13,116 research outputs found

    Systematic Uncertainties In Constraining Dark Matter Annihilation From The Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have proven to be a very powerful tool to constrain dark matter annihilation at the epoch of recombination. However, CMB constraints are currently derived using a number of reasonable but yet un-tested assumptions that could potentially lead to a misestimation of the true bounds. In this paper we examine the potential impact of these systematic effects. In particular, we separately study the propagation of the secondary particles produced by annihilation in two energy regimes; first following the shower from the initial particle energy to the keV scale, and then tracking the resulting secondary particles from this scale to the absorption of their energy as heat, ionization, or excitation of the medium. We improve both the high and low energy parts of the calculation, in particular finding that our more accurate treatment of losses to sub-10.2 eV photons produced by scattering of high-energy electrons weakens the constraints on particular DM annihilation models by up to a factor of two. On the other hand, we find that the uncertainties we examine for the low energy propagation do not significantly affect the results for current and upcoming CMB data. We include the evaluation of the precise amount of excitation energy, in the form of Lyman-alpha photons, produced by the propagation of the shower, and examine the effects of varying the Helium fraction and Helium ionization fraction. In the recent literature, simple approximations for the fraction of energy absorbed in different channels have often been used to derive CMB constraints: we assess the impact of using accurate versus approximate energy fractions. Finally we check that the choice of recombination code (between RECFAST v1.5 and COSMOREC), to calculate the evolution of the free electron fraction in the presence of dark matter annihilation, introduces negligible differences.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figure

    A study of periodicities and recurrences in solar activity and cosmic ray modulation

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    The 154d periodicity was found in the cosmic ray intensity (RE) vs Flares, and some other peaks of coherency in the RC vs aa sub I, that when interpreted as aliased values, might correspond to recurring interplanetary magnetic field structures and solar wind streams. It cannot be excluded, however, that some of the correspondence with aa are of terrestrial origin. This study cannot be considered exhaustive due to the fact that other solar variables, such as polar hole size, are possibly correlated to cosmic ray intensities. However, the number of observations is small so that the interpretation of the results is very difficult

    Beryllium in turnoff stars of NGC6397: early Galaxy spallation, cosmochronology and cluster formation

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    We present the first detection of beryllium in two turnoff stars of the old, metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6397. The beryllium lines are clearly detected and we determine a mean beryllium abundance of log(Be/H)=-12.35 +/- 0.2. The beryllium abundance is very similar to that of field stars of similar Fe content. We interpret the beryllium abundance observed as the result of primary spallation of cosmic rays acting on a Galactic scale, showing that beryllium can be used as a powerful cosmochronometer for the first stellar generations. With this method, we estimate that the cluster formed 0.2-0.3 Gyr after the onset of star formation in the Galaxy, in excellent agreement with the age derived from main sequence fitting. From the same spectra we also find low O (noticeably different for the two stars) and high N abundances, suggesting that the original gas was enriched in CNO processed material. Our beryllium results, together with the N, O, and Li abundances, provide insights on the formation of this globular cluster, showing that any CNO processing of the gas must have occurred in the protocluster cloud before the formation of the stars we observe now. We encounter, however, difficulties in giving a fully consistent picture of the cluster formation, able to explain the complex overall abundance pattern.Comment: to appear in A&

    Cosmic ray biannual variation

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    The study of the cosmic ray (CR) power spectrum has revealed a significant variation with a period around 2 yr that cannot be explained as a high order harmonic of the 11 yr solar cycle. Comparative study of the correlation on different time scales between CR intensity and Rz, aa, high speed streams and polar hole size has put in evidence that a high degree of coherency exists between each couple of variables at 1.58 to 1.64 yr, except between CR and Rz. On the other hand cyclic variation on a short time scale, around 26 months, has been claimed to be present in the neutrino flux. Critical tests of this hypothesis are considered and a preliminary result seems to indicate that the hypothesis of the existence of a 1.6 yr periodicity in the neutrino data during the measurement time interval, has a significance or = 99.9%. The possible origin of this variation as due to a contribution either of CR interactions in the upper atmosphere or to the solar dynamics, are discussed

    Massive black hole factories: Supermassive and quasi-star formation in primordial halos

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    Supermassive stars and quasi-stars (massive stars with a central black hole) are both considered as potential progenitors for the formation of supermassive black holes. They are expected to form from rapidly accreting protostars in massive primordial halos. We explore how long rapidly accreting protostars remain on the Hayashi track, implying large protostellar radii and weak accretion luminosity feedback. We assess the potential role of energy production in the nuclear core, and determine what regulates the evolution of such protostars into quasi-stars or supermassive stars. We follow the contraction of characteristic mass scales in rapidly accreting protostars, and infer the timescales for them to reach nuclear densities. We compare the characteristic timescales for nuclear burning with those for which the extended protostellar envelope can be maintained. We find that the extended envelope can be maintained up to protostellar masses of 3.6x10^8 \dot{m}^3 solar, where \dot{m} denotes the accretion rate in solar masses per year. We expect the nuclear core to exhaust its hydrogen content in 7x10^6 yrs. If accretion rates \dot{m}>>0.14 can still be maintained at this point, a black hole may form within the accreting envelope, leading to a quasi-star. Alternatively, the accreting object will gravitationally contract to become a main-sequence supermassive star. Due to the limited gas reservoir in dark matter halos with 10^7 solar masses, the accretion rate onto the central object may drop at late times, implying the formation of supermassive stars as the typical outcome of direct collapse. However, if high accretion rates are maintained, a quasi-star with an interior black hole may form.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A. Comments are welcom

    Formation and Disruption of Cosmological Low Mass Objects

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    We investigate the evolution of cosmological low mass (low virial temperature) objects and the formation of the first luminous objects. First, the `cooling diagram' for low mass objects is shown. We assess the cooling rate taking into account the contribution of H_2, which is not in chemical equilibrium generally, with a simple argument of time scales. The reaction rates and the cooling rate of H_2 are taken from the recent results by Galli & Palla (1998). Using this cooling diagram, we also estimate the formation condition of luminous objects taking into account the supernova (SN) disruption of virialized clouds. We find that the mass of the first luminous object is several times 10^7 solar mass, because smaller objects may be disrupted by the SNe before they become luminous. Metal pollution of low mass (Ly-alpha) clouds also discussed. The resultant metallicity of the clouds is about 1/1000 of the solar metallicity.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To appear in ApJ

    Electron Emission from Diamondoids: A Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Study

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    We present density-functional theory (DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations designed to resolve experimental and theoretical controversies over the optical properties of H-terminated C nanoparticles (diamondoids). The QMC results follow the trends of well-converged plane-wave DFT calculations for the size dependence of the optical gap, but they predict gaps that are 1-2 eV higher. They confirm that quantum confinement effects disappear in diamondoids larger than 1 nm, which have gaps below that of bulk diamond. Our QMC calculations predict a small exciton binding energy and a negative electron affinity (NEA) for diamondoids up to 1 nm, resulting from the delocalized nature of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. The NEA suggests a range of possible applications of diamondoids as low-voltage electron emitters

    Study of solid 4He in two dimensions. The issue of zero-point defects and study of confined crystal

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    Defects are believed to play a fundamental role in the supersolid state of 4He. We report on studies by exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations at zero temperature of the properties of solid 4He in presence of many vacancies, up to 30 in two dimensions (2D). In all studied cases the crystalline order is stable at least as long as the concentration of vacancies is below 2.5%. In the 2D system for a small number, n_v, of vacancies such defects can be identified in the crystalline lattice and are strongly correlated with an attractive interaction. On the contrary when n_v~10 vacancies in the relaxed system disappear and in their place one finds dislocations and a revival of the Bose-Einstein condensation. Thus, should zero-point motion defects be present in solid 4He, such defects would be dislocations and not vacancies, at least in 2D. In order to avoid using periodic boundary conditions we have studied the exact ground state of solid 4He confined in a circular region by an external potential. We find that defects tend to be localized in an interfacial region of width of about 15 A. Our computation allows to put as upper bound limit to zero--point defects the concentration 0.003 in the 2D system close to melting density.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in J. Low Temp. Phys., Special Issue on Supersolid

    Collective dipole excitations in sodium clusters

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    Some properties of small and medium sodium clusters are described within the RPA approach using a projected spherical single particle basis. The oscillator strengths calculated with a Schiff-like dipole transition operator and folded with Lorentzian functions are used to calculate the photoabsorbtion cross section spectra. The results are further employed to establish the dependence of the plasmon frequency on the number of cluster components. Static electric polarizabilities of the clusters excited in a RPA dipole state are also calculated. Comparison of our results with the corresponding experimental data show an overall good agreement.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure
