397 research outputs found

    The earliest site of iodination in thyroglobulin is residue number 5.

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    In most highly structured native proteins, as well as in thyroglobulin, the reactivity in vitro of the various tyrosyl residues toward iodine is widely different. The present work demonstrates that of nearly 70 tyrosyl residues present in rat thyroglobulin, there is one, residue number 5 from the NH2-terminal end, which has in vivo the highest affinity toward iodine, being the first one to be iodinated. In fact, when 6-(n-propyl)-2-thiouracil (PTU)-treated, iodine-deficient animals were injected with 125I and killed shortly after, we isolated from thyroid glands poorly iodinated thyroglobulin (about 1 iodine atom/thyroglobulin molecule), nearly 90% of the radioactivity of which was found as monoiodotyrosine. Although CNBr cleavage of this protein gave several fragments after gel electrophoresis only one of these, with apparent mass 27,000 Da, contained 125I. This fragment was isolated and fully characterized. Twelve cycles of automated Edman degradation were performed; the sequence found, i.e. N-I-F-E-X-Q-V-X-A-Q-X-L, indicated that the 27,000-Da fragment is the NH2 terminus of thyroglobulin. This portion of the polypeptide chain contains several tyrosyl residues which may well all be potentially involved in the early iodination of the protein. The observation that the removal of seven amino acids from the NH2 terminus is accompanied (at the fifth step) by the total disappearance of radioactivity in the resulting shortened peptide suggested that the fifth residue was the only one iodinated under these conditions. A second, more quantitative experiment was performed on thyroglobulin obtained from 6-(n-propyl)-2-thiouracil-treated animals whose death was postponed 24 h after the injection of 125I. In this case the radioactivity was found not only in a single CNBr fragment (27,000 Da) but also in other discrete species of lower molecular mass. The mixture of these peptides was subjected to seven steps of manual Edman degradation. Fragments before and after partial degradation were run in parallel on a polyacrylamide gel and the distribution of 125I compared. Besides some change in the background, the two profiles were identical except for the absence of the 27,000-Da species. This proves that all the 125I present in the 27,000-Da species was localized at the fifth residue, the same site at which the hormone molecule is preferentially synthesized under normal conditions. This result is not unexpected and is in accord with the known properties of thyroglobulin which has a polypeptide chain designed for efficient synthesis of the hormone even at low levels of iodination

    A novel clock gating approach for the design of low-power linear feedback shift register

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    This paper presents an efficient solution to reduce the power consumption of the popular linear feedback shift register by exploiting the gated clock approach. The power reduction with respect to other gated clock schemes is obtained by an efficient implementation of the logic gates and properly reducing the number of XOR gates in the feedback network. Transistor level simulations are performed by using standard cells in a 28-nm FD-SOI CMOS technology and a 300-MHz clock. Simulation results show a power reduction with respect to traditional implementations, which reaches values higher than 30%

    Study on Inhibition of N80 Carbon Steel in 0.5M KCl Solution Saturated with CO2 by Gum Arabic

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    The effect of Gum Arabic (GA) on the corrosion of an N80 carbon steel pipeline in a CO2-saturated chloride (0.5M KCl) solution was investigated through AC impedance and polarization curves. Potentiodynamic measurements showed that the corrosion current density decreased in the presence of inhibitors and that the inhibitor acts like a mixed-type inhibitor, with anodic predominance. The Nyquist diagrams showed an increase in polarization resistance values in the presence of the inhibitor, thus increasing inhibition efficiency. At higher temperatures, the inhibition efficiency decreased, implying that the inhibition action of GA occurred via the physical adsorption process. The activation parameters of the corrosion process such as activation energies, Ea, and the heat of adsorption, Qads, were calculated, respectively, by the obtained corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency at different temperatures. At higher temperatures, the increase in activation energy combined with the negative levels of the heat of adsorption further supported the physical adsorption nature of the process

    Experimental Study on Fiber Laser Microcutting of Nimonic 263 Superalloy

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    Abstract Laser cutting of NIMONIC 263 sheet was investigated by using a 100 W Yb:YAG fiber laser. The study was divided in two phases. In the first one, the critical cutting speeds were found fixing the average power (80 W), changing the pulse duration, the cutting speed, the nozzle diameter and the focus position. Then, a full factorial design was adopted according to the DoE methodology. In order to determine which of the process parameters affect the kerf geometry and how, Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) was used. Experimental results show the possibility to obtain kerf characterized by narrow width and low taper angle values


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    Abstract In this paper the problem of the real-time reconstruction of plasma insulin concentration by using only blood glucose measurements is investigated. This is an interesting problem because the knowledge of the time course of the glucose and insulin concentrations in an individual provides precious informations concerning its health state, and may assume the role of a clinical instrument. For the purpose of the reconstruction of the insulinemia a dynamical model of the glucose-insuline homeostasis is required. The present work considers distributed delay models. Such models have been preferred in recent papers with respect to the standard Minimal Models, available in literature from 70's, because they allow to couple the glucose and insulin dynamics in a unique extended system, whose solutions have been proven to be positive, bounded, and globally asymptotically stable around the basal values of the equilibrium point. Data are acquired according to the Intra Venous Glucose Tolerance Test (IVGTT). Simulation results are reported in order to validate the developed theory

    Physicochemical and rheological characterization of different low molecular weight gellan gum products and derived ionotropic crosslinked hydrogels

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    A series of four different low molecular weight gellan gum products was obtained by alkaline hydrolysis with the aim to investigate the impact of the molecular weight on the rheological properties of the polysaccharide aqueous dispersions and on the physicochemical characteristics of derived ionotropic crosslinked hydrogels. In particular, thermo-rheological analysis was conducted on aqueous dispersions to study the influence of molecular weight on the thermogelation properties typical of the native polysaccharide while strain sweep experiments were conducted to establish if aqueous dispersion shows a viscoelastic behavior. The effect of different Ca2+ on the rheological properties of hydrogels were studied. Furthermore, ionotropic crosslinked hydrogels were analyzed in terms of morphology on the dried state and swelling behavior, while their viscoelastic properties were studied by means of rheological analysis conducted in frequency sweep regime after different time points of incubation in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. Release experiments conducted using fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled dextran as a model diffusion agent and was performed to investigate the possibility of using the low molecular weight GG-derived hydrogels as an active molecule-releasing device. Finally, the cytocompatibility of hydrolysis products was investigated, as well as the capacity of hydrogels to encapsulate viable MC3T3-E1 preosteoblastic cells

    A Methodology to Derive a Symbolic Transfer Function for Multistage Amplifiers

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    In this paper, a simple while effective methodology to calculate the symbolic transfer function of a multistage amplifier with frequency compensation is proposed. Three general amplifier models are introduced and analyzed, which represent basic topologies found in the literature. For these amplifier models, the symbolic transfer function is derived and specific strategies for the zero and non-dominant pole expressions are presented. The methodology is suited for hand calculations and yields accurate results while offering more intuition into the operation of the widely adopted frequency compensation solutions discussed in the literature. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through various typical cases of study


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    In traditional ocular formulations, only small amount of the administered drug penetrates the cornea to reach the intraocular tissue. One approach to improve the drug ocular bioavailability was to develop colloidal drug delivery systems. Polymeric micelles seem to be very promising for their capacity to dissolve a variety of hydrophobic drugs by enhancing their water solubility and so their bioavailability. They are able to increase ocular drug permeability due to interact with the complex corneal structure. Considering the advantages to use mucoadhesive polymer to increase drug residence time on the ocular surface, the aim of this work was to prepare hyaluronic acid-based micelles as a platform to release corticosteroids on the ocular surface. Three amphiphilic derivatives of hyaluronic acid (HA), bearing different amount of hexadecylamine chains (C16), were synthesised and characterized. These are able to form micelles by using the co-solvent evaporation method. All HAC16 derivatives have shown the ability of durable mucoadhesive interactions and resulted potentially useful for corticosteroids encapsulation. Drug-loaded micelles were prepared and characterized in term of drug loading amount and particle size. Moreover, the in vitro drug release studies from micellar systems were carried out in comparison with the dissolution profile of the free drug suspension. Cytocompatibility studies also were performed with HCEpiC cells. HAC16b (DDC16mol%=12%) micelles are selected as the best nanosystems, and their capacity to improve the drugs permeability across corneal barrier are evaluated. Thus, the ex vivo permeation studies were conducted using bovine corneas and Franz type diffusion cells