20 research outputs found

    Parlez-vous cyber ?

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    The development of new technologies forces their users to employ the language forms which ensure quick and effective forms of communication in the cyberspace. A specific Internet argot is created both at the lexical and morpho-syntactic level. The aim of the article Do you speak "cyber"? is an overview, typology and the analysis of basic lexical forms used by the French Internet chat-users. It is an attempt to look at the French cyber-speech in the context of linguistics and glottodidactics

    Le bruitage en tant que declencheur de la créativité et de la parole en classe de langue

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    To develop communicative competence in L2 does the learner need to have the knowledge of linguistic resources, but also of other factors shaping the situational context in which the act of communication is taking place. The elements bearing directly on effi ciency on information exchange comprise all kinds of noises and sound images which make up a signifi cant part of the broadly conceived communicative context. The present paper aims to raise the question of how the use of sound images in the process of foreign language learning/teaching should be made. Among other issues, it addresses the usefulness of various sounds and noises in stimulating learners’ imagination, creativity and skills, as well as in enhancing spoken output in L2.To develop communicative competence in L2 does the learner need to have the knowledge of linguistic resources, but also of other factors shaping the situational context in which the act of communication is taking place. The elements bearing directly on effi ciency on information exchange comprise all kinds of noises and sound images which make up a signifi cant part of the broadly conceived communicative context. The present paper aims to raise the question of how the use of sound images in the process of foreign language learning/teaching should be made. Among other issues, it addresses the usefulness of various sounds and noises in stimulating learners’ imagination, creativity and skills, as well as in enhancing spoken output in L2

    Formy skrócone rzeczowników francuskich oznaczających osoby

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    The author of this article deals with the problems of “abbreviated forms” in French, emphasising the role which this type of lexical units performs in communication. Their detailed typology, mechanisms which are their foundation and their functioning in language are performed. In his conclusion the author postulates that this kind of lexical units should be taken into consideration more comprehensively than it has been so far

    Parlez-vous cyber ?

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    The development of new technologies forces their users to employ the language forms which ensure quick and effective forms of communication in the cyberspace. A specific Internet argot is created both at the lexical and morpho-syntactic level. The aim of the article Do you speak "cyber"? is an overview, typology and the analysis of basic lexical forms used by the French Internet chat-users. It is an attempt to look at the French cyber-speech in the context of linguistics and glottodidactics

    Parler en écrivant: lexique des internautes français

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    La phonétique de la langue maternelle et la formation d’une compétence phonétique dans une langue étrangère a l’exemple de la langue Francaise

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    Prawidłowa i skuteczna komunikacja wymaga opanowania wszystkich podsystemów językowych. W procesie przyswajania języków obcych w środowisku edukacyjnym rozwój kompetencji fonetycznych jest często traktowany jako marginalny. Świadczą o tym przytoczone w artykule wyniki badań. Artykuł stanowi punkt wyjścia do dyskusji na temat przydatności fonetyki języka ojczystego w kształtowaniu umiejętności fonetycznych w języku obcym. Z obserwacji i badań autora wynika, że fonetyka języka ojczystego jest nie tylko źródłem interferencji międzyjęzykowej. Wiedza i umiejętności fonetyczne nabyte w języku ojczystym mogą pełnić rolę pozytywnego transferu w kształtowaniu kompetencji fonetycznej w języku obcym oraz pomóc w opanowaniu prawidłowej percepcji i artykulacji głosek oraz prozodii.Une communication correcte et efficace nécessite la maîtrise de tous les sous-systèmes linguistiques. Dans le processus d'acquisition des langues étrangères en milieu éducatif, le développement des compétences phonétiques est souvent considéré comme marginal. Ceci est démontré par les résultats de recherche cités dans l'article. L'article est le point de départ d'une discussion sur l'utilité de la phonétique de la langue maternelle pour former une compétence phonétique dans une langue étrangère. Les observations et recherches de l'auteur montrent que la phonétique de la langue maternelle n'est pas seulement une source d'interférences interlinguales. Les connaissances et les compétences phonétiques acquises dans la langue maternelle peuvent jouer le rôle d'un transfert positif dans la formation d’une compétence phonétique dans une langue étrangère et aider à maîtriser la perception et l'articulation correctes des sons et de la prosodie.Korrekte und effektive Kommunikation erfordert die Beherrschung aller Sprachsubsysteme. Beim Erwerb von Fremdsprachen im Bildungsumfeld wird die Entwicklung phonetischer Kompetenzen oft als marginal behandelt. Dies belegen die im Artikel zitierten Forschungsergebnisse. Der Artikel ist ein Ausgangspunkt für eine Diskussion über die Nützlichkeit der muttersprachlichen Phonetik bei der Gestaltung phonetischer Fähigkeiten in einer Fremdsprache. Die Beobachtungen und Forschungen des Autors zeigen, dass die Phonetik der Muttersprache nicht nur eine Quelle interlinguistischer Interferenzen ist. Die in der Muttersprache erworbenen Kenntnisse und phonetischen Fähigkeiten können einen positiven Transfer bei der Gestaltung der phonetischen Kompetenz in einer Fremdsprache spielen und helfen, die richtige Wahrnehmung und Artikulation von Lauten und Prosodie zu beherrschen.Correct and effective communication requires the mastery of all language subsystems. In the process of acquiring foreign languages in the educational environment, the development of phonetic competence is often treated as marginal. This is evidenced by the research results quoted in the article. The article is a starting point for a discussion on the usefulness of mother tongue phonetics in shaping phonetic skills in a foreign language. The author's observations and research show that the phonetics of the mother tongue is not only a source of interlingual interference. The knowledge and skills in phonetics acquired in the mother tongue can play the role of a positive transfer in shaping phonetic competence in a foreign language and help in mastering the correct perception and articulation of sounds and prosody

    Wild French in the songs of Édith Piaf – a didactic approach

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    Édith Giovanna Gassion, known as Édith Piaf recorded more than three hundred songs. Her repertoire is as rich as her biography. Often, in the texts of Piaf’s songs, we can find some traces of her life, stories that she had told to her lyricists, who made use of them by suggesting that her songs qualified as realistic. While analysing the texts of Édith Piaf’s songs created between 1935 and 1963, we can identify the vocabulary belonging to the slang register. In the linguistic part of our article, we will try to present this lexicon. In the didactic part of our article we will look at the problem of pedagogical exploitation of the slang vocabulary contained in the songs of Édith Piaf

    Polish students and French nasal vowels

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    In the process of the acquisition of the sound system of French as a foreign language, Polish students face numerous difficulties at the level of recognition, differentiation and correct production of French vowels. This is true for oral and nasal vowels. This article concentrates on nasal vowels, and its aim is to present a comparative description of nasal vowels in Polish and French, including recent changes in their production. Moreover, the paper presents the study reporting difficulty with correct perception and articulation of French nasal vowels faced by advanced Polish learners of French. While the paper does not describe corrective procedures, it indicates the necessity of undertaking further studies aiming at optimizing the process of the acquisition of the sound system in a foreign language