41 research outputs found

    Fulleropyrrolidine-functionalized ceria nanoparticles as a tethered dual nanosystem with improved antioxidant properties

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    Combining nanoceria and fulleropyrrolidine in a tethered nanosystem allows for efficient scavenging of reactive oxygen species and improved protection of mouse fibroblast cells exposed to a UV insult

    Neuroprotective effect of (R)-(-)-linalool on oxidative stress in PC12 cells

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    Background: Oxidative stress plays an important role in neurodegeneration, pain and inflammation. (R)-(-)- linalool (LIN) is endowed with neuroprotective, anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. Purpose: The present study aims at investigating the hypothesis that LIN’s neuroprotective, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties descend from its ability to act as antioxidant. The study challenges this hypothesis by verifying whether LIN may counteract hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 )-induced oxidative stress in PC12 cells. Methods: In H 2 O 2 -exposed PC12 cells, LIN was tested on a) cell viability, measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2- yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), b) damage of plasma membrane, measured by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, c) intracellular levels of reactive-oxygen-species (ROS), d) apoptosis and e) cell cycle distribution. Results: Under H 2 O 2 -induced cell viability reduction, LIN protects PC12 cells. Likewise, LIN protects cells from oxidative damage by preventing the H 2 O 2 -dependent increase of LDH release, counteracts intracellular ROS overproduction and reduces H 2 O 2 -induced apoptosis. Finally, the results of the cell cycle analysis from cells exposed to H 2 O 2 indicate that LIN incubation reduces the number of cells induced into quiescence by H 2 O 2 in the G2/M phase. Conclusions: These findings indicate that LIN protects PC12 cells from H 2 O 2 -induced oxidative stress. This mech- anism could justify the neuroprotective, anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of this compound and suggest LIN as a potential therapeutic agent for the management oxidative stress-mediated pain

    Antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of Inula viscosa extract on Burkitt lymphoma cell line.

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    Burkitt lymphoma is a very aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Although remarkable progress has been made in the therapeutic scenario for patients with Burkitt lymphoma, search and development of new effective anticancer agents to improve patient outcome and minimize toxicity has become an urgent issue. In this study, the antitumoral activity of Inula viscosa, a traditional herb obtained from plants collected on the Asinara Island, Italy, was evaluated in order to explore potential antineoplastic effects of its metabolites on Burkitt lymphoma. Raji human cell line was treated with increasing Inula viscosa extract concentration for cytotoxicity screening and subsequent establishment of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Moreover, gene expression profiles were performed to identify molecular mechanisms involved in the anticancer activities of this medical plant. The Inula viscosa extract exhibited powerful antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities on Raji cell line, showing a dose- and time-dependent decrease in cell viability, obtained by cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase and an increase in cell apoptosis. The treatment with Inula viscosa caused downregulation of genes involved in cell cycle and proliferation (c-MYC, CCND1) and inhibition of cell apoptosis (BCL2, BCL2L1, BCL11A). The Inula viscosa extract causes strong anticancer effects on Burkitt lymphoma cell line. The molecular mechanisms underlying such antineoplastic activity are based on targeting and downregulation of genes involved in cell cycle and apoptosis. Our data suggest that Inula viscosa natural metabolites should be further exploited as potential antineoplastic agents against Burkitt lymphoma

    L'affido condiviso e la mediazione familiare: un approccio critico.

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    Obiettivo del lavoro è quello di analizzare, a sei anni dalla sua approvazione, la riforma sull’affido condiviso, la L. 54/2006 (Disposizioni in materia di separazione dei genitori e affidamento condiviso dei figli), e l’istituto della mediazione familiare da essa introdotto, ponendoci da un punto di vista critico, al fine di approfondire le lacune di tale legge, le quali, hanno costituito la base del recente disegno di legge (ddl 957 “Modifiche al codice civile e al codice di procedura civile in materia di affidamento condiviso”). L’elaborato inizia con la conoscenza della Legge n. 54/2006, con l’esame dei principi, degli scopi e delle modifiche apportate all’art. 155 c.c., e degli aspetti riguardanti la potestà genitoriale e le sue modalità di esercizio. La parte centrale della tesi è stata dedicata allo studio della nascita, degli obiettivi, delle linee concettuali e operative che caratterizzano il processo di mediazione familiare. Infine, l’attenzione è stata focalizzata sul recente ddl n. 957, tuttora in attesa di approvazione, il quale rappresenta un importante evento che merita di essere considerato, non solo perché manifesta l’evidenza dei limiti della legge approvata ma soprattutto consente di verificare e considerare criticamente gli aspetti sui quali si sono concentrate le proposte di legge e le soluzioni che hanno approntato. Nonostante i buoni propositi del ddl, di rimediare alle lacune dell’attuale legge, alcune delle associazioni esperte in materia, hanno espresso la loro disapprovazione in merito. In particolare nel presente lavoro è stato raccolto il punto di vista di due associazioni di difesa dei diritti delle donne, ossia dell’associazione dei giuristi democratici per la Cedaw, e dell’associazione Differenza Donna, le quali hanno espresso il loro punto di vista sulle enormi criticità che il testo vorrebbe introdurre, soprattutto in merito alle violazioni, contenute nel testo, dei diritti fondamentali delle donne vittime di violenza subita o assistita. Inoltre, è stato posto in evidenza l’opinione di una parte dell’Avvocatura, dell’AIAF e dell’ OUA, i quali sentiti in sede di audizione parlamentare, evidenziano gli effetti dannosi che in alcuni casi può avere l’approvazione del disegno legge. Il risultato di tali considerazioni hanno costituito lo spunto delle interviste semi strutturate da me rivolte a tre testimoni privilegiati: due mediatori familiari e un avvocato del foro di Sassari. Insieme agli intervistati si è cercato di approfondire soprattutto quelle che sono le criticità e i punti di forza della mediazione familiare, dell’attuale legge sull’affido condiviso e del recente ddl n.957

    Parkinson’s Disease-Related Genes and Lipid Alteration

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex and progressive neurodegenerative disorder with a prevalence of approximately 0.5–1% among those aged 65–70 years. Although most of its clinical manifestations are due to a loss of dopaminergic neurons, the PD etiology is largely unknown. PD is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and the exact interplay between genes and the environment is still debated. Several biological processes have been implicated in PD, including mitochondrial or lysosomal dysfunctions, alteration in protein clearance, and neuroinflammation, but a common molecular mechanism connecting the different cellular alterations remains incompletely understood. Accumulating evidence underlines a significant role of lipids in the pathological pathways leading to PD. Beside the well-described lipid alteration in idiopathic PD, this review summarizes the several lipid alterations observed in experimental models expressing PD-related genes and suggests a possible scenario in relationship to the molecular mechanisms of neuronal toxicity. PD could be considered a lipid-induced proteinopathy, where alteration in lipid composition or metabolism could induce protein alteration—for instance, alpha-synuclein accumulation—and finally neuronal death

    Cytoskeleton changes and impaired motility of monocytes at modelled low gravity

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    Investigations performed in space have shown that gravity changes affect important cellular mechanisms like proliferation, differentiation, genetic expression, cytoskeletal architecture, and motility in lymphocytes, monocytes, and other mammalian cells. In particular, a dramatic depression of the mitogenic in vitro activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes was observed at low gravity. The hypothesis of the present work is that a reduced interaction between T lymphocytes and monocytes, essential for the second signalling pathway, might be one of the reasons for the observed depression of the in vitro activation of human lymphocytes. Cell motility and with it a continuous rearrangement of the cytoskeletal network within the cell is essential for cell-tocell contacts. Whereas nonactivated lymphocytes in suspension are highly motile at low gravity, no data are available so far on the motility of adherent monocytes. It thus can be argued that impaired monocyte locomotion and cytoskeletal changes could be responsible for a reduced interaction of monocytes with T lymphocytes. In this study, the locomotion ability of J-111 cells, an adherent monocyte cell line, attached to colloidal gold particles on coverslips and exposed to modelled low gravity in the random positioning machine was found to be severely reduced compared with that of controls and the structures of actin, tubulin, and vinculin were affected

    Transmucosal Solid Lipid Nanoparticles to Improve Genistein Absorption via Intestinal Lymphatic Transport

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    Genistein (GEN) is a soy-derived isoflavone that exhibits several biological effects, such as neuroprotective activity and the prevention of several types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, due to its poor water solubility and the extensive first-pass metabolism, the oral bioavailability of GEN is limited. In this work, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) were developed to preferentially reach the intestinal lymphatic vessels, avoiding the first-pass metabolism of GEN. GEN-loaded SLN were obtained by a hot homogenization process, and the formulation parameters were chosen based on already formulated studies. The nanoparticles were characterized, and the preliminary in vitro chylomicron formation was evaluated. The cell uptake of selected nanocarriers was studied on the Caco-2 cell line and intestinal mucosa. The SLN, characterized by a spherical shape, showed an average diameter (about 280 nm) suitable for an intestinal lymphatic uptake, good stability during the testing time, and high drug loading capacity. Furthermore, the intestinal mucosa and Caco-2 cells were found to uptake SLN. The approximately two-fold increase in particle size suggested a possible interaction between SLN and the lipid components of chylomicrons like phospholipid; therefore, the results may support the potential for these SLN to improve oral GEN bioavailability via intestinal lymphatic absorption

    The Formation of Future Teacher’s Preparation to Realization of Innovative Educational Activity

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми готовності майбутнього педагога до інноваційної діяльності. Визначається сутність поняття «інноваційна педагогічна діяльність». Висвітлено основні етапи здійснення інноваційної діяльності. Обґрунтовано зміст структурних елементів інноваційної діяльності, на які опирається майбутній учитель у своїй роботі. Охарактеризовано 5 категорій учителів та описано їхнє ставлення до нововведень. Пояснюється прагнення майбутнього освітянина до самопізнання, самовизначення й осмислення ним свого духовного світу, творчого ставлення до самого себе, прагнення до виявлення та розвитку своїх особистих можливостей.The problems of future teacher’s preparation for the innovation activity are examined. The essence of the idea of «innovation pedagogical activity» is determined. The factors which influence on the development of innovation processes on the modern stage are described. The maintenance of structural elements of future teacher’s innovation pedagogical activity is settled. The basic stages of preparing for the innovation activity are selected. The functional components of future teacher’s innovation activity, which help him to plan his work better, to realize innovations of the pedagogical process, also to correct and estimate results of his innovation activity are described. Five categories of the teachers are characterized, their attitude toward the realization of innovation technologies to the pedagogical process are described. The future teacher’s aspiration to self-recognizing, self-determination and grasping the idea of his spiritual world, own actions, a role and a place in his professional activity, creative attitude to himself in the process of active influence at outer and internal world, aspiring to the exposure and development of his personal possibilities is explained. The role of creative situation in the process of future teacher’s training, the claim of which is possible only in default of internal barriers to creative displays, the organizing of future teacher’s creative work of subconsciousness, searching of new relations, the development of imagination and fantasy, the development of professional sensitiveness, searching of sense in creative activity is described and characterized. The meaning of such directions of future teacher’s development qualities, such as emotional thinking, formulating new types of communication and communicative abilities, the development of internal abilities of a dialogue is generalized. The main conditions of the establishment of innovation technologies into the teacher’s work are characterized. The establishment of innovation technologies into the future teacher’s pedagogical activity, which gives him an opportunity to master the material better, reduces time on the decision of standard tasks, stimulates the positive attitude to the training disciplines, rises the level of informational culture and creates the conditions for the complete future teacher’s opening as a personality is determined