274 research outputs found

    Islamic Student Organisation in Indonesia’s New Order

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    Ilmuwan Pemerintahan, di mana Peranmu?

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    Kiprah Pembelajaran Kiai Langghar di Madura

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    Kiai is a role model who has an important role in society. Apart from being an example, the kiai's gait is seen in maintaining the values ​​of learning Islamic Religious Education in every corner of the village called Langghar, with enthusiasm and consistency (istiqomah) in explaining the Islamic education system starting from teaching materials, methods and evaluations created for generations. successor of the nation who not only knows about Islam but is also directed to practice. The existence of the kiai and his Langghar have a mission in grounding religious understanding. The results of the study show that the scope of the use of teaching materials and methods of the kiai in Langghar varies, but they maintain the old teaching materials in the Qur'an learning process and the development of Islamic knowledge such as Al-Magdadi and ca'bacaan (Madura: teaching materials consisting of several Islamic Religious Education material which includes daily aqoid and fiqh) although there are already some who have used Amsilati accompanied by learning the yellow book. Second, in the teaching and learning process the kiai still use the sorogan, bandongan, memorization and lecture methods. This method is considered still effective in maintaining the values ​​of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). In terms of social legality, there is recognition, especially in the villages, that the kiai has a role as the founder and manager of a non-formal educational institution, namely Langghar, which is based on the kiai's personal experience while studying and gaining knowledge in a pesantren.Kiai merupakan sosok panutan yang memiliki peran penting di masyarakat. Selain sebagai teladan, kiprah kiai terlihat dalam mempertahankan nilai-nilai pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di setiap sudut-sudut desa bernama Langghar, dengan semangat serta konsistensi (istiqomah) dalam menjelankan sistem pendidikan Agama Islam mulai dari bahan ajar, metode dan evaluasi tercipta generasi-generasi penerus bangsa yang tidak hanya mengetahui tentang keislaman namun juga diarahkan pada pengamalan.  Adanya kiai beserta Langghar-nya memiliki misi dalam membumikan pemahaman keagamaan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan pertama cakupan penggunaan materi bahan ajar dan metode kiai di Langghar bervariasi namun lebih mempertahankan bahan ajar lama dalam proses belajar Al-Qur’an dan pengembangan pengetahuan keislamn seperti Al-Magdadi dan ca’bacaan (Madura: bahan ajar yang terdiri dari beberapa materi Pendidikan Agama Islam yang meliputi aqoid dan fikih sehari-hari) meskipun sudah ada sebagain juga yang telah menggunakan Amsilati dengan disertai belajar kitab kuning. Kedua, dalam proses belajar mengajar kiai masih menggunakan metode sorogan, bandongan, hafalan dan ceramah. Metode tersebut dianggap masih efektif dalam mempertahankan nila-nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI). Secara legalitas sosial, ada pengakuan terutama di kampung-kampung bahwa kiai memiliki kiprah sebagai pendiri dan pengelola lembaga pendidikan non formal yaitu Langghar yang berdasarkan pada pengalaman pribadi kiai selama belajar dan memperolah ilmu di sebuah pesantren

    Design of a High Frequency Four Port Transformer for DC/DC Converters

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    Large scale integration of renewable energy systems (RES) and energy storage systems (ESS) demands a better connectivity between distributed sources and loads. Multi-port solid state transformer (MPSST) plays a critical role as a joint node to integrate RESs, ESSs, utility grid, and loads. MPSST offers several advantages including independent power flow control on each port, voltage or current regulations, compactness and portability, and galvanic isolation. This thesis seeks to address some of the remaining challenges of using MPSST. Operation of the converter in closed-loop with phase shift modulation is analyzed for a dual active bridge as the control building block and a four-port DC/DC converter as the MPSST in Ansys Simplorer. The high frequency transformer part was designed and modeled in Ansys Maxwell. The model is validated with FEA simulation and various metrics like flux density (B), current density (J), magnetic field intensity (H), core loss, winding loss were investigated for different operating conditions to evaluate the transformer performance. A co-simulation between the magnetic environment in Ansys Maxwell, and power electronics and control part in Ansys Simplorer, has been carried out to benefit from the utilization of the developed realistic high frequency transformer for the operation of the MPSST


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    One of problems of building lishponds in acid sulfate soil areas is their poor responseto fertilization

    Asthma Education Games for Children “Bronchi Talisman”

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    Asthma is one of respiratory diseases, categorized as one of the four most chronic diseases in Malaysia. This disease covers about 3.25 millions of Malaysian population and the biggest group that have this disease is children below 12 years old. Hence, to educate and manage the increasing cases of asthma, Bronchi Talisman, a game-based mobile application, is specially created for children. With the objective of building a game-based mobile application and investigating the effect of using the mobile game application to the asthma patients, Bronchi Talisman is expected to solve the problems that have been found about asthma prevention and treatment. The first problem that has been identified is the lack of knowledge of the parents about asthma. Secondly, lack of attractive material that is available related to asthma education. Lastly, the existing game-based mobile applications do not educate the children about medicine. Instead, they are just providing entertainment solely. The scope of the project is the asthmatic children from the age of 5 to 11 years old and it should be able to run on any Android devices. The language used for this application will be English and Malay. The project is using Agile Development methodology which is extensively used in mobile development. This methodology provides flexibility to developer to do any changes at any stages of the application development. In conclusion, the high number of asthma cases shows that the awareness about asthma prevention and treatment is still low. Thus, it is beneficial to develop such game-based mobile application to educate the asthmatic kids and the parents on asthma and ways to manage this disease
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