229 research outputs found

    The effects of fermented vegetable consumption on the composition of the intestinal microflora and levels of inflammatory markers in women: A pilot and feasibility study

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    Background: The gut microbiome plays a key role in metabolic disease development. Diet is a modifiable factor that significantly influences gut microbial composition, and fermented foods are a reliable source of probiotic microorganisms that can contribute to gut homeostasis. The primary objective of this study was to explore the feasibility of fermented vegetable consumption for six weeks on markers of inflammation and gut microflora profiles in women. Methods: Thirty-one women consumed 100 g/day of fermented vegetables (group A), non-fermented vegetables (group B), or no vegetables (group C) for six weeks. Dietary intake was assessed twice during the intervention by a food frequency questionnaire. Participants provided fasting blood samples and stool samples before and after the intervention. Next-generation sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was performed on the Illumina MiSeq 500 platform. Nonparametric tests were used to analyze the data. Results: Participants’ ages ranged between 18 and 69 years. Compliance with vegetable consumption was 82% and 87% in groups A and B, respectively. We found 28 significant Pearson’s correlation coefficients between diversity and diet and metabolic biomarkers. There were no significant changes in levels of inflammatory markers among groups. At timepoint 2, Group A showed an increase in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (P=.022), a decrease in Ruminococcus torques (PP=.074). Conclusions: This suggests that regular consumption of fermented vegetables may shift gut microbiota towards a more beneficial composition. Further feeding trials test the role of regular consumption of fermented vegetables on metabolic markers and the gut microbiome are needed to determine whether consumption of fermented vegetables is an effective strategy against gut dysbiosis

    A study of galvanic skin responses in junior high school girls

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    Thesis (Ed. M.)--Boston University, 195

    Antiviral chemotherapeutic agents against equine herpesvirus type 1: the mechanism of antiviral effects of porphyrin derivatives

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    Equine Herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) is an important ubiquitous enzootic equine pathogen, causing significant economic losses to the horse industry. Despite extensive vaccination protocols, EHV-1 continues to be a major cause of epidemic abortion, perinatal mortality, respiratory disease and neurologic disease. EHV-1 infections are usually dealt with by using management practices that limit spread of the disease and secondary complications, providing symptomatic relief to infected horses, but no specific treatment is available. New therapeutic or virucidal agents could have great utility in slowing both the progression and spread of the disease in an epidemic situation. A number of porphyrins and their derivatives have been tested to have activity against HIV, vaccinia, and coronavirus. Porphyrin based compounds were suggested to inhibit virus infection by reducing the fusogenic potential of the virus (Vzorov et al., 2002). However, the mechanism of action of porphyrin-based compounds is not well understood. While current antiherpetic agents target viral DNA replication, interference with the upstream replicative events such as fusion would not adversely affect the host cell metabolism, and makes them important targets for chemotherapeutic intervention of virus dissemination. We screened a number of porphyrin and platinum compounds for EHV-1 antiviral activity by testing their ability to interfere with EHV-1 infection of rabbit kidney and equine cell cultures during the entry and post entry events of the viral life cycle in order to determine if compounds act at the level of binding, penetration, replication, or egress. We identified Cu (III) tetrasulfonated phenylporphyrin and Fe (II) tetrasulfonated phenylporphyrin as lead candidate antiviral compounds on the basis of their in vitro efficacy, cytotoxicity and therapeutic index. These compounds exhibited high antiviral potency during virus-to-cell fusion events, as well as no apparent cytotoxicity in cell culture assays at EHV-1 inhibitory concentrations. Specifically, selected porphyrin compounds inhibited free virus, gB-mediated virus entry, reduced the extent of virus spread, and cell-to-cell fusion in the virus-free cell fusion system. The EHV-1 antiviral properties and other pharmacological characteristics make porphyrins auspicious candidates for the treatment of EHV-1 infections and may promote understanding of membrane fusion events of EHV-1 life cycle

    Idiopathic hypercalcemia in cats : a case report

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    The Relationship between Education Policy and Socioeconomic Inequality

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    The relationship between education policy and socioeconomic inequality in the Philippines is the topic of discussion in this paper. The purpose of the study is to determine whether or not education policy is to blame for socioeconomic inequality in the country by conducting an investigation into the correlation between education policy and socioeconomic standing. According to the findings, there is an inverse relationship between education policy and socioeconomic status. This finding lends credence to the hypothesis that education policy is one of the factors that contribute to socioeconomic inequality. According to the findings of the study, it is vitally important for decision-makers to take into account the potential impact of education policy on socioeconomic inequality when formulating policies. As a strategy for lowering the socioeconomic disparities that exist within the educational system, the research paper suggests giving priority to policies that ensure all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have equal access to quality education. The findings of the study have implications for education policy in other countries, particularly those with similar socioeconomic contexts. Additionally, the findings highlight the necessity for policymakers to carefully consider the design and implementation of policies to ensure that they do not contribute to socioeconomic inequality. Additional research is required to identify strategies that are effective in reducing socioeconomic inequality through education policy in the Philippines and in other countries

    Introduction to The Special Issue: Advances in Methods and Measurement in Family Psychology

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    This special issue presents a collection of reports that highlight recent advances in methods and measurement and also shed light on the complexity of family psychology. The importance of theory in guiding solid family science is evident throughout these reports. The reports include guides for researchers who incorporate direct observation into their research protocols and the ever-expanding field of tele-health interventions. Advanced analytic approaches are offered in the areas of grid sequence analysis, latent fixed-effects models, and the Factors of Curves Model (FOCUS). These sophisticated analytic approaches may be applied to advance systemic thinking in family psychology. The last set of articles illustrate how complex and innovative methodologies are applied to address important societal issues. Work experiences and marital relationships in African American couples address the importance of spillover effects in contemporary families. The creation of biobehavioral plasticity index has the potential to inform gene x environment contributions to family functioning. Finally, the unique methodological issues that are particularly germane to the diverse nature of stepfamilies and nonresident fathers are addressed. We hope that readers of this special issue will return to these reports as resources and examples of theory-driven methods and measurements

    Laura M. Kephart’s Letter to Leonard W. Kephart, 19 February 1929

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    The following is a transcription of a letter from Horace Kephart’s wife, Laura Mack Kephart, to her son, Leonard. The original is dated Feb. 19, 1929. Within this letter, Laura discusses attending a baby shower in Michigan with her daughter Cornelia, her 67th birthday celebration, an experience at church and reading an article in the Liberty magazine, and the criticism she and her son have for Kephart’s most recent manuscript

    Pengaruh Senam Pilates Terhadap Keseimbangan Dinamis Wanita Pre Menopause

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    Background:The increase in the number of elderly and UHH has a major impact on public health, which first occurs in various body systems, such as physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects. The most noticeable changes are the decline and disappearance of physical activity, such as loss of muscle mass, weakening of the serving of mototrik, and seeing the ability to move and maintain balance. lose weight and processes that greatly affect their mobility in everyday life. Balance itself is divided into 2, namely statistical and dynamic balance. The dynamic equilibrium itself is the ability of a person to maintain a position when moving from one point to another. Where the Centerof gravity (COG) is always changing. ) to improve balance in exercises related to the stabilization of the core, in another Pilates exercise. In general, pilates as a major form of exercise to improve physical health (muscle strength, endurance, stability) and motor fingers (muscle control, dynamic postural control, balance and coordination). Research Objectives:To determine the effect of pilates execise on the dinamyc balance of woman pre menopause. Research Method: The type of research used in this study is quasi experimental, with the research design used is one group pretest-posttest with control group desaign. The sampling technique used in this research is to use purposive sampling technique. Result of Research: Based on the result of paired test of t-test with sig / p-value 0.000 <0,005. Conclusion: There is a significant influence of pilates exercise on the woman pre menopause
