41 research outputs found

    The impact of predation by marine mammals on Patagonian toothfish longline fisheries

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    Predatory interaction of marine mammals with longline fisheries is observed globally, leading to partial or complete loss of the catch and in some parts of the world to considerable financial loss. Depredation can also create additional unrecorded fishing mortality of a stock and has the potential to introduce bias to stock assessments. Here we aim to characterise depredation in the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery around South Georgia focusing on the spatio-temporal component of these interactions. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), and orcas (Orcinus orca) frequently feed on fish hooked on longlines around South Georgia. A third of longlines encounter sperm whales, but loss of catch due to sperm whales is insignificant when compared to that due to orcas, which interact with only 5% of longlines but can take more than half of the catch in some cases. Orca depredation around South Georgia is spatially limited and focused in areas of putative migration routes, and the impact is compounded as a result of the fishery also concentrating in those areas at those times. Understanding the seasonal behaviour of orcas and the spatial and temporal distribution of “depredation hot spots” can reduce marine mammal interactions, will improve assessment and management of the stock and contribute to increased operational efficiency of the fishery. Such information is valuable in the effort to resolve the human-mammal conflict for resources

    Indicated school-based intervention to improve depressive symptoms among at risk Chilean adolescents: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Depression is a disabling condition affecting people of all ages, but generally starting during adolescence. Schools seem to be an excellent setting where preventive interventions may be delivered. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of an indicated school-based intervention to reduce depressive symptoms among at-risk adolescents from low-income families. Methods: A two-arm, parallel, randomized controlled trial was conducted in 11 secondary schools in vulnerable socioeconomic areas in Santiago, Chile. High-risk students in year 10 (2° Medio) were invited to a baseline assessment (n = 1048). Those who scored ≥10 (boys) and ≥15 (girls) in the BDI-II were invited to the trial (n = 376). A total of 342 students consented and were randomly allocated into an intervention or a control arm in a ratio of 2:1. The intervention consisted of 8 group sessions of 45 min each, based on cognitive-behavioural models and delivered by two trained psychologists in the schools. Primary (BDI-II) and secondary outcomes (measures of anxiety, automatic thoughts and problem-solving skills) were administered before and at 3 months post intervention. The primary outcome was the recovery rate, defined as the proportion of participants who scored in the BDI-II <10 (among boys) and <15 (among girls) at 3 months after completing the intervention. Results: There were 229 participants in the intervention group and 113 in the control group. At 3-month follow-up 81.4 % in the intervention and 81.7 % in the control group provided outcome data. The recovery rate was 10 % higher in the intervention (50.3 %) than in the control (40.2 %) group; with an adjusted OR = 1.62 (95 % CI: 0.95 to 2.77) (p = 0.08). No difference between groups was found in any of the secondary outcomes. Secondary analyses revealed an interaction between group and baseline BDI-II score. Conclusions: We found no clear evidence of the effectiveness of a brief, indicated school-based intervention based on cognitive-behavioural models on reducing depressive symptoms among Chilean adolescents from low-income families. More research is needed in order to find better solutions to prevent depression among adolescents

    The one loop MSbar static potential in the Gribov-Zwanziger Lagrangian

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    We compute the static potential in the Gribov-Zwanziger Lagrangian as a function of the Gribov mass, gamma, in the MSbar scheme in the Landau gauge at one loop. The usual gauge independent one loop perturbative static potential is recovered in the limit as gamma -> 0. By contrast the Gribov-Zwanziger static potential contains the term gamma^2/(p^2)^2. However, the linearly rising potential in coordinate space as a function of the radial variable r does not emerge due to a compensating behaviour as r -> infty. Though in the short distance limit a dipole behaviour is present. We also demonstrate enhancement in the propagator of the bosonic localizing Zwanziger ghost field when the one loop Gribov gap equation is satisfied. The explicit form of the one loop gap equation for the Gribov mass parameter is also computed in the MOM scheme and the zero momentum value of the renormalization group invariant effective coupling constant is shown to be the same value as that in the MSbar scheme.Comment: 54 latex pages, 6 figures, flaw in original Feynman rules corrected with updated two loop gap equation; new details added on derivation of propagators and their one loop corrections as well as bosonic ghost enhancemen

    Quantum Spacetime Phenomenology

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    I review the current status of phenomenological programs inspired by quantum-spacetime research. I stress in particular the significance of results establishing that certain data analyses provide sensitivity to effects introduced genuinely at the Planck scale. And my main focus is on phenomenological programs that managed to affect the directions taken by studies of quantum-spacetime theories.Comment: 125 pages, LaTex. This V2 is updated and more detailed than the V1, particularly for quantum-spacetime phenomenology. The main text of this V2 is about 25% more than the main text of the V1. Reference list roughly double