494 research outputs found

    Optimal investment and hedging under partial and inside information

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    This article concerns optimal investment and hedging for agents who must use trading strategies which are adapted to the filtration generated by asset prices, possibly augmented with some inside information related to the future evolution of an asset price. The price evolution and observations are taken to be continuous, so the partial (and, when applicable, inside) information scenario is characterised by asset price processes with an unknown drift parameter, which is to be filtered from price observations. We first give an exposition of filtering theory, leading to the Kalman-Bucy filter. We outline the dual approach to portfolio optimisation, which is then applied to the Merton optimal investment problem when the agent does not know the drift parameter of the underlying stock. This is taken to be a random variable with a Gaussian prior distribution, which is updated via the Kalman filter. This results in a model with a stochastic drift process adapted to the observation filtration, and which can be treated as a full information problem, and an explicit solution to the optimal investment problem is possible. We also consider the same problem when the agent has noisy knowledge at time 00 of the terminal value of the Brownian motion driving the stock. Using techniques of enlargement of filtration to accommodate the insider's additional knowledge, followed by filtering the asset price drift, we are again able to obtain an explicit solution. Finally we treat an incomplete market hedging problem. A claim on a non-traded asset is hedged using a correlated traded asset. We summarise the full information case, then treat the partial information scenario in which the hedger is uncertain of the true values of the asset price drifts. After filtering, the resulting problem with random drifts is solved in the case that each asset's prior distribution has the same variance, resulting in analytic approximations for the optimal hedging strategy

    Análise a longo prazo da ondada

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Análise a longo prazo da ondada, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñería Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos. A ondada é un dos axentes climáticos máis significativos e complexos á hora de deseñar calquera actuación na costa. Para abordar o tema con suficiente grao de detalle, dedícanselle varias Unidades Didácticas na materia de Portos e Costas. Ó longo da Unidade Didáctica I defínese o seu mecanismo de xeración. Posteriormente, ó longo das Unidades II e III defínense os mecanismos físicos que interveñen na súa transformación e propagación cara a costa. Finalmente, nas Unidades IV e V trátanse as principais técnicas de análise que axudan á súa descrición e caracterización, necesarias para determinar as accións de cálculo nun proxecto de enxeñería de costas e portos. Unha vez definidas na unidade anterior as técnicas que determinan as características da ondada a curto prazo, esta Unidade dedícase ás técnicas de análise a longo prazo da ondada. Os contidos que aquí se desenvolven son necesarios para que o alumnado poida definir e/ou interpretar os réximes medio e extremo das ondas nunha localización determinada. Ó mesmo tempo, o alumnado adquirirá o coñecemento necesario para a resolución de dous problemas de enxeñería típicos: a estimación da operatividade portuaria e a estimación da ondada de proxecto dunha obra marítima.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Análisis de accesibilidad a la provisión de ciclo-parqueaderos en equipamientos colectivos de Santiago de Cali.

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    La oferta de infraestructura con mejores condiciones de accesibilidad permite la oferta de servicios que satisfacen las necesidades que demanda la población. La disponibilidad de sitios de parqueos de bicicletas cómodos y seguros tanto en el origen como en el destino de los viajes es una condición imprescindible para la promoción del uso de la bicicleta como modo alternativo de transporte. Este estudio caracterizó y analizó la provisión de unidades de estacionamiento de los ciclo-parqueaderos ubicados en equipamientos colectivos de escala regional y urbana de la ciudad, estudiando las áreas de influencia directa e indirectas, de acuerdo con los umbrales sugeridos para el tránsito en bicicleta a nivel internacional. Se espacializaron las variables asociadas a la operación y se estudiaron los comportamientos de la componente de accesibilidad potencial y equidad espacial a partir de índices locales y globales que relacionan variables físicas de infraestructura en contraste con las distancias a la localización de los barrios que contienen los servicios, junto con las variables socioeconómicas de población. Se llevó a cabo un análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales con el propósito de estimar agrupaciones locales, dada la contigüidad de barrios con capacidad de prestación de servicios, por medio del índice de agrupación espacial LISA. Se identificaron diferencias territoriales por zonificación de la trama urbana, revelando necesidades de provisión altas en población con necesidades de transporte equivalentes. Se evidenció una alta concentración de mobiliario en servicios ubicados sobre el corredor longitudinal norte-sur de la ciudad frente a la baja provisión en los extremos oriental y occidental. Se compararon los resultados obtenidos para el año 2018 (línea base) con los resultados en el escenario que considera la inclusión de nuevos programas de provisión de mobiliario en la ciudad para el año 2030. El estudio permitió encontrar concentraciones en provisión en sectores con mayor acceso a facilidades urbanas y estratos socioeconómicos altos, mientras que evidencia grandes necesidades de cobertura de servicios para sectores más alejados y menos favorecidos económicamente, respecto al primer grupo. Se reconoció la utilidad de la metodología empleada en el contexto de la información obtenida, y su potencial al uso frente al ingreso de nueva información asociada, dada la sensibilidad al cambio presentadaPregradoINGENIERO(A) TOPOGRAFIC

    Botryoid odontogenic cyst : clinical and pathological analysis in relation to recurrence

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    Objetives. Botryoid odontogenic cyst (BOC) is considered as an unusual multilocular variant of lateral periodontal cyst (LPC). Review of the literature indicates that this lesion has higher risk of recurrence than LPC, but objetive reasons are still unknown. The aim of this study is identify main clinical and pathological variables associated with the risk of recurrence. Study design. A complete literature review about cases of BOC was made, from its first description up to the year 2006. A total of 67 cases of BOC were identified from year 1973 (first case) to the last publication in 2005. Results. 85.2% of the BOCs were located in the jaw, affecting to women (54.8% of the cases) in the fifth decade of the life. This lesion shows a well- circumscribed unilocular (60%) or multilocular (40%) radiolucency. Recurrence rate of cases with follw-up data was 32,4%. Conclusions. Size and multilocular patterns could be the main factors associated to recurrence in BOC

    Accurate control of a liquid-crystal display to produce a homogenized Fourier transform for holographic memories

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    We show an accurate procedure to obtain a Fourier transform (FT) with no dc term using a commercial twisted-nematic liquid-crystal display. We focus on the application to holographic storage of binary data pages, where a drastic decrease of the dc term in the FT is highly desirable. Two different codification schemes are considered: binary π radians phase modulation and hybrid ternary modulation. Any deviation in the values of the amplitude and phase shift generates the appearance of a strong dc term. Experimental results confirm that the calculated configurations provide a FT with no dc term, thus showing the effectiveness of the proposal.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)” under projects FIS2005-05881-C02-01 and FIS2005-05881-C02-02, and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” under Project GV06/007

    An architecture for integrating learning object repository resources into web videoconference services

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    Reusing Learning Objects saves time and reduce development costs. Hence, achieving their interoperability in multiple contexts is essential when creating a Learning Object Repository. On the other hand, novel web videoconference services are available due to technological advancements. Several benefits can be gained by integrating Learning Objects into these services. For instance, they can allow sharing, co-viewing and synchronized co-browsing of these resources at the same time that provide real time communication. However, several efforts need to be undertaken to achieve the interoperability with these systems. In this paper, we propose a model to integrate the resources of the Learning Object Repositories into web videoconference services. The experience of applying this model in a real e-Learning scenario achieving interoperability with two different web videoconference services is also described

    Vento e xeración das ondas

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Vento e xeración das ondas, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñaría Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos. Neste Unidade Didáctica I (Vento e xeración das ondas) trátanse os distinto modelos de circulación do vento nas capas da atmosfera, a caracterización do vento a diferentes alturas e a súa actuación como elemento perturbador da superficie do mar propiciando a creación tanto de ondas, correntes ou incluso de mareas ou ondas largas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Neutron Shielding Properties of a New High-Density Concrete

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    The neutron shielding properties of a new high-density concrete (commercially available under the name Hormirad™, developed in Spain by the company CT-RAD) have been characterized both experimentally and by Monte Carlo calculations. The shielding properties of this concrete against photons were previously studied and the material is being used to build bunkers, mazes and doors in medical accelerator facilities with good overall results. In this work, the objective was to characterize the material behavior against neutrons, as well as to test alternative mixings including boron compounds in an effort to improve neutron shielding efficiency. With that purpose, Hormirad™ slabs of different thicknesses were exposed to an 241Am-Be neutron source under controlled conditions in the neutron measurements laboratory of the Nuclear Engineering Department at UPM. The original mix, which includes a high fraction of magnetite, was then modified by adding different proportions of anhydrous borax (Na2B4O7). In order to have a reference against common concrete used to shield medical accelerator facilities, the same experiment was repeated with ordinary (HA-25) concrete slabs. In parallel to the experiments, Monte Carlo calculations of the experiments were performed with MCNP5. The experimental results agree reasonably well with the Monte Carlo calculations. Therefore, the first and equilibrium tenth-value layers have been determined for the different types of concrete tested. The results show an advantageous behavior of the Hormirad™ concrete, in terms of neutron attenuation against real thickness of the shielding. Borated concretes seem less practical since they did not show better neutron attenuation with respect to real thickness and their structural properties are worse. The neutron attenuation properties of Hormirad™ for typical neutron spectra in clinical LINAC accelerators rooms have been also characterized by Monte Carlo calculation

    Enhanced recommendations for e-learning authoring tools based on a proactive context-aware recommender

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    Authoring tools are powerful systems in the area of e-Learning that make easier for teachers to create new learning objects by reusing or editing existing educational resources coming from learning repositories or content providers. However, due to the overwhelming number of resources these tools can access, sometimes it is difficult for teachers to find the most suitable resources taking into account their needs in terms of content (e.g. topic) or pedagogical aspects (e.g. target level associated to their students). Recommender systems can take an important role trying to mitigate this problem. In this paper we propose a new model to generate proactive context-aware recommendations on resources during the creation process of a new learning object that a teacher carries out by using an authoring tool. The common use cases covered by the model for having recommendations in online authoring tools and details about the recommender model itself are presented

    Planificación y tratamiento de las ayudas ¿Programas Operativos¿ en las Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas

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    En el desarrollo de este trabajo se tratará la problemática que pueden surgir durante el desarrollo de auditoría en sociedades reconocidas como Organización de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas, como consecuencia de las ayudas procedentes de los Fondos Operativos, centrándonos en las acciones privativas, por la particularidad que presentan las mismas. Las acciones privativas, son aquellas ayudas que la Organización de Productores dentro de su programa operativo, solicita en nombre de sus socios, en la que la entidad actúa como intermediario. Al tratarse de un tema tan concreto, en el apartado de marco conceptual se hará una exposición de concepto, características y normativa reguladora de las Organizaciones de Productores y Fondos Operativos. Seguidamente, se analizará la repercusión en balance de este tipo de ayudas, ya que en el análisis realizado en el proceso planificación se pueden obtener ratios, como, por ejemplo; el ratio de liquidez, el cual puede mostrar problemas de liquidez cuando en realidad no existen, ya que éstas no constituyen una obligación de pago para la organización de productores, sino que actúa como un mero intermediario. Así como, que al tratarse de una ayuda plurianual y que gran parte de ellas se van a destinar a inversiones, van a permanecer durante años en el balance de la empresa se establecerá sus implicaciones para la auditoría. Posteriormente, se establecerán los procedimientos que se deben realizar durante el desarrollo de la auditoría. Por último, se establece una recopilación con las soluciones a destacar teniendo en cuenta todo lo expuesto durante el trabajo.The present dissertation deals with the peculiarities present in the development of audit in Fruit and Vegetable Producers Organizations, focused on grants that these organizations receive from European Funds embodied in the Common Agricultural Policy. Thus in the first part of the dissertation the conceptual framework is developed, defining what a Producer Organisation is, focused on the category of Fruits and Vegetables. A Fruit and Vegetable Producers Organization may be defined as an entity constituted by Cooperatives, Agrarian Societies of Transformation or different entities with legal personality, initially all the agarian producer companies joined to commercilise their production. It continues with the presentation of the grants known as operational funds, since the particularities of this kind of grant definde the procedures of the audit, both the report of the audit of the annual accounts as well as other specific reports for these kind of entities