81 research outputs found


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    The comparison of proteins that are either up regulated or down regulated with respect to diabetic eye diseases revealed that more number of proteins exhibit variation with respect to diabetic eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic dry eye. We identified 396 proteins in the human tear fluid using top down MS analysis approach. Out of this we could identify 97 core tear protein which make core human tear proteome. The human tear proteome is composed of tear proteins like lactoferrin, poly Ig factor, serum albumin, Basic proline rich protein, lipocalin, lacritin, keratin, lysozyme, cystanin, serretoglobulin, heat shock proteins, glutathione-S- transferase and polyubiquitin to name the few. Additionally Aldehyde dehydrogenase, lysozymes antioxidant free radical, removed and pathogen killer proteins could also be identified

    Antioxidant Electrospun Fiber Mats of Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Complexes

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    We report on highly functional, electrospun fibers of hydrogen-bonding polymers which exhibit composition-dependent mechanical properties and sustained antioxidant activity. The fibers were electrospun from dimethylformamide (DMF)/dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) mixed solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (Mw 1300, 360 and 55 kDa) and a hydrogenbonding antioxidant partner, tannic acid (TA). The fiber diameters were controlled by PVP concentration and ranged between 380 ± 50 to 750 ± 70 nm for fibers with equimolar ratio of PVPTA hydrogen-bonding units prepared using 10.5 to 15 weight % PVP. Hydrogen bonding between PVP and TA was revealed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) as suppression of the glass transition temperature (Tg) of PVP-TA assemblies within temperature up to 225 o C, as compared that of pristine PVP fibers with Tg of 178 o C. Due to the presence of network of hydrogen bonds, PVP-TA fibers exhibited enhanced tensile strength and Young’s moduli, as well as decreased elongation at break as compared with fibers made of pristine PVP. The mechanical properties of PVP-TA fibers were strongly dependent on the component ratio. A maximum in the tensile strength occurred for the 0.25 molar fraction of TA hydrogen-bonding unitsto those of PVP, where number of hydrogen bonds in the system was maximized. At the same time, the elongation at break monotonously decreased as fibers became more enriched with TA. The component ratio also strongly affected the stability of the fibers in aqueous solutions. In acidic medium, the PVP/TA fibers were stable over the widest range of compositions. At neutral pH values, the fiber stability had stronger dependency on composition. While excess amounts of PVP resulted in fiber swelling and disintegration after exposure to water, the presence of equimolar amount or two-fold molar unit excess of TA provided stabilization/integrity to the fibers for at least 50 days. Importantly, PVP-TA fiber mats exhibited strong, prolonged antioxidant activity supported by the assembled polyphenol (TA), showing promise for their application for scavenging free radicals in solution

    Fungicidal management of Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler causing blight of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus ex J.D. Hook)

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    Alternaria, the fungal pathogen has wide host range generally attacks the aerial parts of plants causing leaf spots and blights. Gerbera is a genus of ornamental flower plants. Gerbera plants are infected by many diseases. Different disease management practices are adopted in gerbera cultivation. The fungicidal management of Alternaria blight is one of the important strategies for the disease management in gerbera in polyhouse condition. In this study, preventive and curative fungicidal sprays were adopted for the management of blight disease in polyhouse. This study revealed that preventive fungicidal sprays were significant over curative fungicidal sprays for the management of Alternaria alternata blight of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus ex J.D. Hook) in polyhouse. The preventive sprays made of Bordeaux mixture (0.6 %), tricyclazole (0.1%) and iprodione + carbendazim (0.1%) fungicides were found effective with 95.85 %, 96.59 % and 95.88 % disease control respectively, under polyhouse condition


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    Ayurveda is hope for suffering humanity in today’s world where no one found complete treatment solution for commonest chronic inflammatory joint disease Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis). This causes swelling, pain and stiffness of joints. Chronic condition may cause debility, deformities of joints and crippling. Unfortunately the man has not succeeded in eradicating this diseases and find to come out with successful therapeutic measures that can cure the patient completely.  Amavata is made up of two words, Ama & Vata. Ama means incomplete digestion of food which result in incomplete/impure formation of Annarasa, circulate in body & reach to target cell where it produces pathology like heaviness in body, loss of strength, drowsiness, aggravation of Vata & improper elimination of waste product. Ayurveda says chikitsa (Treatment) is Nidaan Parimarjna (removal of cause). The clinical presentation of Amavata closely mimics with the special variety of Rheumatological disorders called Rheumatoid Arthritis in accordance with their similarities on clinical features like pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, redness, general debility, fatigue are almost identical to that of Amavata. It is a severe form of chronic inflammatory autoimmune systemic disorders which mainly affects the synovial joints. sometimes leads to destruction and ankylosis of affected joints along with substantial loss of functioning and mobility. The available treatment modalities in contemporary science is NSAIDS, DMRDS, steroids etc. but these drugs are related with hazardous side effects and remission is very big problem. The ancient Ayurvedic treatment not only devoid such type of ill effect, but also provides a better way by treating Agni and Ama at its roots. Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) treatments are advised in Ayurveda

    Development and evaluation of bilayer tablets of combination of antibiotics for the treatment of sexually transmitted disease

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    The present research work was envisaged to develop bilayer tablets to improve therapeutic efficacy of antibiotic combination for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The combination of two antibiotics i.e. cefixime trihydrate and ofloxacin were used for the preparation of bilayer tablets which act against genito-urinary infections. The formulations comprise of cefixime trihydrate as immediate release layer formulated using different superdisintegrants and ofloxacin as extended release layer containing HPMC K100M. Evaluation of bilayer tablets were performed for the immediate release cefixime layer and sustain release ofloxacin layer with optimization of excipients. The immediate release layer of cefixime showed complete release within 30 min and ofloxacin release was extended up to 24 hours. The similarity factor value of ofloxacin sustained release layer was found to be 87.01 for initial and 80.35 after 3 months stability when compared with marketed reference product. The present study revealed that cefixime trihydrate and ofloxacin bilayer tablets were successfully developed for the use against sexually transmitted infections

    Comparative Study on Coconut Shell Aggregate with Conventional Concrete

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    Abstract: Aggregates provide volume at low cost, comprising 66 percent to 78 percent of the concrete. Conventional coarse aggregate namely gravel and fine aggregate is sand in concrete will be used as control. While natural material is coconut shell as course aggregate will be investigate to replace the aggregate in concrete. In this studies, three different concrete mixes with different the combination of natural material content namely 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%.Three sample specimen will be prepared for each concrete mixes. The aim behind this is to use low cost material like coconut shell and thus taking close to the concept of low cost housing. All precaution is taken to maintain serviceability, strength and durability of the members. Thus it will be helpful for civil engineers and society to adopt this concept to fulfill the basic need of human that is housing
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