the aegis of the COST Action FA1301 – among researchers working with the most commonly used cephalopod species in Europe. Information on water supply and quality, environmental conditions, stocking density, feeding and handling are also provided. Through this work we wish to set the stage for a more fertile ground of evidence-based approaches on cephalopod laboratory maintenance, thus facilitating standardization and replicability of research outcomes across laboratories, at the same time maximizing the welfare of these animals

    General and species-specific recommendations for minimal requirements for the use of cephalopods in scientific research

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    Here we list species-specific recommendations for housing, care and management of cephalopod molluscs employed for research purposes with the aim of contributing to the standardization of minimum requirements for establishments, care and accommodation of these animals in compliance with the principles stated in Directive 2010/63/EU. Maximizing their psychophysical welfare was our priority. General recommendations on water surface area, water depth and tank shape here reported represent the outcome of the combined action of the analysis of the available literature and an expertise-based consensus reached - under the aegis of the COST Action FA1301 - among researchers working with the most commonly used cephalopod species in Europe. Information on water supply and quality, environmental conditions, stocking density, feeding and handling are also provided. Through this work we wish to set the stage for a more fertile ground of evidence-based approaches on cephalopod laboratory maintenance, thus facilitating standardization and replicability of research outcomes across laboratories, at the same time maximizing the welfare of these animals