680 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las periimplantitis. Actualización en el diagnóstico clínico y en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis

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    En el presente capítulo realizamos una descripción de las investigaciones y hallazgos más importantes aparecidos recientemente en la literatura implantológica, los cuales inciden de una forma más significativa en el diagnóstico clínico y su aplicación en el tratamiento de las periimplantitis por parte del dentista. Aunque todavía no existe claridad ni consenso en los protocolos de actuación terapéutica, hemos realizado un meticuloso análisis de los conocimientos aportados por los diferentes investigadores, y describimos su aplicación más racional al hilo de las últimas investigaciones

    Las fuerzas internas de la economía que despegan el desarrollo

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    Trabajo sobre los factores que determinan el desarrollo de las naciones enfocado en 3 temas de estudio: naturaleza, sociedad y innovación. Atendiendo a las explicaciones que dieron los autores clásicos y modernos sobre dichos temas y cuales han perdurado y cuales han sido alterados.<br /

    How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns

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    Based on the data gathered by echo-sounder buoys attached to drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) across tropical oceans, the current study applies a Machine Learning protocol to examine the temporal trends of tuna schools' association to drifting objects. Using a binary output, metrics typically used in the literature were adapted to account for the fact that the entire tuna aggregation under the dFAD was considered. The median time it took tuna to colonize the dFADs for the first time varied between 25 and 43 days, depending on the ocean, and the longest soak and colonization times were registered in the Pacific Ocean. The tuna schools' Continuous Residence Times were generally shorter than Continuous Absence Times (median values between 5 and 7 days, and 9 and 11 days, respectively), in line with the results found by previous studies. Using a regression output, two novel metrics, namely aggregation time and disaggregation time, were estimated to obtain further insight into the symmetry of the aggregation process. Across all oceans, the time it took for the tuna aggregation to depart from the dFADs was not significantly longer than the time it took for the aggregation to form. The value of these results in the context of the "ecological trap" hypothesis is discussed, and further analyses to enrich and make use of this data source are proposed

    Tuna-AI: tuna biomass estimation with Machine Learning models trained on oceanography and echosounder FAD data

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    Echo-sounder data registered by buoys attached to drifting FADs provide a very valuable source of information on populations of tuna and their behaviour. This value increases whenthese data are supplemented with oceanographic data coming from CMEMS. We use these sources to develop Tuna-AI, a Machine Learning model aimed at predicting tuna biomass under a given buoy, which uses a 3-day window of echo-sounder data to capture the daily spatio-temporal patterns characteristic of tuna schools. As the supervised signal for training, we employ more than 5000 set events with their corresponding tuna catch reported by the AGAC tuna purse seine fleet

    TUN-AI: Tuna biomass estimation with Machine Learning models trained on oceanography and echosounder FAD data

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    The use of dFADs by tuna purse-seine fisheries is widespread across oceans, and the echo-sounder buoys attached to these dFADs provide fishermen with estimates of tuna biomass aggregated to them. This information has potential for gaining insight into tuna behaviour and abundance, but has traditionally been difficult to process and use. The current study combines FAD logbook data, oceanographic data and echo-sounder buoy data to evaluate different Machine Learning models and establish a pipeline, named TUN-AI, for processing echo-sounder buoy data and estimating tuna biomass (in metric tons, t) at various levels of complexity: binary classification, ternary classification and regression. Models were trained and tested on over 5000 sets and over 6000 deployments. Of all the models evaluated, the best performing one uses a 3-day window of echo-sounder data, oceanographic data and position/time derived features. This model is able to estimate if tuna biomass was higher than 10 t or lower than 10 t with an F1-score of 0.925. When directly estimating tuna biomass, the best model (Gradient Boosting) has an error (MAE) of 21.6 t and a relative error (SMAPE) of 29.5%, when evaluated over sets. All models tested improved when enriched with oceanographic and position-derived features, highlighting the importance of these features when using echo-sounder buoy data. Potential applications of this methodology, and future improvements, are discussed.12 página

    Measurement of the broadband complex permittivity of soils in the frequency domain with a low-cost Vector Network Analyzer and an Open-Ended coaxial probe

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    The performance of a handheld Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), the nanoVNA, a low-cost, open-source instrument, was evaluated. The instrument measures the complex permittivity of dielectric media from 1-port reflection parameters in the 1 – 900 MHz bandwidth. We manufactured an open-ended coaxial probe using a SMA-N coaxial adapter to perform dielectric measurements. The accuracy of the nanoVNA was comparable to that of a commercial VNA between 1 and 500 MHz according to tests in reference organic liquids, while a lack of stability was found beyond 700 MHz. The self-manufactured open-ended coaxial probe was subjected to a Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis and its electromagnetic (EM) field penetration depth was determined to be 1.5 mm at 100 MHz, being reduced to 1.3 at 900 MHz and thus demonstrating a frequency-dependent support volume. The broadband complex permittivity of three mineral soils of varied textures was obtained for a range of bulk densities and water contents from dry to water-saturated conditions. The dielectric response of the soils approximated the well-known Topp et al. (1980) equation at high frequencies. At lower frequency however, higher permittivities were exhibited due to dielectric dispersion, which emphasizes the importance of EM-based soil moisture sensor operating frequency when considering sensor calibration or comparing the response of different sensors.This research was funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), project numbers: AGL2016-77282-C3-3-R and PID2019-106226-C22 AEI/https:///https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 | Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, grant numbers: FPU17/05155 and FPU19/00020. Funding for David A. Robinson was provided by a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK–ScaPE Programme Delivering National Capability. We also acknowledge funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grant number: PPI/APM/2018/1/00048/U/001. The authors wish to thank Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for the funding provided. The authors also wish to thank Juan Antonio Albaladejo for his help in machining the experimental OE coaxial probe

    Prospective assessment of post-extraction gingival closure with bone substitute and calcium sulphate

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    Introduction: The closure of post extraction gingival defects has not been studied in depth, although their achievement is of great importance in certain situations, such as prior to radiotherapy treatment in patients with oral cancer. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of bone substitutes on the time of closure of post extraction gingival defects. Materials and Methods: 22 patients underwent two symmetrical dental extractions. Using a split mouth model, with random assignment to one or other group, one was considered a control group (no filling with any type of material post extraction), whereas the other was considered the experimental group (filling with bone substitute and calcium sulphate post extraction). Gingival closure and healing were assessed in the first group at 2, 3, 4 and 6 weeks after extraction. Results: No differences were seen between both groups in gingival health. Gingival closure was greater and faster in the experimental group than in the control group, and was statistically significant in the first and second week after extraction (1st week, control: 19.63mm2 ± 2.52 - experimental: 11.76mm2 ± 2.40 - p < 0.05) (2nd week, control: 15.09mm2 ± 2.77 - experimental: 7.98mm2 ± 1.99 - p < 0.05), although these differences evened out during subsequent periods. No medical accidents were seen and tolerance to treatment was good in both groups. Discussion: According to our data, the use of filling material allows a faster initial gingival closure of the socket post extraction. However, we must assess the cost of intervention, with the aim of applying it in situations in which it may be of significant advantage (for example, patients that will undergo radiotherapy treatment), or in cases in which the use of these materials is justified due to other reasons in addition to the one mentioned (such as maintenance of bone crest architecture for implant restoration)

    Situaciones comprometidas en la rehabilitación del maxilar posterior atrófico

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    La rehabilitación del maxilar posterior atrófico tiene una serie de condicionantes generales y particulares que hacen de ella un verdadero reto tanto desde el punto de vista quirúrgico como prostodóntico. En este sentido, es fundamental que el equipo clínico realice un estudio y planificación exhaustiva de esta zona del maxilar a fin de tener identificados previamente todos los condicionantes anatómicos que suelen presentarse en esta zona y, en función de ello, realizar los procedimientos quirúrgicos indicados para favorecer la rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada. Entre las opciones quirúrgicas que permitirán rehabilitar un maxilar posterior atrófico, destacan la elevación del seno maxilar, la utilización de injertos aposicionales monocorticales y la inserción de implantes en zonas alternativas como la tuberosidad o la apófisis pterigoides

    Desenho de aspas rotativas para gerador eólico de eixo horizontal

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 119-126).O Núcleo de Iniciação Científica GEOM, da Universidade Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, encontra-se desenvolvendo geradores eólicos de baixa e média potência; aqui apresentamos um avanço. A energia eólica é uma das mais importantes fontes de energia renovável e uma excelente alternativa para a transição a energias sustentáveis que o mundo necessita; é sabido que os aerogeradores de eixo horizontal têm um maior rendimento energético; um dos elementos determinantes no desempenho energético de um aerogerador de eixo horizontal é a hélice, cujo correto desenho geométrico é imprescindível em um aerogerador ótimo. Neste artigo analisam-se os aspectos mais relevantes no desenho de uma hélice eólica, utilizando o software MATLAB® para ilustrar seu comportamento, e se sugerem perfis aerodinâmicos ideais em aplicações eólicas.The GEOM research seedbed of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is developing low and medium power wind turbines, and here we present an advance. Wind energy is a very important source of renewable energy and an excellent alternative for the transition to sustainable energy that the world needs. It is known that horizontal axis wind turbines are more efficient energetically, and that the propeller is determinant for this efficiency; therefore, the correct geometric design of the propeller is essential for an optimum wind turbine. This article analyzes the most relevant aspects in the design of a wind propeller, using MATLAB® software to illustrate its behavior, and suggests an ideal airfoil for wind applications.El Semillero de Investigación GEOM, de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, se encuentra desarrollando generadores eólicos de baja y media potencia; aquí presentamos un avance. La energía eólica es una de las más importantes fuentes de energía renovable y una excelente alternativa para la transición a energías sustentables que el mundo necesita; es sabido que los aerogeneradores de eje horizontal tienen un mayor rendimiento energético; uno de los elementos determinantes en el desempeño energético de un aerogenerador de eje horizontal es la hélice, cuyo correcto diseño geométrico es imprescindible en un aerogenerador óptimo. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos más relevantes en el diseño de una hélice eólica, utilizando el software MATLAB® para ilustrar su comportamiento, y se sugieren perfiles aerodinámicos ideales en aplicaciones eólicas.Bibliografía y webgrafía: página 126.Trabajo adelantado por el Semillero de Investigación GEOM, de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá

    Impacto del consumo de agraz (Vaccinium merdionale Swartz) osmodeshidratado en adultos con sobrepeso

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    ABSTRACT: Andean berry (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) is a native Colombian berry with potential health benefit comparable to cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), both rich in phenolic compounds with a wide range of biological activities. Objectives: to evaluate the effect of Andean berry consumption on blood biochemical parameters (lipid profile and glucose), anthropometric parameters (body weight, waist circumference, body mass index or BMI) and blood pressure of overweight adults. Methods: glycemia, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and total triglycerides in blood serum, body weight, size and waist perimeter, and blood pressure were analyzed in 25 overweight adults at day 1 and 21 after consumption of 35 g/day of osmodehydrated Andean berry. Results: a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure (10%, p = 0.0388), systolic blood pressure (6%, p = 0.0400), BMI (1.7%, p = 0.0306), weight (2%, p = 0.0388) and waist circumference (4.1%, p = 0.0052) were observed in the participants who completed the study. However, the lipid profile did not have a significant effect, the glycemia increased significantly (6.9%, p = 0.0004). Conclusions: the results of the present study suggest that the regular consumption of Andean berry treated by osmotic dehydration is a food that may help control weight and blood pressure; however, it requires another type of osmotic agent to prevent the increase of glycemia.RESUMEN: Agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) es una baya nativa colombiana con potencial beneficio en la salud comparable al arándano (Vaccinium macrocarpon), ambas ricas en compuestos fenólicos con amplio rango de actividades biológicas. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del consumo de agraz osmodeshidratado en parámetros bioquímicos sanguíneos (perfil lipídico y glucemia), antropométricos, (perímetro de cintura, índice de masa corporal o IMC) y presión arterial en adultos con sobrepeso Métodos: se analizaron los parámetros glucosa, colesterol total, colesterol-LD, colesterol-HDL, triglicéridos totales en suero, peso, talla y perímetro de cintura, y presión arterial de adultos con sobrepeso al inicio y 21 días después de consumir 35g de agraz osmodeshidratado/día. Resultados: se observó en los participantes que completaron el estudio una reducción significativa en la presión arterial diastólica (10%, p = 0,0388) y sistólica (6%, p = 0,0400), así como en el índice de masa corporal (1,7%, p = 0,0306), peso (2%, p = 0,0388) y perímetro de cintura (4,1%, p = 0,0052). Sin embargo, en el perfil lipídico no tuvo efecto significativo, aunque si aumentó significativamente el valor de la glicemia (6,9%, p = 0,0004). Conclusión: los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que el consumo regular de agraz tratado por deshidratación osmótica es un alimento que ayuda al control del peso y presión arterial, sin embargo requiere otro tipo de agente osmótico para evitar el aumento de la glicemia