561 research outputs found

    The advertising in Spanish Television after the law 8/2009 of Financing of the Corporation of Radio and Television Spanish. Analysis through the MasterChef case

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    La entrada en vigor de la Ley 8/2009 de Financiación de la Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española supuso la introducción de un nuevo formato de financiación para la radiotelevisión pública de España. Una de las medidas más relevantes de esta ley fue la eliminación de la publicidad en Televisión Española, la cual implicó una considerable reducción de capital en las arcas de la corporación pública. En este trabajo se parte de la hipótesis de que Televisión Española incumple en reiteradas ocasiones las limitaciones de esta ley. A través del caso de MasterChef se ejemplifican y analizan sucesos en los que Televisión Española, bajo las etiquetas de colaboraciones o patrocinio cultural, introduce publicidad ilícita en sus programas, dejando de ese modo en desventaja a las cadenas privadas e induciendo al público a error sobre la naturaleza de los mensajes informativos-publicitarios. Para ello se realiza un análisis crítico de los discursos del programa, de los cuales se extraen conclusiones muy acordes a la hipótesis de partida que incitan a pensar en la inminente necesidad de reforma de los mecanismos de control o las fórmulas de financiación de la televisión pública de España.The start up of Law 8/2009 of Financing of the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation meant the introduction of a new financing format for public radio broadcasting in Spain (RTVE). One of the most relevant measures of this law was the elimination of advertising in public Spanish Television, which involved a considerable reduction of capital in the coffers of the public corporation. In this paper, we study the hypothesis that Televisión Española repeatedly fails to comply with the limitations of this law. Through the case of MasterChef exemplify and analyze events in which Spanish Television, under the labels of collaborations or cultural patronage, introduces illicit advertising in its programs, thereby leaving the private channels at a disadvantage and misleading the public about the nature of informational-advertising messages. For this, a critical analysis of the discourses of the program is carried out, from which conclusions are drawn that are very much in line with the hypothesis that motivates us to think about the imminent need for reform of the mechanisms of control or the formulas for financing public television from Spain

    La importancia de la segregación de itrio en la deformación plástica de nanocristales de circonia tetragonal dopada con óxido de itrio (YTZP)

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    Muestras de YTZP (policristales de oxido de circonio dopado con itria) con tamaño medio de grano de 50 nm, puras y con un 10% en peso de diferentes fases vítreas han sido deformadas a carga constante en un rango de temperatura comprendido entre 1150-1200 ºC. Con dicho estudio se pretende caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico del material y estudiar la influencia de la segregación de itria en la frontera de los granos en los posibles mecanismos de deformación. Igualmente se ha llevado a cabo un estudio microscópico con el fin de obtener una completa caracterización del material. Se han analizado micrografías de las muestras recibidas y de las deformadas a partir de Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión convencional (TEM), y de las fronteras de granos de dichas muestras por Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión de Alta Resolución (HRTEM). Se ha probado que la existencia de segregación catiónica hacia las fronteras de granos está relacionada con la falta de una tensión umbral. El parámetro n no se ve alterado por dicha segregación, en buen acuerdo con la ausencia de tensión umbral.Nano-sized YTZP (Yttria Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals) samples, pure and doped with 10 wt.% of different glassy phases have been crept in a range of temperature between 1150-1200 ºC. Macroscopic characterization of the mechanical behaviour of these material and a study on the effect of the grain boundaries yttria segregation on the mechanical response of these materials have been carried out. Moreover, a microstructural analysis by conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) of both, as-received and deformed samples and a study of the grain boundaries by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy are required to have a complete characterization of these materials. The yttrium segregation to grain boundary is related to the non existence of a threshold stress. The parameter n is not altered by this segregation and grain boundary sliding seems to be the deformation mechanism

    Attentional biases and vulnerability to depression

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    This study was designed to examine selective processing of emotional information in depression. It focuses on possible attentional biases in depression, and whether such biases constitute a cognitive vulnerability factor to suffer from the disorder or, on the contrary, they reflect a feature associated exclusively with the clinical level of depression. 81 participants were included in the study: 15 with a diagnosis of Major Depression; 17 were diagnosed as Dysthymia; 11 participants scored over 18 in the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979); 15 participants, in whom a sad mood state was induced by an experimental mood induction (Velten technique + music, or biographical recall + music); and 23 participants as a normal-control group. All participants were presented with the emotional Stroop task. The data indicated that attentional bias was only present in the group of patients with Major Depression, so it does not seem to be a cognitive vulnerability factor for this [email protected]; [email protected]

    Computing “Small” 1–Homological Models for Commutative Differential Graded Algebras

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    We use homological perturbation machinery specific for the algebra category [13] to give an algorithm for computing the differential structure of a small 1– homological model for commutative differential graded algebras (briefly, CDGAs). The complexity of the procedure is studied and a computer package in Mathematica is described for determining such models.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PB98–1621–C02–02Junta de Andalucía FQM–014

    Análisis empírico de la responsabilidad social universitaria en Andalucía

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    A raíz de la proliferación en el ámbito universitario de iniciativas centradas en el desarrollo sostenible, en Andalucía se promovió en 2007 un modelo de responsabilidad social en las universidades públicas. Una vez publicadas las memorias de sostenibilidad en la mayoría de las universidades andaluzas, hemos evaluado el estado actual de la responsabilidad social en el Sistema Público Andaluz de Universidades, en una lógica de mejora continua. Para ello, hemos analizado pormenorizadamente los contenidos informativos de la última memoria publicada por cada una de las universidades, tomando como referencia a efectos comparativos, el guion recomendado por el Foro. Tras el análisis de los resultados, podemos afirmar que en la actualidad resulta innegable la consolidación de estas prácticas en el ámbito universitario público andaluz, ya que de forma creciente las universidades han ido promoviendo y llevando a cabo prácticas de responsabilidad social que mejoran su compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible

    Electrical conduction mechanisms in graphene nanoplatelet/yttria tetragonal zirconia composites

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    Yttria tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline (3YTZP) ceramic composites with 5, 10 and 20 vol% graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) were prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and their electrical conductivity as a function of temperature was characterized. The composites exhibit anisotropic microstructures so the electrical conductivity studies were carried out in two directions: perpendicular (σ⊥) and parallel (σ||) to the SPS pressing axis. The composites with 5 and 10 GNP vol% showed high electrical anisotropy, whereas the composite with 20 GNP vol % exhibited nearly isotropic electrical behavior. σ⊥ shows metallic-type behavior in the composites with 10 and 20 vol% GNP revealing that charge transport takes place through defect-free GNPs. For the composite with 5 vol % GNP the observed semiconductor-type behavior was explained by a two dimensional variable range hopping mechanism. σ|| shows metallic-type conductivity in the composite with 20 GNP vol% and positive dσ||/dT slope in the composites with 5 and 10 GNP vol%.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España y Fondos Europeos FEDER - MAT2015-67889-PPremio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de Físic

    Evidence of nanograin cluster coalescence in spark plasma sintered α-Al2O3

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    The aim of this study is to elucidate the coarsening kinetics involved during densification of fine-grained pure α-alumina by spark plasma sintering. Low temperature and short dwell time sintering conditions were used to preserve the nanocrystalline structure of the starting commercial powder (about 50 nm). Notwithstanding the above, submicron grain coarsened microstructures have been developed. The microstructure evolution of alumina under different sintering conditions points to a nanograin rotation densification mechanism as being responsible for the fast grain growth observed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2009-1107

    Influence of the processing route on the carbon nanotubes dispersion and creep resistance of 3YTZP/SWCNTs nanocomposites

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    3YTZP matrix composites containing 2.5 vol% of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at 1250C, following different processing routines with the aim of optimizing the SWCNTs dispersion throughout the ceramic matrix. Microstructural characterization of the as-fabricated samples has been performed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The specimens have been crept at 1200C to correlate creep resistance and SWCNTs distribution. There are no creep experimental results on these nanocomposites reported in literature. Mechanical results show that the incorporation of SWCNTs into a 3YTZP matrix produces an increase in the strain rate at high temperature with respect to monolithic zirconia. The creep resistance of these nanocomposites decreases with the improvement of the SWCNTs dispersion, where a smaller SWCNTs agglomerate size and consequently a higher concentration of carbon nanotubes surrounding the 3YTZP grain boundaries is found. This fact indicates that SWCNTs act as a lubricant making grain-boundary sliding easier during deformation of these composites.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2009-11078, MAT2012-34217Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-107

    Stability and Thermal Properties Study of Metal Chalcogenide-Based Nanofluids for Concentrating Solar Power

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    Nanofluids are colloidal suspensions of nanomaterials in a fluid which exhibit enhanced thermophysical properties compared to conventional fluids. The addition of nanomaterials to a fluid can increase the thermal conductivity, isobaric-specific heat, diffusivity, and the convective heat transfer coefficient of the original fluid. For this reason, nanofluids have been studied over the last decades in many fields such as biomedicine, industrial cooling, nuclear reactors, and also in solar thermal applications. In this paper, we report the preparation and characterization of nanofluids based on one-dimensional MoS2 and WS2 nanosheets to improve the thermal properties of the heat transfer fluid currently used in concentrating solar plants (CSP). A comparative study of both types of nanofluids was performed for explaining the influence of nanostructure morphologies on nanofluid stability and thermal properties. The nanofluids prepared in this work present a high stability over time and thermal conductivity enhancements of up to 46% for MoS2-based nanofluid and up to 35% for WS2-based nanofluid. These results led to an increase in the efficiency of the solar collectors of 21.3% and 16.8% when the nanofluids based on MoS2 nanowires or WS2 nanosheets were used instead of the typical thermal oil

    Modelización de las inestabilidades en la deformación plástica de monocristales de circona estabilizada con itria (YCSZ)

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo para explicar las inestabilidades dinámicas observadas durante la deformación plástica a alta temperatura de monocristales de circona estabilizada con itria, (YCSZ, yttria cubic stabilized zirconia) con alto contenido en itria. El modelo se basa en el fenómeno Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC), que consiste en episodios sucesivos de anclaje y desanclaje de dislocaciones cuando éstas se mueven con una velocidad del mismo orden que los defectos que obstaculizan su movimiento. La evaluación numérica de los parámetros implicados en el modelo muestra que las inestabilidades plásticas son totalmente compatibles con el efecto Portevin- Le Chatelie