221 research outputs found

    Vertus et éducation morale

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    L’éducation morale est un aspect central de l’éthique de la vertu de tradition aristotélicienne. De nombreux auteurs sont attachés à l’idée qu’une bonne théorie éthique doit nous informer sur la manière de former de meilleurs agents moraux. Les éthiciens de la vertu considèrent que c’est par une éducation du caractère que l’on peut façonner des agents vertueux. Or, une telle éducation est-elle vraiment possible? Et si elle l’est, en quoi consiste-t-elle? Ce mémoire entend répondre à ces questions en explorant les horizons de la théorie des vertus, horizons qui dépassent maintenant les limites de la philosophie. En s’interrogeant d’abord sur le naturalisme moral en théorie des vertus, le naturalisme libéral est retenu comme la position métaéthique la plus réaliste pour l’avenir de la théorie. Celle-ci doit tenir compte des avancées scientifiques, notamment en psychologie sociale, si elle souhaite accomplir ses objectifs éducatifs. Pour suivre cette démarche, les caractéristiques centrale du concept de vertu sont identifiés, puis mis à l’épreuve par la critique situationniste des vertus. Selon le situationnisme, de nombreuses études empiriques montreraient que les comportements moraux des agents sont déterminés par des facteurs circonstanciels et arbitraires. Par conséquent, une caractéristique centrale de la théorie, la robustesse des vertus, est abandonnée. Cet abandon ne marque toutefois pas la fin de la théorie des vertus : elle est alors orientée vers l’éducation morale où elle demeure pertinente grâce à la littérature sur l’expertise et sur l’intelligence émotionnelle. Ce cadre théorique et empirique permet de donner une solide fondation pour l’éducation de vertus. Certaines difficultés demeurent présentes quant à l’implantation de programmes concrets d’éducation des vertus dans les écoles. Pour le futur, les chercheurs devront relevés les défis que représentent l’environnement scolaire et la mesure de vertus.Moral education is a central aspect of the virtue ethics of Aristotelian tradition. Many authors are attached to the idea that a good ethical theory should inform us about how to form better moral agents. The ethicists of virtue consider that it is through an education of character that virtuous agents can be fashioned. But is such an education really possible? And if it is, what does it consist of? This thesis aims to answer these questions by exploring the horizons of the theory of virtues, horizons that now exceed the limits of philosophy. By first questioning moral naturalism in the theory of virtues, liberal naturalism is retained as the most realistic metaethical position for the future of the theory. It must take into account scientific advances, particularly in social psychology, if it wishes to achieve its educational objectives. To follow this approach, the central characteristics of the concept of virtue are identified and then tested by the situationist critique of virtues. According to the situationism, many empirical studies would show that the moral behaviors of the agents are determined by circumstantial and arbitrary factors. Therefore, a central feature of the theory, the robustness of virtues, is abandoned. This abandonment, however, does not mark the end of the theory of virtues: it is then oriented towards moral education where it remains relevant thanks to the literature on expertise and emotional intelligence. This theoretical and empirical framework makes it possible to give a solid foundation for the education of virtues. Some difficulties remain in implementing concrete curricula for the education of virtues in schools. For the future, researchers will have to take up the challenges of the school environment and the measurement of virtues

    La communauté du dehors : imaginaire social et représentations du crime au Québec (XIXe-XXe siècle)

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    La société québécoise a, comme toutes les sociétés, ses crimes et criminels légendaires. Or, si ces faits divers célèbres ont fait l’objet, dans les dernières décennies, de quelques reconstitutions historiographiques, on connaît beaucoup moins, en revanche, le mécanisme de leur légendarisation, le processus historique et culturel par lequel ils passent du « fait divers » au fait mémorable. C’est d’abord ce processus que s’attache à étudier cette thèse de doctorat, qui porte sur quatre crimes célèbres des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (le meurtre du seigneur de Kamouraska [1839] ainsi que les crimes commis par « la Corriveau » [1763], par le « docteur l’Indienne » [1829] et par les « brigands du Cap-Rouge » [1834-1835]) : pour chacun de ces cas particuliers, l’analyse reconstitue la généalogie des représentations du crime et du criminel de manière à retracer la fabrication et l’évolution d’une mémoire collective. Celles-ci font chaque fois intervenir un système complexe de discours : au croisement entre les textes de presse, les récits issus de la tradition orale et les textes littéraires, l’imaginaire social fabrique, à partir de faits criminels ordinaires, de grandes figures antagoniques, incarnations du mal ou avatars du diable. Ce vaste processus d’antagonisation est en fait largement tributaire d’une époque (le XIXe siècle) où, dans les sociétés occidentales, le « crime » se trouve soudainement placé au cœur de toutes les préoccupations sociales et politiques : l’époque invente un véritable engouement littéraire pour le crime de même que tout un arsenal de savoirs spécialisés, d’idées nouvelles et de technologies destinées à connaître, mesurer et enrayer la criminalité. Dès les premières décennies du XIXe siècle, le phénomène se propage de ce côté-ci de l’Atlantique. Dans la foulée, les grands criminels qui marquent la mémoire collective sont appelés à devenir des ennemis imaginaires particulièrement rassembleurs : figures d’une altérité radicale, ils en viennent à constituer le repoussoir contre lequel, à partir du XIXe siècle, s’est en partie instituée la société québécoise.Quebec society, like all societies, has its own legendary crimes and criminals. Yet if these famous faits divers have been recently made into historiographical re-enactments, the cultural and historic manner in which they are transformed from local news reports into national myths – what we call mecanisms of “ légendarisation ” –, is practically unknown. It is this mutation that this thesis examines : drawing from four famous crimes of the 18th and 19th centuries (the Seigneur of Kamouraska’s murder [1839] as well as the crimes committed by “ La Corriveau ” [1763], by the “ docteur l’Indienne ” [1829] and by the “ brigands du Cap-Rouge ” [1834-1835]), our analysis recollects their two-hundred-year-long genealogy into collective memory. Through this collective memory, a complex discourse system arises for each crime : by intertwining newspaper reports and stories from oral and written traditions, social imagination manufactures great antagonist figures, incarnations of evil and avatars of the devil from ordinary criminal acts. This vast antagonizing process is in fact dependent on a whole epoch – the 19th century – where, in the western world, “ crime ” was suddenly placed at the heart of all social and political preoccupations. This era seemingly created a literary craze for crime, as well as a whole arsenal of specialized notions, ideas and technologies designed to understand, mesure and eliminate criminality. During the Lower Canada period, the phenomenon spreads across this side of the Atlantic. In the wake of this movement, the great criminals who impacted the collective mind are made to become especially rallying imaginary enemies : figures of a radical otherness, they become the foil against which Quebec society, from the 19th century onwards, instituted itself

    Littérature et subjectivité essai d'épistémologie de la théorie littéraire

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    Ce mémoire vise à jeter les bases d'une épistémologie de la littérature. Il interroge, à partir d'une analyse de leur structure logique interne, les grands courants de la théorie littéraire depuis la cristallisation du formalisme russe.Ce faisant, il cherche aussi, dans une perspective autoréflexive, à mettre au jour les conditions de possibilité de son propre projet : il apparaît, en fin de parcours, qu'une épistémologie du littéraire s'impose là où le concept même de littérature, avec un certain nombre de notions qui servaient à penser le phénomène littéraire, a considérablement perdu de son évidence. L'introduction générale du mémoire pose la question et déclare le projet tout en situant le problème. Effectuant une relecture de la querelle épistémologique entourant l'installation de la"nouvelle critique" dans le paysage intellectuel français, mettant ensuite au jour la diversité des traitements de l'oeuvre de Racine dans les nouveaux langages théoriques des années 1960, l'auteur pose la nécessité d'élaborer une épistémologie qui étudierait dans une perspective propre à l'histoire des idées, non pas les représentations littéraires du monde mais les représentations de la"littérature" elle-même dans le métadiscours, en tant qu'elles sont ramifiées et prises dans des configurations de savoir complexes. C'est précisément cette histoire de l'idée de"littérature" que le corps principal du mémoire entend inaugurer, à travers l'analyse détaillée du problème de la spécificité du littéraire autour duquel s'est constituée, au siècle dernier, la théorie littéraire sous les divers habits qu'elle a revêtus. Inspirée des principes et méthodes de l'archéologie du savoir, cette étude montre que, du formalisme à nos jours, les changements qui ont durablement affecté notre conception de la littérature révèlent en fait des transformations épistémologique [i.e. épistémologiques] plus profondes, plus générales, dont ils procèdent et, en même temps, qu'ils informent de façon significative : ce qui s'est transformé, c'est notre rapport à l'histoire, notre manière de concevoir la relation entre le monde et le langage, enfin notre conception du sujet vis-à-vis de la représentation. La conclusion du mémoire, pour sa part, à la fois effort de synthèse et déploiement d'une proposition programmatique, interprète les acquis de l'analyse qui la précède et dresse le modèle théorique à l'aune duquel il semble possible d'envisager une véritable histoire épistémologique de la littérature, qui ferait éventuellement l'objet d'une autre étude. Comme une généalogie du présent, cette histoire ne retracerait pas uniquement le processus de cristallisation de la notion de littérature en son sens moderne ; elle suivrait, pour en mieux comprendre les enjeux épistémologiques, voire anthropologiques, l'histoire qui a rendu possible que, aujourd'hui encore, et à travers l'expérience singulière que nous en faisons, il puisse exister quelque chose que nous appelons, avec un flou lui-même révélateur, la"littérature"

    Interlaboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements

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    The Sr/Ca ratio of coral aragonite is used to reconstruct past sea surface temperature (SST). Twenty-one laboratories took part in an interlaboratory study of coral Sr/Ca measurements. Results show interlaboratory bias can be significant, and in the extreme case could result in a range in SST estimates of 7°C. However, most of the data fall within a narrower range and the Porites coral reference material JCp-1 is now characterized well enough to have a certified Sr/Ca value of 8.838 mmol/mol with an expanded uncertainty of 0.089 mmol/mol following International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) guidelines. This uncertainty, at the 95% confidence level, equates to 1.5°C for SST estimates using Porites, so is approaching fitness for purpose. The comparable median within laboratory error is <0.5°C. This difference in uncertainties illustrates the interlaboratory bias component that should be reduced through the use of reference materials like the JCp-1. There are many potential sources contributing to biases in comparative methods but traces of Sr in Ca standards and uncertainties in reference solution composition can account for half of the combined uncertainty. Consensus values that fulfil the requirements to be certified values were also obtained for Mg/Ca in JCp-1 and for Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in the JCt-1 giant clam reference material. Reference values with variable fitness for purpose have also been obtained for Li/Ca, B/Ca, Ba/Ca, and U/Ca in both reference materials. In future, studies reporting coral element/Ca data should also report the average value obtained for a reference material such as the JCp-1

    Characterizations and comparison of low sulfur fuel oils compliant with 2020 global sulfur cap regulation for international shipping

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nelson, R. K., Scarlett, A. G., Gagnon, M. M., Holman, A. I., Reddy, C. M., Sutton, P. A., & Grice, K. Characterizations and comparison of low sulfur fuel oils compliant with 2020 global sulfur cap regulation for international shipping. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 180, (2022): 113791, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113791.The International Marine Organization 2020 Global Sulfur Cap requires ships to burn fuels with <0.50% S and some countries require <0.10% S in certain Sulfur Emission Control Areas but little is known about these new types of fuels. Using both traditional GC–MS and more advanced chromatographic and mass spectrometry techniques, plus stable isotopic, δ13C and δ2H, analyses of pristane, phytane and n-alkanes, the organic components of a suite of three 0.50% S and three 0.10% S compliant fuels were characterized. Two oils were found to be near identical but all of the remaining oils could be forensically distinguished by comparison of their molecular biomarkers and by the profiles of the heterocyclic parent and alkylated homologues. Oils could also be differentiated by their δ13C and δ2H of n-alkanes and isoprenoids. This study provides important forensic data that may prove invaluable in the event of future oil spills.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. CMR and RKN were supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-1634478 and OCE-1756242). GC × GC analysis support provided by WHOI's Investment in Science Fund

    Digital image processing to detect subtle motion in stony coral

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    Coral reef ecosystems support significant biological activities and harbor huge diversity, but they are facing a severe crisis driven by anthropogenic activities and climate change. An important behavioral trait of the coral holobiont is coral motion, which may play an essential role in feeding, competition, reproduction, and thus survival and fitness. Therefore, characterizing coral behavior through motion analysis will aid our understanding of basic biological and physical coral functions. However, tissue motion in the stony scleractinian corals that contribute most to coral reef construction are subtle and may be imperceptible to both the human eye and commonly used imaging techniques. Here we propose and apply a systematic approach to quantify and visualize subtle coral motion across a series of light and dark cycles in the scleractinian coral Montipora capricornis. We use digital image correlation and optical flow techniques to quantify and characterize minute coral motions under different light conditions. In addition, as a visualization tool, motion magnification algorithm magnifies coral motions in different frequencies, which explicitly displays the distinctive dynamic modes of coral movement. Specifically, our assessment of displacement, strain, optical flow, and mode shape quantify coral motion under different light conditions, and they all show that M. capricornis exhibits more active motions at night compared to day. Our approach provides an unprecedented insight into micro-scale coral movement and behavior through macro-scale digital imaging, thus offering a useful empirical toolset for the coral research community

    Strong Depth-Related Zonation of Megabenthos on a Rocky Continental Margin (∼700–4000 m) off Southern Tasmania, Australia

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    Assemblages of megabenthos are structured in seven depth-related zones between ~700 and 4000 m on the rocky and topographically complex continental margin south of Tasmania, southeastern Australia. These patterns emerge from analysis of imagery and specimen collections taken from a suite of surveys using photographic and in situ sampling by epibenthic sleds, towed video cameras, an autonomous underwater vehicle and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Seamount peaks in shallow zones had relatively low biomass and low diversity assemblages, which may be in part natural and in part due to effects of bottom trawl fishing. Species richness was highest at intermediate depths (1000–1300 m) as a result of an extensive coral reef community based on the bioherm-forming scleractinian Solenosmilia variabilis. However, megabenthos abundance peaked in a deeper, low diversity assemblage at 2000–2500 m. The S. variabilis reef and the deep biomass zone were separated by an extensive dead, sub-fossil S. variabilis reef and a relatively low biomass stratum on volcanic rock roughly coincident with the oxygen minimum layer. Below 2400 m, megabenthos was increasingly sparse, though punctuated by occasional small pockets of relatively high diversity and biomass. Nonetheless, megabenthic organisms were observed in the vast majority of photographs on all seabed habitats and to the maximum depths observed - a sandy plain below 3950 m. Taxonomic studies in progress suggest that the observed depth zonation is based in part on changing species mixes with depth, but also an underlying commonality to much of the seamount and rocky substrate biota across all depths. Although the mechanisms supporting the extraordinarily high biomass in 2000–2500 m depths remains obscure, plausible explanations include equatorwards lateral transport of polar production and/or a response to depth-stratified oxygen availability

    Bio-stabilising earthen houses with tannins from locally available resources

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    This study presents the first-ever comparative evaluation of traditional biostabilisation practices for housing employed in Northern Ghana. Such a comparative evaluation is crucial in understanding and addressing the increased risk of flooding in the region due to a combination of climate change and land use changes. Given the environmental conditions and material availability that shape construction techniques in this area, it is imperative to assess the effectiveness of these practices in mitigating flood risks. The investigation focuses on readily available resources from the Wa and Tamale regions, specifically dawadawa (D), beini (B), and rice husk (R). These biostabilisers were subjected to rigorous testing to assess their efficacy. Earth mortar samples were created using sieved plain local soil (P) with or without the addition of rice husk, which is a local practice, and dawadawa and beini solutions were tested as a water replacement (+wD or +wB, added during material manufacture) or as a surface cover (+coverD or +coverB). The effects are examined in terms of microstructure modifications detected through tannins type and presence, SEM/EDS, water absorption via capillary uptake, and compressive and flexural strength for two different types of application: embedded in the mixture or covering the surface. Overall, solutions containing dawadawa were superior to those containing beini for the tested soil. Both coverD and +coverB decreased the water absorption capacity of the earth mortars and provided almost complete protection for 15 minutes. After three days, all mortars mixed with the dawadawa or beini solutions (P+wD, PR+wD and PR+wB) displayed lower absorption than the P material. Condensed tannins were identified in dawadawa, but only small precipitation in beini and no precipitation in the rice husk. This indicates that dawadawa has a greater degree of polymerisation (compared to rice and beini), developing a polymerisation tannin-iron complex in contact with oxygen from the air, which explains the macrostructure results. SEM/EDS results indicated polymeric condensed tannins and hydrolysable tannins and that complex accumulation and subsequent oxidation are the main reasons for improving water resistance. The laboratory tests, therefore, support the traditional methods of using dawadawa, beini, and, to a lesser extent, rice husk to improve the resilience of earthen houses and structures to water damage and can be used to encourage agro-industry in Northern Ghana to preserve and promote dawadawa and beini resources

    Does stream water composition at sleepers river in vermont reflect dynamic changes in soils during recovery from acidification?

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    Stream water pH and composition are widely used to monitor ongoing recovery from the deposition of strong anthropogenic acids in many forested headwater catchments in the northeastern United States. However, stream water composition is a function of highly complex and coupled processes, flowpaths, and variations in soil and bedrock composition. Spatial heterogeneity is especially pronounced in headwater catchments with steep topography, potentially limiting stream water composition as an indicator of changes in critical zone (CZ) dynamics during system recovery. To investigate the link between catchment characteristics, landscape position, and stream water composition we used long-term data (1991–2015) from the Sleepers River Research Watershed (SRRW) in northeastern Vermont. We investigated trends with time in stream water and trends with time, depth, and landscape position (upslope, midslope, and riparian zone) in groundwater (GW) and soil solution. We further determined soil elemental composition and mineralogy on archived (1996) and modern (2017) soil samples to assess changes in composition with time. SRRW is inherently well-buffered by calcite in bedrock and till, but soils had become acidified and are now recovering from acidification. Although base cations, especially Ca, decrease progressively with time in GW, riparian soils have become more enriched in Ca, due to a mixture of lateral and vertical transfers. At the same time stream water Ca fluxes increased over the past two decades, likely due to the leaching of (transient) legacy Ca from riparian zones and increased water fluxes. The stream water response therefore reflects the dynamic changes in soil chemistry, flow routing and water inputs