1,818 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research is to see how the Elderly Empowerment program is through Increasing Productive Activities in Janggan Village, Poncol District, Magetan Regency. In life, growing old is a certain thing. Elderly is a life cycle that every elderly person will go through. The image of us being elderly in everyone's mind is that of an old grandmother or grandfather who is helpless and weak because of age, but from this general perspective we can change our perspective by empowering the elderly well so that in old age they do not suffer and feeling unhappy for the rest of his life. This research is a type of qualitative research research. This is a research method based on postpositivism which is used to examine natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling data, data sources are carried out purposively and snowballing, collection techniques are triagulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative. The results of this research indicate that the empowerment program that took place in Janggan Village, Poncol District, Magetan Regency was not successful because the program was Project Based oriented. This program has not been successful in increasing activity towards the program provided by the village. The activities carried out at Mawar Indah Elderly Family Development (BKL), Janggan Village, are deemed to be less effective if we want to increase the productive activities of the elderly because there are several factors, such as the Village Government not supporting it in terms of policy


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    Increasing levels of fraud in Bima is significantly each year, then the role of public sectoraudit in fraud should be increased in tackling fraud prevention, So this study aims to determinethe effect of the implementation of public sector audit in preventing fraud in the CityInspectorate Bima. The method used in this research is Simple linear regression analysis, byspreading questionnaire on all employees of the secretariat on the Bima city inspectorate asmany as 20 samples. The results of this study indicate that the public sector audit influence theprevention of fraud.Keyword : Public Sector Audit, Fraud, Prevention of Fraud


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    Dalam tugas akhir ini,akan dibuat sebuah film dokumenter mengenai kisah dan eksistensi seorang aktivis, serta perjuangannya dalam melindungi anak –anak di lingkungan tersebut agar tidak terjerumus dalam pengaruh lingkungan yang keras . Dengan penekanan pada teknik pasca produksi depth of field dan artificial lighting pada sesi editing sehingga video yang dihasilkan lebih menarik. Adapun proses perancangan film dokumenter ini terdiri dari identifikasi program, pencarian data dan fakta pendukung, sinopsis dan treatment, proses produksi, proses post produksi, dan perancangan media pendukung. Proses yang ditekankan, pada tahap post produksi yang akan menghasilkan video editing dengan artificial lighting dengan tujuan optimalisasi pencahayaan pada ruang atau sudut yang cenderung gelap, serta menciptakan suasana ruang. Serta depth of field untuk focusing objek sehingga tampak objek yang perlu ditonjolkan. Rancangan yang dihasilkan berupa film dokumenter dengan durasi 3 menit, mengusung pesan pokok tentang perlindungan anak –anak terhadap lingkungan yang keras. Sofware yang digunakan adalah Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effect , dan Adobe Photoshop. Dengan hadirnya film dokumenter ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pandangan terhadap masyarakat, betapa pentingnya melindungi anak – anak terhadap pengaruh lingkungan yang keras. Kata Kunci : Film Dokumenter, perlindungan anak, teknik Depth of Field, Artificial lightin


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    At this time the use of aluminum is already applied in the fields of industry, otomototif, and health. The use of aluminum cannot be separated from the good corrosion-resistant properties and has relatively good mechanical strength. In addition, aluminum is also easy to carry out the fabrication process. Such properties of aluminum can be applied to the manufacture of parts on aircraft. One type of aluminum that is widely used in aircraft is aluminum alloy 2024. To make the aluminum material better, one of the methods that can be used to make the aluminum material better is electroplating. The electroplating process is the transfer of the coating metal ions to the metal to be coated. The working principle of electroplating is that the anode will conduct ions to the cathode. In this study, an electroplating process was carried out by coating aluminum 2024 using nickel. The variations used in this study are the electroplating process time on the material, while the variations used are 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and 40 minutes. After the electroplating process is carried out, it then performs tensile and hardness testing on the material. From the results of tensile testing, for variations of aluminum without an electroplating process, it is the highest, as for the tensile strength value, which is 482.65 MPa. While in materials with the longest electroplating process (40 minutes) the tensile strength is 410,408 MPa. The hardness test also shows that the longer the electroplating process will reduce the hardness valuePada saat ini penggunaan aluminium sudah diterapkan di bidang industri, otomototif, dan kesehatan. Penggunaan aluminium tidak lepas dari sifat tahan korosi yang baik serta memiliki kekuatan mekanis yang relatif baik. Selain itu aluminium juga mudah untuk dilakukan proses fabrikasi. Sifat dari aluminium tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk pembuatan bagian pada pesawat terbang. Salah satu jenis aluminium yang banyak digunakan pada pesawat yaitu aluminium alloy 2024. Untuk menjadikan material aluminium menjadi lebih baik, salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat material aluminium menjadi lebih baik adalah dengan elektroplating. Proses elektroplating adalah pemindahan ion logam pelapis menuju logam yang akan dilapisi. Prinsip kerja dari elektroplating adalah bagian anoda akan menghantarkan ion menuju katoda. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses elektroplating dengan melapisi aluminum 2024 menggunakan nikel. Variasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu waktu proses elektroplating pada material, adapun variasi yang digunakan yaitu 20 menit, 30 menit, dan 40 menit. Setelah dilakukan proses elektroplating selanjutnya melakukan pengujin tarik dan kekerasan pada material. Dari hasil pengujian tarik maka untuk variasi aluminium tanpa proses elektroplating merupakan yang tertinggi, adapun nilai kekuatan tariknya yaitu 482,65 MPa. Sedangkan pada material dengan proses elektroplating terlama (40 menit) kekuatan tariknya yaitu 410,408 MPa. Pada pengujian kekerasan juga menunjukan semakin lama proses elektroplating akan menurunkan nilai kekerasan

    The Use of Tailored Interventions to Prevent Falls: A Quality Improvement Project in the Telemetry Unit

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    Background: Every year in the United States, hundreds of thousands of patients fall in hospitals with 30 to 50 percent resulting in injury. In Texas, the fall rate in adult patients is 33.9 percent, and in one teaching hospital in South Texas, patient fall rates have been above the national benchmark for two years (2017-2019), despite increased use of sitters for patient safety and multiple fall prevention strategies. The annual direct care cost of all fall events in the United States for individuals more than 65 years old is about $34 billion. Practice problem: The objectives of the fall initiative program were increasing adherence to documentation of data from the Morse Fall Assessment and tailored interventions in the electronic health record. The goal of the project was to promote patient safety by decreasing the fall rate per 1000 patient days to below the national benchmark of 3.44/1000 patient days. Intervention: The project was piloted in two telemetry units over 12 weeks using the Iowa Model of Evidence-based Practice. Telemetry staff received one-on-one education from the educator in the unit using a tailored intervention poster. The Nurse Champion observed 58 rooms and conducted chart documentation to ensure universal fall precautions were carried out during every shift. Incidence of falls was tracked daily, and post fall huddles were conducted after any incidents. Outcome: The average monthly fall rate after implementation was 2.47/1000 patient days, which was below the national benchmark. Conclusion: The fall assessment documentation in two telemetry units at DHR Health can be adapted or implemented hospital-wide. The results showed a statistically significant correlation between the Morse fall score assessment on EHR and monthly fall events (p=0. 0078). Champions were able to identify interventions and areas that needed to be improved such as education, patient engagement and stakeholder buy-in

    Development of android based augmented reality video for tennis courts learning

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    This research aims to develop an android-based augmented reality application called AR Tennis. The resulted product is used as a medium for learning tennis courts courses. The AR Tennis application helps students understand the illustrations contained in courts tennis textbooks. The picture in the book which is originally only a silent illustration, with the help of the AR Tennis application, the image will move. The method used is MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle). Testing the application using the blackbox method and the results are all components of the application function properly. From the results of the assessment of learning media experts obtained a value of 97.6 with a very good category. From the expert on tennis material, the score is 89.2 with a good category. And trials for students who take part in tennis court scored 92.14 in the appropriate category for use. Augmented reality technology is still not popular in the field of education. But going forward this technology will be very helpful in any study in the education

    Pilot of a randomized trial comparing outcomes of three types of peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVC): Utilizing the Plan, Do, Study, Act Cycle

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    Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVC) are used in high volume in acute and ambulatory settings. Due to high volume of use in patient care, complications from a PIVC can significantly impact patient experience. Literature indicates complications such as blood exposure, phlebitis, unplanned removal, infiltration, occlusion, dwell time, pain, and cost have serious consequences in patient care, leading to potential delays in treatment, patient discomfort, patient dissatisfaction, safety concerns, nursing interruptions, increased length of stay, and added costs. Gap analysis indicates additional research can prove beneficial for evidence-based care improvement. The authors propose using the plan, do, study, act to conduct a feasibility study of a multi-center, randomized-controlled trial (RCT), evaluating three different PIVC systems to compare outcomes. The purpose of this pilot was to determine the feasibility of assessing nurse and patient outcomes related to the use of three different types of PIVC, and to pilot implementation of a RCT prior to the expansion of the study to other facilities, which comparatively evaluated outcomes between two closed PIVC systems and an open PIVC system


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    Philippine K-12 Curriculum and Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 Reading Literacy Parallelism and Teaching-Learning Experiences.. Objectives: This study is made to capture the instructional system and learning milieu of the PISA 2018 Reading Literacy-Related Senior High School  Subjects aiming to evaluate its curriculum design and implementation.Methods: The study used Illuminative Evaluation Model to evaluate the curriculum design and implementation by gauging the instructional system through heat mapping and the learning milieu of teacher participants and graduate respondents through survey, interview, and researcher’s past observation. Findings: In the study, it was found out that: (a) the K to 12 program through the learning competencies is 28.64% parallel with the PISA 2018 Reading Literacy Skill Framework; (b) teachers implement the curriculum in which the Reading Literacy Skills are reflected even under various teaching-learning constraints.; (c) the graduate respondents (GRs) are good in terms of locating information but need improvement in evaluating and reflecting on and/or among texts specifically the skill ‘detecting and handling conflict’. Moreover, GRs associate learning the PISA 2018 Reading Literacy Skills the most from the subjects Reading and Writing Skills and Practical Research and the least from 21st Century Literature.Conclusion: The K-12 program through learning competencies is 28.64% parallel with PISA 2018 Reading Literacy Skill Framework. This shows one of the characteristics of the written curriculum or the instructional system.

    Social neuroscience: Pendekatan multi-level integratif dalam penelitian psikologi sosial

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    Manusia sebagai makhluk biologis yang hidup dalam lingkungan sosial menciptakan kompleksitas dalam kehidupannya. Pendekatan biologis atau sosial yang berdiri sendiri-sendiri sering menyisakan pertanyaan yang belum terjawab. Social Neuroscience merupakan pendekatan mutakhir yang meneliti aspek biologis dalam konteks perilaku sosial manusia. Dengan menggabungkan antara kelebihan pendekatan biologis dan pendekatan sosial, Social Neuroscience berpotensi menjadi suatu metode multi-level integratif yang mampu memahami kompleksitas perilaku manusia secara lebih komprehensif. Artikel ini akan secara lebih lanjut membahas filosofi pendekatan tersebut, beserta ruang lingkup, desain penelitian, teknik pengukuran, validasi, serta aplikasinya di Indonesia. Harapannya, berbekal kemajemukan manusia di Indonesia dan penguasaan metode Social Neuroscience, Indonesia ke depannya akan bisa menjadi salah satu pemain utama dalam perkembangan ilmu Psikologi global


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    Abstract Dribble is one way to take the ball and can also help move the ball on the ground and away from the guard. If the game of basketball can not dribling then the game would be delayed even less likely to run. Many learning methods are used in order to improve students' ability in mastering the basic motion dribble. But in reality many students who have not been able to master these basic movements with the methods used by educators. From the research that has been established, it will be made a discussion of the results of the analysis of the research. The discussion here discuss the decomposition results of research on the implementation of this whole method of practice and part practice. Based on the results if the data from the study explained that both methods are applied to an impact on students, but part practice method gives better impact in the amount of 22.63% compared to the whole prctice the influence of only 12.86%. Keywords: Basic Dribble Movement, part practice method, method of whole practice, learning outcomes
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