32 research outputs found

    Progress of the development of a two-stage supersonic rocket within a student’s association

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    The Ares mission is part of a student-led project with the aim of developing a two-stage supersonic amateur rocket. This paper discusses the progress since its foundation in 2016 and how it is planned to continue progressing to achieve this objective. Currently, 4 rockets have been built and launched, evolving different aspects of the design and construction process in each one. From the Ares I, a two-stage rocket intended to test the electronics and the structure, the mission has evolved into designing the Phobos, a rocket whose aim is to compete in European Rocketry Challenges for universities. The final objective of the Ares Mission is to launch a two-stage supersonic rocket, the Ares II

    Estudi de la inserció laboral dels titulats de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, 2011

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    Una de les principals preocupacions de tots els agents implicats en el món universitari, estudiants, famílies, professors, equips directius, consells socials, administracions públiques i societat en general, és el nivell d’inserció dels titulats. Aquest és un dels possibles indicadors, entre d’altres, que ens pot ajudar a valorar la qualitat de la formació que ofereix la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. I recull, també, un dels aspectes de la necessària relació entre universitat i la resta de la societat. En concret, l’estudi d’inserció laboral, més enllà d’informar la societat sobre el grau en què les persones amb educació superior universitària s’insereixen i en quines condicions, pretén que la informació obtinguda sigui útil per al disseny de les titulacions que s’ofereixen, tot apropant-les a la realitat professional dels seus graduats i oferint-los la valoració d’aquests professionals sobre la formació rebuda..

    Hydrological and geomorphological criteria to evaluate the dispersion risk of waste sludge generated by the Aznalcollar mine spill (SW Spain)

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    Following the Aznalcóllar pyrite mine disaster (Seville, Spain) which caused the spilling of some 4.5 hm3 of acid water, the floodplains of the rivers Agrio and Guadiamar were rapidly cleaned of waste sludge. However, despite the efficiency of cleaning activities, there is still evidence of a fine superficial layer of sludge and some soil contamination, with the consequent risk of remobilisation of the pollutants by water erosion. There is much concern that these contaminated sediments may affect the precious ecosystems of the Doñana National Park and the Guadalquivir marshlands. This report describes the evaluation of the risk of mobilisation of the waste sludge through (1) detailed geomorphological analysis, indicating potential areas of erosion-sedimentation on the floodplains of the rivers Agrio and Guadiamar, and predicted dynamics of the waste sludge, and (2) evaluation of the potential dispersion of the waste sludge provoked by future flood events, including hydraulic calculations to model channel flow and the analysis of the texture of the sludge to obtain critical transport and sedimentation values. Findings suggest that the waste sludge is likely to be transported and deposited within the Doñana National Park during future flood event


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    Obra ressenyada: Pere CATALĂ€ I ROCA, De cara a la MediterrĂ nia. Les torres del litoral catalĂ . Barcelona: R. Dalmau editor, 1987


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    Obra ressenyada: Pere CATALĂ€ I ROCA, De cara a la MediterrĂ nia. Les torres del litoral catalĂ . Barcelona: R. Dalmau editor, 1987