466 research outputs found

    Reservoir fracture characterizations from seismic scattered waves

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    The measurements of fracture parameters, such as fracture orientation, fracture density and fracture compliance, in a reservoir is very important for field development and exploration. Traditional seismic methods for fracture characterization include shear wave birefringence (Gaiser and Dok, 2001; Dok et al., 2001; Angerer et al., 2002; Vetri et al., 2003) and amplitude variations with offset and azimuth (AVOA) (Ruger, 1998; Shen et al., 2002; Hall et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2010; Lynn et al., 2010). These methods are based on the equivalent medium theory with the assumption that fracture dimension and spacing are small relative to the seismic wave length, so a fracture zone behaves like an equivalent anisotropic medium. But fractures on the order of seismic wave length are also very important for enhanced oil recovery, and they are one of the important subsurface scattering sources that generate scattered seismic waves. Willis et al. (2006) developed the Scattering Index method to extract the fracture scattering characteristics by calculating the transfer funtion of a fracture zone. Fang et al. (2011) proposed a modification of the SI method (the Fracture Transfer Function (FTF) method) that leads to a more robust fracture characterization. In this paper, we use both laboratory data and field data to explore the capability of the FTF method.Eni-MIT Energy Initiative Founding Member Progra

    Periphyton responses to eutrophication in the Florida Everglades: Cross-system patterns of structural and compositional change

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    We examined periphyton along transects in five Everglades marshes and related compositional and functional aspects to phosphorus(P ) gradients caused by enriched inflows. Results were compared to those of a P-addition experiment in a pristine Everglades marsh. While the water total P (TP) concentration was not related to P load in the marshes or experiment the concentration of TP in periphyton was strongly correlated with the distance from the P source. Increased P concentration in periphyton was associated with a loss of biomass,p articularly of the calcifying mat-forming matrix, regardless of the growth form of the periphyton (epiphytic, floating,or epilithic). Diatom species composition was also strongly related to P availability, but the TP optima of many species varied among marshes. Enriched periphyton communities were found 14 km downstream of P inputs to one marsh that has been receiving enhanced P loads for decades, where other studies using different biotic indicators show negligible change in the same marsh. Although recovery trajectories are unknown, periphyton indicators should serve as excellent metrics for the progression or amelioration of P-related effects in the Everglades

    An upper bound on the Kaon B-parameter and Re(epsilon_K)

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    New precise data in B physics and theoretical developments in K physics lead us to reconsider the weak K^0-\bar{K}^0 transition from a large-N_c viewpoint, N_c being the number of colors. In this framework, we infer an upper limit on \hat{B}_K and the Kaon indirect CP violation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. V2 : Minor corrections, final version accepted for publication in JHE

    Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam

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    Includes bibliographical references.Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam were conducted during May 2000 at the Naval Research Laboratory's Chesapeake Bay Detachment using radiometers operating at 10.8 and 36.5 GHz. Horizontal and vertical polarization measurements were performed at 36.5 GHz; horizontal, vertical, +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarization measurements were obtained at 10.8 GHz. These measurements were carried out over a range of incidence angles from 30° to 60°. Surface foam was generated by blowing compressed air through a matrix of gas-permeable tubing supported by an aluminum frame and floats. Video micrographs of the foam were used to measure bubble size distribution and foam layer thickness. A video camera was boresighted with the radiometers to determine the beam-fill fraction of the foam generator. Results show emissivities that were greater than 0.9 and approximately constant in value over the range of incidence angles for vertically polarized radiation at both 10.8 and 36.5 GHz, while emissivities of horizontally polarized radiation showed a gradual decrease in value as incidence angle increased. Emissivities at +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarizations were all very nearly equal to each other and were in turn approximately equal to the average values of the horizontal and vertical emissivities in each case.This work was sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under Award N0014-00-1-280 to the University of Massachusetts, Award N00014-00-0152 to the University of Washington, and Award N0001400WX21032 to the Naval Research Laboratory

    epsilon'/epsilon at the NLO: 10 Years Later

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    During the last four years several parameters relevant for the analysis of the CP-violating ratio epsilon'/epsilon improved and/or changed significantly. In particular, the experimental value of epsilon'/epsilon and the strange quark mass decreased, the uncertainty in the CKM factor has been reduced, and for a value of the hadronic matrix element of the dominant electroweak penguin operator Q_8, some consensus has been reached among several theory groups. In view of this situation, ten years after the first analyses of epsilon'/epsilon at the next-to-leading order, we reconsider the analysis of epsilon'/epsilon within the SM and investigate what can be said about the hadronic Q_6 matrix element of the dominant QCD penguin operator on the basis of the present experimental value of epsilon'/epsilon and todays values of all other parameters. Employing a conservative range for the reduced electroweak penguin matrix element R_8=1.0+-0.2 from lattice QCD, and present values for all other input parameters, on the basis of the current world average for epsilon'/epsilon, we obtain the reduced hadronic matrix element of the dominant QCD penguin operator R_6=1.23+-0.16 implying _0^NDR(m_c) ~ -0.8 _2^NDR(m_c). We compare these results with those obtained in large-N_c approaches in which generally R_6 ~ R_8 and _0^NDR(m_c) is chirally suppressed relatively to _2^NDR(m_c). We present the correlation between R_6 and R_8 that is implied by the data on epsilon'/epsilon provided new physics contributions to epsilon'/epsilon can be neglected.Comment: 18 pages, 1 eps figure, version to appear in JHE

    On the Particle Data Group evaluation of Psi' and chi_c Branching Ratios

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    I propose a new evaluation of ψ(2S)\psi'(2S) and χc(1P)\chi_c(1P) branching ratios which avoids the correlations affecting the current Particle Data Group evaluation. These correlations explain the apparent technique-dependent discrepancies between the available determinations of the B(χc(1P)ppˉ){\cal B}(\chi_c(1P)\to p\bar p) and Γ(χc(1P)γγ)\Gamma(\chi_c(1P)\to \gamma\gamma) under the hypotesis that the current values of the ψ(2S)χc(1P)γ\psi'(2S)\to\chi_c(1P)\gamma branching ratios are overestimated. In the process I also noticed that Particle Data Group has not restated many of the older measurements, when necessary, for the new value of B(J/ψl+l){\cal B}(J/\psi\to l^+l^-), which significantly affects the evaluation of some relevant ψ(2S)\psi'(2S) and χc(1P)\chi_c(1P) exclusive branching ratios.Comment: 13 pages. Revised version. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of J/Psi production in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 and 7 TeV with ALICE

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    We present results from the ALICE experiment on the inclusive J/Psi production in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 and 7 TeV. The integrated and differential cross sections are evaluated down to pT=0 in two rapidity ranges, |y|<0.9 and 2.5<y<4, in the dielectron and dimuon decay channel respectively. The measurement at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV, the same energy as Pb-Pb collisions, provides a crucial reference for the study of hot nuclear matter effects on J/Psi production. The J/Psi yield in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV has also been studied as a function of the charged particle multiplicity and first results are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, parallel talk at Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Progress towards an accurate determination of the Boltzmann constant by Doppler spectroscopy

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    In this paper, we present significant progress performed on an experiment dedicated to the determination of the Boltzmann constant, k, by accurately measuring the Doppler absorption profile of a line in a gas of ammonia at thermal equilibrium. This optical method based on the first principles of statistical mechanics is an alternative to the acoustical method which has led to the unique determination of k published by the CODATA with a relative accuracy of 1.7 ppm. We report on the first measurement of the Boltzmann constant by laser spectroscopy with a statistical uncertainty below 10 ppm, more specifically 6.4 ppm. This progress results from improvements in the detection method and in the statistical treatment of the data. In addition, we have recorded the hyperfine structure of the probed saQ(6,3) rovibrational line of ammonia by saturation spectroscopy and thus determine very precisely the induced 4.36 (2) ppm broadening of the absorption linewidth. We also show that, in our well chosen experimental conditions, saturation effects have a negligible impact on the linewidth. Finally, we draw the route to future developments for an absolute determination of with an accuracy of a few ppm.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Performance of a large TeO2 crystal as a cryogenic bolometer in searching for neutrinoless double beta decay

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    Bolometers are ideal devices in the search for neutrinoless Double Beta Decay. Enlarging the mass of individual detectors would simplify the construction of a large experiment, but would also decrease the background per unit mass induced by alpha-emitters located close to the surfaces and background arising from external and internal gamma's. We present the very promising results obtained with a 2.13 kg TeO2 crystal. This bolometer, cooled down to a temperature of 10.5 mK in a dilution refrigerator located deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories, represents the largest thermal detector ever operated. The detector exhibited an energy resolution spanning a range from 3.9 keV (at 145 keV) to 7.8 keV (at the 2615 gamma-line of 208Tl) FWHM. We discuss the decrease in the background per unit mass that can be achieved increasing the mass of a bolometer.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure