32 research outputs found

    Moving towards malaria elimination in southern Mozambique: Cost and cost-effectiveness of mass drug administration combined with intensified malaria control.

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    BACKGROUND: As new combinations of interventions aiming at interrupting malaria transmission are under evaluation, understanding the associated economic costs and benefits is critical for decision-making. This study assessed the economic cost and cost-effectiveness of the Magude project, a malaria elimination initiative implemented in a district in southern Mozambique (i.e. Magude) between August 2015-June 2018. This project piloted a combination of two mass drug administration (MDA) rounds per year for two consecutive years, annual rounds of universal indoor residual spraying (IRS) and a strengthened surveillance and response system on the back of universal long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) coverage and routine case management implemented by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). Although local transmission was not interrupted, the project achieved large reductions in the burden of malaria in the target district. METHODS: We collected weekly economic data, estimated costs from the project implementer perspective and assessed the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) associated with the Magude project as compared to routine malaria control activities, the counterfactual. We estimated disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for malaria cases and deaths and assessed the variation of the ICER over time to capture the marginal costs and effectiveness associated with subsequent phases of project implementation. We used deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses to account for uncertainty and built an alternative scenario by assuming the implementation of the interventions from a governmental perspective. Economic costs are provided in constant US2015.RESULTS:Afterthreeyears,theMagudeprojectavertedatotalof3,171DALYsatanincrementalcostof2015. RESULTS: After three years, the Magude project averted a total of 3,171 DALYs at an incremental cost of 2.89 million and an average yearly cost of 20.7pertargetedperson.Atanaveragecostof20.7 per targeted person. At an average cost of 19.4 per person treated per MDA round, the social mobilization and distribution of door-to-door MDA contributed to 53% of overall resources employed, with personnel and logistics being the main cost drivers. The ICER improved over time as a result of decreasing costs and improved effectiveness. The overall ICER was 987(CI95987 (CI95% 968-1,006) per DALY averted, which is below the standard cost-effectiveness (CE) threshold of 1,404/DALY averted, three times the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of Mozambique, but above the threshold of interventions considered highly cost-effective (one time the GDP per capita or 468/DALYaverted)andabovetherecentlysuggestedthresholdsbasedonthehealthopportunitycost(468/DALY averted) and above the recently suggested thresholds based on the health opportunity cost (537 purchasing power parity/ DALY averted). A significantly lower ICER was obtained in the implementation scenario from a governmental perspective ($441/DALY averted). CONCLUSION: Despite the initial high costs and volume of resources associated with its implementation, MDA in combination with other existing malaria control interventions, can be a cost-effective strategy to drastically reduce transmission in areas of low to moderate transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. However, further studies are needed to understand the capacity of the health system and financial affordability to scale up such strategies at regional or national level

    The temporal dynamics and infectiousness of subpatent Plasmodium falciparum infections in relation to parasite density

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    Malaria infections occurring below the limit of detection of standard diagnostics are common in all endemic settings. However, key questions remain surrounding their contribution to sustaining transmission and whether they need to be detected and targeted to achieve malaria elimination. In this study we analyse a range of malaria datasets to quantify the density, detectability, course of infection and infectiousness of subpatent infections. Asymptomatically infected individuals have lower parasite densities on average in low transmission settings compared to individuals in higher transmission settings. In cohort studies, subpatent infections are found to be predictive of future periods of patent infection and in membrane feeding studies, individuals infected with subpatent asexual parasite densities are found to be approximately a third as infectious to mosquitoes as individuals with patent (asexual parasite) infection. These results indicate that subpatent infections contribute to the infectious reservoir, may be long lasting, and require more sensitive diagnostics to detect them in lower transmission settings

    Transcatheter heart valve failure: a systematic review

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    Aims A comprehensive description of transcatheter heart valve (THV) failure has not been performed. We undertook a systematic review to investigate the aetiology, diagnosis, management, and outcomes of THV failure. Methods and results The systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines using EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Scopus. Between December 2002 and March 2014, 70 publications reported 87 individual cases of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) failure. Similar to surgical bioprosthetic heart valve failure, we observed cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) (n = 34), structural valve failure (n = 13), and THV thrombosis (n = 15). The microbiological profile of THV PVE was similar to surgical PVE, though one-quarter had satellite mitral valve endocarditis, and surgical intervention was required in 40% (75% survival). Structural valve failure occurred most frequently due to leaflet calcification and was predominantly treated by redo-THV (60%). Transcatheter heart valve thrombosis occurred at a mean 9 +/- 7 months post-implantation and was successfully treated by prolonged anticoagulation in three-quarters of cases. Two novel causes of THV failure were identified: late THV embolization (n = 18); and THV compression (n = 7) following cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). These failure modes have not been reported in the surgical literature. Potential risk factors for late THV embolization include low prosthesis implantation, THV undersizing/underexpansion, bicuspid, and non-calcified anatomy. Transcatheter heart valve embolization mandated surgery in 80% of patients. Transcatheter heart valve compression was noted at post-mortem in most cases. Conclusion Transcatheter heart valves are susceptible to failure modes typical to those of surgical bioprostheses and unique to their specific design. Transcatheter heart valve compression and late embolization represent complications previously unreported in the surgical literature

    Transcatheter heart valve failure: a systematic review

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    Aims A comprehensive description of transcatheter heart valve (THV) failure has not been performed. We undertook a systematic review to investigate the aetiology, diagnosis, management, and outcomes of THV failure. Methods and results The systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines using EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Scopus. Between December 2002 and March 2014, 70 publications reported 87 individual cases of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) failure. Similar to surgical bioprosthetic heart valve failure, we observed cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) (n = 34), structural valve failure (n = 13), and THV thrombosis (n = 15). The microbiological profile of THV PVE was similar to surgical PVE, though one-quarter had satellite mitral valve endocarditis, and surgical intervention was required in 40% (75% survival). Structural valve failure occurred most frequently due to leaflet calcification and was predominantly treated by redo-THV (60%). Transcatheter heart valve thrombosis occurred at a mean 9 +/- 7 months post-implantation and was successfully treated by prolonged anticoagulation in three-quarters of cases. Two novel causes of THV failure were identified: late THV embolization (n = 18); and THV compression (n = 7) following cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). These failure modes have not been reported in the surgical literature. Potential risk factors for late THV embolization include low prosthesis implantation, THV undersizing/underexpansion, bicuspid, and non-calcified anatomy. Transcatheter heart valve embolization mandated surgery in 80% of patients. Transcatheter heart valve compression was noted at post-mortem in most cases. Conclusion Transcatheter heart valves are susceptible to failure modes typical to those of surgical bioprostheses and unique to their specific design. Transcatheter heart valve compression and late embolization represent complications previously unreported in the surgical literature