31 research outputs found

    Under what conditions is the bioethanol and biodiesel produced entirely in the Basque Country sustainable?

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    4 p.*The process of agricultural production, and especially anything related to the management of fertilisation, largely determines the uncertainty in the estimation of the different environmental impact of biofuel production. *The most widely used methodologies for estimating the impact on biofuel production are not sufficiently precise for the production agricultural stage of the same. *The handling of nitrogen fertilisers and the effect of climatology during the cultivation stage greatly affects nitrous oxide emissions and are the major determinants of the carbon footprint during biofuel production. *Organic fertilisation promotes the reduction of the carbon footprint during the production of biofuels such as wheat-derived ethanol and rapeseed-derived diesel. They in turn increase other effects such as water contamination or the acidification of ecosystems. *There is very little likelihood of meeting the requirement of legislation on biofuel sustainability, which recommends a reduction of at least 35 % in greenhouse gases compared to its equivalent fossil fuel, in the case of the production of ethanol and diesel through the use of crops such as wheat and rapeseed for the current limited fertilisation conditions in those areas vulnerable to nitrate contamination and especially in the case of mineral fertilisers . *While organic fertilisation is more likely to meet the standards of sustainability, the direct impact on the use of the land is even greater than in the case of minerally fertilised crops

    Constitución del grupo de modelización de sistemas agrícolas españoles de REMEDIA (ReMSAE)

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    3 Pags.- Fots.- Figs.A principios de este mes de Diciembre tuvo lugar en el Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3, Bilbao) el primer taller de modelización de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en agrosistemas españoles. Enmarcada dentro de la red REMEDIA, esta actividad contó con la participación de un grupo de modelizadores de distintos centros de investigación y universidades españoles (BC3, UPM, CSIC, UdL y CIFA) que presentaron su trabajo en este ámbito y elaboraron un plan de trabajo a seguir en el futuro inmediato.Peer reviewe

    Modeling GHG emissions, N and C dynamics in Spanish agricultural soils.

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    To date, only few initiatives have been carried out in Spain in order to use mathematical models (e.g. DNDC, DayCent, FASSET y SIMSNIC) to estimate nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) dynamics as well as greenhouse gases (GHG) in Spanish agrosystems. Modeling at this level may allow to gain insight on both the complex relationships between biological and physicochemical processes, controlling the processes leading to GHG production and consumption in soils (e.g. nitrification, denitrification, decomposing, etc.), and the interactions between C and N cycles within the different components of the continuum plant-soil-environment. Additionally, these models can simulate the processes behind production, consumition and transport of GHG (e.g. nitrous oxide, N2O, and carbon dioxide, CO2) in the short and medium term and at different scales. Other sources of potential pollution from soils can be identified and quantified using these process-based models (e.g. NO3 y NH3)

    TFC - IHO : usabilitat web venda de parquets de bambú

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    Des de fa ja alguns anys que el sector de la construcció està malmès degut a la crisi econòmica actual i moltes de les empreses que hi ha no aconsegueixen sortir del pou i tenen seriosos problemes per a vendre els seus productes o serveis. És aquí on sorgeix una magnífica possibilitat d'utilitzar tècniques d'usabilitat i accessibilitat Web que poden permetre a les empreses del sector de la construcció millorar els ratis tant de captació com de fidelització de clients ja que la idea és aconseguir realitzar una Web pensada en l'usuari i per l'usuari tenint en compte sempre les seves necessitats. Com el sector és molt estès i per ser competitiu cal tenir algun factor diferenciador, com per exemple el de la sostenibilitat que està tan de moda, en aquest projecte s'ha volgut treballar amb una empresa que acompleix tots dos requisits: ven parquet de bambú i alhora aquesta planta és totalment sostenible.Desde hace ya algunos años que el sector de la construcción está dañado debido a la crisis económica actual y muchas de las empresas que hay no logran salir del pozo y tienen serios problemas para vender sus productos o servicios. Es aquí donde surge una magnífica posibilidad de utilizar técnicas de usabilidad y accesibilidad web que pueden permitir a las empresas del sector de la construcción mejorar los ratios tanto de captación como de fidelización de clientes ya que la idea es conseguir realizar una Web pensada en el usuario y para el usuario teniendo en cuenta siempre sus necesidades. Como el sector es muy extendido y para ser competitivo hay que tener algún factor diferenciador, como por ejemplo el de la sostenibilidad que está tan de moda, en este proyecto se ha querido trabajar con una empresa que cumple ambos requisitos: vende parquet de bambú y al mismo tiempo esta planta es totalmente sostenible.DokuWiki is an easy to use Wiki which is compatible with standards, aimed at creating documentation of any kind into groups of developers, working groups and small businesses

    Communication strategies: above the line and below the line

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    RESUMEN: El abuso de los medios publicitarios convencionales y masivos ha provocado una sobresaturación que afecta de forma notable a la capacidad de los anunciantes para llegar al público y ser recordados. El propósito de este trabajo es ilustrar las diferentes estrategias de comunicación de que las empresas disponen para difundir sus mensajes publicitarios con mayor eficiencia, prestando especial atención a la clasificación clásica de medios publicitarios Above The Line y Below The Line. La estructura empleada en este trabajo ha comenzado con una descripción y explicación de los medios más relevantes de ambas categorías. A continuación, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo entre medios Above The Line y Below The Line en el que se exponen sus ventajas e inconvenientes en función de los objetivos perseguidos por la organización. Posteriormente, se ha comentado la evolución experimentada por los medios convencionales y no convencionales desde los inicios del siglo XXI, explicando sus principales causas así como su tendencia hacia estrategias comunicativas integrales que combinan medios de los dos grandes grupos. Por último, se presenta el estudio de un caso de implementación de este tipo de estrategias comunicativas utilizando como ejemplo al fabricante de energéticas Red Bull.ABSTRACT: The abuse of conventional mass media advertising has led to a supersaturation which remarkably affects the power of advertisers to reach the audience and be recalled. The aim of this project is to illustrate the different communication strategies which enterprises may use to spread their advertising messages with more efficiency, paying particular attention to the traditional classification of Above The Line and Below The Line advertising media. The structure followed in this project started with a description and explanation of the most relevant media from both categories. Hereunder, a comparative analysis between Above The Line and Below The Line media was carried out. Their advantages and disadvantages were disclosed depending on the objectives of the organization. Subsequently, the evolution undergone since the beginning of the 21st century by the conventional and non-conventional media was discussed. Their main causes as well as their trend towards integral communication strategies which combine media from the two major groups were explained. Lastly, a case study of an implementation of this type of communication strategies was showcased using the energy drink manufacturer Red Bull as an example.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Notas : educación de personas adultas

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    Presenta un proyecto de innovación desarrollado por el Centro Comarcal de EPA 'El Mola' dentro de los programas de acción Grundtvig. A este programa están adscritos Bélgica, Reino Unido, Lituania, Hungría, Suiza y España y la finalidad es estudiar líneas de actuación para progresar en la promoción de la participación de las comunidades educativas en sus centros respectivos. Se centra en el proceso seguido en el CEPA del El Molar en la coordinación, el desarrollo de las actividades y el producto final de la experiencia.MadridES

    Development of a new modelling framework to estimate the C footprint from Basque dairy farms

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    19 p.There is world-wide concern for the contribution of dairy farming to global warming. However, there is still a need to improve the quantification of the C-footprint of dairy farming systems under different production systems and locations since most of the studies (e.g at farm-scale or using LCA) have been carried out using too simplistic and generalised approaches. A new modelling approach in order to estimate the C footprint from milk in the Basque Country has been developed. This working paper provides a description of the model and shows a case study for a set of dairy farms in the province of Bizkaia

    Development of a new modelling framework to estimate the C footprint from Basque dairy farms

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    19 p.There is world-wide concern for the contribution of dairy farming to global warming. However, there is still a need to improve the quantification of the C-footprint of dairy farming systems under different production systems and locations since most of the studies (e.g at farm-scale or using LCA) have been carried out using too simplistic and generalised approaches. A new modelling approach in order to estimate the C footprint from milk in the Basque Country has been developed. This working paper provides a description of the model and shows a case study for a set of dairy farms in the province of Bizkaia

    Constitución del grupo de modelización de sistemas agrícolas españoles de REMEDIA (ReMSAE)

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    3 Pags.- Fots.- Figs.A principios de este mes de Diciembre tuvo lugar en el Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3, Bilbao) el primer taller de modelización de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en agrosistemas españoles. Enmarcada dentro de la red REMEDIA, esta actividad contó con la participación de un grupo de modelizadores de distintos centros de investigación y universidades españoles (BC3, UPM, CSIC, UdL y CIFA) que presentaron su trabajo en este ámbito y elaboraron un plan de trabajo a seguir en el futuro inmediato.Peer reviewe

    A Comparison of IPCC Guidelines and Allocation Methods to Estimate the Environmental Impact of Barley Production in the Basque Country through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

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    This study aimed to estimate the environmental impact of barley production in the Basque Country, Northern Spain, using cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, as well as to assess how methodological choices (i.e., the use of IPCC 2019 Guidelines versus allocation methods) can influence such estimation. The production of mineral fertiliser and the direct emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) resulting from the application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser were identified as the two main contributors (40% and 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions, respectively) to the environmental impact of barley production. Pertaining to GHG emissions themselves, the use of calcium ammonium nitrate fertiliser was found to be the main contributor. Therefore, the optimization of N fertiliser application was established as a key process to reduce the environmental impact of barley production. The fertiliser-related release of N and phosphorous (P) to the environment was the main contributor to particulate matter formation, terrestrial acidification, and terrestrial and marine eutrophication. The incorporation of environmental data on NH3, NOx, NO3−, and PO43− to the LCA led to a more accurate estimation of barley production impact. A sensitivity analysis showed that the use of economic allocation, compared to mass allocation, increased the estimation of climate change-related impact by 80%. In turn, the application of the IPCC 2019 Refinement Guidelines increased this estimation by a factor of 1.12 and 0.86 in wet regions and decreased in dry regions, respectively. Our results emphasise the importance of the choice of methodology, adapted to the specific case under study, when estimating the environmental impact of food production systems