796 research outputs found

    How Nurturing America’s Agricultural Landscape Can Alleviate Its Health Crisis

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    This paper will review current nutritional narratives that promote the extinction of animal sourced foods (ASF’s) and why they are incorrect and possibly damaging. It will also briefly address agricultural history in the United States to trace how the country arrived at current agricultural policy, how it has damaged the independence of the country’s food supply, and why it is no longer useful. In addition, it will breakdown the contemporary issues and debates within agriculture and review current policy and why it’s insufficient. Finally, it proposes policy solutions that can help return the U.S. agriculture system to a more viable and sustainable model that ensures better health of the economy, citizens, and the land

    Dictyostelium discoideum, a singular amoeba

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    [CAT]: Dictyostelium discoideum és una ameba unicel·lular, encara que també presenta una etapa de desenvolupament multicel·lular en el seu cicle biològic. Aquest organisme ha estat utilitzat com un sistema model des de fa més de quaranta anys a causa de la seva similitud funcional amb les cèl·lules de mamífer. A més, mostra molts avantatges experimentals per a estudis de biologia i bioquímica de la cèl·lula. És genèticament manejable i molt accessible per a la manipulació experimental. Les cèl·lules de D. discoideum són molt mòbils i s’han utilitzat àmpliament en estudis del citosquelet cel·lular, la motilitat cel·lular i la migració quimiotàctica. El desenvolupament multicel·lular és relativament simple i ha estat un terreny fèrtil per a l’estudi de l’agregació, la diferenciació cel·lular, la morfogènesi i les vies genètiques i de senyalització que regulen aquests processos. A més, les cèl·lules de D. discoideum són cada vegada més utilitzades per a l’estudi de les malalties humanes. Per exemple, la interacció de cèl·lules amb bacteris patògens, el mecanisme d’acció de diferents drogues, la resistència als medicaments o les bases moleculars de les malalties humanes han estat recentment analitzats en aquest organisme model.[EN]: Dictyostelium discoideum is a unicellular amoeba although it also presents a stage of multi-cellular development in its biological cycle. This organism has been used as a model system for over 40 years given its functional similarity to mammalian cells. In addition, it shows many experimental advantages for biochemical and cell biology studies. It is genetically tractable and highly accessible for experimental manipulation. D. discoideum cells are highly motile and have been extensively used in studies of the cellular cytoskeleton, cell motility and chemotactic migration. Multi-cellular development is relatively simple and has been a fertile ground for the study of aggregation, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, and the genetic and signalling pathways that regulate these processes. In addition D. discoideum cells are being increasingly used for the study of human disease. For example, cell interaction with bacterial pathogens, the mechanism of action of different drugs, drug resistance or the molecular basis of human diseases have been recently studied using this model organism.Peer reviewe

    Dictyostelium discoideum, una ameba peculiar

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    Dictyostelium discoideum és una ameba unicel·lular, encara que també presenta una etapa de desenvolupament multicel·lular en el seu cicle biològic. Aquest organisme ha estat utilitzat com un sistema model des de fa més de quaranta anys a causa de la seva similitud funcional amb les cèl·lules de mamífer. A més, mostra molts avantatges experimentals per a estudis de biologia i bioquímica de la cèl·lula. És genèticament manejable i molt accessible per a la manipulació experimental. Les cèl·lules de D. discoideum són molt mòbils i s'han utilitzat àmpliament en estudis del citosquelet cel·lular, la motilitat cel·lular i la migració quimiotàctica. El desenvolupament multicel·lular és relativament simple i ha estat un terreny fèrtil per a l'estudi de l'agregació, la diferenciació cel·lular, la morfogènesi i les vies genètiques i de senyalització que regulen aquests processos. A més, les cèl·lules de D. discoideum són cada vegada més utilitzades per a l'estudi de les malalties humanes. Per exemple, la interacció de cèl·lules amb bacteris patògens, el mecanisme d'acció de diferents drogues, la resistència als medicaments o les bases moleculars de les malalties humanes han estat recentment analitzats en aquest organisme model.Dictyostelium discoideum, a singular amoeba. Dictyostelium discoideum is a unicellular amoeba although it also presents a stage of multi-cellular development in its biological cycle. This organism has been used as a model system for over 40 years given its functional similarity to mammalian cells. In addition, it shows many experimental advantages for biochemical and cell biology studies. It is genetically tractable and highly accessible for experimental manipulation. D. discoideum cells are highly motile and have been extensively used in studies of the cellular cytoskeleton, cell motility and chemotactic migration. Multi-cellular development is relatively simple and has been a fertile ground for the study of aggregation, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, and the genetic and signalling pathways that regulate these processes. In addition D. discoideum cells are being increasingly used for the study of human disease. For example, cell interaction with bacterial pathogens, the mechanism of action of different drugs, drug resistance or the molecular basis of human diseases have been recently studied using this model organism


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    Borges, in his productions, showed his aptitude to generate new speeches departing from the classic genres. This way not only allowed him to construct new communicative possibilities but also it helped him to shape little by little new configurations of the individual, principally, as social subject. In this respect we will approach the «compadrito» in his process of decline and final. In «La muerte y la brújula» we will approach the different portraits that it he developed in a crossing to discipline of the areas socio-political and literary. From the first look he constructs by means of a fiction-not fiction type of social concrete individual of our Argentine history: the «compadrito». For it, he placed the prominent figures in a series of landscapes and spaces formed with plastic resources. Especially this observes in the treatment that it gave him to the conclusion of the work: «the periodic series of facts of blood that culminated in the Triste-Le-Roy Inn between the endless smell of the eucalyptuses». The textual hybridization between fiction and not fiction realizes of the permanent need of re-important analysis and of his sense in this century that is showing a series of actors and emergent social that often might be social memories of those others that lived during last century.Borges, en sus producciones, mostró su capacidad de generar nuevos discursos partiendo de los géneros literarios clásicos. Así no solamente construyó nuevas posibilidades comunicativas sino que fue, poco a poco, plasmando novedosas configuraciones del individuo, principalmente como sujeto social. En este sentido abordaremos al «compadrito» en su proceso de declinación y su final. En «La muerte y la brújula» analizaremos los distintos retratos que desarrolló en un cruzamiento disciplinar de las áreas socio-política y literaria. Desde la primera mirada, Borges construye mediante una ficción-no ficcional un tipo de individuo social concreto de nuestra historia argentina: el compadrito. Para ello, colocó a los personajes en una serie de paisajes y espacios configurados con recursos plásticos. Sobre todo, esto se observa en el tratamiento que le dio al desenlace de la obra, «la periódica serie de hechos de sangre que culminaron en la quinta de Triste-le-Roy entre el interminable olor de los eucaliptos». La hibridación textual entre ficción y no ficción da cuenta de la permanente necesidad de un análisis re-significado y de su sentido en este siglo que va mostrando una serie de actores y emergentes sociales que, muchas veces, podrían ser memorias sociales de aquellos otros que vivieron durante el siglo pasado

    "Unframing" Byzantine ivories: painterliness, reliefs, and the place of Byzantine art in early twentieth-century German scholarship

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    This paper scrutinises Adolf Goldschmidt and Kurt Weitzmann’s publication on Byzantine ivories to reveal its entanglement with contemporaneous art theories and art historical discourses. It identifies the bedrock of the authors’ observations in Heinrich Wölfflin’s stylistic dialectic and in the critical writings by Adolf von Hildebrand and Aloïs Riegl devoted to the subject of relief. Such contextual and critical approaches to the publication allow for a reconsideration of some of the criticisms addressed to it while further questioning the reliability of its analysis. Nevertheless, the article intends to reappraise the innovativeness of the volume and its importance for the history of the discipline, offering an opportunity to reflect on the early research practices that produced some of Art History’s foundational works

    Effetto della tecnica di allevamento sulla sopravvivenza di fagiani dopo il rilascio

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    La presente ricerca è nata in relazione alla necessità di ottenere fagiani di allevamento che una volta immessi in ambiente naturale siano in grado di adattarsi e riprodursi al fine di ripristinare od incrementare, rispettivamente, popolazioni selvatiche precedentemente presenti o fortemente ridimensionate. Il suddetto studio ha preso spunto, in primis, dagli scarsi risultati ottenuti rilasciando, per le finalità suddette, animali di allevamento, in particolare, dai conclamati e reiterati fallimenti fatti registrare negli ultimi decenni, relativi ad immissioni volte, “consumisticamente”, a fronteggiare, sia un incipiente e generalizzato impoverimento faunistico, sia una crescente ed indiscriminata richiesta del mondo venatori

    ” Unframing” Byzantine ivories: painterliness, reliefs, and the place of Byzantine art in early twentieth-century German scholarship

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    This paper scrutinises Adolf Goldschmidt and Kurt Weitzmann’s publication on Byzantine ivories to reveal its entanglement with contemporaneous art theories and art historical discourses. It identifies the bedrock of the authors’ observations in Heinrich Wölfflin’s stylistic dialectic and in the critical writings by Adolf von Hildebrand and Aloïs Riegl devoted to the subject of relief. Such contextual and critical approaches to the publication allow for a reconsideration of some of the criticisms addressed to it while further questioning the reliability of its analysis. Nevertheless, the article intends to reappraise the innovativeness of the volume and its importance for the history of the discipline, offering an opportunity to reflect on the early research practices that produced some of Art History’s foundational works

    Social Farming and Animal Assisted Interventions: content analysis of the Italian legal framework towards a One Welfare approach

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    Introduction: in the last decade, Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) and Social Farming (SF) practices widely spread throughout Europe and at the same time, the scientific interest increased. In Italy, experiences are various and diversified among the 20 Italian Regions which have direct responsibility on these fields. In 2015 Italian authorities decided to regulate both AAI and SF topics at national level in different ways. The aim of this study was: analyse strengths and weaknesses of Italian legal framework about both fields, evaluate the possible impact on providers and the interaction of AAI in the SF frame. Such analysis can be useful to understand if and in which way the providers of AAI could play a relevant role in SF activities and to direct institutional decision-making process towards a One Welfare approach. Methodology: we analysed the Italian legislation on AAI and SF at national and regional level (national laws, all regional laws and local implementing regulations), their connections, strengths and weaknesses. We critically pointed out and systematised differences to highlight inconsistencies and possible improvements. Main Findings: our study suggested the need of practical guidelines for providers to overcome the misalignment that exists nowadays between AAI and SF in Italy. That is caused by the independent development of these fields until the regulation and the inconsistency between regional and national laws. Principle Conclusions and Implications for Field: Italian legal framework on AAI and SF will increasingly influence providers in their activities and the outcomes on possible final beneficiaries. Meanwhile there is a lack of modelling especially in AAI field, which could be coped offering practical guidelines for providers and public institutions. Guidelines should be based on One Welfare framework and include: specific educational programs for providers, directions on organizational models and on promotion strategies of the service in the area

    Análisis de vulnerabilidades de seguridad en páginas web

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es explicar la importancia de la seguridad informática en las aplicaciones web. Con el gran crecimiento actual de los ciberataques, las empresas han de estar preparadas para identificar estos ataques y defenderse de ellos para poder protegerse y proteger a los usuarios. A lo largo de 2021 y 2022 se ha podido comprobar la importancia de la ciberseguridad hoy en día y cómo los ciberataques pueden ser utilizados para recoger información privada, encriptar información, inhabilitar servidores, etc. En este estudio, se han analizado algunas de las vulnerabilidades más explotadas en la actualidad, además de llevar a la práctica los ataques que aprovechan estas vulnerabilidades y entender cómo una empresa puede defenderse de estos ataques. A la hora de realizar la demostración práctica de los ataques se han utilizado aplicaciones vulnerables diseñadas con el propósito de recibir ciberataques. Estas herramientas son de gran utilidad a la hora de entender el proceso que sigue un ciberdelincuente y los aspectos de una aplicación que le permiten llevar a cabo los ataques. Una vez entendido este punto de vista, una empresa podrá poner especial atención en estos aspectos.The goal of this project is to explain the importance of cybersecurity in web applications. With the growth in cyberattacks we are seeing nowadays, companies must learn and be prepared to identify these attacks and defend against them to protect the company and the users of their web applications. Throughout 2021 and 2022 we have been able to confirm the importance of cybersecurity nowadays and how these attacks can be used to gather private information, encrypt information, disable services, etc. In this study, some of the most exploited vulnerabilities have been analyzed. Furthermore, common attacks to exploit these vulnerabilities have been performed, as well as studying what companies can do to protect themselves from these attacks. To perform these attacks vulnerable applications have been used. These applications were created for the specific purpose of receiving attacks to learn how these vulnerabilities work. These applications are very useful to understand the process that a cyberattacker follows and what aspects of an application allow the attacks to be carried out. Once this point of view is well understood, a company will be able to put special attention to these aspects