160 research outputs found
Bounding Hilbert Space dimension from Temporal Correlations
Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb l'IFCOIn this work, we tackle the problem of assessing the Hilbert space
dimension from the set of correlations obtained when measuring in a nonlocal black box
scheme. The concept of a dimension witness and its recent applications are explored.
We also extend these new ideas to the case of a single local box with measurements at
different times, and provide some examples of dimension criteria for this case
Análise a longo prazo da ondada
Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Análise a longo prazo da ondada, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñería Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño
das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no
litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos.
A ondada é un dos axentes climáticos máis significativos e complexos á hora de deseñar calquera actuación na costa. Para abordar o tema con suficiente grao de detalle, dedícanselle varias Unidades Didácticas na materia de Portos e Costas. Ó longo da Unidade Didáctica I defínese o seu mecanismo de xeración.
Posteriormente, ó longo das Unidades II e III defínense os mecanismos físicos que interveñen na súa transformación e propagación cara a costa. Finalmente, nas Unidades IV e V trátanse as principais técnicas de análise que axudan á súa descrición e caracterización, necesarias para determinar as accións de cálculo nun proxecto de enxeñería de costas e portos.
Unha vez definidas na unidade anterior as técnicas que determinan as características da ondada a curto prazo, esta Unidade dedícase ás técnicas de análise a longo prazo da ondada. Os contidos que aquí se desenvolven son necesarios para que o alumnado poida definir e/ou interpretar os
réximes medio e extremo das ondas nunha localización determinada. Ó mesmo tempo, o alumnado adquirirá o coñecemento necesario para a resolución de dous problemas de enxeñería típicos: a estimación da operatividade portuaria e a estimación da ondada de proxecto dunha obra marítima.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic
Vento e xeración das ondas
Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Vento e xeración das ondas, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñaría Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no
litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos.
Neste Unidade Didáctica I (Vento e xeración das ondas) trátanse os distinto modelos de
circulación do vento nas capas da atmosfera, a caracterización do vento a diferentes alturas e a súa actuación como elemento perturbador da superficie do mar propiciando a creación tanto de ondas, correntes ou incluso de mareas ou ondas largas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic
A survey on the (in)security of trusted execution environments
As the number of security and privacy attacks continue to grow around the world, there is an ever increasing need to protect our personal devices. As a matter of fact, more and more manufactures are relying on Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to shield their devices. In particular, ARM TrustZone (TZ) is being widely used in numerous embedded devices, especially smartphones, and this technology is the basis for secure solutions both in industry and academia. However, as shown in this paper, TEE is not bullet-proof and it has been successfully attacked numerous times and in very different ways. To raise awareness among potential stakeholders interested in this technology, this paper provides an extensive analysis and categorization of existing vulnerabilities in TEEs and highlights the design flaws that led to them. The presented vulnerabilities, which are not only extracted from existing literature but also from publicly available exploits and databases, are accompanied by some effective countermeasures to reduce the likelihood of new attacks. The paper ends with some appealing challenges and open issues.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the SecureEDGE project
(PID2019-110565RB-I00), and by the by the Andalusian FEDER 2014–2020 Program through the SAVE project (PY18-3724)
Evaluar la competencia de comunicación oral en primer curso de ingeniería
Comunicación eficaz oral en dos asignaturas de programación de ordenadores de primer curso de un grado de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación. La propuesta consiste en la utilización de videos grabados por el alumnado como material de autoaprendizaje para sus compañeros/as dentro de una actividad formativa que utiliza la técnica del puzle como aprendizaje cooperativo. El alumnado realiza una primera versión del video que es evaluada por sus compañeros/as siguiendo unos criterios de calidad y una segunda versión que es evaluada por su profesorado según esos mismos criterios. Se utiliza la evaluación formativa, para la primera versión del video, y la sumativa para la versión final mejorada. Se describe la actividad formativa y algunos de los resultados obtenidos después de su implantación durante este curso.Peer Reviewe
Conflictos en el trabajo en grupo: dos casos representativos
Se recogen dos casos representativos de
conflictos entre los miembros de un grupo
cuando se utilizan técnicas de aprendizaje
basado en proyectos. Este tipo de conflictos, si
no deseables, son una oportunidad para aprender
habilidades valiosas. Se proponen pautas que
pueden ayudar al profesorado a acompañar con
eficacia a sus alumnos frente a los conflictos.Peer Reviewe
Reversal of apixaban induced alterations in hemostasis by different coagulation factor concentrates: significance of studies in vitro with circulating human blood
Apixaban is a new oral anticoagulant with a specific inhibitory action on FXa. No information is available on the reversal of the antihemostatic action of apixaban in experimental or clinical settings. We have evaluated the effectiveness of different factor concentrates at reversing modifications of hemostatic mechanisms induced by moderately elevated concentrations of apixaban (200 ng/ml) added in vitro to blood from healthy donors (n = 10). Effects on thrombin generation (TG) and thromboelastometry (TEM) parameters were assessed. Modifications in platelet adhesive, aggregating and procoagulant activities were evaluated in studies with blood circulating through damaged vascular surfaces, at a shear rate of 600 s−1. The potential of prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs; 50 IU/kg), activated prothrombin complex concentrates (aPCCs; 75 IU/kg), or activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa; 270 μg/kg), at reversing the antihemostatic actions of apixaban, were investigated. Apixaban interfered with TG kinetics. Delayed lag phase, prolonged time to peak and reduced peak values, were improved by the different concentrates, though modifications in TG patterns were diversely affected depending on the activating reagents. Apixaban significantly prolonged clotting times (CTs) in TEM studies. Prolongations in CTs were corrected by the different concentrates with variable efficacies (rFVIIa≥aPCC>PCC). Apixaban significantly reduced fibrin and platelet interactions with damaged vascular surfaces in perfusion studies (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Impairments in fibrin formation were normalized by the different concentrates. Only rFVIIa significantly restored levels of platelet deposition. Alterations in hemostasis induced by apixaban were variably compensated by the different factor concentrates investigated. However, effects of these concentrates were not homogeneous in all the tests, with PCCs showing more efficacy in TG, and rFVIIa being more effective on TEM and perfusion studies. Our results indicate that rFVIIa, PCCs and aPCCs have the potential to restore platelet and fibrin components of the hemostasis previously altered by apixaban
The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.
Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence,
Grant/Award Number: CEX2020-001041-
Pro CNIC Foundation;
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación;
Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/
Award Number: PID2019-110369RB-
European Commission, Grant/Award
Number: ERC-CoG
819775 and H2020-HEALTH
945118; Spanish Ministry of
Universities; Ayudas Margarita Salas
para la Formación de Jóvenes Doctores—Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Grant/
Award Number: CA1/RSUE/2021–00577;
Formación de Profesorado Universitario,
Grant/Award Number: FPU16/03953;
Sociedad Española de Alergología e
Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC), Grant/
Award Number: BECA20A9; New
Frontiers in Research Fund, Grant/
Award Number: NFRFE-2019-
The Nutricia Research Foundation,
Grant/Award Number: NRF-2021-
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award
Number: PI21/00158, PI21/01126,
CP20/00043, PI18/01467, PI19/00044,
RD16/0006/0015 and RD21/0002/0008;
Severo Ochoa Program, Grant/Award
Number: AEI/SEV-2017-
El Puzle i l'aprenentatge de la programació
Es descriu una experiència formalitzada d’aprenentatge cooperatiu mitjançant la utilització de la metodologia del puzle. Concretament, s’utilitza el puzle com una eina de suport en una assignatura organitzada d’acord amb l’estratègia de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes.
La metodologia del puzle s’ha aplicat a tots els grups de les assignatures següents des del curs 2004-2005: 1. Enginyeria Tècnica de Telecomunicació, Introducció als Computadors (Q1 de primer curs, 4,5 crèdits) i Laboratori de Programació (Q2 de primer curs, 4,5 crèdits), i 2. Graus en Enginyeria de Sistemes de Telecomunicació i en Enginyeria Telemàtica, Introducció als Ordinadors (Q1 de primer curs, 6 crèdits ECTS) i Projecte de Programació (Q2 de primer curs, 6 crèdits ECTS). Com a part d’assignatures basades en l’aprenentatge basat en projectes es va començar a experimentar en dues assignatures a l’Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels (EETAC), en el marc de les proves pilot d’adaptació de titulacions a l'espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), impulsades per l’antic Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (DURSI) de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Posteriorment es va seguir aplicant aquest model en els nous graus. Aquests anys d’experimentació ens han proporcionat una bona quantitat de resultats i conclusions.Peer Reviewe
The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis.
Allergic diseases are allergen-induced immunological disorders characterized by the development of type 2 immunity and IgE responses. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been on the rise alike cardiovascular disease (CVD), which affects arteries of different organs such as the heart, the kidney and the brain. The underlying cause of CVD is often atherosclerosis, a disease distinguished by endothelial dysfunction, fibrofatty material accumulation in the intima of the artery wall, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and Th1 inflammation. The opposed T-cell identity of allergy and atherosclerosis implies an atheroprotective role for Th2 cells by counteracting Th1 responses. Yet, the clinical association between allergic disease and CVD argues against it. Within, we review different phases of allergic pathology, basic immunological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and the clinical association between allergic diseases (particularly asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and food allergy) and CVD. Then, we discuss putative atherogenic mechanisms of type 2 immunity and allergic inflammation including acute allergic reactions (IgE, IgG1, mast cells, macrophages and allergic mediators such as vasoactive components, growth factors and those derived from the complement, contact and coagulation systems) and late phase inflammation (Th2 cells, eosinophils, type 2 innate-like lymphoid cells, alarmins, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-17).N
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