5,290 research outputs found

    the role of shock waves in modulation of galactic cosmic rays

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    The understanding of modulation of the galactic cosmic rays has considerably progressed by the exploration by space probes of major heliospheric structures, such as the Corotating Interaction Regions, the neutral sheet, and the compression regions of intense heliospheric magnetic fields. Also relevant in this context were the detections in the outer heliosphere of long lasting Forbush type decreases of cosmic ray intensity. The results of recent theoretical studies on the changes in intensity and energy, at different location from the Sun, induced by the passage of shocks across the heliosphere are presented. In this version of the research, the simplest cases of modulation of uGV and 2GV particles by single or several shocks during periods of positive and negative solar field polarity are reviewed. The results of the theoretical aspects of the search is reported. The comparison of the theoretical predictions with space probe data allows conclusions to be drawn on the role of shocks on the modulation on both the 11 and 22 year galactic cosmic ray cycles in the outer heliosphere and on the plausibility of the models and parameters used

    The topological structure of scaling limits of large planar maps

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    We discuss scaling limits of large bipartite planar maps. If p is a fixed integer strictly greater than 1, we consider a random planar map M(n) which is uniformly distributed over the set of all 2p-angulations with n faces. Then, at least along a suitable subsequence, the metric space M(n) equipped with the graph distance rescaled by the factor n to the power -1/4 converges in distribution as n tends to infinity towards a limiting random compact metric space, in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance. We prove that the topology of the limiting space is uniquely determined independently of p, and that this space can be obtained as the quotient of the Continuum Random Tree for an equivalence relation which is defined from Brownian labels attached to the vertices. We also verify that the Hausdorff dimension of the limit is almost surely equal to 4.Comment: 45 pages Second version with minor modification

    A totally laparoscopic associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy assisted with radiofrequency (radiofrequency assisted liver partition with portal vein ligation) for staged liver resection

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    In order to induce liver hypertrophy to enable liver resection in patients with a small future liver remnant, various methods have been proposed in addition to portal vein embolisation. Most recently, the ALPPS technique has gained significant international interest. This technique is limited by the high morbidity associated with an in-situ liver splitting and the patient undergoing two open operations. We present the case of a variant ALPPS technique performed entirely laparoscopically with no major morbidity or mortality. An increased liver volume of 57.9% was seen after 14 days. This technique is feasible to perform and compares favourably to other ALPPS methods whilst gaining the advantages of laparoscopic surgery

    The impact of in-season national team soccer play on injury and player availability in a professional club

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    This study investigated the impact of in-season national team duty on injury rates and player availability in a professional soccer club. Time-loss injuries and exposure time during club and national team duties were recorded prospectively over 5 seasons (2009–2014). A time-loss injury was sustained by 37.7% of squad members participating in national duty, all injuries occurring in match-play. The incidence (per 1000 h exposure) for national team player match-play injuries did not differ (P = 0.608) to that for all players in club competitions: 48.0 (95% CI 20.9–75.5) vs. 41.9 (95% CI 36.5–47.4), incidence rate ratio = 1.2 (CI: 0.8–2.4). The majority (58%) of national team injuries resulted in a layoff ≤1 week. Of all working days lost to injury generally, 5.2% were lost through injury on national duty. Injury incidence in the week following national duty was comparable (P = 0.818) in players participating or not: 7.8 (95% CI 3.6–12.0) vs. 7.1 (95% CI: 4.6–9.6), incidence rate ratio = 1.1 (CI: 0.7–2.7). While approximately 40% of participating players incurred a time-loss injury on national duty, no training injuries were sustained and injuries made up a negligible part of overall club working days lost to injury. Following duty, players had a similar injury risk to peers without national obligations

    Measurement of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Indoor Materials: Method Development

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    Wildfire smoke penetrates indoors, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in smoke may accumulate on indoor materials. We developed two approaches for measuring PAHs on common indoor materials: (1) solvent-soaked wiping of solid materials (glass and drywall) and (2) direct extraction of porous/fleecy materials (mechanical air filter media and cotton sheets). Samples are extracted by sonication in dichloromethane and analyzed with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Extraction recoveries range from 50–83% for surrogate standards and for PAHs recovered from direct application to isopropanol-soaked wipes, in line with prior studies. We evaluate our methods with a total recovery metric, defined as the sampling and extraction recovery of PAHs from a test material spiked with known PAH mass. Total recovery is higher for “heavy” PAHs (HPAHs, 4 or more aromatic rings) than for “light” PAHs (LPAHs, 2–3 aromatic rings). For glass, the total recovery range is 44–77% for HPAHs and 0–30% for LPAHs. Total recoveries from painted drywall ar

    Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order Picornavirales that combines the families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae, the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus, and the proposed genus Torradovirus

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    The order Picornavirales includes several plant viruses that are currently classified into the families Comoviridae (genera Comovirus, Fabavirus and Nepovirus) and Sequiviridae (genera Sequivirus and Waikavirus) and into the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus. These viruses share properties in common with other picornavirales (particle structure, positive-strand RNA genome with a polyprotein expression strategy, a common replication block including type III helicase, a 3C-like cysteine proteinase and type I RNA-dependent RNA polymerase). However, they also share unique properties that distinguish them from other picornavirales. They infect plants and use specialized proteins or protein domains to move through their host. In phylogenetic analysis based on their replication proteins, these viruses form a separate distinct lineage within the picornavirales branch. To recognize these common properties at the taxonomic level, we propose to create a new family termed “Secoviridae” to include the genera Comovirus, Fabavirus, Nepovirus, Cheravirus, Sadwavirus, Sequivirus and Waikavirus. Two newly discovered plant viruses share common properties with members of the proposed family Secoviridae but have distinct specific genomic organizations. In phylogenetic reconstructions, they form a separate sub-branch within the Secoviridae lineage. We propose to create a new genus termed Torradovirus (type species, Tomato torrado virus) and to assign this genus to the proposed family Secoviridae

    NP-hardness of decoding quantum error-correction codes

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    Though the theory of quantum error correction is intimately related to the classical coding theory, in particular, one can construct quantum error correction codes (QECCs) from classical codes with the dual containing property, this does not necessarily imply that the computational complexity of decoding QECCs is the same as their classical counterparts. Instead, decoding QECCs can be very much different from decoding classical codes due to the degeneracy property. Intuitively, one expect degeneracy would simplify the decoding since two different errors might not and need not be distinguished in order to correct them. However, we show that general quantum decoding problem is NP-hard regardless of the quantum codes being degenerate or non-degenerate. This finding implies that no considerably fast decoding algorithm exists for the general quantum decoding problems, and suggests the existence of a quantum cryptosystem based on the hardness of decoding QECCs.Comment: 5 pages, no figure. Final version for publicatio

    Packing and Hausdorff measures of stable trees

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    In this paper we discuss Hausdorff and packing measures of random continuous trees called stable trees. Stable trees form a specific class of L\'evy trees (introduced by Le Gall and Le Jan in 1998) that contains Aldous's continuum random tree (1991) which corresponds to the Brownian case. We provide results for the whole stable trees and for their level sets that are the sets of points situated at a given distance from the root. We first show that there is no exact packing measure for levels sets. We also prove that non-Brownian stable trees and their level sets have no exact Hausdorff measure with regularly varying gauge function, which continues previous results from a joint work with J-F Le Gall (2006).Comment: 40 page

    Lichens of six vernal pools in Acadia National Park, ME, USA

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    Whereas lichen-habitat relations have been well-documented globally, literature on lichens of vernal pools is scant. We surveyed six vernal pools at Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, Maine, USA for their lichen diversity. Sixty-seven species were identified, including seven species that are new reports for Acadia National Park: Fuscidea arboricola, Hypogymnia incurvoides, Lepraria finkii, Phaeographis inusta, Ropalospora viridis, Usnea flammea, and Violella fucata. Five species are considered uncommon or only locally common in New England: Everniastrum catawbiense, Hypogymnia krogiae, Pseudevernia cladonia, Usnea flammea, and Usnea merrillii. This work represents the first survey of lichens from vernal pools in Acadia National Park and strongly suggests that previous efforts at documenting species at the Park have underestimated its species diversity. More work should be conducted to determine whether a unique assemblage of lichens occurs in association with this unique habitat type
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